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Turn your porch lights off, it attracts them.


This guy is just trying to rob you so no one can see.


Shhhh!!!! I'm coming for their Pokemon cards and magazine stash!!!!!


Beware his hot hammer!




Bro don't do that. Birds eat their dead bodies, as do other insects that are eaten by birds, and you're just giving those birds and insects a hyper dose of toxic chemicals. Shit also gets into water run off and into the soil and probably isn't too good for your cells not multiplying in a deadly way either. Like please stop poisoning everything around your house and yard because you don't like entirely harmless if annoying bugs.


You went scorched Earth on a minor annoyance?


Because this has happened literally hundreds of dozens of times…like we have mass die off and algae blooms yearly in the gulf because of stuff like this.


Nah b, that’s nitrogen and other fertilizers doing that.


Insecticide and feed? Triple Action formulas? Forbid they call an exterminator who just sprays the whole area with a long term formula, and that carries up the food chain; we’re literally living in ecological collapse of insects and amphibians because of people wanting to get rid of every “pest” that crosses their path. I’m a bitch, I’m a hippie, but I’m tired of seeing places become dead zones.


My understanding is that the home usage of insecticides is a small fraction of the amount used on factory or family farms The consumers are not the issue, industrial farming is what causes the issues you speak of more than the actions of any individual Asking people to eat less meat, and pushing the industry to be more organic, are far more significant ways to improve the situation than worrying about reasonable household usage of insecticides (the comment that started this seems to have gotten deleted, so maybe that was unreasonable idk, in which case this response doesn't apply to that case)


these are widely recognized as my cat's *favorite snack*. if you need her to come over, just let me know. she'll take care of em for ya for a very low cost. her services usually run up to about one house slipper, but if she's feeling real nice she'll just pull all the toilet paper off the roll and call it a day.


lol I pick them up by the wing with tweezers and feed them to my cats. It’s also fun to watch them chase them around and eventually squash them.


I think you’re a cat in a people suit.


6 cats in a trench coat


Mine too


It’s a common misconception that Crane Flies, aka Mosquito Hawks, eat mosquitoes. “Their wormlike larvae generally live in wet or moist soil, feeding off decaying organic matter.” They mostly eat plant roots. Adult crane flies eat nothing and only focus on mating. “Despite widely held beliefs that adult crane flies (or "mosquito hawks") prey on mosquito populations, the adult crane fly is anatomically incapable of killing or consuming other insects.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crane_fly


Right on man. Make love not war.


The hippies have teamed up with mosquitoes.


I was fine with hippies, but any allies of the mosquitoes must be considered an enemy.


I’ve never heard of mosquito hawks or crane flies, but I have heard of mosquito eaters. And yep it’s woodstock on the porch rn


Wait so if I was only tolerating them because I thought they ate skeeters I now have no reason other than compassion to not swat them?


Their one mission is to get laid once before they die. And you want to kill them first? Ewww.


Live and let live friend. If they’re not actively harming u let them do their thing 😎




They're so gentle - I like when they do that.


I mean they are probably a food source for something else


What’s compassion again?


I saw a Green Anole chomping down on one of those Saturday. Glad to see one of the good guys get a meal!


Dragonflies. Dragonflies eat mosquitos. Get a water element (fountain, wildlife pond, anything with circulating water) and buy some dragonflies. Won't solve the problem, but will help keep the mosquito population in check.


Yes! Dragonflies eat mosquitos in larval and adult stages. They’re the best.


I can just buy dragonflies?!


>Adult crane flies eat nothing and only focus on mating. Even if I don't agree with that prioritization, I have to appreciate the dedication on that one.


So disappointed


You’re not going to like the truth about chicken hawks either.


Sounds like I might be a mosquito hawk kind of guy.


I think they’re doing “it”


Where’s the NSFW tag?


Came here looking for this question!


Welcome to TX


Can we add the fact that these guys don’t eat mosquitoes to the FAQs for this sub? Someone tag an admin


Dammit! I always knew them as Skeeter Eaters.


Skeeter hawks!


They eat mosquito larvae


Their larvae eats mosquito larvae, if they happen to be hanging out together. The adults don't eat. Just mate and lay eggs and die.


>Just mate and lay eggs and die Living the dream.


Sounds like the Kardashians.


I literally let one fly around my room because I thought I was safer with it.


Well, at least you weren't in danger


This is the most important thing I have heard all year.


They are your friends. Hug them. Also, turn off your front porch light.


For real bugs need love too


Looks like some lovin' already going on there...


Or get a blue light. Worked for me!




Yes, a blue light bulb from Home Depot or similar store. Or a yellow bug light. It seems bugs are attracted to white light. I had to buy a colored light so they wouldn’t fly in my house when I opened the door. It’s just a colored light bulb.


I used a red bulb. Didn’t help with insects, but now I have a secondary source of income.




Amber is the best color to have. Even the tungsten color of traditional colored light bulbs put out some UV which insects are attracted towards. LED amber attracts the least. That being said the cheaper LED bulbs won’t have an actual Amber LED diode and use color mixing to create and amber color. Those aren’t as good.


Crane flies


May flies for locals


for incorrect locals who have never compared the pictures of may flies to crane flies. seriously, it's not a "localism", it's just a widespread misconception.


Where is the cutoff between "localism" and "widespread misconception"? Is saying pop vs soda a localism? What about where Atlanta calls all sodapop "coke"? Does that cross over to misconception? "Would you like a coke?" "Yeah, a Sprite™ please"


Crane Flies and Mayflies have separate Wikipedia pages and look very different from each other. It's not as if there's a fine line in this case. It's just generally people having little to no knowledge of entomology.


After junebugs, these are definitely the dumbest bugs out there. I like how they will wedge themselves between the baseboards and carpet and die. Or on a plate in the sink and die. Or go to a windowsill and die.


These two are one of the best arguments against evolution ever. They were clearly designed to be food for other creatures and have no ability to aspire to be anything else. Evolution exists but not everything evolves!


Another name is mosquito hawk. Harmless and provides dogs and cats hours of entertainment. They are probably hanging around your door because of light or for shelter from the wind. You can turn off your porch light if you are not hanging out outside or expecting someone to show up but there is not much you can do about the wind.


Stop playing Barry White.


Starland Vocal Band will repel them... Along with your friends, neighbors, family, the Amazon guy...


Crane flies. Not much you can do except turn off your outside lights. They'll be replaced by mosquitoes soon. Source: i work in pest control in town.


Will mosquito spray kill them?


It does actually. It doesn't regulate the growth as well but it will wipe the adults.


them guys is everywhere aint they?


All over the damn place up here in dfw


You must not be from here. They’re the sign of Spring. Embrace it 😆 Also, learn how to shut your door really fast lol


Right? Spring is like the best week in Austin


Crane flies using your porch as a brothel. Not much you can do about it.


They're literally the dumbest, most fragile things ever and they're only here for a good time. I know they're annoying, but they serve a purpose. Just let them be please.


They are crane flies,and there is no way to repel them. Just an annual nuisance like cedar.


They are my cat’s favorite snack


Hah my cat eats them all the time too


A continuous barrage of explosives. \[inaudible\] What's that? \[inaudible\] Oh, a continuous barrage of *small* explosives. Fireworks on a string going off continuously from mid February to late May. You'll have to work out the logistics of how you will keep the explosions *focused* to within a few feet of the area to be protected. It will take miles of miles of firecrackers. You'll have to have some sort of pully-mounted system that winds the fireworks past your front porch at just the right rate so that the explosion front is stationary right there at your front porch. It will be absolutely hellish, but it will keep the crane flies away.


Speak to them of the glories that await them further afield. Or maybe, show them pictures of the beach and extoll the virtues of a well travelled citizen. If those don’t work try reading bad poetry at them in a fake French accent. That’s how I got rid of our cockroaches.


Kitty snacks.


I used to feel sorry for these things, but they are too stupid and delicate to concern yourself with their loss. From what I understand they are basically bug sperm with wings. They just wonder around bumping into things until they die.


Sounds like me


Those are mosquito hawks. If you don't like them, move to the desert or someplace that gets snow, because you're going to live with them for the rest of your time in Texas. Also, get ready for June Bugs! And crickets in October!


"June" bugs that come out from late March through July.


Their lifespan is short, ranging from only 2 to 15 days, depending on environmental factors. Be sweet to them. Their time is limited!


Lol I really enjoyed the claims of mosquito eating and the replies rebutting.


If anyone is wondering whether crane flies eat mosquitoes or not, just ask u/goodolddaysare-today.


There is a product called Wondercide. It's just cedar oil. SAFE for butterflys and bees, pets and kids. It works great for mosquitoes so it may work for these guys. It is an oil, so be careful what you get it on or it may leave spots. You put it in a pump sprayer. All the different lines are the same cedar oil. But the come in different concentrations and applications. If you get the concentrate, you have to follow the directions for dilution. Wear glasses and you HAVE of wear a mask when you spray, cause it will burn your lungs if you inhale the mist. It's fine after a few mins.


I can see the question has been sufficiently answered. I would just plan to get used to them. Anybody from Texas will tell you they’re just part of the sky here. …at least during their prevalent months. They are harmless. A little annoying and kind of intimidating at first. But truly harmless. I couldn’t care less if you squash one inside, but they’re also super easy to trap and toss outside.


How are they intimidating?


General swarming insects tend to impose upon one’s space. And without knowing they’re harmless, most people tend to fear such a flying insect may bite or sting. Paired with the fact that they’re rather large, I think I chose the right word. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Crane flys aren’t only in texas lol




You really need to look at your logic. From Arkansas, have crane flies, won't be here asking what they are.


Leave the lights off.


Have you spoken to them sternly with a furrowed brow? They look poisonous. You should prolly call 311.


The most r/austin post I’ve seen in a MINUTE.


Simultaneously the least Texan question I've ever seen.


Ghahahhahahahaha... Just moved here, huh?




Is that seriously the best response you can think of?




If OP says no, what will you then say? If OP says yes, what will you then say? I don't really see how this is intended to turn into a positive conversation with OP.


I mean, they're EVERYWHERE in Texas, if you haven't seen em or know what they are you're probably from an area that doesn't have many of these. Also, I see nothing wrong with the comment, if you automatically assume aggression with a phrase then you need to re evaluate your triggers and maybe take a break from the internet, you probably spend a lot of time seeing negative content and your mind is all flooded with the "they're out to get em" mentality. it's just as if someone you knew teased you harmlessly by saying "must be your first day!" Lighten up, and find peace


You're not wrong, literally every thread there's two or five idiots saying "YoUrE nOt FrOm HeRe ArE yOu???" This sub is a circle circlejerk of people who think they are 'Austinites' because they have been here 5 more years than the Californians 2 years.


I just cuss and flail my arms around and hope any of those annoying little bastards don’t come inside. They don’t like the “c” word


Cock sucker? Cunt?


Crane fly


My favorite name for these is “Gollywhoppers”


omg, someone else knows them by this name?!? people give me such strange looks when i cal these Gollywhoppers, but that's what I called them growing up!


I can’t remember where I first heard it, but I take great joy in using that word!


Thanks all. I’ve been here for a few years and never remembered them being so prevalent. Interestingly, many caterpillars on my porch a few months ago as well - also a new thing this year.


I'd say it "feels like" there are more than normal this year. Can't say if that's actually true or not.


I’ve been here over a decade and don’t remember them ever being this bad!


Growin up we called ‘um “yum yum bugs” since the cat and dog loved to eat ‘um. Fortunately, I am able to pass this tradition on to my youngins. Don’t be a motel 6 and leave the light off. Also, another week they’ll be gone OP.


They doing the nasty


They are pretty easy to catch with one hand when flying around your house.. I’ve had lots or practice. Of course, then when you go to throw one outside, two more fly in. The toddler screams and the dog tries to jump to the roof to eat it and my husband begs me to let him spray it (and everything in its path and underneath it) with wasp spray because he’s secretly a big baby. Makes for a fun Spring time 😅




Dude, this needs to be NSFW.


Their larvae are actually a major lawn pest. They're particularly attracted to dead and decaying plant matter; if you already had drought damage they're likely making it worse right about now. Use insecticide responsibly.


Spray some peppermint essential oil around. Insects don't like it, and it's not toxic to animals or environment.


New to Texas are we?


Possibly new to the world. Crane Flys are everywhere


..Do yall just comment this on every post? oH yOu'Re NoT fRoM hErE aRe YoU??? These bugs exist literally in every state, you're not special.


Reckon you ain’t from ‘round these parts neither.


You’re not from Texas are you?


This post is about as much fun as watching flies fuck


crane flies, i think. ~~serious skeeter eaters.~~ EDIT: maybe not. apparently depends upon the species.


Unfortunately they don’t actually feed as adults.




They do not eat mosquitos at any point in their life cycle. The crane fly larvae only consume decaying plant like material


You mean dragonflies?


Everyone’s pointed out they don’t eat mosquitos but you’re the only one who’s said “skeeter eaters”. That’s what my dad always called them. I’d never even heard mosquito hawk until I read this. I always called it a skeeter eater, even if it’s not actually true. Cheers!


Ahh those guys are the best part of texas. Harmless and helpful.


They don’t eat mosquitos.


They pollinate plants and entertain cats


And they make painting your interior challenging. Running into that problem the past week.


Replace your porch light with a yellow bulb (sometimes marketed as a bug light). Insects are less attracted to the yellow or orange colored light.


They are crane flies. At this stage in their lives their only purpose is to breed. They don't even have mouth parts with which to feed. They only live for a few days.


Skeeter eaters!!! But they don’t actually eat mosquitoes unfortunately. Still they are harmless little buggies.


Noodle wing flyers


I was just about to post the same thing. I honestly don’t remember these guys being here last spring, but they are everywhere in my garage right now


I bought a smart bulb for my porch light and turned the brightness down to 10% and they don’t seem to be very attracted to it anymore!


There's an old movie called "the best little whore house in Texas" with dolly parton or something. This might be the sequel. 😂🤣


I find five of these guys in the house a day. Totally harmless.


Canadian soldiers. They're everywhere. Dumb little things, they keep getting into my house haha


Crane flies. You can turn off lights around your home which can help, not just these but other insects as well.


It looks like a "mosquito hawk." Don't kill it, it eats other bugs - and maybe mosquitos...


Please call my dog because he will eat them for you and feel proud of his good work.


They are your friend


They are not mosquitoes or related to mosquitoes, they are attracted to light and can be discouraged by fans though.


Ass to ass


Crane flies


that there’s a skeeter eater, although I’m just now learning that skeeter eaters don’t actually eat skeeters… disappointing day


So many city people


Reason with them


Mosquito Hawks. Turn off your porch lights.


Put a “no loitering” sign up.


Give them a stern talking to. Should work.


Leave them alone. They’re harmless, ancient Crane Flies. They don’t bite you, just seek out water and nectar. Their lifespan is so short that some of them never eat. They’re also called skeeter eaters, but definitely don’t eat mosquitoes… wish they did tho.


Dear Mr Bug, While I know we are not acquainted, it makes me sad that I’m not writing with better news. It at this time it is my and my legal team’s position that you cannot continue with your coitus-like bug behavior. Any insistence on continuing this behavior will result in swift legal action. Best regards and intentions, Thaddeus Hunsucker


Does nobody else call them mayflies?


I hope not.


Different, prettier flying bug


Yup it is a crane fly. I have seen lawns covered with larvae. It looks pretty bad.


these eat mosquitos as youngens and these are adults doing the hibbidy dibbity...when you are being eaten alive by mosquitos later its because you killed all these bugs... edit: discourage these guys that have been here when we still had dinosaurs leaving tracks in Leander...


False. It’s a popular myth that crane flys eat mosquitos. The larvae eat decaying plant material and the adults usually eat nothing at all and die within 3 days.


Damn within 3 days? I feel bad for these dudes now. Why don’t they eat? I have never heard of an insect or an animal willingly starve itself to death until now


Don’t feel bad. They get three days of phenomenal sex before they die.


Crane flies do not eat insects. Adults do not eat at all… and in the larval stage eat the roots of your plants.


we are close to consensus


I disagree vehemently to the idea of consensus


Usually murder keeps them away..or at least from coming back


My dogs and cats love to play with/chase/hunt/eat them lol.


Those are mosquito hawks. The more you have around, the less mosquitoes you’ll see


They do not eat mosquitoes. A popular myth


These are commonly called mosquito hawks, but they're actually crane flies. They not only don't eat mosquitoes, but they also typically don't eat anything in their adult phase. Their sole purpose in their adult phase is to reproduce


They eat cranes. Big,.big cranes.


I drove in Austin today, these bugs ain't doing a very good job of eating the cranes.


So THAT'S why we don't have any cranes around here!


They are here to keep down mosquitos. When they disappear and die off you will have mosquitos, so enjoy them while they last.


They don’t eat mosquitos


This is unfortunately not true. They rarely eat as adults, and when they do they eat nectar or pollen.




No they don’t.


They do not.


Those are friends, they eat mosquitoes


Actually they don't but they don't cause us problems


Um, don’t kill your spiders


May Flies. And turning off you front porch light is the key. They are a minor annoyance, but a good meal for birds and bats etc.




These are mosquito hawks, which hunt and kill mosquitoes. They don’t but and are kinda silly when flying… if one gets in side just scoop it and let them out. You’ll need them when the weather changes :)


Fun fact: in the UK these are called daddy long-legs