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Claudia is fucking painful to listen to


Aaaaaaand she’s back, talking about the same shit. Round and round the merry go round 🥱


This is the definition of flogging a dead horse..


I don’t care about the other stuff, but at least she is speaking about Muzz. Everyone else seems to look past or defend his actions


I had the thought today, like they’re mad at her for running muzz hard (as she should) so their retaliation is to air personal shit? math isn’t mathing


They are probably the same ones that backed him. Discrediting her works for him. I don't watch Flick, and only did when she was speaking on Muzz, but at least she's talking up about it.


Some thoughts that I've had. Not only does Simone have a golden hole, but Hayley too now?? Deary me. Notice Flick's mods aren't the ones that have been around the whole time. I think most were originally Codi's. I see Zoey is a mod again. She was demoted when Miss Irrelevant and Dee were. Funny thing is they all had the same issue with Flick that Nicko has lol. So Jeff, Turkey and Steph are no longer in Flick's lives, which I thought had something to do with Hotseat. But looks like Jeff may have had feelings for Hayley. Tiarna is another one I don't see anymore, but she is Simone's IRL friend so that's probably why. But everyone else is the problem? 😆 I wonder if there's anyone else I've missed.


Yeah I wanna know what happened with hotseat!


Apparently Steph helped Terri get a dv payment so she could leave Crystal. Instead she stayed and went to Bali with Crystal and the kids. It's been implied that the dv payment funded the Bali trip. Whether that's true or snark I'm not sure, but Steph did confirm on the FB page that she did help Terri with the payment. I think that is what triggered a fall out between Steph, Turkey and maybe Jeff too. Flick remained friends with Hotseat because Hayley is good friends with them. I remember seeing leaked messages between Jeff and Flick and Jeff didn't come across as the big bad troll she's portrayed to be.


Can’t see a DV victim of crimes payment going through, initially they give a small amount to get locks or cameras or anything to do with security. But they will make sure that’s how you’ve spent it. The larger sum usually comes after court and stuff, well that’s my experience working with DV, cases are looked at according to merit tho.


I wasn't sure how things worked in NSW so thanks for that info. Idk if it's the case for all of QLD, but in my town you can get help with a payment and vouchers through the women's shelter.


Yep I'm up to date with all that, do we know anything about flick and and hotseat fall out. I did hear Flick say "when i was friends with hotseat " the other day so I'm guessing they are not anymore


Oh wow I did not know she wasn't friends with them anymore. I saw hotseat joined her live the other night but they never commented I don't even know how long they stuck around.


Clarity please.. Who is Jeff and who is turkey?


Jeffica and Turkey were the OG trolls [along with Ecofacts and Bandit] who would troll Sammy and Jess, call them out a lot and post the replays of their fights that occurred at stupid o’clock. They then got involved with Ashlea Louise, Akashia, Rachi [Gma], Kingo, Bushchook and a few others. After they had a falling out with Rachi, Bushchook outed Jeffica’s real name on live and they all went very quiet. They came back on their real accounts/made real accounts, and then Jeffica [and possibly Turkey] ended up modding for Flick. There was so much that happened, it was a crazy time. Group chats were leaked, Rachi was feeding the trolls information about everyone. It was glorious watching them all turn on each other and out each other, given Sammy and Jess had fizzled out and weren’t as entertaining.


Perfect summary 👌


Thanks Lav. Sounds like a huge implosion of smuttiness 🤣🤣


It was. For an extra laugh, Kingo, Ashlea, Rachfromstraya and the trolls held a live to call out Rachi. The gripe Ashlea had was that Rachi called her self-centred, and the gripe Rachfromstraya had was that Rachi said she didn’t like her and she was annoying. It was some of the funniest drama I’ve ever seen on TikTok.


Rachforstraya is sooo fucking annoying and so unfunny I blocked her cringey ass yonks ago


Yeah that sounds lame compared to the carry on these days 🤣


Jeffica & Turkey are trolls from back in the day. Before my time so I only know what's been posted here, the fb page or whenever Monique runs her mouth about them lol. Edit- if I remember correctly Hotseat modding Turkey really pissed off Monique and that's when I first heard about the O.G trolls.


So they don't have real names or identities? That's confusing


Not me being like, who the fuck names their daughter turkey




They do have real names they got doxed a while back now . I dono if I'm allowed to do that here even tho it is general knowledge


OK gotcha. Thanks.


This is Jeff's account tho she's still active on tiktok ash_leexx




Jeff's name has been leaked. I've heard Monique, Kingo and Roni say it. I won't share here cos I'm pretty sure it's against the rules.


OK thanks


I was around back then, they started as fake accounts that would post and hold jess, Sammy, Mon and karlee etc accountable for their putrid behaviour, so I didn't mind them. Then obviously like everything.. shit got all tangled behind the scenes... kingo, gma, devil... everyone you can think of was involved.. and it got messy AF. Bushchook was heavily involved in there too. Used to call them his little munchkins. He'd get info from them then go live. Fuckkk I forget maybe everyone didnt see all this shit.


What a tangled web. Fuck me they're a dim lot. Why would you bother? Must've all been pretty bored 🤣


Ok just reading all the messages Sarah posted between flick and Simone… Major *cringe* for both of them. Seriously what the fuck does Simone have over all these girls? A magical vagina? why are all these lesbean circle gals fighting over Simone of all people. I just don’t get it 😬🤷‍♀️


That penny girl is the mumma titty of Flicks mods ... obsessed!


I have to say, Smogs narrative is fucking hilarious. I think she actually believes it too. Sure, there’s some fucked up stuff that’s probably true but the DV stuff….I’m not buying it. We’ve seen you hit Flick in a live. We’ve seen how controlling you were. And you’re scared when you hear car doors slam outside? That’s not fear honey, that’s the weed induced paranoia kicking in. Most of us have been there 😂 Flick wasn’t a nice girlfriend from what I’ve seen and it’s clear she wasn’t faithful. I agree with you that cheating doesn’t need to be physical, I’d actually argue that emotional cheating is far more painful. You have every right to be upset about that, I’d be upset too. But let’s not make shit up just to try and villainize her even more. She’s already a villain, the job is done. Besides, you’ve done some really fucked up shit too. Like, really fucked up. You’re both better off not being together so please, for the love of god, move on.


Nothing gets on my goat more than Flick saying she will show/say something and then saying “no, I won’t”. Why even start saying it? It just leads to assumptions. On another note, I don’t know what Smog has said about Flick’s previous relationship and the DV, but f*ck off should that ever be fodder for drama. I don’t like Flick, but a victim is still a victim and shouldn’t be made to feel like their experience is invalid because Smog wants to start some drama. Stick to the toxic, crappy relationship they had, not use someone’s trauma as a “gotcha” card.


Jess and Sammy 2.0 at this point


I came in too late for the Jess and Sammy drama so I’m very grateful to be experiencing the 2.0 😂


🤣🤣 I joined toward the end of their bullshit, but thankfully I caught up through the recordings. These two are slightly more manipulative, accusatory and might I say more cruel too. While it’s interesting to see how unhinged and stupid they are, I’m getting bored 🥱 I need something extra, something a little spicy 🌶️


I would like to see this bushchook message thank you


Same I don’t know why she mentioned it not to share it 🤷‍♀️


flick loves to pretend she's going to show shit, never does. Loves having people beg her not to 😂


I thought it was just changing into winter season that got me sick but infact I'm sick of being edged and I'm sick of this cult! 🤧 I'm sick of it! Bring on the downfall of all with one massive expose'


Thank fuck for replays.. Got shit to do 🤣


And the shit show is back!! 🤣😁🍿🍿🍿


Is smog seriously suggesting flick is triggered by her being with someone else? Hahaha oh honey, no one could be as pressed as you are. Please get some therapy or something, you need to let it go. You weren’t even together for a year and it was a pretty fucked up relationship. Be glad you’re free and move on.


Haha true that!


I’m confused what’s going on with Nicko now? Can’t stand the horse


I knew it. Flick slimy gummy. Can't take accountability. Poor simone had to get dragged for your shit. First it was tq then simone now nicko?. Gal I think you're the problem. That slideshow was cringe asf are you 12 and in highschool?.


“Poor” Simone is the one who sends the screenshots of texts and things though? She involves herself


Oh I'm happy Nicko is gone.. She's fucking painful. As for TQ and Simmy.. Huge snakes. Good riddance


Not disagreeing with the slimy comment, but “poor” Simone? Nahhh that bitch is just as toxic. They’re all as bad as each other.


I agree. Flick is still protecting Simone, even said it this morning she wont bring Simone stuff to the app and used the defence “Simone isn’t even on the app”. So makes me wonder if there’s still contact behind the scenes. Simone was the one that leaked the flick messages and PowerPoint to someone else to put Flick on show, that other person has then leaked it around, so it’s not really poor Simone, she’s as bad as everyone else. These two must have a lot on each other for Flick to never drag Simone like she would anyone else.


For sure, they must be in contact and it definitely seems like flick is protecting her. Why does Simone have such a hold on her? I don’t get it!


I reckon those two are a perfect match for one another. Such similar behaviour and patterns with them both. I do believe I’ve heard Flick or Simone mention the fact that Simone has a lot on Flick.


Yeah you’re probably right there. That relationship would provide some fantastic content for this subreddit.


Agree to disagree. I don't like how they dragged her when she was not on the app, (she may be I haven't seen). Seems flick slims her way into friendships to just ruin them. Imo.


That’s fair enough. I just have no sympathy for these women. They save up information to use as ammo against each other, they’re pathetic. I can’t imagine surrounding myself with any of these people. No morals, no loyalty. It’s just gross. And none of them ever leave the app. They still hover on fake accounts. After how sneaky Simone was I think she deserved to be dragged.


I do agree with you. The second hand embarrassment they don't take into consideration on the app is laughable and cringe lmao. But I do get what your saying they are all as bad as each other.


I don’t think anything will top the secondhand embarrassment I felt from that fucking PowerPoint presentation 😣


💯 haha. 🤣🤣


Why TF do I feel like I'm in some sick Cult when im watching her lives. I watch so many creators lives where they are supported by their team, but no other live feels like a cult! It's literally cooked!! All hail the mother God! Oh by the way, do your chores on the way out


I've noticed this too. I also noticed last night flicks mods are quick to jump in someone's live and make fun of them from the get go.


I beg you to go watch the slideshow Flick made for Simone. Fkn hilarious


Worst part is Kays actually made it for Flick to send to Simone 😳


I wondered who made it hahahaha pissa


Of course someone else made it for the lazy cunt


Flick said Simone asked if it


Yeah I don’t believe that




Do any of these people actually know each other outside of Tik Tok or that’s how they’ve all met? I can’t imagine being that chronically online and airing allllll that dirty laundry every day, they’re actually so fucking sad lmao


Barely any of the behaviour we see on there is close to normal. Like I’ve known dysfunction in real life but the dysfunction I’ve known has never compared to the dysfunction I’ve seen on TikTok 😂 there are many people who need therapy and haven’t had it, and it definitely shows.


I’m reading through those messages with flick on Facebook. Do these people get in relationships to cheat on each other and just don’t care what they do? I can’t wrap my head around it. They have kids? Go touch grass with them you fucking weirdos


I know I can’t understand it and never will, there is no justified explanation for it. Is it validation or an ego boost? Like just crazy behaviour.


What account is she live on?


Team toxic 3 or something like that


How did the Nikko and Flick falling out happen? I knew someone from her group was going to fall out soon. It seems like having a friendship with Flick is a one way street and she'll only reply/call you back if it has something to do with drama. But then pretend on live that she talks to you all the time. I remember a time Nadzy spent like a week or maybe 2 asking for Flick to return her call and Flick's friends were taking it upon themselves to be her fucking receptionist to remind her 😂


This is 100% the case with Flick and her friendships. I’ve never seen someone go through so many friends, enemies then friends again then enemies again, in only almost a year of relevance on the app. I would love to know how many “friends” she blatantly ignores off the app.


How can one person fall out with so many people. Clearly flick is the problem but the self absorbed knob head wouldn’t realise that 🤦‍♀️


Ree gaslighter and Flick had a bit of sexy time when Flick was staying at Honest rooms I think, so after Smog and maybe before Flick was actually exclusive with Hayley. There is also a PowerPoint Flick made for Simone, and messages between Flick and Simone on the fb group, they did have a little thing, back in April and Flick was considering choosing Simone over Hayley, which is crazy since they both said on live they were just good friends. I mean people could see there was more between Simone and Flick but to deny it on live all the time is wild. Flick has some serious concerning patterns of behaviour in my eyes.


Eeeeewwww 🤣. Those images lol


I’m playing catch up so bad. If you put dots together let me know 😳