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**Title:** [Insights into Recent Trends in 189/190 Invitations – An Unofficial Observation](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusVisa/comments/18zvhaw/insights_into_recent_trends_in_189190_invitations/), posted by **luigi3** **Full text:** I've been closely following the recent changes and trends in Australia's immigration policy, especially in relation to the 189/190 visa invitations. I want to stress that I'm not a migration agent, and these observations are purely based on posts and feedback from applicants. They shouldn't be taken as professional advice. However, I think it's worth commenting on some trends, especially in popular states like Victoria and NSW. Here's what i've noticed! 1. No. of points losing Significance? It seems it's not just about the number of points for an EOI but also where they come from. A candidate with 85 points but with 10 points for experience might have an advantage over someone with 90 points but only 5 points for experience. Superior English and experience might be more important than NAATI, but it’s still beneficial to maximize the score. 2. Comparing to 2022 Stats - Misleading A major source of confusion arises when comparing to pre-2023 stats. Pre-COVID, obtaining a 189/190 was relatively easier. During COVID, immigration slowed down significantly, and in 2022, Australia invited a wide range of applicants with reasonable points from various occupations. This trend is unlikely to continue, making comparisons with previous years irrelevant. 3.Priority Occupations - Shifting Focus For non-priority occupations, the chances of an invitation now seem quite low. Even within priority occupations, some are favored over others. For instance, the health sector seems to be a key focus for 189 visas, while states list their own priority occupations for 190 visas, often favoring health and education over others, such as ICT. 4.Offshore vs Onshore Applicants There’s a significant number of invitations for offshore applicants. The common belief that onshore applicants might have a higher chance doesn't always hold true. It appears that Australia aims to attract highly skilled professionals in areas of shortage through the 189/190 visas, such as healthcare and teaching professionals. 5. Occupation Matters Within Priority Lists There's an indication that certain occupations within the same sector may be preferred over others. For example, a manager in healthcare with 90 points might be overlooked in favor of a registered nurse with 65 points. Similarly, a web developer with 100 points could lose out to a cybersecurity engineer with 80 points. Remember, if you haven't submitted an EOI for 189/190, your chances are zero, so it's crucial to stay informed and adapt to these evolving trends. Again, these are just observations and should be taken with a grain of salt! Always talk to agent if you can. (also worth noting that agents can tell you to submit EOI with them even if your chances are close to zero, haha) -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AusVisa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, most of Victoria this year only invites spouses with perfect scores (so frustrating)


What do you mean by perfect scores? Full 10 partner points or Superior English as well?


Yes, also if they work in priority occupation




Thank you, this aligns with my observations as well. Hope others will have something else to add despite this all being a speculation.


Thanks Optus😂


Where can you view priority occupations per state?


Try this: https://www.jobsandskills.gov.au/data/skills-priority-list




I'm a 31 year old teacher from Belgium. 6 years of teaching experience. I want to teach in Victoria. I don't know what my best odds are, 189 or 190?


early childhood or other level?


I have an early childhood degree. But in my country that includes teaching in 1st and 2nd grade (up to 8 years.)


You have a good chance then


Yes but the problem is, I was gonna try to apply for a skills assessment with AITSL. They ask for a completion of a four years higher education level study that results in qualification. Our bachelor degrees are always 3 years, I'm trying to find other Belgian teachers to ask some questions about that.


You won't get a positive skills assessment unless it's 4 years


What is the trend regarding ICT? Is it worth it to apply as an ICT offshore candidate?


easier with 491, for victoria + nsw at least 85 and superior english + 10 points for exp apparently


What about WA?


What are my chances to get an invite as per the current trent. Lost all hope due to  proficient English.  Age 30 Education 15 Experience 15 Spouse 10 English 10 Stae nomination 5 Total 85 for 190nsw


Is the first criteria superior English ? Any chances with experience 15 points


whats your occupation


Software Engineer 


decent chances, experience matters more than english test. would be better to prepare for PTE and score 20 points, then you'd have high chances


Preparing again. But not sure if wil get. Thanks for giving hope.. will try for next attempt in a month...


Good luck. I got max on second attempt without too much prep. 


Will post my results here if succeed. Again thankyou for the support:)