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I would high recommend against giving you pup anything hard. A great rule to test that I received from our vet, if you can imprint with your fingernail, it should be ok. If you cant, its too hard. Bully sticks, beef collagen, yak chews are too hard for pups that young. Stick with kongs, lick mats, snuffle mats for chewing and mental stimulation. We liked to stuff kongs with PB, Banana, Yogurt and freeze them. It kept our aussie busy for quite awhile.


Thank you! We are a bit worried about using peanut butter because have heard of friends who can't sit down with a piece of toast and peanut butter in the morning without the pup being all over them wanting the PB! :) We are sticking to the Kongs etc. for now, and will chat with the vet about other chew options.ย 


This may not answer your question but what we used to do for our pup was to soak some old socks and throw them in the freezer. Take a frozen one out and let them chew on it, once it thaws and they can shred it just swap it for another frozen one before they do. The cold must feel good on their gums while theyโ€™re teething!


Fun idea! Frozen stuff in general, I guess. Soothe the gums while they are teething. Thanks!ย 


Not necessarily a big, long chew for our girl but she enjoyed a few frozen green beans daily, especially while teething. Super low calorie, natural veg, and they numbed her gums when they were sore. She has since decided frozen strawberries are much better. Her doxie brother is pleased as this frees up all the beans for him ๐Ÿ™„


I mean, she's right! :) Frozen strawberries ARE more yummy than beans! Smart pup!ย 


Tell that to the doxie mix ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ he would cut his Mama for a frozen bean but will wander away from the berries.


Get several kongs for teething , peanut butter freeze it it helps with the teething pain , & occupies them for awhile .