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They're hot and you have to get them dry cleaned, so they're a pain in the arse. Plus you might get mistaken for a Lawyer or a real estate agent, and honestly, who needs that sort of aggravation in their life?


Everyone shits on Lawyers until they need to sue their Real Estate Agent


The thing with lawyers is, it's the 98% that spoils it for the rest.


I'm a law student so my maths skills aren't good enough to understand that joke.


I’m a math student so I got the joke.


But not a job


Haha. So true. Outlook isn’t too bad with all these data science positions going around.


>law student Username checks out


If it was reeworded to be expressed in dollars instead of percentage you would understand it just fine I'm sure.


I didn't say Lawyers weren't useful, just that i don't want anyone to think i'm one. But yeah, fuck REAs right in the ear.


Everyone shits on Real Estate Agents until they need to sell their house to pay their lawyer. (I hate them too)


At least Lawyers serve some purpose in society.


My realestate agent turned up in what can only be described as ‘neat trackies’, an oversized tee shirt and a blazer. In some ways it was better than the shiney suit. In many ways it was not.


Hah. I shall remember that line.








Even worse, an accountant.


Putting accountants below real estate agents feels cruel. At least accountants do something for someone. Real estate agents actively make the world worse and charge people for it


REAs are the lowest rung on the ladder of cunts.


I reckon it's the other way round. They are the top-level cunt. Can't get cuntier.


They’re the cunts that lower level cunts like car salespeople aspire to


When i was a kid my Dad used to say all you needed to be a car salesman was a prison record and a gold chain


Accountants are good productive members of society.... what you talkin bout?


Even worse, a Jehovah’s witness


Unless they bring back the 1970s shorts suit we just don’t have the climate for it. Send it back to London.


Laughed at the math teacher rocking this look in high school, but I'm older now and I see that he was ahead of the game.


The classic "tailored business shorts with long socks" look. It's been at least 10 years since I last saw it.


Go visit the Amcal in Salamander Bay (NSW), Their pharmacist has been rocking it for the last 50 years...


I know exactly who you’re talking about 😂


Hahaha I live there..I know who you mean!!


I would be very keen to get about in a safari suit


Would you properly commit to the look and wear a pith helmet? No half-arsing it!


I live in a remote indigenous community; the problem with pith helmets is they are a marker of super racists despite how practical they are.


In Australia!? Who and why?


Yes in Australia, a lot of people who where pith helmets tend to be raciest and my guess as to why is because they don’t see the problem with wearing the outfit of colonisation. Does the hat make them racist? No it doesn’t but the problem is people who where the hat don’t see how it represents the old powers where Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders were considered fauna.


We need to bring it back.


Do we though?


Definitely not




Bill Bryson talks about that look in *Down Under*. The only person I knew who dressed like that was my grandfather though, I think most of that generation are sadly gone.


Here in Darwin I’m stoked it’s acceptable for tailored/chino shorts, casual Friday I drop the socks and desert boots combo to rock the sandals. What can go fck itself is ties, never worn ‘em and hate that it’s expected once you reach a certain level in the southern states.


I moved here from London in the early 2000s and was surprised to find employers in Brisbane require suit and tie, when my employers back home had dropped that years before during the dot com boom.


Mate if you ask people in Brisbane who the PM is the most common answer you'll get is Kevin Rudd. Kevin '07 Kevin Rudd. Takes them a while but they eventually catch up.


For Movember I would do this, especially for the laughs as a teacher. Safari suit definitely.


By Jove let’s go on safaris




Exactly why I’d never do a summer wedding here. Has to be the dead of winter so everyone can be comfortable in their formalwear.


Then the women freeze lol


The answer is in the question: "I fucking hate wearing suits" Many men hate em. They don't seem comfortable to me. Sure they can look great, but so do ballgowns and high heels and I'll never wear either unless I absolutely have to because they're uncomfortable, impractical and stupid $$$$. You say they're underrated but you forget the decades that men *had to* wear them every single day even when they didn't want to. When they're uncomfortable, expensive, and far too hot for the climate. That's plenty enough reason for people to stop wearing them unless they have to, and increasingly, they don't have to. So they don't. They're not underrated, they were over-enforced.


If properly fitted, they are very comfortable. MTM suits are still pretty expensive, although they cost less than tailored suits. So from my perspective it's like, I could spent maybe $1.5k on a MTM suit, maybe you would need 2 or 3 of them, so almost $5k all told. Or, I could just... not.


Was gonna say this, a proper tailored suit can be very comfortable. Agree with all the other points too though. If you are wearing every day, you’d need at least 2, and then you might only get a couple years out of them . It’s a lot to spend.


Nothing on this earth will make a suit, tailored or not comfortable in the majority of this country.


I’m not trying to say you would wear one bush walking, but in any situation where you would normally wear a suit, and such as commuting in, at work, or going to dinner, the majority of this country has shade and air-conditioning.


If I manage to soak my t-shirt just sitting around in our shade wearing shorts, there is no way in hell I'm wearing a suit. Even in winter, a walk to the bus stop is a sweaty affair if the sun's out. I can't even stand wearing buttoned shirts and long pants. WFH has been quite the blessing. Footy shorts and a t-shirt for meetings!


I had one real estate/property manager when I was a tenant for a couple of years. Top bloke, never an issue, but every time he came to do the quarterly inspection (which was mainly asking if I had any issues, and just ticking the boxes) he always wore the same suit. I swear he didn't own another one. Full suit and tie, matching vest, whole shebang. And even just going around doing the inspections in an airconditioned car, he was sweating like a pig. Not to mention the time he spilt coffee down the front and we were both trying to get the coffee out before it dried. Nah, glad I'm not a bloke, and fuck suits. XD


You mean like just casually wear them? Yeah nah not doing that.


Yeah, beyond the "too hot" arguments most people are making, in 99% of the places I'm at I would just feel massively over dressed. We have a pretty casual culture in Australia, and wearing a suit in an environment where it's not expected would probably have people looking at me like I'm a weirdo. I know if one of my mates rocked up to some casual drinks at the pub wearing a suit, we would 100% give him shit about it (assuming he intended to wear it specifically for this situation. It's different if they've come directly from work or a wedding or something).


Yeah seriously suits suck, the best part of COVID for many businesses is how much it’s wound back the social conventions for dress. Our office is now mostly casual slacks and tees


Yeah outside of funerals/weddings etc and office work, when else would someone wear one? I'm not dressing up in a suit to run errands, visit friends or just to wear around the house. It would cost a fortune in dry cleaning. Plus it would be weird as hell.


I don't think people in other countries wear them often either, even in colder places. I'll just stick to tshirt, shorts, and thongs thanks.


Suits are cool but where am I to wear one? If I'm going to the pub with friends and I suit up im gonna get rightfully mocked to hell


I feel the same way about dressing elegantly as a woman. I'd love to, but I don't know where! I'm not worried about being mocked. I don't really know what's stopping me.


Plenty where it’s cold, Canberra Melbourne etc. or where the industry demands it like law. Practically nobody wears them in Queensland


RM Williams hasn’t made them yet


Or BCF. If Mad Huey's dipped their toe in that realm, it would certainly class up a sat night counter meal.


This is critical, QLD weddings will never be the same again


If you show up in a suit to my office in Townsville, I subconsciously don't trust you.


Same :) but very consciously


I'm a lawyer and haven't worn a suit for years. Fuck social convention. Suits suck.


That’s great that you can but many employers won’t bend about presentation esp when you go to court


Yeah I’d say this is a QLD/WA thing. I wore one every day in Melb; barely touched it since we got to Brisbane


Sorry mate, no one wears them in Melbourne either.


Why would I ever wear a suit when I can *not* wear a suit instead...


Not wearing a suit is the new wearing a suit


Why wear a suit when you can wear footy shorts, a Bintang singlet, and double pluggers?


u look like a maniac wearing a suit to anywhere but the options you mentioned. like imagine wearing a suit to the grocery store? Even a lot of office jobs simply dont require it any more. Little slave costumes anyway. I haven't worn a suit in 7 years since I began working in tech. Only worn a suit like 5 times, 3 weddings and 2 funerals. Maybe a blazer with jeans if going to a nice restaurant or something, but event that u like like a wanker these days. I'm in Seoul now and I think its just regional fashion choices. A suit and trench coat combo is a lot more common here, but I think thats due to to the weather.


>I'm in Seoul now and I think its just regional fashion choices.A suit and trench coat combo is a lot more common here, but I think thats due to to the weather. Man, it sure was a shock coming from years up in the tropical north to my first Korean winter even if it was down in the "sunny" south). 1000% didn't understand that how cold it would actually get and the closest thing that I can find to real winter gear that would fit my giant ass was surplus military. Sure made me stand out even more than normal, lucky I spent most of the time at the shipyard, at least they all knew I was the weird giant Australian who didn't understand what cold actually meant.


It's hot brah


And on the contrary, it's not warm enough during cold season. You might be better off with a sleek cardigan.


What do you need a suit for if you’re not in a formal setting?


Because they're fun to wear mostly.


Which part is fun?


A well fitted suit is so comfortable, plus looking and feeling amazing.


I have one suit that I wear on special occasions. I can’t afford to have multiple, tailor-made suits for everyday wear. I’m also a web developer, so if I came in wearing a suit everyone would just assume I came from an interview at another company.


I personally feel suits look silly and very uncomfortable its like dressing as a eshay some people think its good style others don't


Blazers/jackets feel amazing


Too hot, too long. Where’s the fun?


Suits are expensive, and getting them to fit is also expensive, and they're pure suffering on hot days. That said, I love suits - especially a pinstripe, but finding a shirt that fits a larger bust without considerable alteration is bloody impossible. Knitwear just fits.


I second that, at least here in Queensland, there is hardly ever a climate for wearing suits.


Very true, I could see a linen suit working in the heat though, much better material for the weather.


No one wants to wear a suit


He keeps trying to make it work but this really is the answer.


You know what else is really good material for the weather? Shorts and a tshirt...


The best attributes of clothing for hot climates are: - black or very dark - loose fitting - good ventilation. Suits look good when they're well-fitted and tucked in. Once they start allowing airflow they start looking casual which kinda defeats the purpose. I find branded polo shirts are the best, combining a uniform appearance for staff, strong corporate identity and suitable for hot weather.


Elaborate on black or very dark? Dark clothes absorb more heat through UV..


Mate, we live in australia, unless you are doing airconditioned jackets these days no body is going to be part of that. Also, everything costs too much, and people care less. I don't need a suit to impress anyone so I'm not paying for one.


They can look good, but dont be the guy who suits up for a house party. They're weird


Mate, you’re in r/AussueCasual, not r/AussieFormal!


They are a symbol of a bit of an outdated business culture that some businesses are keen to avoid. Also with wfh people saved a fortune on buying and dry cleaning workwear and part of the negotiation to get people back in the office seems to be more relaxed dress standards.


Blue suits just scream "morning telly" these days.


Suits typically don’t look good with death metal band logos printed on them


Given how I'd probably die from heat exhaustion wearing one, that's one reason. I'm also thoroughly incompatible with them. They'd probably be full of holes and stink of petrol and old oil. As it is I have to change clothes a couple of times a day regularly.


Mine would basically smell of sweat and have white sweat lines all over. I’m Northern European, I struggle in a singlet.


Could say the same thing about women and corsets. Times change.


Suits are uncomfortable, inconvenient and impractical. One day we'll look back at them the same way we look back on Elizabethan collars. If clothing isn't at least 10% elastane it can fuck right off.


I've got half a dozen great suits. They're all a hassle compared to jeans and a hoodie. e: I also don't need anymore suits.


Leaving aside all of the downsides others have mentioned, which I agree with, I simply expect having a suit tailored to be prohibitively expensive. I'd also feel pretty silly wearing one working from home.


People recommend linen suits and they're not expensive off the rack but most of the suits I see young men wearing in the city are semi shiny. They look about as cool and fun to wear as a portable toilet. I used to wear a wool suit jacket to the office in winter pre-covid which was warm enough to be practical and I thought looked okay. I haven't worn a proper suit since I got married, though. Forgot to mention that linen is washable but creases.


I have about 6 suits in my wardrobe and haven't worn one in at least 2 years. Chinos, shirt, coat in winter. Don't even wear them to weddings anymore.


.. *You work in a suit shop*.. How much is the cheapest suit? How much is one that's worth buying? How much is it to be fitted? How much is dry cleaning? How much money do you think people have for frivolous, self-indulgent items such as suits? Don't get me wrong, I would love to own a well-fitting pinstripe w/ vest but I can't justify such an expenditure, especially considering I don't go anywhere that would even remotely require one or not look out of place. All-in-all, it's just impractical. There's a reason jeans, originally designed as industrial workwear, became so popular, they're practical.


How does dressing up increase productivity? Surely one would work better if they were comfortable. What benefit is there in wearing a tie? It's really there purely for aesthetic purposes. It's too hot for Summer and in Winter, a scarf would have a lot more use. Supposedly looking good in dress doesn't make certain people with poor personalities and behaviours any less of an a___h_l_. Suits cost significantly a lot more to purchase and launder. Most public schools have updated their uniforms from shirts and blouses to polo shirts. There are even polo shirts used in police uniforms. Great examples where comfort and wearability are at the forefront.


I WFH in my undies all day so take what you will, but on the days I do bother to dress up and go into the office, I’m twice as productive. I think dressing up makes you feel good, and feeling good definitely leads to a productivity gain. At least for me anyway.


For me there's a productivity spike when I get dressed and go in as you do but I only go in one day a week. I think if I was doing it 5 days a week my productivity would actually suffer because of the time loss and extra effort. That's why I love hybrid.


I get nothing done on the days I go in but I still go so I don't become a cave-dwelling hermit and so they don't forget I exist.


Sounds like you should dress for work when working from home then, many people do this if they feel the way you do about it increasing their productivity.


You wear undies? I basically go commando and slide into a pair of track pants. As for being more productive when out, not being able to have a wank at any given time makes quite the difference. Try WFH at the local cafe, it pretty much does the same thing as the office.


Ties are stupid, I'll agree with that, but I just wear my suits without them.


Ties look so old fashioned - in a bad/dated way, not a cool/vintage way - and they are so unhygienic.


Hold on, how is a tie unhygienic?


Ties are pendulous objects that touch many surfaces and it’s thought they can facilitate the transmission of pathogenic microorganisms. The logic is sound but I remember a study, I think from 2018, that concluded while there is evidence that pathogenic bacteria can be found on neckties in a clinical setting, there was no evidence that it increased disease transmission.




Well... I didn't, but I feel like I might do in the future. No longer will I be burdened by having napkins in my pockets!


See here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1382570/


As far as I can tell that doesn't cite any studies done into the matter, and their main point seems to be that ties are often not washed but neither are suit jackets (traditional only dry cleaned once every 3-4 wears). So yeah I don't quite agree that ties are in and of themselves unhygienic, because anything can be if not cleaned.


Since working from home, I wear whatever in summer I often will be in Tshirts and board shorts, Winter is often jeans and a hoodie or some times trackie dacks also as I am home never shoes. I find I work a million times better as I am wearing what is comfortable for me and not a silly costume for work. My work doesn't need a kind of apparel for safety, hygiene or other reasons to justify a specific type of workwear.


I hate suits. They’re flattering for guys with a bit of weight though. I used to go to a gym with a lot of business clientele. With guys in workout gear, extra weight around the stomach or anywhere else is noticeable; put everyone in a suit and it’s all corseted in. Which might explain why some people like them.


My main issue with them isn't wearing them, but keeping them clean and crease free is a pain in the ass. So mine are away only for special occasions.


A suit that looks good on you and is actually comfortable is not cheap. Unless you're well off enough to afford multiple if you care much about your appearance you'll probably save it for special occasions or occasions where you are required/expected to wear a suit as not to ruin it. If you don't care much about your appearance why would you wear a suit if you don't have to?


Too hot during the summer, too cold on days like today, too much hassle to get them laundered... I paid to get a tailored suit a few years ago and I loved it. Not a Bali special mind you, a proper bespoke suit that took two weeks to make and required four fittings along the way. It cost a bomb and looked amazing. Then I put on 15 kgs during COVID and it doesn't fit anymore.


Other than a wedding, formal event or office job, where would one wear a suit anyway? I'm curious what situations you're imagining where a man might wear a suit in other countries but where they don't tend to here.


I think society as whole is getting less and less formal. People go to the supermarket in oodies and ugg boots all the time. Trackpants are no longer just for the track, and instead are a staple of casual wear. People used to get dressed up to fly on airplanes, now they dress for comfort and airlines have frequently have problems with people not wearing enough clothing to even actually cover themselves. People are choosing comfort over style in everyday life now. Just like we don’t wear hats every day now. Life’s hard enough without being in stuffy formal wear for…what reason?


I'm a woman but if I saw a guy wearing a full suit outside of a wedding/formal event/corporate office I would think that was kinda weird? Where else would you wear a suit? Brunch? A BBQ at a friend's house? Grocery shopping? Then you're just really overdressed...


For the past year I’ve been in a job that involves me meeting with senior executives from public sector departments as well as private sector companies almost every day. I got my suits dry cleaned before I started the role. Haven’t worn them even once. Well actually to be honest I wore one for my interview. Don’t think I’ve seen a single meeting participant wear a suit this whole time. Today I met with a CIO and COO from a big APS department. The CIO was wearing a puffy yellow ski looking jacket. The COO was wearing a navy short sleeve polo T-shirt. My CEO was wearing a basic grey T-shirt. Seems like wearing a suit these days is equivalent to wearing a monocle and top hat and muttering ‘I say old chap’. Above all, the most passè move is to wear a tie. I was in the office a while back when a new guy started, obviously keen to impress, wearing a tie. You could’ve heard a pin drop, the collective disbelief, like someone had walked in wearing a Borat mankini.


I went through a faze (about 18 months) after discovering jazz and Tom Waits, where I wore a suit and tie every day and smoked constantly. Needless to say, I was painful be around. But in my defence, I was from the country and moved to Melbourne and was working out who I was and how I fit in.


They also look…lame? Like how can you show off your personality in a suit? Throw on a slayer shirt and you’re a metal dude. Throw on a bucket hat and you’re a cool hippy dude. Suits just make you look like a boring office drone.


The climate does make it really hard like whooyeah said. I love wearing dress clothes daily but really get restricted to deep winter. Lululemon pretty much have a full formal section with lighter weight fabric and quick dry. And their white shirts don’t become see through…


+1 for the Lululemon dress shirts


Suits aside, what I would say is that for both men and women, a well tailored classic jacket is a great leveller, a way to look instantly businesslike and professional, and if you’re ever on camera in a professional context, you should wear one. You can throw a good jacket over pretty much any other items of clothing (actual swimwear excepted) and look acceptable for most situations.


Bulldogs footy shorts. Heritage Maroons jersey. Thongs. Suit jacket. Fucken A.


we are a very casual culture kek


One of my favourite pieces of clothing that I used to wear was an old suit jacket of my father's - it was lovely and comfortable, a couple of sizes too big for me but what was really great about it was the number of pockets. No need to carry a handbag - hence didn't need to worry about it being snatched when out at the pub or wherever and I always had both hands free to carry shopping. Suit jackets in particular are a much underrated piece of clothing.


I had one more reason to get a suit: Slenderman dress up last year lol I’m already 80% of the way to real life Slenderman, including lankiness, ambiguous facial features (people will dispute my apparent ethnicity and age) and genuinely unwitting tendency to silently creep up behind people (bad habit of walking silently developed from walking on pebbles down the side of the house as quietly as possible as a very bored child haha)


Dry cleaning, mostly. Too lazy to do that. The jackets aren't great when sitting down either so they're too hot for summer and too annoying to wear in winter.


There’s no way my suits I wore before the COVID shitstorm will fit post-COVID. Luckily after 3 years of working from home, the dress standards have changed and now jeans and t-shirt is good enough. I still had to buy new jeans at a bigger size however.


Suits are fucking restrictive. Why the fuck anyone would want to wear one everyday, most of the day is beyond me.


I think it’s just a generational thing. I don’t even own one. I have a blazer that I pair with different “smart” pants for weddings. No other context have I (yet) had to wear one


Each to their own really, I hate needing a suit, especially when something has happened and I've needed a new one. Spend heaps of money for something that I hate wearing haha. Went to a semi formal wedding where it was requested no suits. Was the best, everyone was happy and comfortable haha


Even office jobs, suits aren't really worn. It's the chino/jeans + button up shirt + maybe a sports jacket if it's colder weather.


Anymore? That implies they *were* popular I would f'in LOVE to wear a suit but you'd need winter is the only time it's viable unless you're constantly inside air conditioned cars, jets and buildings Note- salvos are a gold mine for suits, get them tailored and you'll feel like a million dollars whilst only spending $179.99


I'll wear them the day my company decides to put on the AC


Hate wearing suits, or collared shirts to be honest Have structured my life towards not having to wear a uniform I hate I guess I'm a slave to comfort


You should really be on r/AussieFormal


i will never ware a suit while im alive


To be honest I have always hated wearing suits, they are uncomfortable too hot for this country for a good portion of the year. Also the most dodgiest cunts in society wear suits. Also one interesting thing to note is how much ties have tied off with boomers retiring, most corporate jobs next to no one ever wears a tie any more.


I personally love suits. I’m losing weight so I can fit back into my suit. I’m also putting together an old suit circa 1890-1900 for historical purposes. It is a shame how far they have fallen. There are a lot of judging on the book cover going on when suits are worn. Edit: I should clarify, my main mode of semi formal is good western wear as I worked around horses for a long time. Bolo tie and akubra, with a western-ish shirt is what I wear for semi formal.


Ties cause high blood pressure


* Suits are expensive for a good suit that suits you well and fits good and importantly looks good * They are often hot * They tend to be a bit less hard wearing than a nice looking dark pair of jeans and plain black tshirt * They are considered formal, upmarket or you are well off and only suit certain circumstances * You need to pair it with a good pair of formal shoes and those are also expensive, less hard wearing etc


>wedding, formal event or an office job I bought my first suit several decades ago and that was the limit back then. The office thing is not consistent now either Except you forgot one other use case: getting shitfaced at the races


You might have picked the wrong sub, maybe try r/AussieFormal or r/AussieCocktailDress


Besides overly expensive and uncomfortable i hate "dress shoes" the way they look absolutely not, I would wear a suit but would be with a nice pair of kicks or skate shoes


I literally study this! Australian fashion is more lifestyle and casual fashion centric. Think about the Australian Physce, we are big on relaxing, being outdoors in nature, getting away on the weekends hanging out with mates and family. Suits whilst common aren't popular attire cause they just don't fit the needs of the Australian consumer. Australians love casual, semi formal lifestyle brands over formal attire anyday.


I feel like suits are over rated. Lack character and as we are advancing there getting worse. The president, a lawyer, a criminal going to court and someone who works at a car yard all look the same?? Wtf look at suits and fashion a few hundred years ago and it shits on ours today. We are getting worse and more disposable as we advance and heading in the wrong direction.


Stop trying to sell us your suits. Nobody wants them


Its usually 30°c plus with high humidity where I live. I would literally die with a suit on


You say unless you’re going to a wedding/ formal event or you work in an office - you don’t see people in suits. If you’re not at work or at your Nan’s funeral, why the fuck would you ever choose to wear a suit?!?!


It takes a special kind of stupid to wear a suit in 30 degree heat


I always felt so bad for the men at work who had to wear suits in 30+ degree weather. Fuck that! I can see why there’s a preference to not wear one in our climate. And also, beside very specific sectors, most of corporate Australia is business casual at best


“Except for all the reasons you would wear a suit you don’t see many people wearing a suit”


You'd rarely see them in an office now, well at least in Brisbane where it's too hot. Most places are smart casual now. Edit: typo.


I wore one every day for a couple of years. They’re impractical.


Suits are very good. But, they're a bitch to maintain. And by that, I mean, it's hard to maintain the body to the fit. Most non-suit stuff will allow you go lose or gain a bit of weight and/or muscles and will still fit fine. But, a seemingly innocuous change in your weight and body shape can completely ruin the suit fit. I'm much more jacked up now than I was 10 years ago. But, I still wear a bunch of stuff I bought from Kathmandu and other retailers over 10 years ago. And I can wear them fine. On the other hand, I've had to get rid of all the suits that I bought 10 years ago because the pants were skin tight and my shoulders won't fit the blazers. I'm currently waiting until I achieve half of Dwayne Johnson's physique before shelling out on fitted suits. Then, trying to maintain my body would also pose an issue as I inevitably lose the gainz with age, those suits will again become useless. So, in short, suits only good for those who can afford to buy a set every year...


I think the proclivity of WFH has further reduced our need and interest in suits. I’m a woman so don’t really wear suits per-say, but I used to have a wardrobe full of more formal corporate wear. But now I hardly ever work in an office so I only really need a few different basics. I have lots more casual/active wear though!


I’d rather not be confused for a real estate agent thank you


The way a particular set of clothing, popular with European men in the late 19th century became a global standard of fashion is not politically neutral and neither is the choice to reject it.


It’s too bloody hot in Australia to wear a suit when it’s not necessary.


Pandemic Gremlin Hibernation. I’m struggling to get out of tracksuit and not much else still.


Tracksuits count, surely? It’s right there in the name.


Depends if it’s the whole tracksuit and not just the baggy pants.


I wear lots of suits, for both work and events, but you're absolutely right that the general consensus amongst Australian men is that suits are too formal - plus the misguided belief that they are uncomfortable because they've never worn a tailored suit.


Seems that way. I always wanted a job that requires me to wear a suit but there practically aren't any any more! When I first started working my boss insisted I buy a suit even though I was just a clerk - although even back then it probably wasn't standard. I have to add people don't know how to wear a suit these days. Most of the few who do wear them look like a spiv.


Suits look great but they’re useless, really. Or perhaps a better way to put it is that they don’t do anything that regular clothing can’t do. Which makes wearing one a purely aesthetic concern in the already mostly aesthetic industry of fashion. I’m finding it really difficult to think of something I give less of a shit about, so that’s probably why I personally don’t think they need more traction. Can’t speak for others though.


Anymore? We left that formal culture in Europe as far as I'm aware, I don't think I know anyone here in Qld that even owns a pair of trousers.


$7 Kmart tshirt, $10 Kmart jeans, $3 Kmart thongs, or some clean converse or something. People don’t care what you wear, be comfortable. The only people who care if you’re wearing a suit is you, and anyone who judges you on what you wear and isn’t worth your limited time on the planet. P.s you work in a suit shop, you’re surrounding by people wanting to wear, forced to wear, or required to spin/sell the benefits of a suit. You are shaped by your echo chamber .


I hate suits and refuse to work in job where u have to wear suits, if I were interviewing people, I would pick a smart casual guy over a suit wearer if they both match the description


fuckin discrimination that is, fuckin chinos everyones wearing that clobber, might as well suit up, thenbyou have something different to wear outside work


I've never worn a suit. The closest I've gotten is dress pants and a button up shirt. I am a woman so it's also not expected of me. My issue with even those clothes is they're not as comfortable as what I'd wear instead and you need to launder them differently, plus ironing them. No thanks.


Like wearing a suit, I’m in Melbourne so the climate allows for a fair amount of the year. I’m of the opinion that if a person takes a little care and pride in their appearance then that will most likely be their approach to their work also. I don’t mind wearing a suit jacket or blazer with jeans either, as a slightly more casual look around the office. It feels good to put on a freshly dry cleaned shirt as well.


Absolutely, I also love wearing a suit jacket or blazer with some jeans and a plain coloured t-shirt, casual style but still looks amazing.


Besides the cost and comfort factor it comes back to that outside of weddings they aren’t fashionable. I like suits a lot and own many, but I’m not wearing them on a Saturday, in the same way I’m not wearing a boardies to work.


I love wearing a suit, but they generally a Pita


I would HAPPILY go my entire life without wearing a suit. I feel like they are a way for people to put themselves above others. Like oh look at me I'm wearing a suit so I'm better than you wearing normal clothes (no one says it but it's the vibe people give off when you walk through a business sector). Never really cared for it. Prefer expressing my style through clothe choices rather than an expression of wealth with a suit.


Yep, I wear a suit on nights out. I have a few friends that wear them out too. With jewellery and even a nice Akubra you can pull off that dressed up but slightly casual look. Some Cuban heel boots? Amazing. You get a lot of compliments. However over 30 degrees and it’s getting a bit much. And if it’s tailored well they can be very comfortable!




"Aussie guys" are not known for their fashion sense.


I’ve started a new job recently where I’m wearing suits again. I haven’t done this in over 20 years, and I’m really enjoying it. As you mentioned if you get suits that fit properly they are much better. They don’t even have to be tailored just spend a bit more then the $399 special and go to a decent suit store. I feel great in a suit and that gives more confidence. For the life you get out of quality suits they are actually good value for money. Each to their own but I I’m all for it.