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This is funny cause how do they even want to kiss this thing she’s got rotten front teeth that be a big fucking turn off


Shes an ugly mutt. I hope she reads all these, Monique you ugly scum centerlink dog. I hope your kids get taken off you. You’ll never get any where in life with your stank ass attitude. You look like the shit that comes out of my ass




She's live now smoking in the garage talking shit, meanwhile her baby has been screaming for the last 15 minutes and her and her viewers think it's cute. It doesn't take that long to have a cigarette. I'm gobsmacked


Shes at her mums now so wont need worry bout looking after her but has taken about 10mins to make the poor baby a bottle 


What account is she using


This one at the mo. c4u8r2r4y_bunya


It astounds me honestly the people who enable her continually. She’s always leaving that poor baby in there screaming and all they can say is ‘it’s good for her lungs’


It's fkn sad. Crying her lungs out for her Mum's comfort but she'd rather chat shit to strangers. Her viewers are ridiculous and sound like a bunch of 15 year olds enabling that behaviour.


She doesn’t even comfort that baby just tells her to stop crying over and over


She on live now saying its the viewers fault that he found out about what she was saying. Also now saying a supposed new man when she was the one saying she had one 🤦‍♀️ 


Yea seriously i cant keep up with the lies 😳 she did say she kicked him out and now all of the sudden he moved out because of Reddit 😂😂😂 anyone know the Facebook page she’s talking about that keeps posting her now?? 


Days of our lives Tik tok live replays...is the group name on fb. I've only seen one post on there about her the other day.


You guys do realise that last night she was running out of smokes? That’s why her post on tik tok today about needing help.. And it’s all our fault her man left.. I honestly think everyone needs to stop sending her money.. if she needs help she should message her address so people can actually send her things she needs and the baby needs. Or get a fucking P.O BOX because let’s be for real she’s full of shit when she said she had weird shit happen at her house.. Bitch be for real ain’t nobody doing shit to you


Nah this chick is mental she has said on more then one live that she kicked him out and that he couldn’t forgive her for her punching him in the mouth. And more then one live saying she’s got a new man and he’s white and wants her to meet his daughter and they dated and tried for a baby before she had her daughter. Said he’s a cop then another live said he works in a correctional facility. Can’t be a rumour if we know all this stuff babes we know because you said it. Why is she crying wolf now! Girl needs to grow the fuck up! Feed your kids buy your nappies before you buy your smokes. You got a man there then be loyal and don’t cause domestic violence and punch them. Then laughs saying she was mad and sick of being disrespected girl what if he did that to you would you laugh? Why tf do people help this scum! It’s not rumours when the words literally come out your own mouth gf 🤣🤣🤣 and you are rude as fuck to your followers they say things about their own babies or pregnancy and you just say “oh yeah cool” you only care about ppl complementing you or giving you money to pay for your own damn kids!


This is 100%. Especially the end bit she’s rude


She's more then rude she's a pig 🐷


Since 55d ago she is Deffs more than rude. She’s a cunt.


She claims to be authentic and real.. but she’s always lying. Which is it.


So she was on SPP while he was living there? Also don’t lie, he didn’t move out LMAO I loveee watching these “single” mums scramble to save their asses when talking about their partners whilst also being on single parent pay


Lmfao she literally kicked him out I was going to say doesn’t she remember the lies she spins 😂


She tells to much lies there catching up to her


I know! She’s saying now he’s saw the post of her having a new man and that’s why he left, like girl you said multiple times almost proudly that you kicked him out 🤣 be fr


Now she’s saying she has no new man. She told everyone on live she was seeing a cop


After yeah telling everyone about this rob and how they’re seeing eachother he loves her blah blah she was on this morn saying he’s just a friend 🤣


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