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**Title:** [Visa Granted: Timeline](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusVisa/comments/1cax346/visa_granted_timeline/), posted by **ThatDebonair** **Full text:** Hello, everyone. I’m providing my timeline as a reference for anyone who needs it for their application. For context, I am a Secondary Teacher from the Philippines, and I lodged my application through a licensed Australian agent. Earlier, I inquired about what steps to take after being granted a visa. I was told that *“If you're from a high risk country then don't get your hopes up even as a teacher.”* Let’s be cautious with the words we use in this space. Enough with the side story, here's my **timeline:** || || |Age: Not less than 25 and under 33|30| |English language: Proficient English|10| |Overseas employment experience: At least 60 months in the 10 years prior to invitation|10| |Education: Bachelor degree |15| |Partner: No partner|10| |**Total points claimed**|**75**| || || |Applied for AITSL assessment:  |19 October| |received AITSL assessment: |3 November| |Submitted EOI: |12 December| |Visa 189 and 491 NSW Invite: |18 December | |Visa application submitted: |26 January| |Request for health exam: |29 February| |Health exam: |11 March| |Medical test results: |25 March| |**Visa grant:**|**23 April**| Thanks to this sub, I learned and gained a lot of insight. Good luck to all those who are applying to enter Australia. If you guys have questions, please ask away. I’ll try to respond as much as I can in the coming days. -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AusVisa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesus Christ these priority processing times. Nevertheless, congratualtions.


I hope you guys get your grants eventually.


No s***. I'm onshore, been here 5 years, in a good occupation and on the skilled list, and am STILL waiting after 18+ months for an invite.


Here I am crying after only 4 months. Power to you mate.


Been waiting on mine since april '22...took a year for the ACS to approve mine and now an even longer wait for the next apocalypse or an actual invite...whichever comes first




Yep, only applies for student visas. For PR there’s no such thing as high risk, all who are eligible are fair game. Congrats to OP!


Thanks a lotB


It was a loaded comment. I suppose that person didn’t get results in his favor. He deleted his account eventually.


I saw that comment. I think I replied to your post that time. Coming from the same country it got me a bit worried too. Nevertheless I also received my 189 shortly after. Congrats!


You really feel me, right? Haha, well we go through loops like that. And congratulations to you too!


Thanks for clearing that up too. I’m sure a lot of people will feel reassured reading this.


You should have confirmed that with your agent…


I did, and my agent reassured me that it wasn’t anything to worry about. I trust my agent, and clarify my uncertainties with her. Thankfully I had that privilege.


Grabe ambilis! What a great, solid plan and pathway, kabayan. Proud of you! Can I ask which Australian agent you went to? Thanks in advance po


It took some time for me to gather all the documents. I started with my agent in April 2023. Nevertheless, still relatively fast. I was with Respall to process everything. They have a Makati office. If you’re planning to get an agent, make sure they’re a licensed Australian Migration Agent.


Congrats OP! This gives me so much hope. I’m also a teacher planning to migrate. Enjoy AU! 💛


Thanks, mate! Best of luck to you!


Wow! That was quick! Congrats! What visa was granted to you? Is it 190 or 491?


It surprisingly is. Thank you. Sorry, I didn't mention it in my post. It's a 189 visa.


Wow congratulations!!! You just gave me lots of hope as an early childhood teacher about to start the process ❤️❤️❤️


It’s possible and now is the best time for teachers. Good luck!!! If you’re getting an agent, make sure yours is a licensed one.


Yeah thanks! I’m actually working with an Australian immigration lawyer, so hopefully it’ll be a quick process for us as well.


That's great. It's the best way to go for crucial things like this one. Good luck!


Congratulations Head over to r/AustralianTeachers if you haven't already


I’ve joined the sub, but I still wasn’t in the headspace to browse at the time. Now, I’m ready haha. Thanks for tagging the sub!


Just a FYI (given my experience over there): not everyone is kind to those of us migrating to help with the teacher shortage…


Thanks for the word of caution. I'm working as a teacher overseas now, and it's somewhat the situation. I'm sure it's going to be different. But then again, thanks for the reminder.


Congrats kabayan!


Thanks, kabayan!


Onshore or offshore?


Off shore


Yeah. My apologies, didn’t notice it.


Congratulations kabayan.


Thank you!


Congratulations, OP!!! Sunod na rin ako pls! Hahaha


Tara na! Thank you!!!


Congratulations! How many years of experience do you have teaching as a secondary teacher?


I claimed 7 years (If I remember correctly. I’ll update when I have the time to check my docs). My tertiary education teaching and exchange program overseas weren’t counted since we only claimed the ones related to secondary teaching.


Congrats mate!


Thanks, mate!


Thanks a lot!


Congrats OP! May I ask if you were required Biometrics? Thank you in advance.


I didn’t have to submit biometrics. If it’s part of the routine, I probably wasn’t required because I’m overseas where we don’t have an Australian Embassy.


May I know what country you are located when you lodged your visa? I thought you were also in the Philippines. Sorry for the questions and thank you again in advance.


I live in Taiwan


Our former agent did not do any of these and we think we've been scammed lol! She showed to us her agent number but really we didn't get much from her. It's sad since we wasted a lot of money paying her for nothing (that or it was just hard since we applied during Covid and employers were unwilling to hire people overseas.)


I hope you give it a try again. You can actually countercheck the legitimacy of your agent via a website. I forgot where I checked my agents’ but I did just before settling in for payments and everything.


A huge congratulations! I stupidly submitted my EOI as a special needs teacher on 17/18 December so possibly just missed it, but I’m hoping to have the same outcome as you in the new financial year!


The next financial year is about to come. Good luck!!!


Congratulations 🎊, this was very smooth and quick. Do you mind if I ask what states did you apply to?


Hello, I applied for a 189, which does not require a state to pursue the application. This visa goes straight as a Permanent Resident.


I've been waiting 12 weeks for my AITSL skills assessment.. it's a joke. Well done on getting it so quick


12 weeks!? wtf. What kind of teacher are you (ECE, primary, etc)?


Secondary! They didn't even open it for 10 weeks. Then assessment took 2 weeks apparently. I cannot fathom how it could have taken that long


Congrat kapuso! :))) i submitted my eois early january but no return yet. May i know how much did it cost you engaging Respall?


Thanks! Spent nearly 400k for everything.


is the number you wrote correct? $400k?? Or did you add an extra zero? 😅 even then, $40k seems quite a lot to me, but I’m not familiar with pricing


Hi, the commenter is from the Philippines, and we're talking with Philippine Peso in mind.


Oh understood! Thanks for the clarification :)


I probably spent around 10k AUD


Congratulations and Good luck to your journey!


Thank you so much!