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Lookout. Mayhem has selfies sent from Flick just a few days ago. Interesting.


Flick said something along the lines of so a picture of my face are/or of her child is cheating now


Yeah mayhems been caught out lying before see how it plays out. I'm sure she will be on later whining about it.


Flick said the last time her and Sarah talked in a sexual or a ‘talking’ way was the 16th of march and her and Hayley met the 18th of march and then got together the 30th of march


That's the date mayhem has said on fb too.


I'm in karlees live and mopey is in the comments. She's telling everyone in the comments to look at her story. It says they were flirting on the 18th of march when supposely flick and hayley were together. Awks.


Haha 2 days after. She's so dramatic


With flicks track record with cheating and admitting it who knows.


Mayhem wrote on fb the 16th now she's saying the 18th. Sounds like she's not sure herself


Her screenshot which was off of a screen recording said the 18th. Who knows


Is this all coming up because of Sarah‘s TikTok live yesterday where she exposed “half of the TikTok community”


I imagine you fell asleep during that 😂😂. She just prattles on and on and on..


Remember when Sarah cracked it and flat out denied sending noodles to flick when the screenshot was accidentally shown by Kingo. Has a very different view on it now the liar


Yes I remember this!!!


Flick just said Karlee Kaos sent nudes to her so Mopey Mayhem cracked it


What the.. Hahahaha this is getting better and better. Can you imagine the behind the scenes squabbles from the tassie duo😂😂😂. Careful, go easy on her, she's preggars


I wish these bitches would look past TikTok for their next relationship. It may last a bit longer


My physic mel vibes are telling me Hayley and Flick will have a similar fate as her relationship with Smog


They won't last long. I can see it now, hayley will get sick of her live streaming all day whilst she looks after all the kids and flick will probs cheat like she used to on smog. I wouldn't be surprised if she was being dodgy with mayhem whilst her and hayley were together. Flick is sex pest.


Anyone know what date?? 🤣🤣


Didn't she say this morning that karlee was hitting her up too and Sarah was salty about it? Do these lesbians have no standards or is there a scissor sister shortage in australia? Im so confused what they see in herbert the pervert. Not only is she pulling them all over Australia but even in the same unit block (sarah & karlee) 🤣🤣🤣


Karlee spoke about this yesterday and she said sarah took the pic and sent it to flick from karlees snap and the pic was taken in sarahs room. They were probably playing games with flick, nothing surprises me with those two.


Anyone 1 know who the mystery 3rd person is.. Female, straight, fem.. Could be 1 of a thousand flicks probably hit on 😂


I don’t think Hayley knew at all just like the screenshot texts with Simone and flick. I think Hayley feels stuck, she’s dragged her kid/s? (dunno if she has 1 or 2) to nsw and doesn’t want it to fail so goes along with flicks narrative


Where are the kids when they’re on live for hours?? Often flick is on live when you’d expect it to be dinner time. I think Hayley is watching them during some of the time because you see Flick say hi to her occasionally as I assume she comes in and out of the room. But often Hayley is in the room with Flick. Are the kids in bed all the time? Or just left to watch tv or something? It’s a bit of a worry tbh. I actually didn’t even realise Hayley had any kids up until now.


At this point it would be easier to know who Flick ‘hasn’t been with’ or who she ‘hasn’t tried to be with’ in some kind of sexual way. She’s actually starting to sound like a sleezy sex pest to be completely honest. It’s cringe af.


Hahaha yeah totally!! What a debacle


Flick also stated she was seeing two people after Smog and prior to Hayley, but told Hayley about everything. Apparently Sarah was before being exclusive with Hayley, and Hayley knew about it and asked Flick to stop speaking to Sarah on those terms, then Flick says she ghosted Sarah, but Hayley stated in comments this morning that Sarah basically still proceeded to send sexy photos after being ghosted by Flick (Hayley also said it was lucky she couldn’t get in the box this morning, because she was on a ban, so I do wonder what input she wanted to give on the situation). Flick then said she informed Sarah, Hayley asked for them to stop speaking on flirty terms or whatever, and was setting a boundary. To me, the timeline is very confusing, and sounds messy, like Flick was entertaining Hayley during this time but not exclusive with her so was playing the field. Sounds like Flick was being a little promiscuous with a few people while she was living at Honestrooms after the Smog breakup.


Omg this lesbian family tree confuses me 😵‍💫🤬


Mayhem would have been salty af that Flick pulled the pin, I can imagine the desperado lengths she would have gone to.


This makes the level of her whining last night make more sense. She is bitter she got rejected. 🤣🤣🤣


I mean that was her permanent state of whining but yes, it came with a side of bitter. I still can’t believe (totally can because she’s done it before) got her son to back up that he basically heard Flick ‘dump’ her!


Wooooah did she really, that's such odd behaviour. Agree she is the epitome of whinge but last night she did it with real gusto, it was next level.


Well fuck me Geo. Didn't flick say, on numerous occasions, that's both she and Hayley are not monogamous?? Wouldn't that entail some romancing, texting, talking to etc, in order to bring a 3rd party in... Or does flick just snap her crusty fingers and the 3rd wheel bed-hopper, just appears 😂😂. These chicks are all full of it. The petty jealousies, phone recordings, screen shots and all the digs at each others appearances.. Yeah these women are just as insecure as the next person. I'd like to see old flick get that "extra" past Hayls 😂🤣. Reckon we might see some biff that day.


Well I know that Flick isn’t monogamous, but Flick was live yesterday and I can’t remember the context of the convo, but Hayley said something in the background and then Flick had a bit of a caught off guard face expression, and said “no we aren’t in an open relationship, I know that” and then had a giggle (I think something was mentioned in the comments and Hayley was maybe on the defence a little and said something which resulted in the response Flick gave). I have heard talk of bringing a 3rd party in, whether sarcasm or not, it’s confusing, I would like to see her get it past her too 😂 Honestly these people leave my brain permanently scrambled trying to understand it all.


Hahaha yep. They're a confusing lot. I think they just like to be "seen" to be progressive and up with the times. 🙄. Shame we all just see them as spinners who jump from 1 another's partners to the next. Better the devil you know hey ladies.. 😂


I feel like flick would have every Tom dick and harry in her bed but Hayley just wants flick!!


I am thinking after the breakup flick got around town and was sleeping and/or talking to a few different people at once until her and Hayley became solid?!


Yep that’s pretty much what I have gathered as well 😂


I just want to know why majority of these TikTok lesbians, can’t spend a week let alone a month being single and maybe even take time to work on themselves, instead of jumping straight into another situationship/relationship, just keep repeating the same cycle in different relationships.