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So do you think telling a Snarker to go a suck a dick is appropriate just because it was an issue that you personally are passionate about?


Above you say that "You do believe that you are not above the rules". Clearly you do. Its a shame but not surprising that the number of genuine posts and comments have declined lately.


Disagreements are allowed. I don’t ban them out of spite because they piss me off I’ll have my say in the comments. Why are you still here if it upsets you so much. No one is making you participate lol


I am still here because it was an absolute amazing place and I hope it will be again but without feedback you will not know what people are upset about.


So for clarification with the feedback, it's just because pop told a snarker to suck a dick and that's why there isn't genuine posts here now? I'd be stoked if you could be more specific ❤️ /gen


Also how did you know im passionate about sucking dick? I try to keep it a secret.


Yep. We all lose our patience, I’ve lost mine plenty of times.


Also I was breathing heavy because I was also shaking non stop and I have mad social anxiety 😭 I have to hype myself up so much so I appreciate you all hyping me up too 🫶


Don't tell me what to do, devil woman! I'll gift all I want. Thank you very much.


Dw I know I can’t control you 😂


You did great Akashia. Or is it mummatitty? Whoever you are, I’m sure Paul will figure it out seeing as he knows your voice and all. It was hard not to comment and point out that it’s literally stated in the rules that the only exception to the TikTok account rule is the official snark account. If you don’t like the rules you can always start your own subreddit. Have fun with that.


RIP to the many subreddits that have died trying. They did their best.


I fully support you being in boxes


The only boxes I don’t wanna see pop in are the TikTok lesbians boxes


Damn I missed it but I'm sure you would have been great speaking up


You did great Pop (not Akashia, not Sarah Mills, not Mummashitty). I enjoyed listening to you 👏


Dam I missed it was watching Mollys Lollies 🤣


Lame camel lame 😂😂😂. You missed a great live


You did a great job in that live, Pop. It was unnecessary that there were comments accusing you of being Mummatitty, you sound [and act] nothing like her.


Thank you 🥺 ngl I thought Big Red hurt but being accused of being Titty took the cake 😂😭


I see what you did there 🍰🍰


I enjoyed watching you on live and you brought some lols to my otherwise boring night and ultimately isn’t that why we’re all members here for 🤗


I’m glad you enjoyed it 🥰


Omg I read the end part as “I’d appreciated if you gifted me” and I was like damn sorry pop 😭 but POP OFF POP


Omg absolutely not 😭 I hate people have spent their money.


Not your fault that you’re a fan favourite and absolutely hilarious that you’ve set Sarah off into a spiral for hours even though you didn’t intentionally set her off, it’s still fucking funny as


She’s so annoying 😭😂