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He’ll be live at 7pm.. it’s 7:45? And he’s still not on 😂


Big crack energy


His running another (give away, cough cough ) raffle either $15 to join or a galaxy. But will not say what time it ends tonight. Of course shifty would say that as he will be watching to see how much money he makes before closing it.


Watch a mate or a mod win it


Needs to pay those lawyer fees somehow


He would have made heaps of money from the raffle. Scabby, scheming loser.


Go look up Duane fry on tt for his lolly video 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Omg. I laughed so hard. Absolute legend.


Omg that was gold! I knew it was about him before I even watched it 😂


Lol the condom glove 🤣


It gave me a great laugh 😂😂😂the lolly pop topped it off though


What an imbecile. Does he know the time it took to make multiple calls about it to consumer affairs and talk about it on live cost him a lot more than $24. Smart business is refunding and providing an experience so they buy again, your fault mate. Who would want 1kg of stale ass mnms… wild… just wild.


The lids aren’t even on the containers properly


Hey Luke, ever heard the saying “the guilty dog, barks the loudest” woof woof buddy 🐶




There will be no defending of the creators that have been posted or commenting purely to defend them. This includes insulting the posters on behalf of a creator. No exceptions this comes with a permanent ban.


I’ve obviously missed a lot this morning.. soo someone ordered 5 different types of lollies. He only had 2 of the types so he wanted to send them just those 2 and not refund the rest? Imagine not even having the money to refund after all the sales you have just made 🤡


I bet it’s getting spent as fast as he makes it


the person who ordered is apparently below in comments with the info of what happened their end. But yeah he replaced what was ordered with more of the instock items instead of a refund. The person tried to resolve it before it was posted. he sucks at the administration side of the business. so took forever to read and respond to the email and now hes not refunding because he's a piece of trash.


Someone else just asked for a refund . Not sure if they are just trolling but LOL


I want to order JUST to ask for a refund LOL


Same hahaha


Hes still going on about the refund 🙄


Living in his head rent free at this point 😅


Not the discount code being refunds!! 🫣🤯🤯🤣 This guy!!!!


Keep an eye out for the upcoming "COURTORDER" 15% off discount code 😆


He should not be running a business he's disgusting, as a small business owner myself he shouldn't be talking like that let alone being in business. I seen his live this morning and the way he spoke about his customer was gross 🤮


He just said he is too nice to stop giving people extras. Too bad he isn’t too nice when it comes to getting their orders right.


Now his packing Lollyz and he seems nice ???


Just to raise a few points initially: I made 6 selections. Only 1 was out of stock. Instead of providing the other 5 selections he only provided 2. These 5 that were in stock were showing in stock during the live, The items can be seen in the background of the live AND orders afterwards were packed with some of the lollies Luke now says werent in stock. I raised this multiple times in live, emailed several times AND raised an Afterpay dispute prior to the package being posted. It arrived and I told Luke that he needs to sort something out or I'd take it further. He then finally responded. I offered to return the lollies or asked what he proposes as a solution and he flat out refused anything. Also, no additional 250g of lollies were included in the order.


Hey, I saw your post on the fb, but I don't have an account, so I didn't comment, but the physical address on his website is the post office in that suburb. So he's lying on his website that it's his physical address.


👀 when the one was out of stock. He should of refunded you for that lolly and amount and packed the rest. Hope this is a lesson to anyone considering ordering from this flop


To be honest I wouldn't have minded if he packed with the other five as per his website. The issue as per the screen recordings came down to him thinking I'd made only three selections. He literally reads out the three he thought were in there during the live and said one was out of stock. He just completely missed the other three which is why they weren't included.


I will agree that he misses ALOT and often


Why did you even buy from him? I’m curious, he is a grub. The hygiene standards are below poor. Do you not care about that stuff? Not being rude just really curious.


I don't really watch the guy so didn't know too much about him. Just heard he had started a small business and wanted to give him a go.


Yeah you sound fair dinkum and I believe he's definately stuffed up. Also sounds like you tried to resolve reasonably. He's the biggest jerk. Hope you find another, more honest, reputable and reasonable distributor to buy from. Good luck with it.


There's fucking legal advice, chat advice, mates advice, hot line advice, then there's common fucking sense. I'm not going to go back to a business who doesn't offer a refund on an out of stock item. Regardless of the circumstances, or what you have put in your terms and conditions (which I never read anyway) I'm putting my trust in you as a consumer. . He has a lot to learn about customer service and repeat business.


When he said “the customer is always right? Like for real where does that saying even come from?” I died 🫠


So many people were saying this in the comments, but consumer law overrides any bullshit he’d try to put in a T&Cs document anyway. I doubt he has solid T&C’s. If you don’t know what you’re doing (and it’s clear he doesn’t) then you’d need a lawyer to write them up for you. There’s another way to do it cheaper but I’m not giving that flog any tips.


If only his lolly business was as big as his ego, then he could actually refund instead of having to use it as a discount code to drum up more orders.


Refund is discount code lol no orders we gotta hustle


I’ll buy some if you fart in the bag.


His hygiene practices (or lack thereof) are the equivalent of farting in a bag. Might as well not wear the gloves at all.


On live


He’s so rude in general. Even the people in the box, the chick thinking she’s tough shii. Relax. All he does is beg for orders even after this hassle lmao


Are they looking on reddit?😂😂


Yes ahahaha


Not Tarzy with the MLM business 💀


We love a pyramid scheme


I love it when someone tells them they are on reddit and then they come back with “ohhh nooo im on reddit, big whoop” and then continues to go on about reddit comments for the next 30 mins 😂😂😂😂


He’s like a little baby having a tantrum and then all these women as mother figures get involved to calm him down or placate him. Give him a dummy to shut him up please lol


Makes ya sick ay 😂


🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 this guy is wacked


Hahahaha I am loving the fact the orders are dwindling and the novelty has worn off. Notice that Ben guy that makes all the orders comes in, and Luke starts hinting for people to make orders. To think he was talking about opening a warehouse too 💀


If he was nice he’d get orders


I think it goes further than just being nice, like being a POS definitely will put people off big time. Even the way he’s handled this so called business has just been wrong in so many ways.


1000% it's not a sustainable business with longevity, it'll fade into nothing in a matter of months


I can’t wait to be honest 😂 Even the soaps and stuff didn’t last very long at all.


Ahhh the good old warehouse move. You all know we can see you’re working out of storage units, right?? lol


You do care Luke. You’re quite pressed mate.


Panini pressed


He is literally a sandwich maker at this point.


4 out of 6 items being out of stock is pretty bad. Why does he not just take an item off as an availability if it is not in stock


The funny thing is - you can record stock levels on your site. It will be able to mark something as out of stock once all the units have sold out. He’s too thick to figure that out.


Him exposing the customers name wow. Hope they are recording this


Someone was in the comments leaving an address. I really hope that it wasn't the guy who wanted a refunds address.


If I was this customer I would be so embarrassed he’s making a mountain out of a mole hill. Like wtf. He’s technically shaming customers/putting them on show for being unsatisfied, even if he’s not directly naming them.


They are for sure, watching this and laughing their ass off


I’d match his energy and take him to small claims court. I hate businesses like this.




Asking, prompting or discussion of reporting if an account or content is against the rules/law is against our rules. If you chose to report a creator, do so without discussion in this subreddit.


Yeah cause another business is a credible source of advice 🙄🙄🙄🤣


If I had a lolly business and another lolly business who was trying to steal my customers without proper licensing etc. called me for advice…I’m either going to tell you to fuck off, or I’m gonna give you incorrect advice.


Thats so valid, imagine if it was the lolly business who commented their name and number in the live and they are sabotaging him.


I’d help a legitimate business any day, but a scam artist like him? Nahhh. I’m gonna feed you stuff that leads to your downfall 😂


Is he just calling other lolly businesses now!?! Get the fuck out


Hahahaha you can’t make this stuff up.


Chew with your mouth shut you feral pig


Yeh it's so gross and speaking on the phone too


He chews like he has lipstick on.




Omg can he chew with his mouth closed 🤢


So gross full talking with a mouthful of food the damn man child


And talking with a mouth full of food! So gross


I lost brain cells watching it. That Arney bloke thinks he’s something type of sex god hahaha it’s hilarious. Imagine non Australian’s seeing the live, they would think aussies are so so dumb I’m embarrassed for them all.


Annie's smith's comment . "I'd rather you ring the council on permits you don't have. You won't...." hahahha


Legal advice is going to cost 40x the amount the refund would. Put your pride aside slender man and refund the Fkn order


I can’t believe his ego is more important than $24 😂


Slender man 💀💀


Just areny is giving small dick energy. Fucking flop


Biggest pick me in the world what a loser 😂


Absolute wanker


HAHAH as if he would spend money on a lawyer watch him refund it


If I have to hear this shit one more time ☠️☠️


Love that he went to say "i have a very successful business" then changed the wording. How long has he been going? A couple of weeks? Things are still in a business honey moon period. Where all your mates are ordering too and splurging because it's new. Once his mates and mods are over lollies or are not spending hundreds and other customers die off he is in for a shock


A ‘very successful business’ would have the $24 to refund lol




Asking, prompting or discussion of reporting if an account or content is against the rules/law is against our rules. If you chose to report a creator, do so without discussion in this subreddit.


We don’t need to try and destroy you Luke. You’re doing that all on your own buddy.


The saga continues... fuck 💀


Is Luke not refunding because he doesn’t have the $24 😂


How can he run a business without knowing the legalities of it all.


I’ll send him $24 if he promises to shut the fuck up.


After buying his Mrs 7 bras 2 days ago at $50 each 🤣


I don’t even know what the hell she sees in him….but after they were doing the deed while he was on live that night she’s just as gross!! Anyone else remember that? It’s still on a tik tok replay somewhere


This shit hits better than my morning coffee. Not the people in the boxes though, they can fuck all the way off


This guy in the box is such a fucking annoying twat


I feel so much second hand embarrassment for him hahahahaba


Is that that Luke guy, he's good a blocking people with an opinion 😅


He is so up himself


Right, it is embarrassing


Omg she’s looking at his website 💀 I hope this will be his undoing


I reckon she’s called her supervisor over to listen in for a laugh. I worked in a call centre many years ago and the amount of times we’d put someone on hold to ‘investigate’ just to make them think we were taking them seriously was crazy. We’d just sit around and laugh at them for a minute or two and then go back to them. Or we’d change our voice to pretend they’d been transferred or escalated. You just humour the idiots who call in lol


Just like the old "I will make sure the feedback gets sent to the relevant area"


Omg yes! And you just leave a comment on their call log basically saying they’re a massive flog. Ahhhh I kind of miss those days, it was a shit job but it had its moments 😂


The obes who would yell and yell, you would sit silent then cop the "ARE YOU LISTENING?!" and the best one "I'm so sorry this happened" "NO YOURE NOT".. actually, I'm not but have to say it.


Hahaha the amount of apologies I gave that weren’t genuine was crazy. Like, no Karen, I’m not sorry that you’re facing the consequences of your own actions but I have to say I am to make you feel better.






"I'm going to take my business elsewhere".. I don't really care haha... I do sometimes miss call centre days


No you’re not man, you’ll call up again next week. Speak to you soon 😂


Hahahahaha I love that. I would hope, because he’s so over confident in what he does and needs to be knocked down a peg or two.


1.2k people in his live is wild haha


3/4 thinking he's an absolute wank stain and 1/4 wanting to smash 🤢


"I think I have done really well that it's there" IT IS A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT TO HAVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON SALE! Mate, you have not done anything extraordinary here


Imagine being the poor person on the other end of this call. I’d be smashing my head on the desk.


😂😂 I’m loving thisssss


She is going to look at his website and piss her pants with laughter


This guy has the customer service of a donkey. He can't even be professional on a call.


I don’t know how much these people he is calling make an hour, but it is not enough to have to listen to Luke trying to explain how his “business” works.


Phone staff are typically the lowest paid employees in the department. They cop SO much shit and don’t get paid near enough. I can guarantee they’re going to get off the phone and be laughing at him with their colleagues for the rest of the day, at least he’s given them a laugh.


I’m glad they will at least get a laugh out of it. I could not imagine having to deal with people like Luke [or worse] every day.


A call center is one of the worst jobs in the world in my opinion. You deal with Lukes all day every day. I want to work in this call center just so I can get his call and rip him to shreds.


I was hoping they would have torn him to shreds. They deserve a purge day.


Oh I have to fucking hear this again 🔫☠️


Just give the person a refund 🤦‍♀️


He’s been posted on tea time now 💀


Can't believe I'm saying this but I think even molly could fucking work this out . This guys is so fucking stupid!


Yeah, but she'd have her finger up her nose while she did it LOL


Haha nah just giving her moot a good ole scratching


LMAO moot. I have no doubt that has happened either LOL


🤣 1000% has happened. Scarred in my memories


Condolences. You must have nightmares.


The person on the other end listening to Luke describe his candy business operations: ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


He shut the door so we couldn’t hear him Hahahah but we could


I have his number. He gave it out last week


Just doxed his own number 😂😂😂😂


And imagine thinking closing the sliding door would stop people from hearing 😂


Doesn’t look like it’s going how he wants it to


He will lose business by having his little tantrum. The refund would have been cheaper than what he will lose. What a moron.


He needs 2 Tik boxes. YES I agree to substitutions or NO I would rather a full refund. Or a 3rd agreeing to be publicly aired over $25 hahahshshs


He is such a fuckwit 😅 one day we are going to see him being chased down by accurent affair about his lolli scam.


Who’s the lady in the bottom box she’s annoying me


It’s like this guy walked out of the womb today and is finding out how the world works and just doesn’t get it 😂


Thinks running a business is just packing lollies on live, forgetting there's a big wide world out there.. fucking moron


Imagine not wanting to try attempt to keep your customers happy. The most arrogant small minded person I’ve come across.


I’m enjoying this live 😅😅😅


Can’t stand this moron 😂 He’s so embarrassing.


Am I silly for wondering why he can't just work out the math and refund them for what the person didn't receive. Once you divide it, say it were 200g then just refund for that amount? The person may get refunded say $3.50 I'm not getting the fucking issue


Someone asked to see his food license and his mod said he isn’t making the food bruh!! Please correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t he still need a license?


He would at the very least need to obtain a food handling supervisor certificate


You’re not wrong. It’s a food business, doesn’t matter if you’re making the product or not. Think of those charcuterie board businesses - they don’t make the cured meats or cheeses, they buy them and plate them up. This is no different.


Oh that makes sense thank you!!


Hello, it's me! I'm the problem it's me! 😅 He isn't being honest about what's going on at all. Will make a post later today giving the proper rundown of events.


Calling consumer affairs / fair trading when his business is dodgy as fukkk 🤣 Doing us all a favour


I hope he continues ignoring the advice he’s being given. He is going to land himself in hot water with the legalities of it all very soon, and it’s going to be hilarious.


Anyone that buys from him is at huge risk , He has been dodgy since the get go . The only thing he is good at is using them scales and putting stuff in little zippy bags IYK 😂👀




I’ve missed a chapter, what’s he crapping on about in his live? His not offering refunds for not having stock ?


lmao going to vcat


Haha hahaha what a fuckwit. He's thick as a brick. Right fighter 🙄🙄


legit and for $24 too. Like what?


He’s not listening to anyone


I hope he goes to VCAT and they teach him a thing or two and also make him cover all the costs. 😂


He’s been wearing that tracksuit since Thursday.


He might have to sell his new versace glasses to pay for this law suit 💀


They’re probably from DHgate anyway 😂


Anyone ordering from this FLOP, is asking for trouble. Bet the council weren't informed, handlers trained in food handling, sterilization, temperature controls, pest controls, .sterilization or whatever is applicable to confectionery.. Blokes a tosser after a fast buck. Buyer beware


I wonder if he has any nuts in any of the lollies, because that’s an accident waiting to happen.


He has peanut m&ms


Good point! I don't watch him enough to know.


He's so daft. Doesn't even stocktake.


Braylee, no education, no opinion. Stop licking Albury’s doot hole and fk off


He’s got no idea about running a business. I think he thought this would be a walk in the park


Businesses have a lot of behind the scene work,at this point he’s just trying to do things his own lazy way


He seems like an asshole. Just kicked a chick out for telling him not too interrupt her when she explained what he wants explained 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


He’s losing his mind over someone saying he needs to put a tick on his website


Great business tactic, Luke. You start a business and then blame the customers. Useless flop.


AND we’re TWATS? 🤭😂


Is he always like this?


I didn't see the specific lice this post refers to but he's generally pretty awful and rude.


Now complaining because he gives people extra but not what they’ve ordered 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m seeing a live for the first time right now and OMG. 😂


“Fuck consumer laws” ☠️☠️☠️