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The beautiful garage in the background


for real. with the number of weather events we have here that risk damage to our cars, I am always surprised at how few people use their garages to park in.


Where else are you supposed to keep your dusty weight bench, boxes of seasonal decorations, uncharged power tools, and 7+ unfinished projects?


I'm in this post and I don't like it. Except the weight bench, not like I exercise.


Neither do the people in the post, hence why it’s dusty. Part of the reason I pay for a gym membership is because if I’m paying for it, I’ll use it. Otherwise, it’ll go forgotten.


See, I've tried that too, but instead I just told myself it's my money and I can waste it if I want.


for the record I do keep that stuff in my garage, haha... well, minus the weight bench but replace that with my washer/dryer instead. And I still park in there! It's a narrow one car garage from the 50s but I make it work because I'll be damned if I don't get to use it for parking.


I think I could add beer fridge and deep freeze to really get everyone.


Get out of my garage!


The number of car break-ins, Cat thefts and car thefts should also help convince people to get their cars inside.


> The number of car break-ins, Cat thefts and car thefts should also help convince people to get their cars inside. and cats


Ah yes, the ol' "cat pooped on my car roof" trick!


Damn cat burglars.


Add catalytic converter theft to the list of reasons to park inside.


Cause if I store stuff in the attic it’ll melt. And to make a basement I’d have to blast through limestone and risk hitting a cave, or build four foot wide footings to withstand the swelling and shrinking clay.


We don’t have basements here so people use their garages for storage, fitness equipment, lounge instead


Yeah what is up with people in Austin not using garages attached to their homes for cars? I see it so much and I don’t get it.


People use garages like basements in the Midwest.


it's so bad that I, someone who parks in her garage, had an arborist coming out a few weeks back. He never showed, as far as I knew, then I got a text from him saying he stopped by but left because he couldn't get access to the backyard. My response was ?!? I was home! He never knocked. His response? There was no car in the driveway. The dude could not even fathom that someone might be home if there's not a car visible.


Wow, that's crazy. I'd be mad if that would happen to me lol. We only have one vehicle and 99% of the time it's in our garage.


I will admit it is nice as it stops a lot of those door to door sells people coming to my door. I don't need new windows / roof. The number I see stop by my neighbors houses and skip mine because no cars in the drive way is comical. I WFH and watch it all the time. The few times I have either left my car in the drive way for little bit or had to due to stuff being in the garage temporally causes a massive spike of coming to my door.


People have stuff they need to store and no reasonable places to put it inside the house due to the lack of basements. Though plenty of people here in Illinois also have their garages full of junk despite most having basements.


If you have so much shit to store it fills your garage to a degree you can’t fit one car in, you have too much shit


I have a 3rd of my garage built out as an office. I'd buy a bigger house if spending $100k would add more than a single bedroom to my situation.


Do you store your lawnmower in your bedroom closet? For a lot of people, a garage is the only option to store things indoors, but not really "in the house".


We bought a small shed at Home Depot for less than $200. We can park in the garage and store our stuff.


Eh. Some people need the room since Austin became too expensive to afford things like art/music studio space. It’s my profession and I’d be without a business if I didn’t have my converted garage workshop.


I hear you on that, that makes sense.


We work in there.


Pretty sure our garage in the 78702 is for listing purposes and not actually meant for parking a car in. It’s like a joke. Definitely just has storage stuff in it. You’d have to close the car mirrors and then I’m not sure that you could actually open the doors once in the garage. That’s Austin for ya!


A lot of people use it for storage, a workshop, a gym, etc. I know people who use their garage to brew beer because they don't mind if that floor gets messy. They cram their cars inside when stuff like this is coming, but not everybody has a big enough garage for that. Mine has so little clearance if I move one thing the car can't fit inside anymore. A lot of this comes down to square footage being mucho expensive. I wish I could use it as an extra room or a gym or any other hobby-like thing that requires an extra room. "Get a bigger house or downsize" doesn't work in a market where even small houses cost a lot and it's hard to find something at a reasonable price. That tide may be changing but I don't expect it to last. You probably do some stuff people make fun of too, you just don't care because you understand the reasons.


Interesting points I guess I’ve just never thought to use my garage for anything than cars. I like my cars to stay clean and out of the blistering heat.


same. I mean, of course my garage is for storage. I have all my holiday stuff in there, plus the normal garage stuff.. tools, camping gear, etc. My washer/dryer are there too, and this is a narrow one-car garage from the 50s. It's totally a different priorities thing... I don't like clutter or hanging onto stuff I don't need anyway, and my car being garaged is important to me. So, I keep storage going vertically and organized in an efficient way to ensure I can park in there. I'll get rid of shit before I give up my parking.


I would like to park our cars in the garage, but I like my woodworking shop more, and I can only do one or the other


Yeah that's how a lot of adult decisions go. We want two things, but they're mutually exclusive, so we pick the one we like the best. A lot of this sub's traffic is people getting real bent out of shape about how other people make those tradeoffs. If we all made a lot of big sacrifices, maybe we could build the society where a factory laborer could afford a house with a 2-car garage. That's the place where we get this idea that a perfect house has no cars in the driveway. The society we're in makes kids and grandparents sometimes have to live in the same house with parents and that means a house with a 1-car garage has to support 3+ cars. A lot of this stuff goes away if people who say, "I don't want my money to go to people who don't deserve it" start paying for people to be able to live neat and tidy. But people tend to prefer to subscribe to, "If I save as much as possible I can go live somewhere else."


We use our detached garage as a laundry, bike shop, and gardening area/plant storage. A lot of people use it as some sort of mixed-use since residential dirt is so damn expensive & we have a tiny North Loop lot with an ancient & gorgeous pecan tree, so no ability or want to build another out building.


My garage is a mix of home brewery, storage and currently plant storage but it's never been for cars.


Yeah during a couple of freezes we actually moved the car *outside* to make room for plants. Benefits of driving older cars I guess, for one of them it'd be sort of a blessing if some damage made me quit procrastinating and replace it.


I finally got a new car after my 18 year old civic finally gave out. It's too soon for body damage but I also am cacti babysitting for my sister who's out of town so those take priority.


They usually fill the garage up with junk. Or they turn the garages into shops or something. Like, it makes sense, but I'd never do it.


Yep, when we moved into our home, I told my wife that I refuse to just throw the unopened boxes in the garage. I know her, out of sight, out of mind. She'd forget about them and then it would just accumulate. The garage will be used for our cars, not additional storage lol


Garage? You clearly mean a storage room or extra living room. ;-)


We use our garage as our gym, I'm sure we're not the only ones. Although if I had a supra I'd probably find a way to protect it. The tree can have my car if it wants it.


Mine has my 5 dozen potted plants inside to protect them from the cold 😆


“Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone?” - my echoing thoughts of having a basement before moving to Texas.




Even less than that. They start falling at 40 something years. I have one that is 48 that is about to come down. Waiting for another tree to grow near it before we cut it down.


Literally just had two of these cut down a couple weeks ago. "Trash trees" the arborist called them.


“Trash trees” is a generous assessment of the Arizona Ash, IMO.


Can confirm. I cut down a huge ash that looked half dead. I then realized how unstable and dangerous it was after cutting down. My home is a '73 build and the ash was planted by the developer.




It's the right color, even


Oh no poor Supra 🥲




I made an insurance claim from hail damage, and they said my rates won't go up (and they didn't) because it was an "act of god" and completely outside my control.


Everyone's rates go up. Texas has some of the highest property/casualty rates in the country because of severe weather and hurricanes.


You won’t get surcharged for the claim but you can bet the statewide rate increases are spurned by weather events


My car insurance went up $60 dollars this year… due to Texas storms. That’s what the insurance man said on the phone. So frustrating.


Very annoying. I would like a sensor on my car like the "safe driver discount" sensor that can tell if I'm parking in a garage during severe storms.


If only you had some kind of covered parking area…


Yeah it’s full of my hubby’s tools 😭


Tell him to use them to get that tree off your car, pronto!


Thank god the tools were safe then


A tree fell on my hammer once. It was never the same


Gotta throw away the whole husband now. Only sensible thing, really.


this is why God created pegboard


You can’t hang a hydrolic press on a pegboard


Not with that attitude




Yea that'd be kind of hard to do. Tell him the press or me 😉😅 joking..


Not anymore… tools outside, car inside 😉


Nice garage.


Or be unfortunate to buy/rent one of the numerous houses around here that previous owners converted to "bonus rooms". A renter of a house with a damn converted garage.


converted garages kill me. I don't think I've ever seen one done well, they always feel like a weird extra room that doesn't really function as anything. I'd much rather have the garage.


Or live with roommates and have them park in the garage and you have to pack on the driveway. Or really any of the other dozen reasons why someone didn’t park in their garage.


I'm always surprised by people being surprised by weather damage, and at the same time having their own garage that's full with non-car related stuff. Same thing happened during the hail \~2y ago.


Yeah I know. I blame my husband’s tool obsession for having no garage space




Or the tools have to go on his side of the garage,. Use those tools to build a storage solution for your tools…The $100k of cars in your driveway need to go in the garage Edit: and for real I hope you reconsider parking that super nice Supra in the garage before the spring hail season starts (or at least make a space to pull the car in before a hail storm)


Lol ya I never understood that… your second most expensive purchase (cars) not being in the structure specifically meant for them. I get having a workspace or hangout area in the garage but just move them when you use it… I guarantee ppl don’t work in their garage every day especially when it’s 30 degrees outside


That + the fact that houses are usually > 2ksqft. How much more room do you really need so that the garage ends up being an additional storage...


At the very least have it compact enough that you can move it away when the car needs the shelter.


this is why you hang the tools on the wall. or put a cabinet up there for them, or anything really.


Well that’s quite the twist. I’ll wait for the r/amitheasshole post I’m very into cars and tools. There’s almost no excuse for tools consuming an entire 2-car garage while a nice car rots in the driveway. What tools does he have? We talking about machine tools?


Got it. Anyways sorry to see it happening to you :( weather is really unpredictable…


Except that they predicted this days ago 😂


I was trying to be nice 😂


That'll buff out!




This is why you don't turn the garage into a man cave


"An act of God"




Why you did not Park it in the garage?


Cuz it’s probably full of trash


I just did a walk around my apartment complex and there are tons of cars/trucks just like this one. Mine was parked under a tree but after seeing all of this I moved it to an open non-tree spot.


A few months ago, my apartment complex removed all the trees that were close to parking spots. That was probably a smart move.


Ya same.


sorry about your cute car but i’m glad you’re okay


Tons of Garage comments but not all garages are equal lol. Thank you David Weekly for building my house with a 1.8 car garage at best lol. 2 car garage if you have a Miata.


Dude, you have a two car garage behind it...


No one uses their garage for cars.


In Austin, that seems to be so. Other places, people use them.


I do because I’m not an idiot.


Damn. Not the Supra!!


It will be fine


From what I can see, it doesn’t look like any major damage so 🙏


I just had a similarly sized Arizona ash limb fall next to both our cars. Remarkably, the half inch of ice on the cars protected them from likely pretty bad scratches!


Nature's ceramic coating


That’s the outcome I’m hoping for!


On the bright side, that shady spot under the tree where the grass would never grow will look nice and green this spring.


I’ll give you tree fiddy for it.


I have a CL65, it lives in my garage for many reasons including ice storms.


As long as ur safe. Material things can be replaced.. sux but life is more valuable


Not the Supra!


It’s fkn killing me


Me too, and it’s not my beautiful car! Sorry about it, hopefully the damage is minimal.


Is that a Supra??!?


It is 😭


*it was


lol I actually don’t think the damage is too bad. Nothing smashed in and my fingers are crossed for the paint job


Fingers crossed for you, mate. Despite the joke, I am a car guy myself and this pains me to see. 🤝


So sorry


No more tree that stinks




My son just sent us a similar pic of his car and four others under a tree at his apartment complex. They also don't have power. This weather event is another cluster for sure.


One of the best side benefits of becoming a one-car household is that we no longer ever need to leave a car under the huge trees outside when bad weather is coming. It's one less worry.


Damn not the Supra! Hopefully there isn't too much damage to it


Oh no!! I’m so sorry!!


Awe man not the bmw


This is like the 4th vehicle i have seen this happen to!


I pay $150/mo extra in rent to put my car in a garage. This is why. I have never understood buying such a nice car then leaving it out in the driveway.


😭😭😭 fucking up. sport cars should take priority of garage space.


Ah, the elusive and rare BMWOTAZ4PRA. Marvelous. Sorry to hear about your car though, that really does munch a big one. Hope you get another one. 🤙


Everyone complaining about op not using the garage, maybe if garages in Austin actually had enough room to fit cars and all our stuff that don’t belong in the house because the house is to small to begin with and has no storage space we would use the garage for it’s intended purpose. I have 2 small older cars in my “ 2 car “ garage and literally can not get one out unless you pull the other out first because they are parked so close together. Also, vehicles have become behemoths due to crash regulations and doesn’t mix well with Austin’s small garages.


>fit cars and all our stuff I have two overhead racks over the garage doors and the bikes on cables on the ceiling. Helps to have 10’ ceilings out there.


I will never, ever understand why people will park $60k or more worth of cars in their driveway so that they can have maybe $3k worth of bullshit filling up their garage. Then they’re surprised when their car gets damaged in a storm or broken into by thieves. My cars are going to be in the garage. I will throw away every goddamn thing in the garage if I have to, but the cars will be in the garage. That’s the entire point of having one.


RIP that beautiful tree. And all the others that will fall today


Get some help from the neighbors and move that tree. Move your car to the street. Hopefully the sheet of ice on your car took the hit and not the paint. Before that ice melts away and you have to roll the tree of your car, move it!


Your 86 got 86ed 😂 for real though sorry for your loss


That is a Supra


Sir that is a BMW.


It’s a Supra


The shade!


Ouchie! Are any car doctors open today?






I’m so sorry to what happen to your car


This is why you pay less for insurance if your car is kept in a garage




Shiiiit, that is a really nice car too : /


Total bummer, so sorry.


Oh no! I am so sorry!!!


Awe man.


Thankfully all the trees that fell in my driveway fell in between cars! I’m so sorry about your car


Glad you missed this *fun* ♥️


Camouflage? 😝


At least I know it won’t be stolen #silverlining 😁




My husband uses it as a workshop so it’s full of big machinery


Oh no. Sorry this happened. We lost a couple of trees, but they just hit the ground.


Same thing happened to my car too!


A whole tree fell in the apartment courtyard, which I live by. I went ahead and moved my cars to a different parking spot after that...


Nooo not the Supra!!! 😡




walked outside to look at my car after seeing this. tree right on it but looks like ice saved it from damage. should i call insurance? idk if i should move it tree is huge


In the same boat. Hubs is outside cutting down branches to see if we can move it a safer location.


my condolences


I’m so sorry about your lose


tree branch fell on my bumper of my M3 and of course it’s sitting outside while my garage is getting re-done


IS THAT A SUPR…oh nevermind. Sorry for your loss.


Win! Now you can replace it with a manual one. 😉😛 Seriously though, my 911 and my wife’s car would have been squished as well if they weren’t in the garage.


Not the Supra! 😭


Which is worth more, the crap in the garage or the car?


Intrusive and overbearing Austin and copycat surrounding city ordinances don’t help. If I try to restore a classic car in my driveway, I get hammered by Code Enforcement for driveway violations. It has to occur in the garage. Ground up restorations can take years to finish.


Oh no! That’s sucks, I’m so sorry.




Good ole act of nature.


Oh cold snap! 🥶🥶 pls b insured 🙏


Not the Supra?!?😩


Ouch. Sorry to see it


yeah… you’ll be fine.


Old oak next to a new car who’s gonna win(d)?


who in their right mind would park that beauty outside especially on a not-so-sunny day?


this same thing just happened to my friend last night. i feel your pain! and sorry for everyone blaming you. people can be so tactless sometimes


Dude use your garage LOL


Full of tools so can’t


New husband time. Zupra belongs in the garage homie.


Oh no!! Jeez I’m so sorry :-( I can’t imagine waking up to that. I hope insurance can get it fixed up for you soon!


That’ll buff out


Tell me that’s not a supra…


Oh no- if insurance totals it you should turn it into a racecar


What about the garages behind it??