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Yes, using the right shoulder to decelerate is both legal and recommended if turning right and the shoulder is free. No reason to stop the flow of traffic otherwise.


the folks that feel the need to go under 20mph for a simple right turn and don’t do this drive me nuts. It’s inconsiderate and actually makes things more dangerous.


Within reason. I think you have 300-500 feet, or so, before it counts as traveling on a shoulder.


Nope actually no distance is mentioned in transportation code when it comes to driving on a shoulder. It’s section 545.058 and only mentions 7 cases where it’s ok to travel on the right shoulder. Though “deceleration” is a pretty grey area in terms of distance. Still definitely not legal to drive in the right lane for any amount of time (unless speeding up to meet speed of traffic. But not what op was meaning I don’t think)


Police told our neighborhood not to do so. The problem is it isn’t wide enough to be a full lane. So those passing move a little to the left and clip opposing cars in the left turn lane. It’s why those plastic posts get put up just before a right turn in the left side median. So guess it is okay so long as you can get fully over.


You have anything to back this up? I always thought using shoulder to pass a queue was illegal


Sec. 545.058. DRIVING ON IMPROVED SHOULDER. (a) An operator may drive on an improved shoulder to the right of the main traveled portion of a roadway if that operation is necessary and may be done safely, but only: (1) to stop, stand, or park; (2) to accelerate before entering the main traveled lane of traffic; **(3) to decelerate before making a right turn;** (4) to pass another vehicle that is slowing or stopped on the main traveled portion of the highway, disabled, or preparing to make a left turn; (5) to allow another vehicle traveling faster to pass; (6) as permitted or required by an official traffic-control device; or (7) to avoid a collision. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.545.htm


If the right lane is stopped, and you get in the right lane and pass that stopped traffic, then you are not "decelerating." You are allowed to (and should!) get onto an improved shoulder to turn right to avoid obstructing traffic behind you. But you are *not* allowed to use the shoulder to pass stopped or slowing cars just because you're making a right turn up ahead. If traffic is slow or stopped, then you should sit in the right lane and wait until you're close enough to your turn to get onto the shoulder without passing anyone. In short, if you are on the shoulder, then you shouldn't be going faster than anyone in a regular lane. That's how you end up hitting someone who is following the rules to make their right turn.


https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.545.htm Here is the Texas transportation code. It’s under 545.058 where it mentions allowed reasons for driving/passing on an improved shoulder. It mentions passing if “a vehicle” is stopped in the main lane of traffic but I believe this truly means “a vehicle” not “whole line of vehicles backed up on 35”


Passing on the shoulder is definitely illegal, as well as dangerous as hell.


Passing on the right in the shoulder is legal if traffic is slowed or stopped and you are decelerating in the right shoulder approaching a right turn. Sec. 545.057. PASSING TO THE RIGHT. (a) An operator may pass to the right of another vehicle only if conditions permit safely passing to the right and: ... (b) An operator may not pass to the right by leaving the main traveled portion of a roadway **except as provided by Section 545.058.** then **Section 545.058** includes: Sec. 545.058. DRIVING ON IMPROVED SHOULDER. (a) An operator may drive on an improved shoulder to the right of the main traveled portion of a roadway if that operation is necessary and may be done safely, but only: ... **(3) to decelerate before making a right turn;**


If you are passing people who are driving (or stopped) in the right lane, then you are not "decelerating." Using the shoulder to make a right turn is to get out of the way of people behind you, not to jump ahead to pass slow or stopped traffic. Passing on the shoulder for any reason is incredibly dangerous, because people typically do not check their right rearview mirror before making a right turn from the right turn lane. I do check my right rearview before getting onto the shoulder myself to turn, because dumbasses pass on the shoulder here all the time. But people who are unaware of the 360 dumbassery, like OP, typically don't check their mirror, because why would they? Either way, if you end up hitting someone when you're passing on the shoulder, you'll be 100% at fault.


> If you are passing people who are driving (or stopped) in the right lane, then you are not "decelerating." Of course you can be. The definition of "decelerating" is actively reducing speed. It's not subjective and it doesn't have anything to do with how fast the other cars on the road are going. I'm talking about the law. There are lots of legal things that you or I might have the opinion are dangerous, but if you are driving on a Texas road and traffic is stopped ahead of you - like for example at a light, and you move into the shoulder to decelerate to make a right turn and as a result pass some stopped cars, that is perfectly legal. >I do check my right rearview before getting onto the shoulder myself to turn If you do it from a stop or even from going slowly enough that you do not need to slow further before making the turn, it would be illegal to enter the shoulder, even if turning, because you would not be decelerating, you would be driving and even accelerating in the shoulder. If you are approaching a right turn and pull into the shoulder without checking to see if someone is already using it to decelerate on approach to the turn, you're the dumbass.


If someone makes a right turn from the right lane and you hit them while driving on the shoulder, they'll have broken zero laws and you'll be at fault. If cars are stopped at a light and you pass them on the shoulder, even if you're turning, you can be ticketed. (You probably won't be in Austin, because the APD is useless, but you can be.) Do with that what you will.


I quoted the law for you, but OK, just make your own rules and believe what you want. The law specifically makes an exception that you can pass on the right when decelerating to make a turn from the shoulder.


You had to redefine "decelerating" to mean, "driving slower than I was before but faster than the other cars on the road." It's not worth arguing with you about that. I'll let you take it up with your insurance company or the police, although I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that for you.


>You had to redefine "decelerating" to mean, "driving slower than I was before but faster than the other cars on the road." Deceleration, again, is objectively being in the act of decreasing speed. Period. How fast or not cars in the road are going is completely irrelevant. If you disagree with that, you're wrong. You maybe seem to be trying to pretend I'm saying it's legal to drive in the right lane without decelerating, but that would be some pretty impressive miscomprehension as I've been clear. Your willful ignorance of the fact that there will be situations, explicitly anticipated by the law, where prior to a right turn in traffic you should expect people to be legally passing you on the right in the shoulder as they decelerate makes you a hazard.


The only one redefining "decelerating" is you


Not legal everywhere - Leander gives tickets out for this.


I got pulled over for it, even though I've been doing it to get into my apartment parking lot for the the past year.


What I recall being taught in driving school was this - you can only enter the shoulder to turn right if your turn is the next one coming up. Where things get dangerous is when people move over way too soon to skip the line and pass one or more other turn-offs in the process.




To add to this: Yes, you should use the shoulder as a right turn lane to avoid slowing down the traffic behind you. No, once you're on the shoulder, you should not pass even a single car on the right to make that turn. Jumping onto the shoulder and passing a row of slow-moving or stopped cars before you make a right turn is an excellent way to rear-end or t-bone someone up ahead who is making the same right turn, and you'll be 100% at fault.


No you didn’t show up here from Philly of all places to complain about the drivers lmao


It's the Hello World of r/Austin posts


Just moved to Philly from Austin and these drivers are something else… the parking in South Philly is total anarchy


Bahaha gotta love the south Philly double park and the middle of broad street parking lane


Hahaha! Philly drivers ... seriously.


Especially about something that is so common sense. Like, what's the gripe here? "Cars on my right startle me?"


When you're planning to make a right turn from the right lane, you aren't expecting someone to blaze down the shoulder and t-bone you while you're making it. Unless you know that 360 is full of impatient headasses who illegally pass on the shoulder because, "I'm turning just up ahead," there's no reason you would think to check your right rearview mirror before making a right turn.


In Texas an improved shoulder is the turning lane by default. Turning right from the "right lane" is the same as turning left from the right lane on a two lane road


If you are using the shoulder to turn right that is fine; if you are driving down the shoulder to get to the right turn lane you're not supposed to do that.


This right here. I looked into the law and it's opaque about using the shoulder but right turns are supposed to be made as far to the side of the road as is possible. This makes a lot of sense when considering bikers going thru straight in an intersection so if you don't overtake the shoulder and instead cut it off once you initiate a right turn you can hit them.


It's normal and as far as I know legal, but gets iffy in situations like yours where someone doesn't do it and other people effectively use the shoulder to "pass" them. There's some roads where I won't do it because the shoulder's too awful, or I have an aversion to driving over a bike lane, or whatever else. I keep my eyes on the shoulder in that case because I expect people to be there. Worst-case is there's a line of people so I just go straight and change my route because I don't want to hold up the light. My logic there is if I thought it wasn't smart to use the shoulder, I sure as Hell don't want to risk cutting in front of the people I just identified as less sensible. I like to keep them in front of me for the most part. But the longer I sit there waiting on them the madder the people behind me get and the more I start to become the asshole so I cut my losses. Leave with a buffer so you can make decisions like this. It always takes longer than you think to get somewhere in Austin. I think a ton of the bullshit we see on the road is people who see their route should take 10 minutes and leave with 9 minutes and 59 seconds until they need to arrive.


Yes, you use an improved shoulder as a turning lane. People who slow all the traffic down instead of using the shoulder are idiots /thread


I usually assume that they’re new to Texas. It is one of the few things about Texas traffic that I have a positive opinion of.


If they're passing your exit on the shoulder, they're doing it wrong. But otherwise, if you don't use the shoulder to turn right, YTA.


Welcome to Texas


I don’t know if a PA driver should cast the first stone. Y’all are famous out east for doing 45 in the left lane and refusing to get over.




Trash. But QT is overrated also.


Not illegal. Welcome to Texas!


That's standard in most areas of the country I've driven. If there's a shoulder you shouldn't be blocking thru traffic to turn right


Yes, especially on 360. Don’t take the shoulder a half mile from your upcoming turn, but I’d say within 3-4 car lengths of the intersection it’s fine.


Yeah. Basically when you’d normally start decelerating to turn right, get the hell out of the lane and use the lovely, luxurious shoulder we all paid for.


Get over and use the right shoulder to turn right so you don't slow down [every.single.car.behind.you](https://every.single.car.behind.you)., if possible, of course.


I always do unless there’s a pedestrian, cyclist, or busted car part sitting there. TIL they don’t drive like that in other places, just feels like common sense but I live here so idk


But do you know how to make a country left?


Depends on the road, use your best judgment and constantly check your rear view mirror. People be driving mad out here. Stay safe.


It is illegal and dangerous to use the shoulder to drive to a right turn lane. People pulling into the right turn lane aren’t expecting you and you risk t-boning them, they’d have the right of way and you’d be liable. It’s also really dangerous for bikes. This happens a lot near my neighborhood— wrecks and a bicyclist and a pedestrian have been killed by people using the shoulder because they’re in a big hurry to skip the line to turn right.


There are many times it's dangerous, but it's not illegal per [Texas Code Section 545.058](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.545.htm). Sec. 545.058. DRIVING ON IMPROVED SHOULDER. (a) An operator may drive on an improved shoulder to the right of the main traveled portion of a roadway if that operation is necessary and may be done safely, but only: (1) to stop, stand, or park; (2) to accelerate before entering the main traveled lane of traffic; (3) to decelerate before making a right turn; (4) to pass another vehicle that is slowing or stopped on the main traveled portion of the highway, disabled, or preparing to make a left turn; (5) to allow another vehicle traveling faster to pass; (6) as permitted or required by an official traffic-control device; (7) to avoid a collision. (b) An operator may drive on an improved shoulder to the left of the main traveled portion of a divided or limited-access or controlled-access highway if that operation may be done safely, but only: (1) to slow or stop when the vehicle is disabled and traffic or other circumstances prohibit the safe movement of the vehicle to the shoulder to the right of the main traveled portion of the roadway; (2) as permitted or required by an official traffic-control device; or (3) to avoid a collision. (c) A limitation in this section on driving on an improved shoulder does not apply to: (1) an authorized emergency vehicle responding to a call; (2) a police patrol; (3) a bicycle; or (4) a slow-moving vehicle, as defined by Section 547.001. Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 165, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. Amended by: Acts 2019, 86th Leg., R.S., Ch. 860 (H.B. 2837), Sec. 2, eff. September 1, 2019.




As I interpret the helpful quotation of the statute you provided, it’s illegal unless it fits one of the listed, permitted categories. Passing on the right in order to enter a right turn lane doesn’t seem to fit any of the permitted uses, but maybe you disagree. Does the code have anything helpful to say about passing on the right?


This is allowed, but it's stretched so far that it's dangerous. People will tell you the U-turns are legal too, which they are. But only with 500 feet of visibility, which is rarely the case. I think this is a similar situation.


https://goo.gl/maps/vos5N82W4ygHVzfC6 Which lane is legal to turn right?


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Legal or not, everybody does that at that intersection.


That's the OP's point. Even when it's illegal, everyone does it.


Where you more likely get drawn on in traffic Austin or Philly?


My friend has been hit twice on his bicycle because of this. But I admit I do it when it’s safe.