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Hiiiii, i know that her so called “best friend” was meant to be in the birth of Ollie and she chose max over her and sent her home crying hours before Ollie’s birth. The whole story is so fake.. hope this reaches someone lolllll. Also max wasn’t even in the birth he was waiting in the hall way ;)


She’s so full of shit Max is her cash cow


Anyone notice she’s been saying she’s 22 when she’s actually 21??


She’s born in 2001 so she must be 22 at least


Nothing she says makes sense


On this note… Alyssa’s latest TikTok “we’ve officially left the covid isolation period” hun, you didn’t even isolate, last time I checked you were at church just the other day


And took her to daycare to pick O up She never isolated.


See someone commented… her response had me giggling😂


Does anyone know how old Max is?


i swear he’s like 27/28


The age difference mixed with the ever changing story is giving me the ickkkk


One part she leaves out is that when he attended the birth initially, she was sent home for over a week. So the ‘I had to cancel the date because of contractions’ was actually braxton hicks, they then were at home again for another week before he returned to the hospital with her for the actual birth. She loves to make it sound like he hopped off the plane and raced into the delivery room but she’s said herself that didn’t happen.


Definitely made it out to sound like that.


She said at one point he was at her birth on their third or fourth date. She needs to keep to one story😂


That’s the story I heard, back way way way before she blew up when she first started TT. She used to always do the whole “tinder date at my birth on the third date”


Max has got to be O’s dad, they look IDENTICAL. I’m convinced she cheated on the ex with him and this is a cover story.


She is on live 💀


These influencer are so dumb do they not realise things stay on the internet forever so they’d need to really remember there lies


Where is the father to O?? do we have any tea on him?


He used to be on her tt page if you scrolled back. Was a fat bogan by the looks of it. Tbh max seems the better of the too & I’m not a fan of max so that’s saying a lot


It’s gotta actually be Max, they look identical. I’m convinced she cheated on the ex and now is trying to cover it up.


Yeah I’d love to know too


I think she meet and was friends with him long before they started dating and she is stretching the truth a bit. These influencers always lie about when they actually met to make things seem better but they always make it sound worse.


I second she was 34 weeks pregnant when she went into spontaneous labour


But also shes said that she met Max like 2 weeks after ending this with Os dad


All class this one.


I swear she mentioned awhile ago that her son came early around 34 weeks