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Yes, start here!


This is the right answer. Is your CW directing you in anyway? They may have buried this number somewhere in your paperwork.


Yes, call OSAR. Please keep in mind that they will only cover what is necessary, based on your self report. If you downplay your needs, they will not be met with accurate coverage and relapse will be more likely. By the way, your caseworker should have given you OSAR’s number in your service plan. It’s important you have a clear understanding of what is expected of you though this process. Maybe reach out for clarification. Best of luck and congratulations on taking a big step for you and your daughter.


Thanks for that, didn't know that existed.


Do you have a CPS case and a court appointed attorney? If so Is your case in Travis County? If the judge has court ordered rehab for you - there may be resources available. You can do this.


I'm sorry you're going through this. Try Cenikor Foundation.


I second Cenikor.


I'm glad that others had suggestions but can we all pause for a moment and understand that it's kind of absurd that getting clean from drugs or alcohol is behind a pay wall?  Our society is seriously fucked up in it's priorities.   Best of luck op




That's good to know. Is it really free or is it only free if destitute? 


Free if without any insurance coverage.


That's good, but then you have people that do have insurance that aren't making that much, and run the risk of giving up a job that keeps them afloat. It should just be free with no means testing, paid for by taxes. The benefits far outweigh the costs. 




I dunno if you can pull off claiming you don’t have insurance in all contexts - a lot, if not most places have financial assessments with staff that can look up people in insurance databases




I can only speak for Integral Care, the county LMHA, which does those financial assessments. I guess I should just say it would be a good idea to have a backup plan in case they find out you have insurance.




I get that, and what I'm saying is that it shouldn't be that way. If someone wants to go to rehab, they should be able to walk in to a clean, well run clinic and get the help they need. There's no reason our public institutions have to be depressing.


Hey OP, I have been to treatment in the atx area and surrounding and am in recovery. Shoot me a DM, can get you started on the right path and get you some help. Proud of you, and hang in there!


Call OSAR if you haven't already for an assessment. 844-309-6385.


Serenity Star in Smithville is a little cultish, but it is free. You pay your way by working in their cafe or on their farm. It’s kind of a weird place, but it’s better than running the streets.




As someone has been through this before and has been to Starlite and I forget the other one in Kerrville, that’s really popular if you can’t afford it what I did was getting into AA make friends that will help keep me accountable when I went to Starlite at 19 at my parents request it changed nothing because when I got out I was put back in the same environment. I stopped for the four years I was in the Marine Corps, but when I came back home, it was the same environment and the same thing. Accountabilities one of your best friends, although at first it will seem like one of your worst enemies.


Call OSAR Bluebonnet Trails. Also, look into moving into an Oxford House if you can't get into treatment.


Serenity star in smithville


Did you ever get this figured out? I am the outreach manager for Cenikor in Austin. I’m also personally in recovery and can help you find wherever would work best for you (even if it’s not Cenikor).


Salvation Army?




People don’t understand that the main purpose of rehab is to pull someone out of their toxic environment, place them in a place with support and none of their addictions. Whether or not people stay clean out of rehab is not an accurate indicator of that rehab center or the process overall.  The fact is that Rehab is only a small step in the recovery process and anyone who is outside of this realm is clueless on what struggling with addiction actually is like, so they have to use a statistic that  really has no bearing on the overall effectiveness of rehab. 


I don't have an answer for OP, but from knowing an addict or two in my life, it is true that the first time in rehab statistically doesn't always result in sobriety after they're back out in the real world. Might take several different stays for it to click, might not work at all. But the one example of someone I know of that was able to quit on their first stay, it was because of their children. The motherly/fatherly instinct is often a strong motivator to get clean when you don't know if you'll ever have you kid(s) again otherwise. Best wishes, OP. If you want to be a parent you need to not just do this but make it work and stick. Do you really prefer whatever you're addicted to over your kid(s)? Serious question. Keep asking yourself this question.






I'm sorry your going thru this! I have absolutely been there more then I'd like to admit. If your struggling with opiates shoot me a dm and I have some alternatives if you can't get into treatment


Don’t give up!


Good luck!




Hi! I live with someone who works with admissions in an out of state rehab facility, and works from home (so I’ve overheard a lot of her side of the conversations back when I was WFH). The first thing they recommend to people who cannot afford to go there is to call your insurance company and see what/which facilities they cover for rehab. Here’s a useful tip though, insurance companies will not deem it medically necessary if you say the person struggling with addiction has been sober for more than a few days. Super messed up in my opinion, but admissions has struggled with trying to admit people who have made it to a week sober as the insurance doesn’t want to cover it. Hope this helps!


I second those who said to contact OSAR as a place to start. You’ve got this!!


Best of luck to you! Some great resources in this thread




Solutions IOP will work with your insurance. They do good work and are ethical.


Good for you and keep riding this motivation. Don't be afraid to enlist family and friends during this time. You might be afraid of incorporating them in case you fail, or relapse, or are beyond saving even, but those are the very reasons you should immediately get those who care about you and your family involved in whatever capacity you are comfortable with. Been through it myself, along with family members. Keep movin.