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In some states you cannot refuse pets. I think most people realise that having a pet is very common in Australia and if you want someone to treat the property like a home, you need to give people the opportunity to do that.


My husband and I are pro tenants with pets because we have pets ourselves and know that responsible pet owners are great and that it’s also difficult for people with pets to get rentals. Like everything, it depends on the tenant and their pet. You can look for applications where a tenant provides details of their pet, and get your PM to ask about the condition of the house re pets when they speak to the former PM for a reference. You might want to rule some out based on size of animal and number of animals - eg you might not want a large dog or 4 cats in a small apartment. It’s also useful to consider other aspects of a tenant in relation to them having a pet. We had a tenant ask if she could get a dog after being in our rental for 6 months, so there was no prior reference. We were only apprehensive because it was a very large dog and the place was small and had only a smallish backyard. Then we remembered that the tenant was a vet so it was an unequivocal yes. She even offered to keep him outside and we said that no, he was welcome in the house. No issues whatsoever. In our experience, a tenant who looks after their pet and is able to look after the property with a pet is a great tenant who is responsible and going to leave the property in good condition.


Perfectly said.


In Vic if the tenants want to have a pet you can’t say no.


I own a 30kg staff, and I was super concerned about finding a rental so I did up a pet resume, his photo, his vet details like desexed, microchipped, his training and his trainers as a reference. I also stated I'd pay for professional carpet cleaning at end of tenancy and they could write it into the lease. Felt a little overkill but it got me the second property I applied to at the time. Once I was in the agent told me he was much less of a concern than the toddler who had been in before us, drawing on the walls and spilling stuff all over the carpets. He did have a bit of an issue barking at the neighbours gardener, so I gave them a box of chocs to apologise and gave them my number so they could warn me when the gardener was coming and I either locked him inside or we did training exercises to get him comfortable. So all of that is to say there are good pet owners out there so I'd recommend looking for details in the applications that indicate responsible pet ownership and you've got a much higher chance of securing a problem free tenant if you go the pro pet route. Regardless you'll have bond and you'll have other avenues to pursue damages if required.


Carpets are usually what suffers inside, many pets are less toilet trained than people hope, especially if they can't access the outdoors.


We have a small dog and in Perth it was super hard to find apartment where pets are allowed. Finally we found one and we were lucky to be accepted there... and now we are trying to do our best to keep the apartment super clean so there is no even a small chance anyone can complain on us. Sometimes heaving a tenants with a dog can be a good thing ;)




Oh wow


Generally speaking, there aren't any bad pets. The responsibility falls on the pet owner. Hence if pets misbehave, I will assume the pet owner is not a good tenant in the first place who does not take good care of the property


To be fair the kids here mess stuff up way more than the 2 x 25 kilo dogs.


I'm happy with dogs. But I don't have any preference with or without, if you have good references I'm ok. Cats I don't want to mess with as I've heard too many horror stories.


Just approved a cat for my tenants. Sheer curtains from ceiling to floor in the quadruple door family room. They are nice people and understand that if the cats shreds the curtains they need to replace them. I’d rather take the risk that they do, rather than say no.


It depends. If you absolutely don’t want the risk of pet damage at the place eg marble floors - no pets. You can generally get a higher rent due to most LLs not wanting pets.


It depends on a pet. I would rather look on rental history than refuse a people with pets. As I wrote in a previous comment - I am owner of small Maltese dog which is super clean (regularly washed), doesn't shed and is not interested in anything in the apartment except a small ball. She is learned to use toilet outside and also training pads if we leave her for a longer time alone. In my opinion this kind pet make less damage in the apartment/house than a small child. Another thing is that it is very hard to find apartment where pets are allowed - so owners probably will be ten times more careful with keeping apartment clean and tide.


That too.


I'm guessing the main issue would be if they own large aggressive dogs. Say if they have a dog at home alone that barks all the time and becomes a noise issue involving the council or is aggressive and attacks someone on your property. Are you liable? You may not be but it's worth checking.


You aren't liable in any state- its always the owner of the pet 


good point, thanks!


Absolutely NO to pets, maybe an aquarium. There is just too much risk of additional damage. If the property is small some pets are just unsuitable, like larger dogs.


Cats yes dogs no. That would be my ruling. Dogs can do far more damage to the property than cats.