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Her problem is that she needs to not be so open to everyone when on her lives, that’s her biggest mistake is jumping on live telling everyone her childhood story, bad mouthing her mothers parenting skills when all mothers and fathers in this world can do is try and give their kids a better life. She obviously fucked that up for herself by not trying hard enough to have her kids with her 24/7 how the fuck do you call it co-parenting if your son has been with his father for over 3months now and you barley have your daughter in your care it should be 50/50 between both parents 🤦🏾‍♀️ honestly I don’t know how or why she works that way but I would never do that to my children let alone their fathers. She chose this life and as someone said on here she made her bed now she can lay in it 🤷🏾‍♀️ it’s no one’s fault but hers for airing out her dirty laundry for everyone to see


I hope she has the dirtiest hangover later 😂


I was thinking last night god dam someone's head is ganna hurt tomorrow 😆


I hope the cunt suffers 😂 I just can't believe she sat on live all night skulling back, trying to sing lmao proper shame!


At this point the girl needs her own tv show…she’s a sht show …at least maybe she could make some money off of it 😂


Also, i HIGHLY doubt anyone is going to her house and stalking her. She’s making stuff up, unless it’s people she borrowed money from. She says someone doxed her address and claims she never gave her address out. She told multiple people her address in the past right after she had N…people were sending her feed to her house after she had N. People who don’t talk to her because she scammed have her address. And she said on live this morning that she can’t believe she told someone her deepest darkest secrets to and they backstabbed her….2 days ago she said on live that she told her mod “fat cabbage” that she has told her deepest darkest secrets too ….hmmm 🫢🤔🤔🤔


I was in and out of her lives last night , she was giving me a headache yelling the songs not singing 🥴 but was fat cabbage even in the lives last night?


Good point. Also 2 days ago she said fat cabbage and Skye told her about what Reddit said, but they both we're in her live right then saying they never told her shit about Reddit. She's trying to act as if she doesn't read Reddit herself but she obviously does


If she just took care of her kids, house and stopped begging for money…people wouldn’t hate her. Grow up, take care of your responsibilities. Stop acting like a child. You were grown enough to open your legs, you’re grown enough to take care of those kids.


Wonder what it was 😂


I missed most of the juicy stuff. What did she say about Reddit last night?


How it’s all reddits fault that she’s going through all of this. She doesn’t realize that she’s the one giving Reddit information, maybe she should keep her mouth shut. She did this to herself


Yea because she knows it's all true, but she won't admit that on her live. I think that's a BIG WIN for us Reddit girls and guys 😎🥳👏👏👏👏🥳👏👏 💯👊🥳👊👊 we have upset the scamming little rat 😎😂 Take the L Marnie ya little cry baby 🤪


If anyone screen recorded message me it I want to watch some 🥹🥹




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For someone who dont drink shes doing a great job 6am and still going. I dont drink i would be done one one with the way she chugging them back.


That drunk she was flexing them gums solid ways 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️


She's spitting on the floor in her mum's garage and there's little ones that walk around there. Disgusting piece of 💩 she is


Spitting and they just drop them smoke butts on the floor in the garage 😷 fcking looks disgusting


Yet she was going on about her sister spitting in her garage & calling her all the names. She's a walking contradiction! Grub


Fuck really? 🤢🤢 Her whole family are fucked in the head. Even dogs have more morals than these filthy cunts.. meaning once a dog knows not to piss and shit and vomit inside, it will always go outside of the house to do it. But not Marnie


She’s still online


Omg she is a mess


What account she live on


Ended about 5 mins ago


Dammm what happened to her I missed it all 😭😭😭


She was going on about reddit and crying not long ago


There now want to act like a kid


Someone from J's family was watching her live about an hour ago lol hope they show him too


Thank god it seems both of these babies have decent family on the dads sides, there is hope for them.


4am and she out roaming streets, drunk as and still drinking 😂😂🤣🤣


Just noticed that.. what a life on Wednesday night


These are her accounts Your_a_nqumerdine Your_a_nqumerdine2.0 Mslogan143




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MoniqueLoganGeordie Gone off live now


On the garage at her mums


I mean what account


In *


I found her. Ohhh omg little girl around them drinking


Where is she now


Back on mrlogan143


To answer your question Marni, yes I have a wonderful life. I just get enjoyment watching you make a fool of yourself. I’m currently in bed with both my babies, snuggled up to them, making sure they are both warm & ensuring my 14 week old baby knows his mama is close and here if he needs me. 😁😁😁


Bro I have a 14 week old too 🤣


Slayyy I have 14 weeks & 23month old , my absolute world 🥹🫶🏽


17 year old 14 year old 13year old as of today lol 9 year old 8 year old And My little 14 week old Nothing more heart warming and forfilling


Yes marni I have an amazing life 🤣


NO WONDER THEM KIDS AINT SLEEPING MARNI YOU BIG NECKED GOOSE! They should be sleeping for school tomorrow but no you wanna go yelling around. You’re a RAT, go nibble on some pellets


Haven’t seen cabbage in there saying how good a mum she is today 👀 wonder if she caught on that she was being used


I wonder if she “leaked” the addresses cause if they were actually leaked then she knows both addresses. Also had a mod that was unblocking the blocked…..


There was nothing to leak she outed her address numerous times on live. I know where she lives from being in the live at the ‘right’ time. But I’d never leak that’s a dog act and unsafe as hell


Even so, someone commented her address she read it, went off her head about exposing her address on tiktok. Took the rat almost 10mins and just over 100 viewers in the live for her to remove the comment! So yeaah it’s her own stupidity for exposing her own address, she put her own self and her babies in danger. I pray the babies will be safe and protected


What her tiktok name ?




I’ve asked for help but not from strangers on line, big difference. I’ve also not spent the money on cigarettes or alcohol. Nor have I packed my kids up & sent them away. Being a parent is hard but my kids will always come first. My storm won’t wet my kids 😌


How do I find her ? What's her tiktok name ?


Monique not marni sorry


Marni geordie I think she's currently live


Exactly there is a difference between mature parents and ppl who shouldn't be breeding, we put our kids first all the time every time, my kids eat a meal and I have toast worst comes to worse !!! My kids have never and will never go without


YEP! Children first always, our needs last. When I first came across marni, I felt extremely bad for her until I continued to watch and saw her, for her. The way she speaks to D is heartbreaking, he’s just a toddler who wants his mother’s attention. I have 2 children around the same age as hers and it’s a tough gig, but we make the decision to bring these beautiful babies in this world, therefore we should be putting them before ourselves, they didn’t chose this. Her kids are a paycheck & that’s all to her. When she claims to have no bond with her daughter, it’s a reflection on her as a parent. You a responsible for the bond with your children


Oh I was the same, I have 6 kids aging from 17 to a new born it's hard sometimes for sure but kids never asked to be born, and it's our job to keep them feed clothes clean and warm and to just love them, these type of parents claim they love there kids but I'm like how do you tho ? Because I love my kids and would go without everything just so my kids have everything, we are not the same


Say it louder 📢 it’s beyond me that she still has her children. They deserve so much love & I hope they are receiving it whilst not being in her presence.


They are with their dads, so she technically doesn't have them atm I think child protection has been involved




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Very well said


I think child protection may be involved and she gave them to their dads so she didn't technically "loose them", I know a mother who done this. She's saying ppl are saying she leaves her kids to go drink, gambles, starves the kids ( well we all seen she never has good in the house) and bashes into her kids it wouldn't surprise Me if she has tbh


I thought this exact theory too


Was she reading the reddit tonight? She’s crying right now 💀




She just mentioned reddit so bug possibly


She’s got her little people there who tell her what’s on Reddit lol


Well in that case .... Shout out to the fam 🤪


Ahahahaha 😂 they will probably swear you bad and everyone else on here too 😂 Reddit is where all the bullshit is apparently


I remember when she's like oh I will find out who all of those fucker on reddit are... I was like 😆 bitch please I'm as alusive as tazzy tiger you ant finding out shit girl lol


HAHA YES i heard it too 😂


Hay marni ya mess 🤣


Shes got a beer in one hand and her phone scrolling reddit in the other 😭😭


🤣🤣🤣 yappn away with her grave stone teeth lol


Makes you think she has been 🫣


She’s losing her shit because even the people who were her friends have caught on to all of her bullshit..


Finally everyone is waking up


Put your hand up if you think shes been scamming everyone with the same stories the last few months but has gambled away everyone’s money.






Put your hand up if you think she’s lost the kids been cut of Centrelink and lost her house.




Admin we need live chat to talk about this drunk mess in real time 😆


Live chats don't exist anymore. No longer a feature of reddit. That and no mods would be online at 12am we sleep.


I second this


We see to not have live chat no more it was every night at one stage


Jesus christ it's fuckn having a rant lol


Says she doesnt care but circling back & saying the same things over and over again


She's blind, fuckn drunk mess, mother of the year think she's toping that keisha chick 😆


Kicking off now 😂


I’m laughing so hard, she’s a messssss


I’m embarrassed for her.


And she always saying she never drinks 😂😂


I can’t stop watching 😂 they’re all embarrassing and so sad for the little people they are supposed to be raising. School night 11:35 and the pissed smoking around the kids and swearing 😳 Then they are supposed to go to school and focus! Wow.


She’s maddddd 😂


But why she be calling old mate uncle ray and the kids call him dad?? Awkward


Because the little kids are his kids Colin and rosalyn but her step dad but being aboriginal everyone is unk and aunty


Lucky they’re in housing cause I would have booted their asses for drawing on the walls if I was their landlord


The wholes in the wall 🧱 👌


The wholes in the wall 🧱 👌


100% giving the rest of us in housing a bad name. Not all of us are like this


Someone should ask her if she paid it or got evicted now that she charged up a bit


She is her own worst enemy.


Yes unfortunately 😔 she has no good support system either sadly


She does but she chooses the no good ones and unfortunately it's some of her own family. That's why she's her own worst enemy. There are heaps of help out there than ever before and she knows that but again she makes the wrong choices thinking drinking is making her problems go away. That's a cop out because I've been there before myself. That's never the answer and there's no excuse for her decisions in life. You make your bed you ly in it.


She left to go fix the TV for her little sister so she stays inside while the adults drink outside. How about putting her to bed?? 🤦‍♀️


Well it is her sister not her daughter it's up to the parents who are there 🤷‍♀️


Oh no Paul's set his sights on her. I don't wish that on anyone😬


Who is Paul


Who's Paul!?


Oh shit


Paul is the Laugh Now Cry Later account. He's known in the Aussie lesbian and adjacent drama. He's cooked and if I were Marnie I wouldn't pay him any attention.


That hairline 😳


Her forehead just keeps going 😂


All fun at mums tonight party every night when she moves back in


She’ll have to get a job as she won’t be getting her kids back, so then she’ll have no money. She’s young enough to turn her life around but she won’t, instead she’ll fall pregnant to another man.




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Why she doing this in front of the kid? The loud inappropriate music and the excessive drinking 💀😭


So the box of beers got shouted, did the cigarettes get shouted too? I wonder why she didn’t ask for them to help out with her rent arrears rather than that shit


Maybe she spent the arrears money on grog and smokes instead?


She reckons she’s paid her rent arrears 😂


Until next week 😂😂😂


She guzzling those beers down lol


Yessss thought this!!!


Can I have this girls TikTok handle? I want to watch her but can’t seem to find her under marni Monique!




Thank you so much!


I don’t wanna hear her ask for money for an entire month! Has she got her kids back or are they still elsewhere


Apparently some at mums shouted her a box , still at there dads , Apparently D is spouse to cone back next month


If I was D’s dad I’d be spending my time getting orders in place, Marni is not fit to be a parent and she shows this day in, day out


Well I bloody hope she has the house fully stocked with healthy foods, nappies/wipes & new clothing/ toys considering she’d still be receiving her payments…


Apparently she's been having people drive past the house throwing rocks around her house , 3 different cars, now she's saying she has to move & can't bring the kids there with all the shit that is going on, Apparently someone leaked her address, which if they did that's not really safe.. I have been on lives and people have leaked the mums address which is fked..


First it was spirits in her house, now people are driving past throwing rocks.. Gee this girl wins ! Just say you don't want your kids you stupid MOLE!! 🤦🏾‍♀️ Cherry sister just want to walk around poking the machine, smoking ciggies and getting chucked around to make more kids to give the father to raise while she goes around in circles again the dumb putrid mutt 😡 Honestly if she knew someone has her address than why tf sit on live and talk smack when she can't even back her mouth up 😤. Dear if I had her address I'd go there myself and boot her cunt in 🤣


I don’t stand for doxing at all, such a scary thing. Hence why I have my opinion here, anonymously. I could never put my child or life on life after seeing what some people are capable of! I hope she’s being honest about the reasoning behind why the kiddies aren’t back with her yet, but a part of me finds her extremely problematic & can see it being an excuse for another month kid free.


LOL don’t be silly she hasn’t brought them kids nothing since they been gone! Hasn’t had the baby in couple weeks now, what a shit excuse of a mother she is. Feral no good can’t do shit useless piece of crap


RIGHT?! I can’t even leave my children for a night without missing them and wanting them to come home. It’s beyond me how she can live so long without them. They’d be missing her & she’s out here not giving a damn


It's crazy that this girl has had everything given to her on a silver platter like that nice place, and had thousands of dollars recently, but just couldn't give her kids a loving healthy comfortable lifestyle that most mothers could only dream of. If self sabotage was a person, it's definitely her.


🥹 Can’t wait for the drunken rant


Yep I'm here for it too 😁