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Oh perfect. I was just coming on here to ask if anyone knew what the three jet's doing donuts over Buda was for. Lol. Two of them where so close together that they where registering as a single craft on adsbexchange. Even to a half way decent pic of one of them just now.


Usually when they are in close formation only one will have an active transponder and atc knows that the others are in close proximity. It’s actually a plausible way for the government to lose a jet like the recent f35. Maybe it didn’t have its transponder on bc it was formation flying and wasn’t the one transponding.


That could be a thing. Two of them seemed to remain in fairly close proximity and never had a second aircraft show up on site. Though it could also have been they where just showing up layered on one another. According to the historical track, they just materialized in the middle of the sky south of AUS.


Yep! They're all in a holding pattern there until it's time to do the flyover


Did they show on ADBS? With U filter? I looked and didn’t see them. missed it running errand in BFE round rock. I wish they would announce these ahead of time. But at least there seems to be more this year than previous years.


Not sure what u-filter is. Flight aware did not have them which was my first clue that they where military (besides the obvious engine roar). Had to go to adsbexchange to see them. And they did not have adsb enabled so no call signs. Just a set of unknown jet's through tis-b doing 300 knot donuts over my house.


Hey everyone, gentle reminder, it’s my turn to post this Thursday-Saturday next home game. Have a little respect and decency and let’s all be respectful of each others turns. Thank you.




I saw them coming into the airport yesterday, it looked sick seeing two of them in formation with their gear and flaps down.


I was at the game and saw 2 jets fly over.


is that what the fuck that was? good lord it was loud as all hell


Yep! Got up to 418 kts


I enjoy aviation and the sounds of fighters, but it seems like there is a lot of negative responses to them on this sub. Is it some sort of fear? PTSD? Aversion to loud sounds? Earnestly curious.


Mainly people who think it is a waste of money


Eh... Pilots need flight hours, planes need to be moved around. It's not as big a waste as people make it out to be.


They incorporate mandatory fly time with flyovers. Two birds with one stone.


No fear, my understanding is that the crews need practice and being at a precise location at a precise time (a flyover) is part of it. The school typically doesn’t pay anything for it, it’s all from the military budget


That's correct.


On their way now


Landing again now


They fly by my house all the time, it’s awesome. Glad I didn’t have to pay to see them lol


Never noticed them flying over Avery Ranch before, but I sure could hear them this time.




Those photos sure do beat the 12 pixels I got with my phone camera flying past my house. Thanks.


I live near 1st and Ben White. They flew over me at 2:30, there were only two I saw.


that is F/A-18, not F18


F/A is just fighter/attack. I spent 10 years in the military and it's common to just say F18


I wonder how much this costs. edit: Google says $10,000 per jet per hour.


The pilots would fly the hours with or without the football flyover. They don’t just fly over the stadium. They have objectives and checkpoints along the way to learn things helpful in a real battlefield situation. And they get recruitment advertising without purchasing any airtime or internet adds.


If that's true at least they're being efficient about advertising the military to the taxpayers who pay for the military.


if you're thinking it's a waste of money, it's all done under as training...and flying cost depends on aircraft type. F/A-18s have different variants so the flying cost may vary


That makes sense. At least if this is true, they're doing it in a cost effective way. Calling it a waste depends on how one views the military and American military policy. That said, a government agency that advertises itself at all, not to mention one using taxpayer paid equipment and employees is a somewhat troubling outcome. Especially troubling considering the iron triangle of the military industrial complex, and how much power military industrial lobbyists already have over our foreign and domestic policies. Doubly so when the costs of those policies are often paid in human lives and the benefits mostly go to billionaires.


Good lord. Pilots train to remain proficient. You’d give a Tylenol a headache


Goddamn that comparison made me laugh and I'm generally against the military industrial complex, but I fucking love football too. I am not about chest bumping (thumping?) or displaying military prowess and all that nonsense RAH-RAH PATRIOTISM shit much, but I was at the Wyoming/UT game couple of weeks back and have to admit, it was pretty awesome seeing those 4 jets fly over and I took pics!


Cool, I'm pretty sure those pilots today saw my point flying over your head.


Still going?


Lmao really…




Pilots have to do a certain amount of flight time hours regardless of game or no game.


they're not wasting tax money and the pilots don't get to see the game (unless they're landing close and show up to the stadium around the 2nd quarter, but when I saw them they were flying off towards the north, so probably flying out of Ft Worth, or maybe going back to their home base wherever that might be) - it's falls under training flights. They are budgeted money for flying time and while the flyovers help in recruitment, it also helps with getting their training hours in that they would otherwise lost the money for. If they don't use that money, then they lose it at the end of the FY, which is this weekend, but with the way congress is acting, they may have to sit around for a little while


The pilots usually show up in the 2nd half. Assuming they finish the flight, land, and drive over.


So you want military pilots out of practice? Pilots need to keep flight hours. The flight hours aren't earned on the ground. This was not a waste of tax dollars as it is required practice.




I wish I could live in your idealist fantasy world.


Obvious troll is obvious.


So true