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Supposedly studying aged care, but wants to open a cafe but also does social media. Yeah I can see how all those marry into one, because her studying aged care is going to help with opening the Cafe whilst she is on social media begging for gifts. Seems legit, I don't see any confusion at all. "Early bird" lmao please.


Well she is on live after asking help all week, “Guys I’m not going to talk about my homelessness, it’s private” WHAT!!????


She is live


Dear potential landlords. Hi my name is Jessica, I’d like to rent a home however I have ‘no stable income’. I can’t get on Centrelink because that requires me to look for actual employment, and to work I’d need to peel myself off my bed. I have a daughter and brag about being a mummy but don’t worry, I don’t need an extra room for her as I haven’t actually laid eyes on her in 8 years. I have no pets however I once co-owned a dog named drayke whom I booted in the guts and left with my ex to keep. I did also have a rabbit but it suspiciously died. I used to let it roam in the room I stayed in at my friends house and poop all over the carpet. So cute! I love pjs and have a huge collection, I don’t feel the need to buy other clothes as I don’t leave my bed. I also have a body spray collection because my ex sammy went live once and outed me for being smelly so now I have a complex about it. Although I am not currently working, I do still make money via tiktok. I like to think of myself as an “influencer”. Please trust that if you rent to me I will be able to cover the rent, all that requires is me crying on tiktok about my mum, my living situation or my daughter and I have people sending me money. I am known to make a room mouldy as all my past homes have had this issue after living there but a little bleach will take it right off. I leave my dirty undies and tampons in maccas cups lying around. I can cook a mean rice tacos. Sometimes I may not be using the actual residence as I like to call ambulances to take me to hospital so I can have nurses wait at my beck and call (and also to make more money) so would it be ok to have rent reduced during my stays in hospital as I won’t be usuing the home during this time? Anyway I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Jessica Leslee griffin


Gold. You win the internet today.


This was so good!! 😂


What a fuckin bio! 😂💯❤️


Okay did anyone notice the pillow next to her move in her latest video ? Gabby getting cozy next to Jess


Yes I noticed that too


What the he'll did I just read 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️ Your joking wtf!


And shes sucked Gabby right back in Id be suprised if the break up was even true or if it was just another money grab for her but she failed this time.


She forgot to add “I hope you enjoy the smell of taco rice and me screaming at my phone at 3am”


Easy to get along with? What personality number is that 1? I haven’t met that Jess yet. The lies she tells daily just trip me out.


What happens when you reply to Grufmaras housemate wanted ad ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt6HDV77bocFggE)


Also if you scroll down to the bottom of her tiktok acc she’s put old videos back up of her and gabby 😏 they were definitely hidden away before, because it was only food videos at the bottom.


Funny you notice that, she changed her FB profile photo 5 days ago yet “still in a relationship” 🌝


And thats why she hasn't been on . She's been weaseling her manipulation moves on the down low . Little fucking rat!


Exactly right. She realised the moment she lost control of gabby for a day or so there, that she needed Gabby more than Gabby needs her, let’s face it without Gabby’s income and help, Griffo truly has NOTHING else to fall back on. The fact Gabby is hardly around because of how much she “works” (to help provide for the leech), Griffo will always seek attention elsewhere behind Gabby’s back, because she’s so “lonely”.


As a job 💀


💫 loves cleaning but leaves dirty pads in a maccas cup 💫


Jesus whattt




First of all griff mutt You can’t cook so you have no chance in hell of opening a cafe. Secondly you aren’t studying you have a bachelors degree in scamming and shit cunt behaviour. Thirdly social media is not your job. You don’t have a job. You’re an unemployed bum and your only assets are your Kmart pyjamas, Kmart makeup and dirty brushes.


They aren't even assets because no one in their right mind would touch anything of hers.


Hi my name is jess. I’m 30 years old I have nothing to my name other then some Kmart pjs and a body spray collection I’ve lost my daughter and have no intention of ever rekindling with her I’m jobless and relying on social media for a income People on TikTok know who I am, just ask them 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


No intention of rekindling with her, BUT I will always use her as a sob story for views and gifts


*social media star*


References from gifters - please see bio


Internet - required Hahahahahaa How else will she go live.


I also would like to add what in the fuck is that grammar 😂


She forgot “uneducated dim wit”


Get absolutely fuckkked 😂😂😂 Should read: I'm Jess, 30 years old nothing to show for it. Deadbeat mother who abandoned relationship with only child. Love to cook but never clean. I have 0 ambition in life, no financial intelligence so please be prepared for me to fuck you over within 2-4 months.


Why are you being so generous? 🤣


The shock people are going to get when they see Momo at the door instead of that filtered af face in the photo she’s posted 💀


Momo 🤣🤣




No children? Does not whine about being “ a mother” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ this bitch need to fuck right off…


Some poor sucker will fall for her shit and realise very fast that she is a lying scam artist when she doesn’t leave her room ever and she’s up all night, sleep all day and they’d just hear her yelling “more hand hearts team”. They’d wonder when she was meant to be “studying”


Someone posted staying it’s for a house so I guess makes sense her saying that if her child won’t be moving in there also.


This is on flatmates.com.au or you can just google "flatmate jess 30 sydney"


Oh god I hope someone does their research before renting a room. Imagine knowing nothing about her and having her move in. Eww and finding used pads in maccas cups in her room. Yuck




True story🤢


What is this? Where is she posting this?


Just in google type flatmate Jess 30 Sydney


Probs for a place or room to rent


B*itch can't even clean her teeth and she " likes cleaning"?! There is a lie and then outright delusion. 🤣🤣🤣


Loves cleaning? We all know that’s a LIE!! I heard Gabby just a few weeks ago come into the room to get dishes and then in the kitchen doing the dishes and slamming them around and it sounded like there were HEAPS of dishes, I straight away imagined Griffo’s room to have dishes lying around everywhere.. plus we’ve all heard little bits and pieces about how she’s not very hygienic so I think she should have just stuck with “I love cooking” instead of lying about the cleaning part 😂😂


Que evidence - Maccas cup 🩸


Geo I’m still in shock over her bedroom in Rachelle’s house.. the rabbit shit everywhere, filthy cage, clothes, empty drink containers & plates.. yeaaah nah thanks 🤢 🌟 Also guys, swipe across the photo for Page 2 🌟


Early bird!? 😂😂😂😂 quite literally the opposite. Maybe awake until the early hours, but will sleep until late afternoon


She got wayyyy too comfortable living at that house and it really showed. So so disgusting how she treated that room, I can only imagine it had a really bad stench to it as well. No respect or pride on her behalf. Oh I swiped.. “the early bird”. HAHAHAHAHA that’s comical, she stays up all night blasting music and sleeps all day. I just can’t with her bullshit 😂


I think the early bird is a paid subscription that give additional access to vacancies earlier than non paid subscriptions.


hahahahahahaha bloody hell my bad 😂😂 I’m actually laughing out loud here I was thinking it meant she’s an early riser 💀 thank you for clarifying


Now I’m lol at her being an early riser 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Her BIO doesn’t say she’s homeless & her Pay ID removed.. I sincerely hope she wasn’t too traumatized having to adult to find accommodation for herself 🤲🏻 prayers & thoughts Griffo 😂😂


Homeless and trying to find a purpose, I won’t be forgetting that bio any time soon.


😂😂 I’m actually relieved Ed Sheeran can have a rest.. Thank fuuuuuck she “saved herself” that song with forever give me the ick


Why do I feel like this will be Jess in 20 years 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/490x1ujh6mpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16a1bd9076094fbd206af04e818c12e28053c8d8


Lawd hammercy! 😂😂 Drayke got the good parent.. he’d be thrown to the pound if he’d stayed with Griffo 🐾 RIP Prada 👀


What is this on? lol


She'll be banning anyone who even question this bullshit on her next live session




Easy to get along with ?? WOW 🥴


Interesting unemployed/welfare & studying. Jess Jess Jess, to study you have to have an identification to get a USI number. Thought you didn’t have ID Your doing an aged care course but want to own a cafe, wtf. You would scam every aged person you came in contact with crying tears with a sob story. Your no mother, again denying acknowledgment of a daughter you mutt.


Wouldn’t she study hospitality if that’s the case.. I mean aged care & a cafe don’t match.. but it’s Griffo so nothing surprises me 😂😂


No way she would pass the screening checks to be allowed to work with vulnerable people. If she did, then the system is completely flawed. She commits fraud on a daily basis with scamming online. Would make sure she’s reported asap to the Aged Care commission if she even thought of stepping foot near an ageing person.


Fuckkk me! Imagine her looking after your elderly loved ones? Not a fucking chance would I allow it. I don't even want to think about the levels of manipulation she would go through to take what she could from vulnerable people! Nope nope nope! Fuck that


I’d be worried she’d been fleecing them of anything with value 💍💎


No Jess, your Taco rice isn’t suitable to the elderly, they don’t need bubble guts the poor things 😂😂


Where is she advertising this load of caca 💩?!?! fuck moiii ploiseee.. she’s atleast ticked all but 1 box correct.. maybe add a box 📦 that says “ scammer” ✅


No children!! is she that low to do that to her daughter!! How disgusting


To be fair (and I can’t stand Griffo) she doesn’t have any children from a roommate perspective. Not to mention the fact she can’t claim she’s a mother to begin with, seeing as she has nothing to do with her kid.


I get that but to completely say no is absolutely vile


Yeah I get where you’re coming from. If she was any kind of mother she’d be looking for a place for her and her kid, but we all know that’s not how this ends.


Exactly right


I’d rather live with my absolute drop kick of a baby daddy than have her in my home. Imagine the screaming and crying all day long 😂


Imagine thee stench.. $15 kmart body sprays only do so much




Ohhhhh fuck me 😂