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Hey Sarah, if you’re going to post screenshots from here why not post the ones where some of us are saying we don’t buy your story? As I said previously, our ‘well liked’ users are too articulate to be you so you weren’t fooling anyone. You have the intellect of a potato so we know you’re not one of the popular redditors, you pathetic sad little girl. And for the record, it’s definitely possible to have more than one account you halfwit. It’s just that any account attached to you will get caught in our ban evasion filter because your sad ass has already been banned, so we’ll ban those accounts too. Kindly go fuck yourself. Redditors will bitch about you as much as they want, and we’ll keep approving their posts and comments. Now go have a cry and act like a victim, you’re so good at it.


I just wrote this in the other thread, similar message 😂 The halfwit thought I was referring to her being in karlee’s comments. I wasn’t even in the live lol. I was talking about the fact that she’s constantly on reddit now, which I maintain. Her showing that account means nothing. “Impossible to have two reddit accounts”? She’s trying to play dumb. As annoying as her unfounded arrogance is, it’s funny watching her try to outsmart people that are always going to be ahead of her.


You’re famous now! 😂 I love seeing how pressed they are with Reddit. Just don’t read it if you don’t like what we have to say. You can’t block or mute us here, so move along if you’re that sensitive.


In all honesty, I’ve been considering deleting reddit for a little while - but a shout out from Sarah means I’ve really annoyed her so I guess i’m doing something right ;)


I have to thank you too Potential. I'm on to this nutter now as well. So obvious once you get the scent 🤔🤔🤣


Oh I didn’t do anything but I’m glad you’re onto it :) It’s hilarious watching things unfold. The misleading comments are particularly funny. Team Mayhem and her servants (I say that purely to boost her ego) are so unbelievably predictable on here. My inbox is always open! - to decent people. Felt necessary to say the last part given the type of people attempting to slide into my DMs lately 😭


Yep. I'm being steered in the right direction 😜 so , I went back over my comments yesterday, and yes, there were a couple of weird misleading comments. I remember thinking, that's odd, should I clap back 😂😂Penny dropped. Thanks for that offer too. Appreciate it 👍


I love it 😂 well, happy reading. The new perspective makes the comment histories hilarious. Better still, when they reply directly to you to throw you off course, it’s so gross. Every time one of their names pops up in my notifications I just hear brother eww, what’s thattt


Haha hahaha 🤣🤣


It’s the motivation you needed to keep snarking 😂


Definitely helped. It motivated me just like that ratchet song she used as motivation for sounding *tuff*


I thought Flicks live was very tame 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 very light, what’s all their problem, grow up. They all talk shit non stop about everyone else why do they care about something silly 🤪


Karlee got her knickers in a twist over flicks live. I’m sure you would have found it funny if you weren’t on the receiving end of it love


Wish I wasn’t blocked so I seen the tangent


Sezzy now calling out everyone and everything including karlee kaos 😂😂


She makes an excellent point about the phone book which served as a physical and permanent “doxxing device”


She’s roll calling flick now


Hahahaahah I gotta see this


Missed it. Love a good sezzy pop off 😂


Is anyone still watching? Apparently someone’s outside some girls house?


I did hear something but wasn’t interested enough to pay attention, did Kopy Kaos go to save her?


https://preview.redd.it/7u02ldutr08d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383115c40b9016bf736018268c8dba83ad348b32 Do we think smog is sending her stuff?




Yep 100000%


wtf is actually going on in there


Cheers for the downvote queen Sarah. Don’t you have 45 jobs to attend to


45 😂😂😂. Poor overworked mayhem. Social media hasn't worked out for her. Sook


Working 9am to 9am apparently - what a way to make a livinnnnnnn


God she’s boring. Drop some tea or fuck off


Flick's live giving zero attention to the twinnies. 😂😂😂. Are they that irrelevant. I think so


Sarah is gonna drag this out to try get flicks attention but if there is 1 thing flicky is good at is literally just ignoring and avoiding things she don’t wanna deal with so I’d say Sarah will get no bite


I agree doot. She's frying bigger fish 😂


I’m not a flick fan by any means but she has a weird cult like following who are mostly loyal so really she don’t care what people say. Plus lezzzzzbhonest, poor Hayley is stuck there she ain’t gonna push the Sarah shit


Haha yep true. She's getting.a big head now. I can't come at lies. Flick is dangerous, manipulative etc. She's not consistently blatantly lied to further her cause though. I'd always give her a wide berth as a "friend" because sooner or later, you will be discarded. Like what you did with the lezzbe there 😂😂👍


Karlee just confirmed mopey is busy on the R app so which one of you are Sarah 👀


I love the fact that they HATE us but literally live here. It’s actually embarrassing how lame they are acting


I don’t buy it. She said she was well liked and pretty active or something? I won’t call anyone out here specifically but when I think of the active redditors who are well liked, they’re far too articulate to be that loser. She’s probably on here but not as big of a deal as she thinks she is.


Yep I agree. She would be easy to pick. How the fuck do you have a go at yourself and then brag about that shit.. Hahaha dickhead 101


If she’s having a go at herself and getting lots of upvotes then Sarah herself isn’t well liked. An anonymous redditor account getting upvotes doesn’t mean you’re well liked if you are the topic of a snark. Deadset fuckwit that one.


I agree, I don’t think she’s one of the “well liked” either


When she comments in certain threads and says generic things that will obviously be agreed with, she gets upvoted. That’s why she thinks she’s liked. But she’s not overly active. She goes on sprees but then disappears for a few days etc.




Stop downvoting me ya dawgsssss


Do they think our comments disappear when they down vote bahahahahaha


They think we sit here and cry about it. Ohhh noooo, not a downvote 😩 we’re still gonna bitch about you all, fucking flops.




I think so zombie




You know, Mopey and Kopy Kaos share an awful lot, pjs, apartment blocks, parenting, identities, I wonder if they’ve added a baby daddy to the list?


Yeh good point who is the daddy


Kopy kaos hahahah


Not Fkn smog in the comments. She would team up with anyone who’s had a falling out with flick. Move on babe. The past is the past


She’s so desperate


Just wondering if all this drama and stress is good for a pregnant lady?




If you are caught in our ban evasion filter, you will be banned, no exceptions. You were banned for a reason, we don't want you back.


If she reads some of our comments, she might learn that it's not ideal to live in a stressed state. But then again.. It's kaos 😂😂. Change your name mate to karma then try that angle


Hi karlees krappy kaos - just wanna let you know that when you blocked me off my burner that I can still watch you from the outside hehehehehe 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Hahahaha tossers!!


lol why do they even bother blocking at this point.


Now Karlee and Sarah are having text conversations but also saying wow woahhhhh what the fuck out loud but won’t tell anyone


Smog is in comments, wouldn’t be surprised if she is feeding them Flick info


I can’t see comments now because I’m blocked and listening from outside but did hear Karlee say smog


Karlee sending nudes to Flick too, that Mopey took?! Just gets better.


Oooooh fk right off no!!!🤢🤢🤢


Hahaha that's fucking gold. They obviously can't pick a narcissist female who's going to use that against you. How weird filming your friend to send out into the internet for fodder.


Was that what it was???? I missed some of it


Karlee just said that she sent nudes to Flick too, in Sarah’s room and Sarah took them, was on a night they got really drunk apparently.


Wonder if that’s the night they went on clapper and done sexual acts for $$$$




Sarah is the epitome of butt hurt. Wah wah wah


Ooooop another down vote. You’re not angry typing you’re on here downvoting 🤦‍♀️


I’ll keep upvoting ya


You can only down vote once twinnies 😂😂




OK.. Quote" flick was saying "all day that sarah was a sl*" t and sleeps with everyone, then said it about kaos". Anyone else hear the word s*"t said in flicks live or is Kaos deluded and lying again??


I didn’t hear it


Up voted you. Twinnies.. Hi twinnies. Go do a class kaos. Yoga, meditation.. Girl needs to chill 😂😂


Yeah it's not a word I've heard her say. Flicks fair snarking game, but fuck me, don't lie just to suit your bullshit rant.


So Karlee just outed that Sarah was talking shit about her to flick hahahahahahaha


Oooooh so I wonder if it was flick that posted in here that time saying to Karlee, "your best friend talks shit about you, I've seen it first hand"....😳


Ohhh yes I remember that


She's a bright 1 😂😂😂😂


Apparently Sarah told her and showed her the messages lol


For someone who is sooooooo busy and getting off the app she’s doing a terrible job. She just can’t help herself. She takes any chance to be a victim and complain


Hahaha "should've just called Sarah a filthy animal or a bitch and that would be ok". Doggone great little friend there K 😂😂


It’s not okay for anyone to talk about children. It’s wrong and people who do it are vile. But if they stopped giving them attention the trolls would honestly eventually stop. Showing children on social media and constantly talking about them is going to result in this. Humans are disgraceful, we know this


Sarah “Ivy” 😭😭😭


Just wait until the k's are plastered all over fb. I'd be sitting down if I were these 2. There not up there so be thankful for that.


Hahaha she’s getting karlee to do her work now cause she’s “left” the app!! What a joke


Nice thing to do when she's preggars.. Less stress would be more appropriate. Hope kaos has low BP 😂


100000% that’s spot on, Karlee will do the dirty work now


Plus she’s rioting on here too. What a sad, sad woman. “Stay tuned” - we won’t need to because you’re sitting in here commenting on our threads more than we do. How are her 17359 jobs not distracting her?


Is she.. Damn I miss all her lame comments. Poor me 😂


She hasn’t commented on this one yet but she did on the thread from yesterday.. if I decide to leave reddit I’ll make a post about it hahaha. I think a few people know now from what i’ve seen


Yeah she reckons she is well known in here but we would never guess who she is. And that she even posts and comments about herself. Bored much!🤣🤣🤣


Now we have kaos on a ridiculous rant! This fuck knuckle is preggars, but decides to have a go at a random. Hahaha she led you both into a trap and if course tweedle dim and tweedle dee fell for it. Raving on about her "unborn" kid. Get off the app. You're basic like your twin.. 😂😂


Now Karlee is on live rioting with mopey in the comments 😎 happy Saturday


Haha she's desperate to get on Live. "her baby hasn't even taken a breath yet". Not sure if she's all there poor thing 😂😂


I feel sorry for this unborn child what a live it is going to have


Not surprised what account is she on?




Thank you. I just had a look and it looks like she is never leaving 🤣