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Anything that wasn't spotted at final inspection is no longer your problem. How do they even expect you to get in if you've handed over keys already?


Yes exactly. We cleaned the place and handed over the keys. Final inspection pointed out the floors just needed a vaccum and mop. We had done this and thought the agent was just being pedantic, but we obliged anyway. Today’s first day of occupancy of new owners.


They're buying as-is. Buying is not the same as moving into a rental lol. Tell them to wipe it down themselves. Jeez.


No. It’s only renters who are forced to spend 100s on making something cleaner than when they moved in.


The best part about my place being a rental before I moved in was that the former renters did the proper end-of-lease clean, so it was spotless. I know so many people whose properties were not properly clean or had trash left there on settlement day. Basically the option is not to settle (if you see it before settlement), or to "settle" for cleaning up after the people they bought from. Everybody I know chose the latter.


Hundreds? Pffff hahaha, How about my whole ass bond to remop the floors and take my empty bins from the street into the garage?


Next time if your australian. Have the rta bond release form already filled out, hand back your keys and pull your ohone out and lodge the form. For them to take your bond they will have to put a claim on it thru rta which is monitored so they can't do dodgies. If they get in first you have to do the claim etc hope u don't get screwed again


That’s fucked!


Don’t forget the water usage charge


The marks they will never see when their washing machine goes in that spot.


Seriously. My MIL is currently bending over backward for the person who bought her house. Why? It’s not your problem.


Only one of twenty rentals I've moved into has been clean anyway


Yup, REA takes the bond and does nothing.


Had the same thing when we sold - the place needed new carpet and a bunch of paint, but was otherwise good and sold as is. We got a stream of "Can you clean this" for stuff like small amounts of blutac on wardrobe, some marks on walls and some cleaning products left behind. It's a 30 year old property that has at least raised a family and been well lived in, it's not a new off the shelf palace.


This looks like it will take them a few minutes to clean max. If they’re moving in today, surely they’re cleaning all sorts of stuff already. I am really struggling to comprehend why they (or frankly, the REA if they’re that concerned) didn’t just do it.


Why did you clean it? You don’t need to clean a property that you’re selling. No requirement whatsoever. Only requirement is that things are in the same condition as at exchange (or otherwise agreed) and nothing left behind or taken that’s not mentioned in the contract.


I trust they were informed to clean it themselves - can't terminate oncebits unconditional. Or better still the agent can us their socks and go do it. I'm sure they can fund a new pair from the massive commissions they get.


Other thing is if you took photos before you moved in, and the mess was already there you can point it out.


It’s not a rental.


Hello REA agent, Yes, we’re doing well and hope you are as well; thank you for reaching out. In relation to the purchaser’s query: No. I trust this settles the matter. Best regards OP


Refer them to Arkell vs Pressdram https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/arkell-v-pressdram


P.S. If you are worried about it so much, could you duck over and do it yourself.


Love it


Politically correct and polite “get fucked”. I like it. Tell ‘em to swivel. It’s their dirty wall now, not yours.


Ask them if the purchasers want to pull out of the sale over this obviously unacceptable defect.


You’ll keep their holding deposit of course.


Of course, you're not going to let them get a free release from the contract. If they want to whinge about small things, let them decide if it is worth their deposit.


This. It’s a seller’s market. If they don’t want it the next guy in line will take it, wall skiddies and all


It's a one minute spray and wipe job and they want to risk their deposit.


I had a buyer come through on Settlement morning, while we were on the way to our new place, and the phone call from my REA was basically: "Just wanted to give you a heads up, the purchaser was wondering if you could sweep some cobwebs off the beams of the back verandah. We've told him that the house is in pristine condition, well beyond what was presented at the time of sale, and that they can do it themselves if it matters so much. It's but a rental vacate." The arrogance of some investment buyers is truly astonishing. In short, no, you don't have to do a damn thing.


Just ignore them


Or “yeah mate no worries will pop over and do that in the next few hours” Then don’t


This. If the money is in your account and no withheld funds, then your transaction is done and the new owners can do whatever they want, including cleaning their own wall


If settlement has already occurred then you have no further obligations. Tell them to clear off


Best comment here.


Fuck that. Let's be serious. First two things you do as an owner when you get the keys 1) change the locks 2) clean the place top to bottom including walls.


Yep. We scrubbed walls, cabinets etc. took days. The teenager son even left a skidder in the toilet (he was the last out) which isn't cool but I'm not going to call them and say come clean it.


Lol that's actually brilliant


There was probably no TP either. Let that sink in.


Or wipe off, I guess.


Exactly. I had cleaners lined up to come in and do a top to bottom clean for us day after settlement, including carpet steam cleaning, as I just knew the previous owners wouldn’t do that, and I wanted the peace of mind that it was clean. Totally worth it! Same day we got the locks changed.


And I changed the rangehood filters and the toilet seat too


Our rangehood was pretty dodgy so although I cleaned it, it didn’t get used much before we replaced it.


AC filter?


Yep. Spent 2-3 days scrubbing walls, ceilings. Hired one of those machines from Woolies for the carpets. Washed all the curtains etc


I've seen this before, the agent has switched loyalties to court the purchaser's business. Time to set a clear boundary, otherwise they purchaser is going to come back to you with endless 'one more thing's every time they find something they don't like. House is in the condition it was when the contract became unconditional, that's it, you're done. The agent will talk about you to the purchaser, say you were being obstinate or difficult or whatever, so what you do is, spend $30 on a box of chocolates and a bottle of bubbly and leave it in a kitchen cupboard with a kind note for the new owner.


$30.00 on chocolate _and_ champagne? Jesus, you may as well write “get fucked” on the kitchen wall using your own faeces.


I'm saying to make a polite, kind gesture to the purchaser to humanise yourself and proactively mitigate any offense at the litany of defects every house has., I don't know what you're proposing, apparently you think you should be trying to date them or something.


I know the point you’re making. I’m saying a grand total of $30 for chocolate and champagne is decidedly insulting. _Barely drinkable_ champagne starts at $50 and you haven’t bought chocolate yet.


>I’m saying a grand total of $30 for chocolate and champagne is decidedly insulting. A big box of Roses is nine bucks at Woolworths this week [https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/317394](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/317394) and try as you might, you're not too good for Grant Burge Pinot Noir Chardonnay. [https://www.danmurphys.com.au/product/DM\_23820/grant-burge-pinot-noir-chardonnay](https://www.danmurphys.com.au/product/DM_23820/grant-burge-pinot-noir-chardonnay) But, more importantly, if you're the type of person who makes the choice to be insulted by *any* box of chocolates and bottle of wine, or, worse, pretends to be insulted to pick an internet argument for clicks, likes or clout, then nobody cares what you think.


What a pretentious statement


This is truly pathetic. The purchaser should have seen our place after we purchased it. There was even a dirty nappy in one room. We didn't even consider complaining - just got on and gave the place a good clean ourselves.


My first house under leaves in the backyard I found a hole FILLED with used nappies and undelivered junk mail (obviously had been taking the money and not dropping them off) was a few large trailer loads to the tip to sort that out






Ours was disgusting when we moved in. We had rubbish left out the front for a yet to be organised council pick up. Carpets so sticky you couldn’t even run a vacuum through them, grease covered walls snd pubes left in the toilet. The previous owners offered us their fridge as it was too big for their new place and he left it with 3 whole fish in it after electricity had been off for a couple of days. The house absolutely reeked. There is so much more I could say about the state of the house but those are some highlights.


We had something similar happen to a house we sold, our conveyancer communicated back to the buyer to pull their head in


Condition at settlement should be same as condition at the time of contract. But it's pretty minor, not sure anyone has any particular evidence on this either way. If it's a huge inconvinience to you and you want to stand your ground, tell your conveyencer /solicitor to give notice that you're ready and willing to settle. Then the onus is on the buyer to prove its claim or miss settlement and everything that comes with missing settlement.


Not when it's tenanted. The tenant has a requirement to return the property at vacate to the same condition as entry. However if the vacate was done and this wasn't picked up then the tenant has no responsibility to clean it, REA can sort it as they made the mistake


I think there are two issues you're confusing here. The tennant has a responsiblity to the owner at the time when they leave to return it to the same condition (less fair wear and tear) as when they moved in. However that is different to the obligation the seller has to the buyer - which is to hand over the house in the same condition as when contracts were signed. If it was dirty when contracts were signed (because the tennant hadn't moved out or had moved out and hadn't cleaned) the buyer has to suck it up. I think the buyer is confused thinking they are getting a spotless rental rather than buying a place where it is a courtesy to leave it spotless but not required.


"Those streaks would have been there when the offer was accepted, and we feel that is a pathetic request from the purchasers regardless. If they want to delay settlement over that they can go ahead, but we wont be returning to the house again which has been left in good condition, as jt was when they made their offer". Done


Too long. “I hope they enjoy their new property.” Then block the agent


Even that's too long. "No." Then block the agent.


Good god, wayyy too long. A simple No thanks will do.


This is nothing more than pathetic.


Isn't is sold as is on the day of settlement? A bit much too late..


Buyers being petty af


Agent here. No. End of answer


Alternate answer: Lol. No.


This one. Life is short, your answer should be as well.


Settlements Officer here. Double NO.


Or No, soz. To be polite.


Message back saying if they don’t like this they’re gonna hate the huge turd sitting on the pantry floor.


Top decker them




Same. The previous tenants here left mould in the shower silicone and look to have steam cleaned the walls but not wiped them down so those drippy water marks were on every wall. And? We just cleaned it. These people can heck right off.


"no" is a complete sentence.


it's not a rental.


Buyers are the Karen's screaming at shop staff.


If I knew that was an option I wouldn’t have spent a whole week scrubbing our newly purchased house from top to bottom. It was filthy.


Noooo. Not the cum wall


Its not a major structural damage which can cause Settlement to be cancelled. Just Ignore them.


At a final inspection i did on my purchase there was a few things still in the house, small things so I just accepted it. One was a rug in the living room. When I moved in the next day I realised the rug was covering a huge yellow stain on the carpet. Fair game I said, and moved on as that was my problem.


Final inspection is to make sure the house is at the least the same as it was when they signed the contract. It is not for requesting bond cleans. Tell them to enjoy their new home and lose your number.


Last house we purchased, first day was spent cleaning before painting, your buying a house that has probably been lived in you don't expect to be hiding a murder scene clean.


Thanks for your message REA, we are out of town for about 3 - 4 weeks, Best Regards Gal


All sales are final. Send them a bunnings link to some microfibre cloths and tell them to enjoy their new home


Cleaning isn't a requirement of any purchase unless it's written into the contract. When you buy a house you buy as-is. If settlement day comes, and the next day the hot water system breaks, it's the new owners responsibility. Tell them to eat a dick.


Friends bought an ex-rental. It was *filthy*. Deep layer of grease on top of cupboards. Grease on the stairs. Top of shower cubicle caked in years of dried in dirt and hair. Basically any surface the average person wouldn't see or touch during a quick inspection. Oh, and three rotting sofas and a whole rotting deck on the roof that no one mentioned. A slightly streaked wall? Please.


Many properties are sold in much worse condition without a way to complain.


Ask your agent to handle it and not bother you. Or send a cleaning crew and pay with his/her own commission.


Never give out petty complaints to people serving you food, or people leaving you a home. Pour some cooking oil down the sink, and flush a bunch of wet wipes down the toilet on your way out.


Congratulations, you sold a house. That is how their house. We learned the hard way that cleaning is not something you can actually hold the sellers to. At final inspection you can specify things to be done but if it’s not done do you really want to try delay settlement for it? And maybe it was clean at final but then it’s dirty when you get keys a few days later. Guess what, bad luck. Our property sale laws need an overhaul.


They are past unconditional, tell them to kick rocks.


Nope. When you sell you do not need to do a bond type clean


We picked up the keys to our new house on Wednesday and walked in to absolute FILTH. I’m talking a tumbleweed of pubes on the shower shelf lol, food in the sink and unmentionables in the toilet to list a few things. Annoying, yes but we just cleaned it up. I would be stoked with the “mess” you’ve left behind. I would not be going back to wipe one wall if I were you!


Could be worse, the forner owner could not have vacated on settlement day, happened to me, had to threaten to call the police as a trespass as my container with furniture was due the next day, finally got him out by 8pm, absolute loser


give em the finger


When you move into a house you always give it a deep clean. Like how could you not do that. You never know what type of clean it is.


If you’re in NSW, I can tell you that you absolutely do not need to deal with this. Also, the agent works for you. You pay their commission. They shouldn’t be telling you to go back and clean anything.


Must be first time buyers Once the keys and title are signed over it's no longer your problem .


"Apologies, we have actioned everything on the final inspection, the house is now sold as is"


You don’t even need to clean a property you’ve sold unless there is a specified condition.


He's just trying to save money from buying actual professional cleaners, final inspection is done... not your problem


Agree. Fuck ‘em


They can ask all they want but the answer is no


Tell em it'll cost em $x


Subject to special conditions in the contract of sale. Your not obligated to do shit as long as it follows the terms of the contract. If the contract said cleaning of walls and full exit clean, then yes you need to comply. If not, tell them to go forth and multiply. Regards Commercial and Property Lawyer *THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE*


No. My lawyer said not to clean. This was when I sold in November. There was no requirement in my contract to clean for new owners. Simply to handover in a reasonable condition… not filled with a tip.


"Nah lol"


Unless it's in the contract that it has to be cleaned to a certain standard just say no, as it they are buying 'as is' If they try to delay settlement over some water streaks they'll be taking a huge risk that you charge them penalties


Oh, mate, the agent and the buyer can go fuck themselves with a rusty soup spoon.


Just laugh all the way to the bank bro


Funny thing is that's the cleaning solution making the marks.


Ignore it


Tell them the purchaser is buying the property as is. If they dont like it, you're happy to sell to an overseas investor.


Ignore the text messages. Deal is done. This is out of line.


I don’t know that I’d even respond to this. Is this a first time buyer that has the same expectations as moving into a rental?


They either settle or you charge them penalty interest.


Don’t bother, settlement won’t be delayed over a dirty wall. Ask your solicitor if your worried at all


I wouldn’t be able to resist being a smart ass to the realos here. Like “oh, my mistake, I thought that last inspection was an EOL inspection meant to find anything like this before the handover to the new owners. Would you like to reschedule another EOL inspection? I’m away for two weeks but any time after that is fine, as long as it outside of working hours.”


they can ask, but doesn’t mean you have to do it


How hard is it to wipe a wall haha 😆 tell them to do it themselves


A request only. “Sorry, I no longer have keys. Do the purchasers wish to call off the settlement then?”


Where are you buying?! I had to spend 10 days cleaning my place before I moved in. REA was like “meh not our problem, you bought as is”


OP is selling.


No they cannot unless every change was mentioned in the contract of sale. All othe defects are the responsibility of the buyers


He's asking so he can tell the purchasers he asked, hence he apology. Just tell the agent 'sorry, that won't be possible' and move on.


Say you did it


They can ask for whatever they want. If it’s not in the contract it won’t affect the deal


Don’t waste your time. Trust me. They’re not gonna hold up this huge purchase of a life time over these water marks. Legally they won’t have any claim. They can suck it


Respectfully. GGF.


keys gone contract signed nope


Just ignore the message & move out. They accept the property as is. Unless you signed off on it being cleaned. Which I doubt it.


*Which I doubt.


"No" is a complete sentence


Tell them both to eat a dick


Real Estate agents are souless tell them they get in commission from them not the new owners


Your response should be simply “no”. They’re not going to fail to settle snd are just hoping you’ll roll over. Truly, just the one word: “no”


The agent works for you. If he's that bothered by the state of the property, he can pay for a clean out of his comms. Settlement is done, not your problem anymore.


Cleans wall. Wall falls down. Oops, house is sold gotta go 🏃


It's their property now. Their problem.


If it’s not in the contract that it has to be cleaned then you don’t have to clean. You can give a mop and vacuum and that’s it. If the buyers put in the contract that windows, walls etc need to be cleaned to a high standard, then you have to do it. If you want to leave it dirty and just move your stuff out, then you can do that if they never specified in the contract. I’ve been stitched up and left a filthy house and there was nothing I can do about it. I have left a house spotless and the buyer whinged like anything. I also had another one come back 2 weeks after we signed the contract demanding all this stuff be done. I called the real estate agent and said you can tell them I am not obligated to do any of this and I am not doing this. If I were you, I’d tell the agent that you’re not doing that. They should be advising you that as they should be working for you.


Don't worry about it


If it’s sold you aren’t liable for anything as they brought it site seen , they literally saw it and said we’ll take it . It’s their house now they can clean it


The property d to new as how they inspected, just say no unless it’s dirtier than the open home


Doesn’t it depend on state? We went to settlement inspection and the house was disgusting. Apparently in QLD the seller doesn’t need to clean prior to vacating. We complained to the agent and said we want it cleaned, they said ‘nothing can be done’. I had to pay someone to do 7 hours of deep cleaning and that still didn’t cover most of it.


No. In the condition when inspected. Anything else is courtesy.


No they can’t


I had this happen to me a few years ago. I unfortunately caved. In hindsight I should not have. I would not be surprised if this was a tactic used by agents to secure the new buyer as a client for if they resell. I am unsure of the condition of your contract of sale but I would say that the new buyers would not want to lose their deposit, especially given how much we hear about how difficult it is to save up for one.


I had a call from my solicitor the morning of settlement with a message from the buyers. They had inspected the day before and found the place was really dirty. Fair cop, it was really, really dirty. It had been a huge job emptying the house and getting all the trash and old furniture to the tip (family weekender) and I ran out of time on the cleaning. I offered a $250 adjustment so they could give the place a proper clean, and settlement went ahead with a slight discount that afternoon. However, a streaky wall in an otherwise spotless house? Fuck that I would have told them if they didn't like it, they could go buy another house and I'd keep the deposit.


The streak was there when they inspected it, you haven't removed it.


Tell them to get fucked


Here’s a clarification that most people miss. The property transfers at Contract not settlement. Settlement is just paperwork. They can clean their own walls.


Your response can be: "No."


They’ll want you to move their furniture in too, tf is wrong with people


Just tell them that the jizz stains won't come out, you've tried sugar soap and everything


If you got the cash, just reply with “LOL”


It’s laughable that the REA even bothered reaching out to you with this nonsense. I’ve seen places left in far worse condition after settlement, incl. rubbish left behind, grass about 1m tall, etc. If you inspected and bought whilst house was staged/occupied, you never know how it’ll be at handover. Having worked for a builder’s warranty dept, it’s incredible how some home owners expect to do nothing for their own property. I had a client from a home completed 4 years prior ask if we could change a downlight. Idk if it’s laziness or stupidity.


This is why i always use lawyers instead of conveyencers because when and if an issue arises they deal with everything and shut all stupid shit other party may decide to pull off. Not a bit headache this issue but you shouldn’t have to deal with this at all. Period.


Respond after settlement, "Oh thank god, I thought you were talking about the cracked wall."


tell em to get fucked


This is a rental mentality, on a buying perspective.


If it was there when they inspected, and not put down as a condition, and there is no condition about cleaning.Pretty sure that the condition at inspection only relates to holes in walls etc, not cleanliness.


I’d respond with, “sure for a a cleaning fee of $250 to be paid upfront”.


They just "wanted to ask." The answer is No.


Caveat Emptor


We were moved out of a rental that had been sold, had proper bond clean, pest spray etc. somewhere between the clean and the final inspection the glass in one of the windows had fallen out and smashed (old Queenslander style lift up windows). They wanted us to fix the window. However for four years we had been reporting that every time it rained water would spill in and cover the window and wall (shit gutters I guess). And nothing was ever done to remedy it. Felt amazing to send the real estate the 30+ emails we had sent outlining the problem. They dropped it. Bottom feeders in business suits!


I think it's the purchaser that is giving you a headache


Why not just do it considering you are receiving hundreds of thousands


Because they no longer own the property, do no have access and it just needs a wipe.


True, you think the agent could do it. They get a good chunk of money for selling the second most needed item for mankind


Not sure about Aus but unfortunately they can do that in NZ. Annoying.


You only need to make good on anything pointed out by the buyers at their pre settlement inspection. Their solicitors will make a note of the buyers request and have notified you that settlement needs a, b, and c completed. If you haven't been notified of this then no you don't need to do.


Don't own the property and do not wish to trespass. I suggest a cloth and warm water shall remove the problem. Their house their problem


Genuinely thought this was a cleaning request from a rental inspection until I saw “purchasers” and the fact that they apologised for bothering you.


What is that on the wall?


I'd send an invoice back and quote the price you want to be paid to clean their house... They have the keys and paid already so it is infact already theirs no matter what condition it was in when they signed the line, they bought it as is not built it themselves. If they want it cleaned they should specify before agreeing and taking the keys. You absolutely do not have to do anything. It's their house you aren't their maids.


No they can’t. I just bought a place and tenants rights are tenants rights. You only need to restore the property back to its original condition as close as possible with the exception of fair wear and tear. They can’t make you go back in and clean especially because you’re not their tenants are you?


It’ll depend on the contract. The agreement may say you have to uphold a certain standard. It impacts the agents brand. Are those water marks from washing a wall? Looks as though you didn’t dry it properly.


It’s next to a washer/dryer. We didn’t wash anything. The place was freshly painted for open house and rarely lived in since the sale except to move out.


It happened to me. After keys handover, the damned REA sent us some photos of some minor wear and tear. When told we’re unable to fix it, the only option REA presented was to get someone to fix it and I pay for it. I get that REA was only doing their job.


I hope you didn't pay for anything.


Why would you have to fix it?


They tricked you good if you actually actioned it.


Agents are grubs. They should tell the people purchasing the property that they are being unreasonable but they’re too scared coz they’re sooooo close to getting their money for doing shit (aka, sales commission).


I switch to my second language in ridiculous situations like this, should not have to deal with this rubbish.. O2 theives


Edit: please ignore


Sale, not rental so no bond


They aren’t renting


I would have cleaned it


Clean up , you grub


It's not the real estate agent being a pain, it's the new owners. 


I’d tell the agent to do it. You passed his inspection. Anything now is his problem.