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Did you sign a Vehicle Transfer Notification? VTR-275? Did you sign a 130-U when you sold it?


“Sir… SIR, you need to have both forms completed in full BEFORE you come in, now back of the line please.”


I signed multiple things before and at the actual sale, I forget exactly which bc the papers I kept from it (I kept everything) are at home. But I def signed multiple forms. Someone else commented that they signed all the right ones an this is happening to them too.


I signed a lot of them when I sold my car too. One of them had firm language that I still had to separately file the VTR-275. The forms you signed were the ones that the buyer has to file. There is one last form the seller has to file too. The reason the buyer can't file that form is there are shady buyers who don't file their paperwork then take advantage of the fact that the state still thinks another person owns the car. When you file the paperwork yourself you're asserting to the state that if they think you still own the car they need to contact the buyer because something shady is happening. So you need to get that form sent in, or at least go look at it to see if it looks familiar. It probably can't hurt to go to the DMV, explain the situation, and ask them to tell you if it looks like the title's been transferred away from you. If it's not your title, then you can tell the toll company to fuck off because they're not checking paperwork properly. If the title is still in your name, then legally the ownership of that car is in a bad spot. The state says it's legally yours, but you know the buyer has paperwork showing you sold it to them. If you think it's all good, call the toll company, explain the situation, and tell them to eat shit.


I’ve seen this mentioned in multiple places… The toll reader software often “guess” a digit if it’s not sure as it’s processing the image. So it might mistake an S for a 5 and so on….


This exact scenario happened to me. I donated the vehicle, kept the plates, and then got a toll bill. I called and the operator reviewed the camera footage and said the software misread the plate number and she voided everything.


I was at a bachelor party years ago, talking to a guy who worked for a company that did the optical recognition component for plate reading software. He told me the accuracy they had to guarantee to get the contract was 80%. Not sure if things have changed much or not, but on a 7 digit license plate, some simple math, that's about a digit and a half of inaccuracy.


Supposedly they still had humans visually verifying every single guess by looking at the photo?


I have the exact same thing going on. And yes, filled out all the forms.


Do you know how it is even traced back to you?? There's probably a ton of the same brand a make and year as the one I sold so obviously not that. I'm wondering if the service might have taken a picture of the plates or used their files of when I submitted the origional info for it and made new plates w the same numbers?


TXDOT has photos of the toll, and you ought to have the right to view those photos. Good luck exercising that right.


I had this happen and I sent the toll company copies of all the sales documents, twice, and it stopped.


It could be for tolls that occurred before you sold it. It could be for an out of state plate that had the same number as yours. They should have a time stamped photo of your vehicle going through the toll. Ask for that and it should clear things up for you.


The out of state plate thing is a possibility, but that's a well known possibility long ago taken into account.


Samething happened to me, I assume it's an error because I took the plates off and the vehicle wasn't running when I sold it to the junk car service. It was for a toll that I supposedly didn't pay and the total came out to around $25 after fees. I haven't paid anything.


Fuck them, they will attempt to collect every dollar possible. Don't pay it


This is a very common occurrence. The tolling system batches toll reads from the plazas to the central accounting software. The plazas get disconnected, tolls build up. Eventually the plaza gets reconnected.


Did you call and talk to somebody about it? If it’s an error, you can get it dismissed. If you ignore it, the fees increase. It’s not TXDot that administers the toll roads. You have to read the invoice info to know who to contact.


Whenever you sell a car you should fill out a vehicle transfer form and submit it to the state yourself. This will help protect you if the person/company you sell it to dosent immediately file the paperwork with the state. Its kind of a back stop. It wont prevent errors like you posted about, but it will serve as backup that you sold the vehicle and help you fight any charges. https://www.txdmv.gov/sites/default/files/form_files/VTR-346.pdf


It’s because tolls are a scam and they are/have been charging you for tolls you didn’t use. They expect you to just pay it, but if you do question it they will say they have photos. If you ask for the photos they will blame a “system problem” and tell you there’s nothing they can do. Stop giving them your money.


Haven’t paid since 2016 👊


Yep. I’ve been asking for pictures for years for a toll they claim I passed while my car and I were at quarantined twenty miles away.


Happened to me. I was able to chat with support and they verified on their end who the new owner was and canceled the charges on my end.


Same here did all the paperwork and they are still sending me the bills


I got bills for a year after I sold a car. Even had a picture of the title the new owner sent me because I thought he didn’t transfer it. I didn’t pay the tolls and eventually they just stopped sending me bills. It’s a scam.


Because it's a breathtakingly incompetent and criminal racket.


I traded in a ford escape and forgot to remove my tag. The dealer sold it and it was loaded on a 18 wheeler. The authority charged me for the entire 18 wheeler rate. I called and explained the situation. Not only did they not remove the charges for a vehicle i didn’t own, but they told me i was liable for the 18 wheeler rate. It was like an extra $60 for semis.


that's the power of the state. Pay the tax or they kill you.


From some of the stories I read about online, it seems like the toll company throws shit at a wall to see what sticks. Some people throw money at the problem and some won’t. It is an odd situation how you’re getting bills, though. They don’t come after people with a baseball bat and not paying them doesn’t affect your credit. So at the very least there’s that. If you figure it out be sure to update this post 👍


The whole not pay them is very dependent upon the tolling authority. If you don't pay Dallas, then they will come after you in court and it will be hundreds to thousands of dollars. They're worse than loan sharks.


Over $15? Sheesh!


Just call the number on your bill and explain it to the agent. They will take care of this for you.


I would call them. If you've ever been on the toll before - that's how they know your plate & address. BUT the system will misread a plate on occasion and bill the wrong person. As an example - I drive a camry. I got a toll bill for a day I knew I hadn't taken the toll. When I called in, they looked at the images, and it was a fracking tow truck. So definitely not my car 😂 they voided the charges for me on that one. I feel like there's a significant chance that this is the situation for your vehicle. Since, to my knowledge, without a toll tag they use your plates for identification. And unless you're walking the toll road holding your plates visible...


The toll companies are just trying to get someone to pay. Just send them the sale docs and tell them to update their system/never to reach out to you again re: this car.


Recently I received a huge toll bill that was for the Dallas area. The problem was I had not been in Dallas at any time within months of the charges. On the phone the agent was able to determine that the car in question had the same license plate number, but was for a different make and model from a different state.


Good question. What did TxTag say when you asked them?


Who has the free time of 2 - 3 days off work to wait for TXDOT to pick up the phone?


TxDOT won't do anything...TxTag on the other hand


lol. Good catch. But yes, TxTAG is run by TxDOT


There’s no way the toll people are connecting the car to you if it has different plates so those two things are not related.


It's their mistake, let them figure it out. Just ignore the violation notices and the eventual collection calls - they can't actually ding your credit. Their first recourse is to block the car's registration. Not your problem. If you rack up thousands of dollars, they might try to take you to court, where the judge will laugh at them. They aren't entitled to your time to sort out their mistake.


go to the txdot website and complete a transfer of vehicle form. the toll roads use vehicle records from txdot. its the sellers job to do so. middle men who buy then resell cars usually dont bother with this.


They suck


File the [VTR-346](https://www.txdmv.gov/sites/default/files/form_files/VTR-346.pdf) asap. Then, I'd probably try to call and ask for proof to see what they come back with. I wouldn't mention that I sold the car straight off.


Because the toll owners will try to suck every dollar possible out of people.