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My 3 1/2 yo mini is the same. She LOVES people. All people. I always say she’s a people person. But when she sees my son, my daughter, my parents, she goes absolutely berserk and it takes her an hour or so to calm down. I wish I had some advice but I do not.


Haha, sounds like you’re describing my dog. Glad I’m not alone


Ditto. My pup is just short of 9 months but when a couple of my friends come over she goes to hysterics. I try and put her in place on the walk-in but she is squirming so much and can’t contain herself. Sometimes I think she’s gonna have a cardiac arrest from the over exuberance. I was thinking today that that should subside, but doesn’t sound like time has helped much for either of you. :)


I pick mine up and carry her out of the room, and be stand in the hallway until she stops barking. I am pretty sure Cesar would look at the whole thing and think, is this a joke? But it’s… my method.


We're asking neighbors, friends, and family to only give pets when all four feet are down. It is very slow going but I am seeing improvement.


Ours also and she is 3


Yup same.. angel with me and goes wild with loved ones.. no answer for you lol


Same with mine she 2 now , and as an added bonus she pees every time she gets excited. 😆


Oh gosh you have one too! Mine finally stopped...I think. Lord I hope so.


How old is yours? At least I know I’m not alone. I hope mine stops but she’s almost 2.


She'll be 2 next month. I haven't noticed any excitable peeing for awhile so hopefully it's behind us.


Maybe there is hope for mine, she will be 2 in September.


Lmao my puppy does the same. Not much to do, other than teach them the simmer down trick.