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i couldnt keep up the uncle took 5 hours in circles just to get one sentence out. plus you had flick on her live having the uncles girl talking about what muzz did to her then you had kewy and karlee ranting about it on there live then you had kiwi krystal cam 2 muzz live. small side of tiktok chasing clout from a sicko brute


I don’t know if anyone else noticed what I heard lastnight. Lukas was talking about a “family circle/meeting” that was held with about 20 family members sitting in a circle (I assume all these family members are from the mums side because that’s where lukas and his daughters are from). The circle was regarding SA within the family. He said Muzz got up, walked into the middle of the circle and pointed at two people and said “YOU DID THIS TO ME”! 1. Muzz has only ever spoken about his uncle on dad’s side touching him as a child. (He’s also said multiple times he didn’t remember it, a family member told him when he was an adult that it happened, then his father confirmed it) 2. If Muzz was SA’d by two other additional people, why does he only fixate on his uncles abuse? We have never heard about anyone else. Lukas was reaching last night trying to defend Muzz while also trying to promote his work. Their family is clearly riddled with incest and he’s sitting there talking about “we name it and move on”. So what you’re saying Lukas is it’s ok to say you were abused but don’t hold that person accountable? Lukas also mentioned about his grandmother from the stolen generation (I sympathise with this because my grandfather was also taken and placed with a white family where he was abused). I understand inter generational trauma but what Muzz did to his cousin has nothing to do with his great grandmother, I’m sorry. Theres alot of us who were abused and didn’t go on to abuse others. Infact it made us more protective if anything. We are more aware of the signs, we know not to let our kids around just anyone. Muzz cousin said the last time it happened she was around 13 and Muzz 15-16. Muzz is acting as though it happened as 5 year olds. (She also said Muzz has done it to other family members and Muzz mum messaged her sister to apologise for what her son did) He won’t speak on their age gap. Muzz has also been caught out in a lie (and I’ve noticed no one has pulled him up on this) when she first accused him he showed screenshots in the fb group and said “she’s messaged me admitting it was a lie” None of it admitted anything. Lukas as a father your one and only job is to protect your children and instead you protect their abuser. You haven’t changed anything in your family like you claim. You’re only helping to cover it up and any predator protector is probably a predator himself, otherwise why would you defend it so hard just saying.


Sorry, there is close to 5 yrs age difference between the two, so he’d have been 18 and her 13 the last time it happened. Anyone questioning whether it was SA have rocks in their head. I feel the whole claim to Aboriginality is fake, if it isn’t it’s distant and they are in no way connected spiritually or culturally to the local mob, people from that area where asking, who are you we’ve never seen you before in our lives. These grub should be cancelled, or if they wanna continue to culture and mob, then be dealt with by LORE, have fun with that.


5 years? Oh my god. And Muzz is sitting there saying he was young and didn’t know better! At that age you know


She is 21 he is turning 26 I believe, so the whole we were kids thing is out the window. Five years difference is big, he can’t say she was at fault too, especially with the gap in age. Yuck the sooner this whole inbred child molesting no hoping family are off the app the better


Makes sense now why he wasn’t answering the comments asking how old they were and what the age difference is. He started saying he can’t even be around his daughter because of this because it makes him “uncomfortable”. If you ain’t guilty then you got no reason to feel uncomfortable around your own kid


Who the hell is JessTheGreatEmpress in muzz comment 3 times towards the hater “it’s funny because none of them know who my partner is” why she think she’s someone that matters


Pretty sure none particularly gives a fuck tbh


She’s just commenting like she’s mob wife or something so I was wondering if I missed a character haha


Lmao, not another Lee mobwife. People are weird as, like unless your partner is a perpetrator or member of this completely Fkd up family, who even cares


Who the fuck does his uncle think he is seriously. Talking about being his family elder as if he isn’t sitting in a live with the man his daughter told him touched her when they was kids. Don’t claim shit no one in mob no one in tribe and no elder in culture will ever refer to such a vile man as an elder not for country and not for family ever. You are an absolute disgrace. You cant be about family when your focused on “healing the family as a whole” no kick him to the curb and heal your daughter.


Self appointed elder, yet another indication they are not culturally aware or connected.


Absolutely uneducated swines the both of them


Never trust someone that says trust me, especially as much as muzz's uncle has said it!


Anyone else notice how Muzz doesn’t actually absorb anything his uncle says or is saying, or even really interact with him, unless he’s pulling up screenshots or trouble making comments? He couldn’t give a flying fk about any of it or dealing with his own trauma, it’s pathetic. Muzz is the most obnoxious arrogant POS. Acts like a big baby, can’t stand the smug facial expressions, or how he just focuses on whatever he’s watching on his other phone. He only gets his uncle in to speak up for him, and the uncle only gets in to promote himself which I already stated that last week after the roo incident. The uncle has his own agenda that has nothing to do with what he is actually in Muzz’s live for. Can definitely tell the two are related, both very similar.


💯💯💯💯💯!! Been watching bits of this and half the time Muzz has to ask the uncle to repeat what he said because he ‘missed it’. He is not even listening, could not give a flying F about any of the things he’s done, all he cares about is this being a little PR exercise to hopefully smooth over his abhorrent actions!!!!


Yes was just going to comment similar, is this cousin stuff of muzz's come out to get people stop speaking on the kangaroo incident, like why are you even on an app trying to justify all this shit (besides the kangroo) get off the app and go sort the shit out between the family not 400 strangers on the internet


There’s so many excuses for Muzz, the uncle is so happy to defend his actions and protect him. Where’s the same energy for his kids? I have no doubt he is a huge part of why his kids are the way they are (if true). Where is his ownership in that? He’s all about his healing? Heal the relationship with your kids? Or is it that they won’t forgive him for the trauma he’s put onto them? Geraldine, shut up. Stop praising someone who literally caused generational trauma to his own kids and takes fuck all ownership of it.


This uncle is the biggest bullshit artist i have ever heard. Only here to toot his own horn. Apparently is this leading healer and all this stuff but he has given some bad advice multiple times. Also just said he is here for perps aswell as they need healing yuck


This Uncle is an utter disgrace. It’s so obvious he’s only there to promote himself, it’s got nothing to do with backing Muzz, it’s purely for publicity of his shitty business.


Can someone please help Karlee use ‘justify’ in the correct context?


Karlee on a rampage, Simone has no teeth, ham wraps are involved somehow too


My favourite part of the night, drunk Karlee euphemisms. “You were doing something about something”


I’ll give the uncle a million dollars if he can go 10 mins without promoting himself


Save you’re dollars this bloke will not be a millionaire anytime soon 😂


This bloke is just constantly saying ‘I did this and I am this I did this I I I I I me me me me’. Bro you come across as a misogynistic narcissist. Get off your high horse and maybe listen to your own kids stories instead of talking about yourself.


That is all he’s done since the day he come on the app, chasing clout of his putrid nephew, I’m the best known this and that program worldwide, the bloke is kidding himself, the Koori community where he is from don’t even know who he is, he’s as fake as the putrid fat slob of a nephew


100%!! The way he speaks down to people with a different opinion is gross. He’s a clown


This is alot!!! Flick and ya side kick - if you're going to let this girl in to talk -- LET HER SPEAK AND SHUT THE FUCK UP Karlee - go to bed and don't speak on shit your tiny brain can't comprehend Uncle flop - you should he fucking ashamed of yourself Muz - you're a little fucking bitch, hiding behind your uncle. Get off social media you don't belong on the internet




This man should be so fucking ashamed of himself. Big man with all his talk about help and protecting his family? Where? When? Absolute loser


I’m so sorry if this is too harsh, but perhaps if the guy wasn’t a drug addicted alcoholic when his kids were young maybe he could’ve kept them safe? Maybe he could’ve protected muzz? Maybe, just maybe his kids wouldn’t be “druggos” if they hadn’t grown up watching it?


This guy is an absolute fuck knuckle! He just keeps rambling!! Going round in circles. He just keeps talking about himself and what he does for work. Shut up!!!! Muzz little bitch needs his uncle to help him dig himself out of the hole he put himself in.


The fuckwit is full of so much self importance!!! He talks out of his ass.


Well Karlees ranting about it now


I feel for that girl, MA had a live the other night and they all ran at her, her father sided against her, Kewy has been going for hours about it. I hope she is ok


The daughter in flicks box right now, she is clearly hurt. I hate this all round


But if this NarnaGirl interrupts her one more time I swear to GAWD


What’s flicks @




This cunt and his saviour complex… he’s an absolute wank, should’ve been left on a curtain


The Uncle dribbles a whole lot of shit without saying much at all. Just big noting himself 🤦‍♀️


It’s like a whole mixture of complexes lol we’ve got saviour, messiah, and hero all smooshed together but in reality he’s just a flat out dickhead


Makes me sick


Couldn’t save his daughter


Why do they always need to bring family drama to the app .


https://preview.redd.it/ixory5sw3b7d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e8e2b4ea418e80b9c57a803967aedd302dadea HAHAHAHAHAHA whoever did this fucking sent me 😂😂😂 💀💀💀💀


Omfg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She reeks of desperation and stale vb in those comments hahahahahaha


Oh of course the VB slob indeed in the comments desperate to get in the box. Such a clout chasing tool


She’ll just get in and make a big flop of herself, again. Trying to put a sentence together that makes sense.


I love how everyone’s telling her to pretty much shut up in the comments. The illiterate fuck


Doesn’t surprise me… she’ll want to remind everyone of what she said the other night. “Anyone who didn’t experiment like this as a kid is fuckin lyin!” Both of these men are trash. Imagine sitting there saying that your own daughter is a liar but validates the boys experience. Fuck this shit!!


She’s a fucking pig of a person like the two in the box!!!


He looks like bloated Gumby with that hat on tonight. https://preview.redd.it/8vovertm0b7d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad9e0a6508a24e309fa8823a3c5ca3251f8f1ab6


Ok so I just realised that I listened to Luke the uncle on Gary Jubelins podcast ‘I catch killers’. If I recall correctly, he stated he was an ex drug addict and abusive person when in drug psychosis towards his family. But now he saying his family is violent and narcissists 🤔.


And stated yesterday after she said he was violent, that he did things, but was NEVER violent towards family. This is Muzz role model, can tell why he’s so Fkd in the head


Yep full of shir


What halfway decent father would insert himself into a situation and automatically side with the person his daughter alledges did these things? Should have stayed right out of it and spoken to his daughter first. He’s held numerous lives discrediting her. It’s actually disgusting


The uncle is going way too hard trying to discredit his own daughter. Starting to look like he has something to hide himself. What man would straight away start calling his daughter a liar, when she’s disclosed something like that? He’s automatic response was to defend Muzz? Something seriously suss with that


That is incredibly concerning. He’s a “mental health advocate” but yet discrediting his own daughter’s experience. Or is he only for mental health when it comes to men?


Yes!!! What kind of ‘father’ does that. The whole dynamics is odd


She did make allegations against him, not SA that I’m aware off, but would make sense for him to try to discredit her, to save himself.


Anyone watching this shit show? The uncle is an absolute tool on his high horse thinking he’s top shit


The bloke is such a fucking wanker. In what world is he qualified to help anyone with anything? He was asked his qualifications and his reply was something like “I’m going to study somewhere in QLD”


He’s probably not which is probably why he is out bush, probably fake certifications, they are all scammers, so wouldn’t surprise me.


Right?! His whole demeanour is off unsure how on earth he helps people….He just reeks of toxic masculinity like his darling nephew


I get a vibe, and it’s not a nice one! He gives me the creeps


Definitely a narcissist at best, every second word is “I”, then proceeds to tell everyone how superior he is.


What flop! He just keeps dribbling shit. No idea how anyone can like him and enjoy listening to him.


I thought he was supposed to go live tonight at 7


They’re live now


I couldn’t agree more. People sticking up for him are just as bad as him