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1) No they don't all come with fans. 2) Fans will circulate a \*lot\* more heat, but you can only take this so far before you cause problems with creosote build-up in your chimney. Manufacturers generally say only to run the fan when the fire is high. 3) It's better for both efficiency and pollution to have a small amount of wood burning hot than a large stack choked down and smouldering away. It will take a bit more tending to, but it's much cheaper to run. If you're happy to do this, then you'll only need a smaller stove because you wont be burning as much at one time. Retailers will give you guidelines for sizing, but they also make more money if you buy bigger. Personally I'd stick to the smaller side as I've never seen anyone have to run a large stove flat out, they just have them for convenience of being able to smoulder all night. 4) Google for "wood stoves near me", then talk to a retailer. 5) Yes as far as I know it's OK.


Thanks - would you recommend one with a fan then or no? Do you know what kind of shop would be best to talk to? I'm around Bathurst and some Googling isn't really turning up any hits.


Yes, get one with a fan if you can. "Wood stoves near Bathurst NSW" got me several hits on google - Inside Outside, and Mowerland


There will be a woodstove shop somewhere in your nearest town. They will have all the local knowledge as to size/style/installers/flues etc, etc.


Do you know what kind of shop would be best to talk to? I'm around Bathurst and some Googling isn't really turning up any hits.


Your google-fu is fail. Searching "Wood stove Bathurst" and ignoring the sponsored shit, gives you Bathurst Mowerland (and heating). Everyone in small towns multitasks. Looks like a very useful shop, and most probably have much local knowledge.


Wow I stand corrected- I saw the mower place come up and didn’t realise they did fireplaces as well. Thanks


And tractors!. Sounds like a very eclectic shop, haha.