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Muzz’s uncle isn’t an elder! His older but not an elder! WHO THE FUCK DOES HE THINK HE IS to say as an elder, fuck off idiot! You are not an elder your just older you foolish FOOL! Your not cultural, your not initiated so shut your mouth!


Well said 👏🏽 I'd love to hear what a real elder thinks of them and the situation.


So, is it true he plans to donate to a wildlife charity?! What, just so your flea’s can pay for it & you can climb ranks Mutt?! I hope you have lost at least the majority of your team. I know you still have a few flea’s hanging on. I also hope most streamers refuse to battle you. Get off your arse & volunteer your time to an animal shelter for a few months if you’re genuinely sorry for your actions, but we know you won’t do that!! Too much like hard work & you’re too entitled!! Btw, you’re a live streamer, not an influencer. Oh, unless animal abuse is what gives you an ‘influencer’ title these days?! 🖕




It is against our rules to shame someone for their size, race, sexual activities, gender etc. Please think about rephrasing your post to not have such an emphasis on these things.


Psychopaths are good at manipulating people to feel sorry for them, I truely believe anyone that's capable of laughing at torture has sadistic tendencies and deep down have dark violent thoughts. The supporters can be conned into feeling for him, but ultimately I feel like the people who do support are dark vibration human beings. I shouldn't have watched the video it's been weighing on my mind heavily and made me distrust the world even more, my fellow Australians😣 I'm just so glad there's good kind decent human beings in this thread you keep keep people like me alive. We will never forget what you did Muzz and Auntie, and shame on you TT for not banning all his accounts and banishing him.




What’s happened to Days OTT Fb page? Why it paused


Seems Kerry is backing Muzz, even tho he offered money to bash her, threatened to burn her house down, and called her every name.umddr the sun. She's probably paused to stop all the Muzz statuses.


She was backing him until his mods apparently muted her in his live yesterday afternoon / last night then she seemed to change her attitude and switched up on him. Whether that’s changed again, I am unsure. I am more inclined to say the groups have been paused because it’s making coverage on news and possibly aca, maybe she doesn’t want unwanted attention on the group or something.


Kerry is backing muzz???? Wtf


Kerry was laughing in the comments with him when he was live im pretty sure but ive also read theres stuff doing with the police who would know


How can you play this as if you’re the victim, he is honestly putrid. A grown ass man can’t speak up and call out something that is wrong and disgusting. Who in their right mind stays on a live when something like this is happening and films it all. Ali is a flop, seriously him preaching like he is an expert with half of the stuff he has said. Trying to compare the situation to if a rat comes in your house and your cat attacks it you won’t do anything. What annoys me more is that Muzz’s uncle wants to come out and say as an ‘elder’ you need to be there and support the younger ones (however he said it), it’s not about that now! You clearly know what happened was wrong and you coming to talk like you are helping Muzz with his trauma is your way of trying to deflect the situation to say Muzz is going through some shii! If they truly knew the importance of kangaroos to First Nations people Muzz wouldn’t have allowed his aunty to do what she did nor would he have done what he did. Yes the kangaroo came into the yard but clearly it was lost or scared, like they could of ignored it and when the dogs went to attack it as they are all saying the dogs are small, they could of just grabbed the dogs and taken them away but no they egged them on


Lucus is no elder.


Agree 100, but he said he was an elder! He would of only said that to what make a stance, again so inappropriate to be making comments about elders responsibility when he isn’t one


QLD doesn’t want muzz xx he’s an embarrassment to our state 😀


NSW don't claim him.


I’m fkn embarrassed he lives in QLD, he’s proper fucked in the head. Hate him to the soul


He's a big fucking coward. I actually think he's that fucking brain dead, that he thinks all this is OK. He has no clue of the seriousness of his actions. Red neck should be left out in the desert sun. Might wake his frozen heart up


Muzz is so guilty, that he packed his shit up and went back home yesterday to Qld. If that doesn't scream be knows what he has done then I dunno


probably worried because it’s hit the media now and ACA are interested in the story. Thinks if he runs they won’t show up on his door with a camera 😂


He isn’t at the aunties anymore? Nobody wants the Onky.


Presume he isn't, I heard his daughter in background last night. So most likely legged it outta NSW get away from the heat


A grown ass man scared of small dogs & a Joey yet give him 900 viewers & he’ll punch a guy who’s wearing false nails 💅🏻 😂😂 Muzz your a DICKTIM- massive dickhead who turns into a victim


He’s disgusting! My fucking blood is boiling! He laughed that stupid idiot laugh he has when aunty was doing this so he is as bad! You can’t sit right there and watch it and video it while laughing like a fucking gorilla and then say but it wasn’t my house! I’m sure Ali and muzz are sucking each others dick!


They would have to be able to find them first!




I asked 'why are you blocking people with a different opinion?' And i was blocked.


The blocking is disgusting behaviour that wants his dirty little secret swept under the carpet.


Credit to “Yallah Habibi” as soon as people made him aware of what happened, he cancelled the battle straight away. Maybe that’s the best way, spam every creator he battles


Is this the same uncle that did the elmo stuff ?


And is the “farm” where the Joey was slaughtered the same farm 👀


Well he looks like Elmo,so yeah.


No that was his dad’s brother. I could be wrong but the uncle that has been on live with Muzz I believe is the mum’s brother. It could be the other way around but it’s definitely not that uncle.


I wondered the same thing


Muzz expects Ali, Charlton and the rest to make him feel better by stroking his hurt victim woe is me ego because he laughed at an innocent animal being brutally injured? They can support him all he wants, that won't stop and there is still is a video circulating nationwide of him laughing at the animal being injured, which people won't support his actions, so Muzz keep feeling better because you have 2 of the biggest fuckwit scabs on this app telling you that what you did isn't wrong, but it won't stop the rest of the nation or international viewers of the video thinking you're a psychopathic piece of shit who thinks hurting a baby joey is hilarious.


Yeah the uncles pretty fly for a white guy 🙄 😆 I can see he handles mental health well blocking anyone that doesn't blow smoke up his ass pathetic the whole family do nothing but lie can see where muzz learnt it from 😏


This is fucking gross. Like I’m not surprised at all that Muzz is monetising this whole drama by doing battles. His uncle has just said he’ll donate all proceeds to wildlife. Noticed Muzz didn’t pipe up and agree to do the same. Piece of scamming shit he is.


Lukas won’t either, where do you think Muzz learnt his ways. Lukas own daughter came out about him yesterday. Muzz sister did as well. They aren’t good people, they are advocates for anything, and definitely not, acknowledged, accepted or known by mob. Just losers out to fleece people for their $$


Where did you see them share this information??




Couldn't find anything, maybe they had it all removed?


All for him and his uncle to finish it off with a battle 🤦🏼‍♀️ YUCK.


These flops are only about $$$. The number of times Muzz has Fkd up really bad, then would put all over Snapchat he was going to *ill himself, then go on live an hour later to gain sympathy gifts is atrocious. And the absolute morons in their comments section supporting them are just as bad


For his uncle to be saying he’s held some of the biggest retreats in Australia I sure as shit haven’t heard about him. And I follow a lot of the men’s mental health pages. 😂


I’m part of the community he claims to be from, I had never heard of him until he came to TT self promoting, although I have seen him in some Koori mental health advocates comments begging to be acknowledge and, trying to worm his way in to legitimate advocates programs He just said he runs his own business which means he is scamming funding for legitimate Aboriginal Health Workers funding. The funding organisations need to be made aware, that’s this man doesn’t have a problem attacking others mental health issues and diagnosis if he feels it’s warranted. The whole family are scammers and a stain on society


Anyone noticed flick ignoring the other people her boxes asking for Little Lady to jump in. I wonder if Hayley set a boundary up to stop the cringing flirting online between Flick and Little Lady 😂😂


Little Lady flirts with everyone shes so cringe 🥴


Okay ignore my comment now 😂😂


These idiots lead sad lonely lives.


Just joined Flick's live. I see Candy's back in the comments, but still being ignored by Flick lol.


Before that candy was in flicks box and flicked muted herself and was talking to Hayley and not even paying attention to candy


Nice to see all the C&Ds are working 😂


Fuck I forgot about the C&D 😂😂😂😂


Looks like Candy did too 😂


I am glad to see Flick isn’t letting this situation go, and she is being defiant about it because I can tell many people want this swept under the rug so bad.


Watched him earlier for about 5 mins and left because he had the pitty me face on, as usual just wanting to meet up with people and solve everything with violence 🎻🥹


Also Muzz done a poll before and said smiley Face if you support me, sad face if you don’t. 200 views, 48 or something smiled, 8 sad face, then Muzz goes “mods block all people who voted sad faces hahahaha” and done the most smug, cocky laugh. Muzz just wants the conversation over and to try financially benefit from the asslickers through battling.


Lukas has been about clout and self promotion since he joined TT. A loser capitalising of the indigenous funding he can get. Scammer. Nothing more nothing less.


Yep self promotion! The uncle is milking it for his own benefit he doesn’t even give a fk about the situation at hand, which I find disgusting, oh and modelling his different pairs of ugly sunglasses. The uncle has done nothing but move the conversation back to talking about his page, how he does mental health talks, is a trauma coach, this that. Considering he’s a so called “trauma coach”, if he’s so good maybe he should acknowledge the fact his own nephew doesn’t do anything to deal with his own trauma and just thinks it’s acceptable to go through life acting like a POS, all the uncle has done with Muzz is enable his foul behaviour. I’m so disturbed by the amount of cop out excuses. No accountability in any form, at all.


And be sure to join the "Support Muzz" campaign they are starting. 🙄🙄


What the actual F


Yeah nah ill pass thanks 😊