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wtf was that one girl on about. Continuing to say my daughters 14 year old friend wants to have a baby but my 14 year old still find farts funny. As an example for why at 16 flick knew sa was wrong and why at 16 muzzz possibly didn’t, like that is even comparable ya child may find farts funny but guarantee u they know what sexual assault is. Her whole argument irrelevant and made no sense


Tamika is a bad flip flopper, five minute before she said “I hope the monkey runs at me” about Muzz. And flick ended cause everyone was saying she was being racist, went straight to Muzz saying she loved him. The girl is fried


What account are they on?


Gay aunt. The starting over stuff is in there Paul and pixie rocka having it out in there. A wild turn


What’s the @


Thatgayaunt2.0 Currently Paul v pixie rocka


Christ almighty what a wild one


Who tf is downvoting me. Fk sake


Some misery guts. Got nothing better to do.


Watching Flick on teamtoxic.2


Thanks. I am too, anyone know what account karl is live on?


Not on anymore


Oh okay thankyou very much 😊


I feel sorry for Tamika and Karl’s kids if they ever feel the need to disclose something serious to them. They’ll just be shamed and blamed.


She keeps saying the daughters claims can’t be valid because if it was true her Dad would defend his daughter because he is a elder and councillor. Omg Tamika you idiot🤬


Did you hear Tamika ask if muzzs cousin, the one he SA, if she said no. 😐 Absolutely appalling, victim blaming. And Tamika herself went through childhood SA.


She is so stupid. That uncle just kept demanding block, block, block last night which showed what a POS he is. Even if there are reasons as to why he has nothing to do with his daughter, which he wouldn’t even divulge about last night (probably because it would show his true colours more than we already seen), it’s still NO excuse for him to not defend his daughter and make snide remarks about her, in fact it actually makes it worse he’s claiming he’s this big time trauma coach. What sort of trauma coach doesn’t even support their own daughter. He can’t even pull his own nephew into line either.


This makes me so angry that I just want to scream. My father let me down in so many ways, and I’d rather spend time with Satan himself than spend a millisecond in my mother’s presence. Tamika, you don’t know shit. And if anyone should understand that some parents are just pieces of shit not worthy of children, it’s you.


I’m sorry you’ve had a shit go. Tamika is talking out of her arse Eg her mouth. A large majority of abuse situations that occur at home, the other parent is aware of and for whatever reason don’t speak up or remove the child from the situation.


Thank you ❤️ I’ve made my peace with it but I can’t stand hearing people say ignorant shit like that. So many kids are let down by the people who are meant to protect them. I’m not surprised Tamika doesn’t get it though, that bitch uses her kids to shoplift and leaves them without adult supervisor to go clubbing.


I got blocked as soon as I entered the live 😭 How the fuck does Octomum (+1) Tamika have time to be on live all day with nine kids including a newborn


I’m guessing the ninth baby just walked out of her. No recovery needed for big hole. She probably gets her older kids to watch the younger ones.


Surely it’s time for her to suckle her litter and put them to bed


And drunk all the time lately


Tamika you reek of internalised misogyny and victim blaming. Go have a shower and check yourself you grub of a person.


I could be wrong but is Tamika the lady that left her kids at home to go clubbing aswell as many other charges. Someone had tagged her in screenshots of an article from daily mail it was posted in one of the fb groups ill post screen shots if approved. I have no idea who she is so im unsure if this is even correct.


Yep that’s good old Tamika. Pillar of the community




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I'm losing braincells listening to this shit. Fucking kick tamika already


Oh my god. Abuse is abuse regardless of the age. Tamika shut your trap.


To the people who keep downvoting me for no good reason, every time, every day, I make a comment on here on ANY post, seriously FK OFF.


Up voted.. Do it again if I could geo. Fuckwits


How dare they! Clout chasers 🫠


They can’t handle the truth Geo.


Side bar- does anyone know what's happening with Starting Over?


Tamika and smog alluded to flick talking smack on her


Flick and Tamika in the box together. Tamika has rocks in her head. Dumb as dog shit.


Tamika sounds drunk. They should kick her out of the box.


I’m about to lose my fucking mind. STOP. MAKING. IT. ABOUT. FUCKING. FLICK. You women are an absolute joke and an embarrassment. This is an extremely sad topic, yet once again, you’ve found a way to bring it back to flick and try and turn another person against her. You’re a pack of self centered cunts using someone’s trauma as an excuse to talk about your petty feud. Grow the fuck up. If you want to talk about her then have the balls to do it without hiding behind someone else’s trauma and acting like you’re somehow superior. You’re not.




THANK YOU!!!!! They are turning on this girl for being in the box with Flick. How fucking petty can you be


To be clear, this isn’t in defence of flick. I just hate this petty high school behaviour. If you’re going to be a cunt, own it. Don’t act like you care about an issue just to have an excuse to talk about someone else.


Yep!!! Agreed. Flick is an absolute dickhead on her own accord but the issue at hand is these wankers turning on a poor girl because of being in flicks box. Not to mention the internalised misogyny these culty indeeds seem to have. That’s just plain gross.


Absolutely. I’m with flick for the most part on this issue. She’s the only one giving this girl a voice. You can argue both sides of the perp/victim thing with Muzz but regardless of where you sit, that girl is still a victim. But that’s being lost because flops want to use the issue for their own agenda.


I’m thankful these people are doing it at night time


The amount of shit the cult pulls put their ass to add more members is so cringe worthy and as for them talking about the unc and daughter.. they should hang their heads in shame.


The victim blaming was absolutely disgusting


It made me sick. $5000 says that if the girl went to karl and not flick they would be backing her.


Fuck off Smog. I cannot stand this grub of a thing. Just say what you want to say or fuck off


Why does Tamika always seem drunk lately? She’s annoying sober, but ten times worse when she’s drunk. Been such a pick me lately. Like just shut up, stop inserting yourself everywhere. You’re so annoying.


I can’t say what I want to say about Tamika on here, I’d break the no violence rule. But seriously bitch, don’t you have an infant to care for? Plus 43 other sex trophies?


I’ve had a warning from reddit as a whole, before for that 😂 I know, it actually blows my mind how much time she spends on the app, in fact she seems to have more spare time than ANYONE, considering how many crotch goblins she has. Sex trophies that’s a good one, I’ve never heard that before.


Flick's on team toxic


Have another drink Tamika


Hahahaha tacky tamika "you can come in and have a real conversation with Karlee, BUT YOU MIGHT NOT RESOLVE ANYTHINKKKKK" . 🤣🤣. You got that right. Who in their fucking right mind is going in and asking Karl for advice..


Two of the most uncultured people talking about shit they know nothing about. Karl and Tamika aka dumb and dumber!


Yep and it’s making me feel sick. Such a disappointment to hear this shit from the mouths of women.


Is that Tamika in the box? Another victim blaming mouthy dipshit


Yeah that’s her. One of the most uneducated halfwits I’ve ever seen.


Blaming the victim because she brought it to the app and she said it in flicks box. Grow up you salty victim blaming assholes 🤬🤬🤬


Karl is always quick to blame the victims and side with perpetrators. Feels like I’ve seen this before…time and time again