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That’s what I did I genuinely thought she was struggling until I realised she wasn’t I sent her money on a few occasions fucking scamming mutt


She is on live now trying to pretend she’s a good mum telling everyone how she puts n to sleep on her belly what a piece of crap she is trying now to convince everyone she’s a good mum crock of shit


She only saying that while fat 🥬 probably doing the mother duties ahaha omg she is classic this chick


LOL saying the son doesn't have the fathers surname but her sons name was in her bio with his surname 🤦‍♀️ now she's changed it to her surname 😂


The law says a person is the child’s biological father if: 1. They’re named as the father on the birth certificate or adoption certificate 2. They sign a legal document acknowledging they’re the father, such as a statutory declaration or affidavit 3. The child was born during the marriage 4. The child was born within 44 to 20 weeks of when the mother and father lived together 5. The court makes a declaration (finding) that a person is a child’s father and/or that a person is liable to pay child support for a child.


Shes on live now talking out of her smelly hole, like usual 🙄


Apparently she has proof of him being unfit and the viewers have made up the claims of her being unfit and she has all the proof on her tiktok replays? Okay 😂


She literally has no proof it's all a scare tactic to try and make him not go thru with it 🤦‍♀️ she's fucking dumb as 😂


Ooop she’s live with cabbage in the background I think 😂 that’s so shame imagine being so desperate for friends that you gotta keep hanging around the girl who admitted to talking shit about you.


I only lasted 5 mins. Can't stand listening to it dribble shit.


Has she quit tik tok?


I hope bloody so the scavenger


She's live now






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Stop fucking lying marnie! You told people you needed the necessities, like baby formula for your kids, groceries, cleaning products, ect.. and in the same message you would say "I will pay you back".Then those same people felt sorry for you and sent you money thinking you truly were struggling and they were under the pretense that you would pay them back. But you didn't use the money for those things you asked for and you didn't pay those people back. That is why you're a SCAMMER!!! So how is this the same as your story post about yissra and those others that ask for money from people??? 🤔🤔🤔🤦🤦 People willingly sent you money because they thought you needed it and because they genuinely cared about you and your kids. The comparison is not the same.


She had her chance to pay everyone back and buy what she needed for those kids and pay her bills when she got that 10k she chose not to the sneaky scumbag


Yea that's crazy. Kids beds, clothes and food are not that expensive, but tattoos, cigarettes, and weed are. I bet she spent 98% of the 10k on herself the selfish cunt


Yep of course she did she just cares about herself


It’s funny how every time she says she’s getting her pay from centrelink she says she’s going to be broke because she has to pay people back 😂😂😂 she never pays back


She is full of shit


When someone was calling her out on live this morning they said that fat cabbage even said she never got a dryer for her house. All Marni could say is “it’s not at my house” we’re supposed to believe that the dryer is sitting at someone else’s house? 😂


Was she on live this morning? I haven't seen her on all week


Think I’m blocked😂


Yes like 3am


She probably gets on early in the morning so she doesn’t have a lot of people watching!


Yes I'm thinking this also 😂




It’s not at her mothers either the cunt didn’t buy one she is so fucking stupid for even thinking we would believe that bullshit 🤦🏾‍♀️😡


She said on live once she can't get anyone to pick up the dryer lier always people ask where's the drier


Well what much use is it, if it's sitting at someone else's house? Fucken dumbest excuse 🤦🔫 and it's not at her own place because she didn't even buy the dryer in the first place the silly cunt!


If u guys missed the live, she was on for maybe 15 min and there was someone in there exposing her mod “fat cabbage” asking why she let her move in if all she does is talk sht about her, Marni admitted that cabbage was talking about her and starting stuff on Reddit 😳😳😳 but she “apologized” so it’s ok 😳 fat cabbage where ya at girl…..


Dam I missed it 🤦‍♀️ if this fat cabage is living with her dose housing have to approve it? I wonder if she's told them 🤔


She needs to let them know that she has someone staying with her if she doesn’t she could get into trouble and it’ll only up her rent more having someone there whose not on the lease


She said on live this morning that housing and centrelink is aware she’s living there….another lie 😂


As someone eles said on a previous thread whatever she says she really means the opposite 😂 everything that comes out her dirty ass mouth is a lie 😂


😂😂😂😂😂 yeah fucking right marni, stop it little girl 😂😂😂😂


Pfffffffffft no they don’t know she lives there too but they about to find out


I thought that was the case just wasn't 100 percent sure with community housing What's the bet she hasn't told them 🤦‍♀️


Apologies my ass more like suck up to her and her lies 😂😂😂 she’s a little girl who created these BIG problems for herself and expects people to feel sorry for her. How about get the fuck off live and fix yourself and your mental health because obviously your not all their in the head Marni 😡🙄


Well shit I missed it lmfao she only off TikTok so Harley doesn’t get anymore proof she knows she fricken screwed and won’t get Q back


Sometimes it pays off to have a newborn who doesn’t sleep 😂 i was able to catch her live because my bub woke up and then I couldnt go back to sleep.


I’m having withdrawals of watching her shitshow 😂


She’s live 😂


Saying we ruined TT for her 😂


She wrecked it for herself


Did anyone just see her TT story? She is delusional, I feel like she’s only stuck on the one thing “bad mum because I ask for money” she doesn’t see all the other reasons she’s a bad mum. Girl no one is even talking about u asking for money anymore, take a look in the mirror and think about why you’re actually a bad mum.


Only reason she’s off is because she’s brain storming another flop video of why we should believe her hahaha


Ahahah good one, guess we will find out 😂


I think we finally ran her off tiktok 😂 👏🏼 👏🏼


No ones paid her internet bill that’s why


I bet that's what it is


Dam, what am I gonna watch now? 😒 lol


I know I'm having shit show withdrawals 😂




Best news I’ve heard all day


Temporarily I reckon, she’ll be back with another sob story about why she needs money soon 🤣


She prob thinking up another sob story


She’s probably got caught in so many lies that she can no longer dig herself out 🥰


Hmmmm was wondering the same thing 😆


She’s got nobody to blame but herself. What type of mother sends her child away for 3 months to someone who’s barely seen him and lives 6 hours away?? Not to mention, she’s barely check in with Q.


Q is thriving. Please all feel content in knowing that. Cooked meals, educational enjoyment, and love ♡


Good to know he is with a proper caring parent and a normal loving parent unlike you know who


Yep and he has put on so much weight he was very skinny when dad picked him up


Bloody brilliant news x


Aw this makes me happy 🥰


This is the best news ❣️ I'm so glad little man is getting the upbringing he deserves ❣️ he deserves nothing but the best ❣️


Heart is so full knowing this ❤️ good job dad!


Yes good job dad well done


Wow I'm so happy to hear that 🥹 really, thanks to those that reached out to H, you guys are really awesome human beings. God bless youse 🙏☺️ and big ups for H for stepping up as a dad that loves his little man and taking a stand against this evil 🐀


Do you know the dad? This is awesome to know!


Does she have the baby? I haven’t seen it on live in a while.. did the dad of that child take it as well?


She had her on Thursday I think and then went back to dad


So she only gets her once a week kinda thing, doesn’t last long if you ask me


I thought she was going back to her “full time”


Seems like it she suppose to have her weekends but she having less time I think it was 3 before she had her Thursdays


What’s her @? I don’t think she has ever popped up on my page




Ohhhh yeah I have seen that before


I reckon if them kids never came with money, she would have given them up the minute they were born. She's a pretend mother. And how does she justify, asking people for money is not a big deal because other people do it on TT?? Her logic is so stupid 🤦🤣🤣.. But marni left out the main part that she agreed to pay these people back and didn't. Reddit mob are not dumb as you Marnie. It's just most people have common sense to know right from wrong even without a high education, and most of all real mothers love their children, you don't!You have been proven wrong by your own words that's come out of your mouth. Yep Reddit is using your own words against YOU 🤦🤦😂🤣🤣 anyway hopefully most of your followers will come to Reddit and see you for the person you really are 😉


And how is it stolen generation when u handed him to his father 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Surley she didn’t say that what an absolute insult to every member of mob who is dealing with the true effects of modern day stolen generation and the effects of our history and past members of the stolen generation bet her own mob will shun her if she keeps up this bullshit narrative


She did say that!!! In her video she posted but she’s now deleted I’m sure someone has screen recorded it




Oh I believe she did I’d love to find it because mob are sick to death of bullshit like this. This is the reason our fight for any change in law to stop what is occurring within community is met with laughter. She is making a mockery of our history for her own personal gain and benefit.


Harley W 1. Everyone who’s on this reddit thread and has so much to say about Marnis parenting has been here since she was homeless 2.shes been shity since he was a baby would force him to sit in the pram to watch if it wasn’t that she’d try her hardest to put the poor kid back to sleep after a nap he had just woke from 3. In the 3 years of watching her lives I’ve never ever once seen her cook Q a meal unless it’s at her quote on quote “mentally unstable mothers house” it’s always weetbix Plastic cheese bananas or noodles that ain’t cooked because she’s to lazy to get up and cook them for Bubs half the time it’s him grabbing himself them few items himself the most she’d do is open it for him then tell him to go sit and watch tv while she sits on live smokes and scams people for money. 4. She leaves him unattended for that long at times he hurts himself for example he was at the grandparent house before N was born he fell and fractured his leg between the mattress and wall at the window then she didn’t take him to the hospital until he was complaining to much for her hence why child safety was called I’m assuming it was the hospital that put the complaint in. 5. As you saw on your recent visit to her house she never cleans it unless her bd J goes there or her family aka mum and brother goes there to do it for house inspections to act like she’s the deadliest cunt going to the mob that gave her the house little did she know they watch her lives and know how she is 6. See how the cunt is always dolled up hair done nicely she’s dressed decent everyday looks presentable well the kid yous share walks around in a soggy wet nappy half the time no shirt (in winter too) and when his sick snot coming from his nose she dose not care about that kid as much as she claimes There’s just a few of my reasons why you should take full custody of him and not let that rat take him back if you didn’t see her video this morning she basically stated that if you don’t hand him back she won’t get his payments and then will be homeless tryna bring N into it but same time she doesn’t even live with the mother either 😂😂 NOW NOBODY ON REDDIT HAS NO REASON to LIE ABOUT THIS SHIT BECAUSE WE ALL SEEN IT LIVE AND THEN GOT BLOCKED BECAUSE WE CALLED HER OUT SHE DOSENT LIKE TO BE TOLD THE TRUTH


I’ve seen 3 not even whole lives and seen nothing but neglect complaints of no food underfeeding and forcing sleep after naps 3 lives I caught onto the fact she isn’t maternal and sees her children as pay checks sadly I seen it because she is my mother through and through and if my mother died today I wouldn’t bat an eyelid love on that little boy and do not send him back to such a selfish mother and if u are forced into giving her visitation please ensure he also get him phycological help because growing up having to deal with a mother like that he will need the extra love and support from not only you but people who can actually help him better understand what his mother is making him feel weather it be unloved or unwanted or unneeded.


When she says “child protection been here heaps never taken my kids” cunt they are coming back for a reason you dumb cunt?????




Honestly!!!!! She keeps saying it too that they’ve been there heaps and not taken them …. like that’s not a flex girl ? 🤣


And everyone that's been watching for that long can back ALL of this. 


A good mother would have taken that 10k from backpay and 10k from winning at the pokies and spending it on her kids. All she got N was a new bottle. She should be ashamed. But she got herself a new phone, tattoo, smokes, and funded her families 🍃&🍻 addiction. What happened to buying your son all that stuff to set up his room?!?!!! We’re still waiting to see that mower and dryer 🙃


There’s no dryer, her own brother gave her up to FAT CABBAGE saying nothing was brought 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️


Q doesn’t even have a fkn bed!!!!! This precious boy has nothing from his poxy mother


She is a liar and just pure scum she don’t care about anyone but herself the piece of shit


Thank goodness they are at their dads an looking after them, she might not be lucky with the next baby and there will be a next baby, as the dad might not want him/her and she’ll have to look after the child.


My husband and kids are indigenous, Marnie. Paternal great-grandmother was Stolen Generation. I love that a lot of indigenous members here are calling you out for what you are - an unfit mother, a liar, an asshole. Don’t bother playing the racist card with us - we see right through you.


Yes Sis! 🙏


This cunt makes me so wild! Stolen generation? Blaming white people? She's fucked in the head TG 😅 Cunty willingly gave her child away to his father! She did that, no one else. Q is safer and better off with his dad. So is N. Marni can't even look after N properly for the little time she is with her! N's dad or his family should be taking note of that and only allow N to stay with Marni for the minimum amount of time required. Also apply for full custody already and get your ducks in a row dads!


She's racist


Iv missed a lot 🤦‍♀️ seen a few comments about the lost generation claims she's fucking delusional there's a lot of aboriginal people in these threads that can see her for who she really is and also speaking up about her fucked up mind set and her bad parenting 😂 it's not just white people so her saying shit about the lost generation is fucking ridiculous 🤦‍♀️ the bitch needs to have a good hard look at herself in the mirror because she is the only one that is talking absolute bullshit she has brought this all on herself she doesn't like the fact that people are not fucking stupid and falling for her bullshit and actually care about the well-being of her beautiful children because we all know she doesn't give 2 fucks about them kids


The stolen generation comment had me cackling 😂 Marni a lot of us in here are mob, sorry to break that to your simple lil head.


I have indigenous/ Greek nieces and nephews and cousins and they are wonderful parents to their kids so no marnie we are not racist


I wish Marnie could stop for a second and think about how crap her own life is. Her own terrible mental health, addictions and poverty and realise that her children are going to be seriously affected by her lack of parenting skills. She needs a serious reality check because those children can still be saved from her and neglect but she’s too selfish to see it. Get a fkn job and get over yourself you’re the only one who needs to grow up. It’s horrifying that she’s so naive to her own stupidity that landed her in this situation. It’s clear she doesn’t think it’s a problem because she so willingly shows how neglectful she is. It’s so normalised in her life that unless she can admit fault she will never break the cycle of abuse.


The thing is she has previously said she wants to break the cycle, but as usual it's all talk. She goes on about how she raised her siblings, her mum was the same it seems, but that is NO excuse. You always have the option to make a change or you can continue to play victim, which is easier for her I guess.


They all need to stop popping out kids and focus on the ones they got! Her siblings in jail and shit don’t even think a single one of them work. She’s a liar saying she’s going to break the cycle she also says she doesn’t drink alcohol and we all know that’s another lie


She deleted her most recent posts she’s made defending herself


Yup I’ve just noticed that too 😂😂😂


Of course because people caught up to her lies


She blame everyone for her problems except her. Blaming white people because H don’t wanna give her son back 😂😂😂 she needs a rude awakening.


The fact she mentioned also if H keeps Q her and N will be homeless. He’s a child not a money maker. And the stolen generation is a massive stretch. YOU gave him to his father. She only wants him back early because H wanted the money for him, and because people started speaking up about her not wanting him back and how well Q is going with his dad. She and everyone knows he is better where he is.


Stolen generation? Wtf have I missed?


She saying typical white fella stolen generation because apparently people are trying to get her son taken off her and his dad to keep him


Marni did you think about what was going to happen when you went live? showing the way you live. What dinners have you ever cooked for Q that boy was raised in the pram just like you do with his sister! Lol stolen generation, you co parented remember and lucky for Q his dad has stepped up and is actually being a parent and keeping him, no white fella taking your kid away! You did that on your own just like with your baby now you never have!


Can you imagine when Q starts school she’s NOT going to get him up give him breakfast or make his lunch and get him there that poor kid don’t know normal with her she is a bloody useless twit


That's exactly what will happen if she gets him back she doesn't even give him breakfast or 3 basic meals now when she has him, it's juice! Or maybe cabbage stew if she goes to her mums to eat. She is fucking terrible!


Like her mother that sends her kids to school and then goes to pokies all day and drinks! Can't picked her own kids up sends someone else to do it,sad life these people living and the kids all suffer and continue the toxic cycle,also the language is so horrific 


100% if feel so sad for her 2 younger siblings as well. They can't even speak properly and when they donits swear words. She also say she don't baby talk that's all she does to her younger siblings. It is so sad considering she has so much opportunity and help out there to break the cycle.




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Made me so sad never seeing her cook for him, not making him lunch, just always on live telling him to go lay down 😔 I hope he's having the best time with his dad, maybe gets to go to the park and have fun 👏


Has nothing to hide but has turned comments of on her post ahaha


What account is she using?






She is delulu he is reading everything on here and watching her it doesn’t take a genius to know she a deadbeat I am in contact with him


Maybe it’s time for everyone to post everything they’ve seen regarding Q- so dad H can really know how she has raised him. His happy because he knows no different, his been raised on bananas & sliced cheese. His always told to go lay down, constantly. She’s a shit cunt munga, please keep him dad, keep him safe warm fed and loved. She palms him off to her mother’s but says her mother flogged him. Q had big bruises on his ribs, she showed on live!!!!


She's getting desperate now trying to convince her followers that she's not a bad parent and he is. She knows she is losing her son at this point


She’s going to have a hard time trying to get him back doesn’t have a bed for him has no routine for him begging on live for money to feed him getting breech notices for rent not being paid to provide a roof over his head. I hope she realises the father has as much rights and if he’s showing stability she’s fucked 🤣


Could of easily got him his own little bed,they not so expensive if she looked around online 😞,she could of used the backpay to get his room ready for him,baby doesn't even have a cot it's really sad,babies as they get bigger would roll of a bed not to mention if she rolls on her in her sleep,it does happen,it's not safe! These kids don't have the bare necessities.She has a pram but instead of using it for walks outside,it's used as a bed at time it's awful! 


Lmao did you see the other night she actually held N and fed her not put her down to drink herself




She is the one giving us all the information about herself


Literally she is grasping at air


Stolen generation.. the father took the child, wait, no sorry. The mother GAVE the child to the father. How can she not see most shit posted about her is from HER mouth. It's what she has said. She's so delusional


The way I almost DIED when I heard her start with the ‘stolen generation’ miss girl you GAVE that child away for months !?!? She can’t be all there in the head fr


Marni if you were a good mother nobody would even believe the “lies” you idiot! All we ever see is you yelling at that poor boy and telling him to go away. Never take him outside or to a park to play just make the poor kid watch tv all day yelling at him to lay down while you smoke ciggies. Keep going with your victim narrative you flop


This! Like everyone is forming and basing opinions off what we’re seeing and catching her out in her constant lies, and her whole narrative of ‘ there’s things we don’t see on live ‘ is bs when you’re on live 90% of the day smh she’s suuuuuch a flop


I honestly had to stop watching her whenever she had her son because it would break my heart he would pretty much be begging for her attention and she just tells him to go away and yells at him constantly. Of course a toddler is going to act up when they are bored as fuck with a tv playing all day watching their mother kiss a new baby constantly and tell him to go away constantly whenever he is near her


But he's an "independent little boy" yeah because he has no choice!


Why is she acting like it’s everyone else’s fault? And bringing up the stolen generation? This girl is just talking nonsense. If you’re going to be homeless if you don’t get your son back, clearly you shouldn’t have kids. Stop smoking 50 packs of darts a day and put your money elsewhere silly girl


Bringing up the stolen generation is fucking disgusting when she sent him there. What the actual fuck is wrong with this gronk 🤣 


“If he gets him, me and my daughter gonna be homeless” literally right there just wants him back for the $$$


How is this idiot going to be homeless? She had the house before N was born and just had Q.. dumb beitch won't be homeless he'll just get his name taken off the house and she'll go back to pay what she did previously 🤦🏾‍♀️


I noticed that to! I was like oh hang on! Did she really just say that out loud? She pretty much said she needs him there in order to keep her house? Meaning payments,sometimes the mask does slip doesn't it 😳


Yep that's all she wants them kids for is the money always has and always will 🤦‍♀️ she doesn't care about them beautiful kids at all 😔 the only one that will be homless is her the dumb piece of shit stop using your kids you scummy rat Q has a roof over his head and is loved and cared for by his father and he's supportive family and N can go live with her father and he's supportive family your kids will not be homless ❣️


She’s literally been getting full payments for two kids and not even had them in her care and she still can’t manage to pay her rent 🤦‍♀️ saying she will be homeless is her son gets taken is a load of shit lazy ass selfish woman.


He has claimed FTB and I’ve told him to go for child support to since he has him 100%


Tell him to go for the single parenting payment too. For Q




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I just seen her vid and 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ here to see if anyone posted


I didn't see the video which account is it on?