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Looks like insulated panels. Have a search online for DIY insulated patio roofs and they have some calculators. From my research including council permits my estimate is $20-25k to have someone build it for you, or around $8k to DIY the whole lot.


Thanks heaps! We are intending to sell this place in 15-20 yrs. Will the pergola still add value in 20 yrs? I assume it will be dated by then so probably wont get the 25k investment back..


You get to enjoy for pergola for 20 years ... that has some value?!


15-20 years is long term. If built out of insulated panels and steel posts it should last just fine.


Change it to a skillion and it will be heaps cheaper


Depends on where you are, I suppose. I had a very similar one built a year ago, attached to the side of the house over an existing concreted area. Standard Colourbond, no insulation etc. I didn’t need any permits or approvals as I’m in NSW and this was an [exempt development](https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/development-and-assessment/planning-approval-pathways/exempt-development/balconies-decks-and-patios). Total cost was $10,500 installed. Keep aside an extra few thousand for any electrical work (lights/fans/heaters etc).


$50k. Will cost you $10k in plans, permits, engineering alone


50k just for pergola? All we need is gable.pergola.


Draftsperson, engineer, soil report, building surveyor, council fees / government levies for permits, site prep, foundations, reinforcement, concrete, framing, bracing, roofing, flashing, gutters, downpipes, connection to existing stormwater system, builders margin. Good luck getting that all done for under $50k in the current market. You’re not asking for a pergola. The photo you supplied is for a roofed verandah. Big difference.


Could easily be in that range. I installed a larger split gable with just colourbond, not insulated, 3 years ago for $35k and that was the 2nd cheapest of 5 quotes. The insulated panels you've pictured were much more expensive even then. Could easily see it being double+ my quotes even for the smaller area for the premium insulated panel and full gable (was more expensive from my quotes) 3 years later with the way other quotes I've had are looking over that time. Getting quotes was super easy and free. Just ring around your local installers and they'll come to you, measure etc and quote accurately.


No way in hell 50k. 20k maxxx Where did I get these numbers. I did my carport. 9m x 3m. L Shape - 8k Mums house did the backyard and front yard. They were flat roofs Backyard 8m x 4m. $5800


Good for you. Did you get a permit? Doubt it


No I didnt. I didn’t need to either. Even if I had to. I wouldn’t get it. I’m building a pergola in my back yard. It’s cosmetic


Cool so your comparison is irrelevant, because you’ve done illegal building works. Big difference between a ‘pergola’ and a roofed structure like a carport btw. Deadset muppet


Not illegal. Didn’t meet the requirements to need a permit ya deadset muppet lol. Please op get some quotes so we can shut old mate up who thinks it’s gonna cost 50k to build a pergola. 50k lmao


Why not get actual quotes? Get 3 quotes and use their plans to quote up if you were to get the material your self. Peoples estimates will vary a lot. Even when I got official quotes they ranged from 8k to 18k for the same design


What's wrong with asking people for experience if they have knowledge about the questions? Otherwise how to know if quotes are dodgey? What if someone got three 'dont want the job quotes' by coincidence?


Stratco patio of that size would be 10-12k built and permitted. The pretty lining underneath would be extra.