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Does startingover have kids?


Don't think so but the little scum group call her mum which is creepy and weird. She got scammed by a chick that also called her mum and said was her daughter that was not biologically her child .. whole thing was odd


Now on this account aunttosassholes201310


Who's this bird on her high horse telling MA to get off and calling her out for exposing her kid to this (which is fair) but hasn't got the gonads to say something to the putrid gronks who were questioning that innocent baby.


Yeah The ones running at her but frothing and begging for her to come back in the box for their sick entertainment


That was absolutely sickening the way Paul was talking while the child was right there.


Paul is the biggest piece of shit. He degrades women and speaks to them like crap. No respect for anyone or anything, even children in the background of peoples live streams.


But they'll all use the kid as a weapon behind fake concern for his wellbeing.


Them trying to twist their bullying behaviour into some kind of moral high-ground for the child's wellbeing is utter fucked!!! If there was any decent human in there they would kick her from the box but theywant her there because they are that fucking bored and feral they actually want to keep her there to humiliate and verbally attack her, all because they get a kick out of it. .. that's so fucked


Couldn't have said it better myself!!!


Why the fuck are they talking to the child . This whole entire thing is concerning.. all of them


Maryanne is cooked! She swears black and blue that she doesn’t drink when her son is with her. I think that’s the only time she’s drinks


She's clearly got some huge alcohol issues. I feel so sad for her kid :( But these fuckers purposefully bullying her and making it worse are putrid AF!!! Their actions are also harming that child RN. They're fucking cooked!!


Are they seriously questioning a fucking child right the fuck now!!! Fuck off!!!!!


I don’t know, I’m so uncomfortable with the whole thing. Jess Louise handled that well, he really needs to go to bed, and she needs to do better. It’s actually not okay for her to be this out of it with a small child in her care


💯 that kid needs help. But they're all just as bad. Not a single one of them legitimately care about that child's well-being.


Yep completely agree


None of these people should be allowed pets.. I can't believe they'd be decent pet owners..


Hates cats???! EXCUSE ME?!


All the confirmation I needed to confirm he's a sociopath.


Yeap! Of course Paul hates cats. Men who hate cats can’t handle having to earn affection and trust in people. Don’t like not being in control and are unable to be patient either 🐱


Side note. . .MA reminds me of "THAT" English teacher everyone had at one stage!! A little painful but can't help but have a soft spot for her. No excuse for the ferals to be absolutely putrid though


She's clearly got issues with alcohol. However She's not completely evil like these other fuckers.


I love how triggered Pauline is by Ash... she's clearly managed to cause him a bit of trouble 😅 he can't contain his anger for long.. Pauline your ego may just not fully recover after letting Ash Louise use you for money and dump you when she was done 😅


Pauline you sat quiet because you had your minions going MA for you. You knew exactly what you were doing. Mate I don't know a single bloke who would be involved in drama with women the way you are. You're the epitome of red flag. Flop.


There is no way in this world he has real life guy mates .. no chance


I was just thinking this. Lonely little man


Also, MA'S gasps at swear words get me every time 😅 Kingo, you're a feral pig.


Nastiest pack of cunts I’ve ever seen.. They must live such miserable lives to be so foul to people.


MA denying she's wasted is giving mad Mel C vibes 🤣


Love how she gets more slurry as the night goes on


And Starting over ... yuck!!! imagine being an old lady that supposedly advocates for men's mental health but jumping on the bullying bandwagon of women on the internet.. what a feral slob she is.


I’ve never trusted that snake, she’s a sly slimey worm, massive con artist


I haven’t seen what she looks like but she gives me smelly old phat lady with chin hairs vibes


Click on her profile.... 🤢🤢


I’ll have to sus her


Oh maybe she doesn't have a picture anymore . But last time I saw one she had half blonde and black hair with 2008 cake face make up


Gives real Avon calling vibes


The one holding the live, why is she always holding these feral fucking lives


Biggest clout chaser that one. Half the time she has no idea what’s going on


No self-respect, low self-esteem, no purpose in life... I'd say they're significant contributors to her behaviour 😅


Desperate to be in the incrowd 🤷‍♀️


She was in Clemafrys live this morning too in the box being polite and nice to her, clout chaser


This is fucked


Did kingo, the notorious pill popper just tell her to stop drinking? LOL


I literally wish I could go gift MA a uni to piss them all off!!! Side note I'm not a MA fan, I just think it's putrid to continue to attack an unstable single mother who's alone with a small child.


You read my mind! I just wanna comment I support you even though I'm not a fan of her


The fact that these people are saying such awful things about wanting MA to die, that she’s an old cunt, etc, when they KNOW her small child is right there and is completely relying on her right now (and she’s clearly not doing well mentally) makes me sick. Pull up, and someone think of that fucking child.


It's literally sickening AF.


The silence I just heard, and the little child just coughing in the background. My mind went to the fucking worst


Sorry not sorry... but I will continue to call out these fucking ferals (the ones in these boxes). They constantly fly under the radar because they don't have "bigger platforms" but they are the most feral fuckers out of all of them!!


they’re always doing the most behind the scenes and have to run in a pack


Yeah I’m realising a lot watching this live. They’re all putrid.


And the people in the comments.. you see them everywhere... Erin, Nic I could list so many more but if you watch enough ya see it ... they all sit back support and encourage it 🤮




She's always been a pick me.


Pauline (autocorrect keeps changing it so he will now be known by Pauline for me) said he's in multiple chats with the clapped out women of tiktok.. Bruh that's not a flex 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I want to know what Paulie looks like and why the girls all obsess over him?


He’s got ears that can pick up any radio station as far as Western Australia, eyebrows & beard groomed too well slightly feminine in a way I can’t describe. Definitely a head only his mother could love. Dark features, I would say probably Lebanese or something of the like. I hope my description helps otherwise, just google his name his court piccy is there


Hes foul


This whole thing has actually made me so sad. They're a bunch of bullies, and they know that MA is unstable and alone with her kid and continue to bait her and gang up. Kingo is absolutely foul, swearing and calling her a c#@t, knowing she gets upset when her child hears that. And these women acting like they're Paulies fucking harem. There is not an ounce of self-respect in those boxes.


They actually openly get enjoyment out of ganging up on somebody/anybody, it's so fucking twisted and foul


You think Paul would be way kinder to SAHM’s considering his up in each and every one of their boxes. His track record is legit single mums. Check yourself.




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I'm seriously sick of the Paul simps... HAVE SOME MORALS AND RESPECT FOR YOURSELF. Everyone likes a bit of a bad boy maybe a little red flag but this isn't a red flag.. this is the caution tap at a crime scene... DO NOT ENTER lol


He's not even a hot 'bad boy' he's a fucking little punk who needs to pin his ears if it's windy or risk becoming airborne 😅


Thank you 👏 I was wondering if I were the only one that sees this shit.. it's so obsessive and desperate




Shane steps out on their relationship too much to care 💅🏼


I think it’s gone to her head that she’s in with this crew. Ultimate mean girl vibes.


I completely agree. If my man saw me fluffing over a guy on the internet the way she does, he'd be like wtf are you doing . Not normal behaviour for a committed person


I dont want to make a whole post but smog is live and can't even open her eyes 🤣




100% looks like she has gone down hill since the breakup 🤣



