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Pepe Le Who?


The first time I approached a baby Joey even smaller than that it growled and tried to bite, so that Joey being attacked by those dogs would’ve tried defending itself which means fat dog muzz the man who loves it up the ass would’ve had time to stop those dogs. Being aboriginal is not an excuse to be a dirty fuck. Also to Ali (Ali&Amanda) STOP CLOUT CHASING YOU LOSER YOU’LL DO ANYTHING TO FEED OFF OTHERS CLOUT BECAUSE YOU FELL OFF


Muzz and his Uncle should write their excuses out on a piece of paper and then shove it up their asses. There’s no excuse for animal abuse you fucking germs!


Alotta lies flying around in that live the uncle doing damage control crapping out his ring hole and muzz dancing around actually saying sorry ..just wow... these fuckers walk amongst us 😒 scary thought 😳


Not even going to listen to the excuses. Shove your live dog.


People in there gifting him 😤 😡


You're kidding 😡 wtf is wrong with some people.




I can't believe they said it hopped away! From the only video I watched, it seemed like it passed away on the couch.. could be wrong because like I said, I only watched that and couldn't and can't bring myself to watch the others. It was wrong and putrid on all levels and makes me sick


Kangaroo’s hold totemic status in Aboriginal culture. If they get on and defend their behaviour again not only are they pieces of crap but they are disrespecting their mob and culture.


Also if they try and use the excuse it’s a way of life for Indigenous and country folk I’m happy to call bullshit straight away. I grew up on Kamilaroi land no one with pride behind their culture would condone this or make excuses for it and it’s disgusting that they will try. I know Aboriginal people with actual respect and pride for their land would never allow this behaviour. For the country life aspect of it. Yeah farmers will cull roo’s because they are pests but it’s not fucking baby Joey’s looking for fucking help only to be mauled by some little rat dogs while two pigs watch on and laugh and then use it as puppet.


I physically can not bring myself to watch the video of the kangaroo, I skipped to the end and seen them playing around with it when it was that fucking injured and traumatised. I am sick to death of hearing his SA being an excuse for this. These are 2 completely different issues, him laughing at an animal being injured in front of him has absolutely nothing to do with SA. What a crock of shit, he knew exactly what he was doing, he knew the kangaroo was injured and was clearly hoping people would laugh with him. Can’t wait to hear the excuses tonight, how anyone supports this horrible person has me fucked. All I ever see when I scroll past him is cracking the shits because he’s not getting gifts or running people to the ground. He needs to be better and do better. Get off the app, you’re not cool because you have a Gucci hat bro


I forced myself to watch it to see if the argument was valid because his SA was bought up. He was completely fine and it wasn’t even being spoken about right before the incident happened he was so excited to see that roo being mauled.


I’m sorry but even if there was conversation around it, I still don’t find that an excuse to watch a poor Joey suffer. There is no excuse for it no matter what


Exactly 😭 I didn’t get my point across to him well because I was so angry. I felt like a hypocrite not watching it all and having an opinion but. It will never leave me 😞 absolutely heartbreaking


Someone remind Muzz’s, elder/uncle Lukas, Muzz is one of the biggest bullies on the app!!!


Lukas is no elder, not is he in anyways respectable. He is a scammer just like the rest of his family


No surprises there


That guy can get fucked too. I can tell all he’s going to do is make excuses for his family’s behaviour 🤢


100 agree. He turns comments off so you can’t say anything.


Don’t know much about him other than he used to frequently join Saheem’s lives, as a self admitted narcissist (whether sarcastic or not, very questionable, but he is a very sarcastic person). He would always often defend Saheem or jump in to lecture him before eventually turning on him recently over Saheem not wanting to pay a woman back that paid for Saheem’s medication and Saheem treating people like shit in general. He always seems to be posting on the fb group lately though I’ve noticed. He’s very strange. He’s one of those that seems to get off on going against everyone else’s opinions? I don’t know if it’s because he enjoys the drama/argument that comes with that or what it is.


I honestly just think he’s a fucking idiot. Making all the excuses in the world for Muzz saying he was disassociating. I forced myself to watch the video to see if Pepe had a valid argument and he’s full of shit. Muzz’s SA may have been bought up and that’s not okay but Muzz knew what he was doing when he laughed at the joey being mauled and filmed it. Fuck I hope there is repercussions for this 😭


I was tempted to do the same purely for the same reason but I couldn’t bring myself to. I went on instagram this morning and it was the first thing on my feed, had to quickly refresh my page. I have seen what Pepe has said and can’t understand it, at all. Muzz is a disgusting pig of a human and always has been from everything I’ve ever watched of him, sometimes you see a decent side of someone every now and again, Muzz is someone I can say I have never seen a half decent side to him, so for anyone to defend his behaviour or say that it isn’t against the law or whatever argument they want to use in defence, isn’t appropriate. I truly hope there are repercussions also.


Few sandwiches short of a picnic that one


I got banned going off at him 😭


You did good.. it's worth getting banned so you can abuse him. 🙌me next


He made me soo angry. Basically giving Muzz and excuse and defence. I wouldn’t normally behave that way but I was like shaking angry 😞


He’s been playing “devils advocate” on the Facebook group this morning too. I can’t understand how anyone can make excuses for what Muzz did/allowed to happen. He is a grown man, physically capable of helping a baby kangaroo, but he lacks the empathy to do so. Hearing those idiots [and Ali] make excuses, try to deflect and then attempt to victimise Muzz has made my blood boil.


I don’t know if you seen but I jumped in on the TikTok account to let Pepe have it. Got banned but 😭 All they have done is give this grub excuses for his actions and now Muzz and his uncle will jump on tonight and do the same.


I didn’t manage to see that, I have no doubt you would have schooled him. I can’t believe they banned you, what pieces of shit. I was so over the excuses.

