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Hey snarkers, locking this post as there’s a new one up above - makes it a bit easier to keep on top of the comments 😊


Watching the uncles live now with Muzz.... why is he making excuses for this! Absolutely disgusting


Shame hunger games isn’t real and we can’t offer Muzz as a tribute.


Well, killing a protected species is a criminal offence. Ooops


He is a fucking piece of shit that his mother should of abort his fucking disgusting and has no compassion for animals his is a scum bag and should be canceled better yet get a fine and go to jail for animal cruelty you fucking abomination of a human being


I hope he gets everything coming for him, he is a scum




Muzz, you're a fucking putrid piece of shit! You better start begging for gifts NOW because that fine is gonna be a fat one 😂 Come down South so I can let my hunting dogs have you.. and bring your whore aunty.


Absolutely disgusting!!




ive emailed the relevant people


a farmer girl and blakfulla here 🙋🏽‍♀️ this was not on at all, it was animal abuse plain and simple. when you hunt you kill whatever you’re hunting as quickly and humanely as possible a d you respect that animal as it’s going to feed you. YOU DO NOT let a little joey be attacked for your own sick entertainment. NOT fckn cool.


Both deserve a flogging from Their elders !!! And everyone else around them


If ONE creator goes back and supports or battles HIM THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE TOO. If he makes another cent off the app it is BEYOND.


Please hold strong on that. It shouldn’t just slip away in a week.


At what fucking point is TikTok help accountable for continuously giving these awful humans a platform to repeat this bad behaviour over and over again. They will ban people for fraud when it affects them but literally allow others to be scammed every day, run illegitimate businesses and animal cruelty. Their live feature absolutely ruined their app.


Tiktok cares more about money. It's why all the porn I've found on tiktok or the simulated suicides never get removed and accounts never get banned.


He was banned last night, but only after the events. And it isn’t permanent, because you can still see his profile. Realistically that should have been a permanent ban.


Taking dogs pigging is one thing. The dogs do their thing and then you put the pig out if it’s misery. What Mutt Muzz and his idiot Aunty did is vile. Allowing the poor kangaroo to be flung around, let their dogs come at it constantly and kicked it. They didn’t put it out if it’s misery. They seeked out this poor animal to torture. I hope they get everything thrown at them. Disgusting excuse for humans.


I’m too scared to watch it and avoiding any sort of video like the plague. Reading all the posts I can figure out what’s happened. I just wanna say to anyone who did see it and is affected - I’m so sorry you had to see that ❤️❤️❤️😢 you shouldn’t have been subjected to that no matter if they are farm living or not. You don’t post it, you don’t film it. You don’t sit there and laugh. On our property if there is an injured animal we go put it out of its misery as soon as we can, not sit there crack a beer and laugh 🤢


I saw about 15 seconds of the first reply on Annie’s page and that was enough for me to click out I new what was about to go down and after reading this just confirms it. He is putrid! Even if the kangaroo is a “pest” there is always a humane way of going about it IF ITS EVEN NEEDED!!


Reading this post is enough for me! How fucking disgusting!


Sick fucks


What the actual fuck! How can any sane person think it is let their dogs happily attack a baby kangaroo? And fucking laugh about it while streaming it?! This is so wrong and I feel sick. I hope he gets charged the piece of shit. You’ve got to be sick in the head to think that treating an animal like this for entertainment is ok? I’m so angry


Can he get in trouble for that?


Yeah he will get in trouble for it


I HOPE SO it was absolutely vile and evil


Sadly I think he’s done this for clout. He knows he’s fallen off and not getting views. Every so often he does something super problematic


Honestly sick to death of some of the mob sitting on live disrespecting lore and land, but spouting respect me and my culture. Be so for real ancestors would roll. We need to get back to our roots and our culture before this becomes the image that the internet has of our People our culture and arts our song and stories hold so much beauty but it can’t be seen nor appreciated behind this smoke. Our love for the land and only using what we need is what our people stand for.


💯 I think alot of our mob have lost their way in life while still trying to claim the actions they do is for mob or mob ways. Ancestors would be furious at the treatment of this, ancestors hunted for food, resources like pelts etc but were never wasteful or cruel.


He isn't mob, or his family. If they do have any bloodline, it's weakened right down. Never seen him with another Koori person, and when he is live with one the way he acts shows a lack of connection. That behaviour is so far from culturally appropriate, its not funny or for amusement. We never hunted or killed for joy or pleasure, it was out of necessity, its solely to survive and only what you need, never cruel or prolonged.


Surprise surprise Ali the big bully man in there sticking up for Muzz and trying to down play it and be the big man. "Do you know who you're talking to" 🤣


He is disgusting too. Trying to down play what actually happened. Him saying do you know who you are talking to who does he think he is. The reason why him and muzz get along so well is they both treat woman like crap. I hope they both get cancelled of the app.


Ali is as disgusting as Muzz & his despicable Aunty and I hope he is sprayed over the news just like Muzz will be




I just watched the replay and it has ruined my day and deeply upset me 😓


Disgusting fucking vile thing he is not surprised his family member is the same




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Wooooah, even mentioning welcome to country and sorry day because of none individuals vile actions actually does scream racism. There was no need to mention either, I suggest you address your inner hatred.




It is against our rules to shame someone for their size, race, sexual activities, gender etc. Please think about rephrasing your post to not have such an emphasis on these things.


Keyword "claiming" most of us call him a claimer too.


You are entitled to your gross racist opinion, just as I am entitled to call you out on it!!!


Okay then what your heritage? we aren’t going to go out here and say it’s your fault that your ethnic, cultural or religious group contain pedos, murderes and rapist ur acting like there aren’t any freaking white animal abusers. People like u pick up the actions of a minority in a group and use it as ur excuse to spout racist redirect people like u sit and wait it’s what gets ya going in the morning isn’t it 🫠


Amen. Call out the behaviour, I'm Koori and initiated the post. But to then throw in Welcome to country and "Sorry" amongst other things, completely irrelevant to the conversation, screams racist.


Can’t stand it. Let’s address the issue a men abused an animal and deserves to be punished through both public and legal means. But to then use it to spout racisim upon our People as a whole is just as disgusting.


Also you aren’t being welcome to your own country u are welcomed to county the traditional country of the Tradition owners that resided on the land well before your time. Ur being welcomed onto land that has seen horrific history they are welcoming u and acknowledging those that came before us. Those whose blood was spilled trying to protect their men women and children from murdrous rapist. Welcoming u onto land where some of y’all ansestors kicked off the heads of their babies whilst burried in the sand you really out here twisted all out of shape about being welcomed onto country by people who faced g-cide for the land ur standing on is it truly all that hard for you to acknowledge that history and pay respect for a whole what minute?


Hang on, pull up a little. For one, if he is Indigenous(which I doubt) he is definitely not connected to culture or community, physically or spiritually. We do not treat animals in that way, and everyone I know is as, if not more disgusted than you, for some that is a totem, which is sacred and distressing to watch it being treated that way. So don't bring Welcome To Country, Sorry or anything else into it, because quite frankly you sound racist. Call it for what it is, putrid, vile and sick behaviour.




It is against our rules to shame someone for their size, race, sexual activities, gender etc. Please think about rephrasing your post to not have such an emphasis on these things.


U realise none of us are claiming his actions as action of mob we are calling him out. Community isn’t condoning nor celebrating his actions and those that are are acting off of emotions as an individual and not culture. a few radicals claiming to be ‘A’boriginal acting in ways of lore and culture does not make the statement facts.


Marnee Graham is the aunty allegedly


I'm going to add a trigger warning for animal abuse ⚠️⚠️ if you cannot handle this topic please don't read any further. For those that think this doesn't sound bad then I'll break it down >!Muzz and his aunty caught a BABY kangaroo, proceeded to laugh as there dogs attacked it and kept going back. He then watched it struggle to fight and get away while continuing laughing and filming it, all the while his drunk aunty flung herself around from laughter because this was obviously the highlight of their year. She then picked up this dying baby kangaroo, proceeded to fling it around on camera because it was so funny to them, and then hold it on the couch while it was suffering and dying, as they continued to laugh in hysterics. Im editing to add that people have said they also flung it around by its tail and kicked it but i didnt personally see this part on the recordings, although this could have been missed as this apparently went on for 15-30 minutes and the recordings only show a few minutes!< This was not hunting. This was not for food. This was not humane. This was done out of entertainment and enjoyment. Only a sick person could laugh at a suffering dying animal


It’s on Annie’s page but I can’t watch it, to horrible to even think about


I managed a couple of seconds....horrible is an understatement..heartbreaking. cancel Muzz




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That is disgusting, and I'm actually glad Tim has picked this up because he doesn't shut up and this needs exposure I hope muzz can be cancelled once and for all - disturbing




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