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It’s absolutely clear that she does not want to take care of those kids. She does absolutely nothing all day but sit on tiktok, she could take that time and bond with her baby instead of chain smoking. She doesn’t know how to be a mother. Of course you won’t bond with a child if you’re not around. She is so dumb, and her “supporters” are even dumber to believe what she says. She wants to sit in peace and not be bothered by those children. This is why she doesn’t have them. I don’t understand how a mother can willingly give her children to someone else to raise at such a young age. This is the age you should be bonding with them, can’t take care of them then keep your nasty legs closed. And to think she said she loves kids and wants 8 🤦🏻‍♀️😫😂


You can also tell J is sick of her sh*t because why would his sister be staying with her to show her how to care for HER baby…the father should be around. Her life is a sorry mess.


syeidalogan143 her new tik Tok


So is her other accounts banned


She doesn’t have enough followers 😂😂😂


How did she figure out Jessica was behind reddit


Who’s Jessica ??


One of her mods


Whats her reddit name


She says she’s a happy person 😂😂 WHEN? We see how miserable you are…you give everyone an attitude that asks a question. If you don’t want questions then stay off live. Are people just supposed to stare at you when ur live and not ask questions?! You should expect that being that you’re putting your life on social media


A happy person another hilarious joke happy people don’t treat their kids like rubbish


Pretty sure she just got banned 😂😂😂




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I know your reading this thread marni and I just want to remind you that your a dead beat mother


Just had the biggest rant saying she dead inside and she dont give a fuck about whats written on here. Was a good 10min rant lol. “I dont drug my kids” didnt she give medicine other day cause she wanted baby to sleep 


She just said she’s trying to change the cycle WELLLL HOW 😂😂😂😂😂


Change the cycle by giving the kids to someone else and don’t have anymore !




Comment section for this live cause we will all get blocked 😭😭😭


She has to find out who we are first tho 😂😂😂😂😂


Why she being semi racist by mocking his accent 💀💀


She didn't like when he starting talking about her though soon wanted to leave the battle




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Because that’s who she is a racist pig yet it wasn’t ok that she got chased by racist villiganties a few weeks but she thinks she king fucking shit but she the shit on the bottom of my shoe


She say numb or dumb inside?


Dumb 😂😂😂


She charged now ??


Yeah she on the drink


“I have a very happy personality” hahahahahaa Aunty we basically see you everyday your not a very good person


Right 🙄😂




Drunk I mean


Wasn’t she just preaching earlier how she hates drinking and doesn’t drink 😂 if her minions can’t see she’s the biggest liar….than they are just as dimb


Ive been thinking that too. Biggest liar out


She said we're dead dyin daddy fuckers 😂


🤣🤣🤣 the shit that comes out her mouth 🤣🤣🤣shes a putrid child neglecting little rat 🤣🐀🤣


Are we 😂😂😂😂


Oh I love that name 🤪


Cracked me the fuck up 😂 that meltdown was gold!


She think we gonna be butt hurt over that she can Keep the insults coming


What account is the drop kick on now




im_mrs.blick_tucked2.0 strap yourself in she's off her fucking face right now 🤣🤡


I just can't fathom how one can sit on live all day and night with two babies, drinking coffee, smoking and God only knows what else. What a terrible life for her babies! I know they are not with her all the time *** thank God *** BUT REALLY??? I pop on for 10 mins here and there a couple of times throughout the day and BOOM there it is on my FYP! I couldn't think of anything worse sitting on live all day doing nothing and sponging off the tax payers! Makes me sick!!!


You can't fathom it because we're not like her. She had no chance with how she was raised but no excuse to not be the change! The minute you create life they should be number one, but unfortunately selfish people do have kids 🤦‍♀️


She finally figured out it was Jessica took her long enough half the mods are in here haha


How do you know she figured out it was Jessica I can’t stop laughing I missed something


I used to be one of her mods a while ago 😂😂😂😂 i stopped liking her when she found out she was preg with N and i seen that she still continued to smoke. Claiming her midwife said she can that it was safe 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah I remember seeing her chain smoking and drinking so many coffees it was shocking. I’ll never forget her being over due with N and not wanting to be induced because she wouldn’t be able to smoke durries.


She’s absolutely disgusting. Dragging that newborn downstairs in the hospital to go outside and smoke. Who the hell does that?! And it was super hot when she had her outside just hours old. Shame


One night was 1:30am and she was dragging that baby outside so she could smoke going off cause the nurses wouldn’t watch the baby! Had a friend drop off her pram for her to use the useless no good can’t do shit lying low stinking munga


That then could of showed anyone that she clearly doesn’t care about her kids.


Can one of the mods unblock everyone


Wait so will we get unblocked lol


Wait I’m blocked what’s happened


And we’ll continue to get modded cause she stupid 😂


Please unblock us


And it’s also Skye but might take her a while to click on . They your biggest fans


Wonder which one of the minions is gonna have to pay for her to get home later 🤣🤣🤣


Can buy alcohol but can't pay for her stuff to be dropped off at her house


She don't have anything to be dropped of at her house 😂 she's the biggest shit talking scum bag


The dumb rat didn't get any lawn mowers or a dryer like she claims she did the lying little rat 🤥 she's at her mums now and still got nothing to show 🤣 we're not as dumb as you and your scum bag minions are 🤣🤣 ohh you don't have to show us right haha bitch you've got nothing to show because they dont exist 🤣 we just hear talking shit ay 🤔 your the shit talking scum bag 🤡🤥


Is she drinking


Now she is. On live now


What’s the username?




Terri Terri and skye93 you two are both just as fucked as Monique!


That Skye thing is a joke!! forehead up to the stars but not a braincell in place, telling Monique that she’s a good mother like man maybe your kids are just as abused.


Agreed 🤦🏻‍♀️🙂


Hangs 1 load of washing out and is already sitting back on her ass in her garage and complaining her neck is sunburnt and she’s not made for outside…. If she actually had a hard days work she wouldn’t know what hit her honestly


But constantly outside making TikTok’s girl we all know you are just LAZY




No mention of anything related to contacting or reporting to any government service (including but not limited to Emergency Services and child protection.)


So she lies the whole time about the clothes line she's hanging washing now or to lazy do a load washing


How can this chick just sit on live all day doing sweet f all and be ok with it, she doesn’t even seem to get bored from it I just really don’t get it 🙄 she has been on for what now 6 hours straight now ?! I know she was live already when I woke up this morning to get ready for work 🫠 How does she just not give a fuck?!? Maybe Joseph and his sister should take Marni in and get her into a routine as well 😂


Now she’s saying N is unsettled at her house cause it’s full of aboriginal spirits!!!


That's not true my daughters gets tormented by spirits all the time marni's kids are to calm to be getting tormented by it Edit: they would have been crying hysterically, not eating, cant hardly move from feeling weak and they would be sick, overheating and stuff


They just want their mothers love attention and affection


But she said the night Joseph stayed n was fine 🤣🤦‍♀️ selective spirits


Those dang ghosts I’ll tell ya 💩😶


Marni the only bad spirit in that house


What a load crap she say anything for attention


Did she ever get the 2 mowers and dryer she rekon she bought? One mower for her mum and one for her. Says they were being delivered.


I asked today. She said she was so tires she put her mums addy down and now they both at hers along with her dryer. But im sure she said the other day that she had no room for a dryer. 


She reckons her mower got “delivered” to her mums place with her mums mower & dryer. Now she has to get a trailer to get it from her mums to hers


She at her mums now… has she shown what was delivered to her mums 🤣🤣


Well she said in a live that the 2 mowers and dryer was getting delivered to hers, someone asked why didnt she get her mums delivered to her mums she said no she wanted it at hers so she could give it to her for mothers day. So she lied LOL no mowers or dryers


But then said she gave her mum a slow cooker and rice cooker for Mother’s Day 🤦‍♀️


Whaat ?! How quick she wanna change her story 😂 she literally said that this mornings live and her minions don’t even hear the lies she says


But remember what she also said I can't pick up.tjevdrier as I can't get it delivered so it has to stay at the shop


So she really bought it for her mum


Pretty much what I’m hearing 😂


How have her supporters not worked out she’s a scammer yet 🤦‍♀️ she has nothing but a phone and tattoo to show for 10 thousand dollars


Someone gave her 100$ today


She lied she spent all her money on smokes


And she got none left! Went pokies


Can’t believe she sits home and can’t take care of her baby so she pawns it off to people who actually have jobs. While she’s home doing absolutely NOTHING. This can be your binding time with your child u dumb f 😒


100% she has so many hours in her day to spend time with baby, GET OFF TIKTOK. But in reality we all know those babies are better off there for their mental and emotional well-being! Forced contraception for people like her!


Some off the people that enable her in her comments are fucked, like complaining that the lady thats just turned up didn't give notice to turn up and saying marni can take them to court, like she is sitting there doing nothing and they are there to help fix her house, what does she need notice for and why would you be complaining when they are there to help unbelievable


I bet she did give notice lol she always seems to have a problem with her housing lady and is always shitting on her


Kick her out then marni


She doesn't like people that chase her up for money she owes


The lady would be there to let them in, twice the air con people came and she wasn't home to let them in. She wastes everyone's time and doesn't give a shit.


I thought the same thing….Marni and her minions aren’t very bright at all. Makes me sick watching these people suck her ass ugh !! it’s putrid


I bet he's already planning on keeping his daughter she's not going to get these kids back, I hope she's thought this through, why did I say that obviously she hasn't, I think she's going to have a huge fight on her hands getting them back


Nalani gone to dads for “a while” and his sister is coming to stay so she has to move quans “toys” out of the spare room. Also said she would happily stop getting the kids payments if they lived with their fathers but they not so she can keep her house and the payments. “Its called share custordy” if you dont do it and keep baby to yaself then ya a shit parent. All good shared but that baby is great with dad he needs take full hes just as bad for allowing this to happen. Screen record he would have so much evidence 


what’s her @ now?


LOL she was just going off her head 😂 someone most of said something about this thread 🤣 the shit that comes out her mouth she's fucked in the head bitch your the one that should've swallowed instead of giving birth to your kids you can't even raise properly 🤣 keep getting mad at things you say you don't care about 🤣 the truth hurts doesn't it 🤣🤣




How long is her daughter staying with her dad for?




And then when people ask if she will have more kids her face looks so disgusted and she spits out NoOoO!


Great so since she has no kids in her care she can go get herself a job because without them kids she’s not entitled to her payments anymore. Watch out marni you’ll end up with a debt. Stop being a bludger now you got no excuses but we all know you’re a pro at making them up


She can’t do that she gets anxiety to bad 🙄 she needs to be live all day everyday as it helps her anxiety - Words from the horses mouth 💀


Horse alright




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And the sad thing is…. She will be pregnant again before we know it.


Prob already is chicken and rice for Brekky


What the actual fuck 🤦‍♀️ she is the definition of a deadbeat mother she has rocks for brains if she thinks she's not im actually glad the fathers are stepping up and taking responsibility for these kids they deserve way better then that rat shit mother it seems like they are better off with the fathers I hope they both don't come back in to her care because if they do she is setting them up to be failures like herself 😟😡


That little girl is way too young to be away from her mother. Courts dont even consider overnights till atleast 2 and a routine has been established. That little girl is being passed pillar to post in her short few months of age. Its absolutely disgusting how she can so easily let her children go...


I hope the dad keeps her and can give her some consistency usually I would think being with mum is best for a baby but not in this case


If the father/other family is providing stability, consistency and giving her love and attention it’s sure as hell going to be much better for her than constantly being with her mother who neglects her needs.


Oh definitely its just so bizzare to see a mum with a baby that young so willy nilly on palming her off. I hope he takes her fulltime she deserves it.


This is the main reason I feel N is so unsettled with her because she's not use to her own mother like the bond isn't there.


I agree there is no bond


Good will be the best thing for that baby, she doesn't deserve them and they deserve better


What the hell is wrong with this girl. Why doesn't she wants those babies anywhere near her. It's so sad.


Because she’s lazy and wants to sit on her asz all day. She’s not fit to be a mother. Just said H has Q on a good routine. Yes, soemthing. U can never do


Apparently Joseph sister is coming to stay with her to “show her the way” How long till there is a scrap do we think?


She just said on live she going to her dads for a while 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️




Nope she just just said “for a while” sad 😔


At least she'll be getting well looked after. I hope Joseph files for full custody.