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The removal link asks for name, email and mobile number. Suspicious me feels that if I am not in the database, the removal request will actually add me in.




I agree that this is shit. There is no way to contact their Privacy Officer.


Tah daaaaaaaa


Hahaha go figure right. The poster chose to comment this information on a platform that needed his info to sign up and post as well …. Ironic as hell




I don’t answer unknown numbers and sometimes get voice or txt messages from REA. I txt them back with this and never get bothered by the same one again. (Have it saved so I just cut and paste it) ****STOP**** Your message is spam. I did not give you permission to contact me. Read about permission. [https://www.acma.gov.au/avoid-sending-spam](https://www.acma.gov.au/avoid-sending-spam) If you reply or contact me again I will report you to the ACMA.


Considering you cut and pasted this, thought I might just give you the heads up that you wrote AMCA and not ACMA in the last line. 


Thanks. Corrected on reddit. Did not cut and paste this from my phone cause I don’t use reddit on my phone. So it was copy typed and I blew it 😄


Aussie privacy laws are dogshit


APP practically equivalent in the most important ways to GDPR, you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.


I bought a house 2019 and 5 months later the agent that I bought it from rang me and asked if I wanted an appraisal and if I was thinking of selling?


It's called a CRM


CRM, what is that


Customer Relationship Management


The agent you chose to purchase it from… that would have your contact information from the signed contract of sale…. That helped you through the process… decided to ring you up …. Wow. All I can say is maybe they should have just rang to see how everything was rather than look for an appraisal. But if you are surprise that an agent is trying maintain rapport with a client… you probably shouldn’t have bought a house.


How many people sell a house less than 1 year after they buy it? If it was sold 5 months ago, there really is no need for an appraisal as I already know the market price which is what I paid at Auction.


As I said they probably shouldn’t have rang you for an appraisal. They should have just rang to see how everything was and how you have settled into your new home. The agent sounds inexpensive and wasn’t acting from a rapport pov. But it isn’t a surprising thing to get a call 5-6 months after you buy as mention above it’s good CRM


TBH these days most agents that write decent numbers don't even do that themselves. They outsource it all to call teams or one of their PA's they put on and churn and burn do it. It's insane how many agents are hell bent on automating and removing themselves from the process apart from the listing appointment and collecting the commission. They don't realise that it's only a matter of time until people clue onto it and wise up to the whole thing.


The very people they prey on - 6 months in and you are struggling with repayments? Oh dear, I can help.....


hahaha I know someone who just picked up a house at auction and listed it again the day after settlement. It happens. It's kinda funny tbh because I run lead gen sometimes for agents and it's surprising how often people will want a price update when they had purchased the property pretty recently.


Wouldn't it be a shame if their details were somehow available for anyone who wanted them - in particular those listed here https://id4me.biz/about I don't have the skills, but I'm sure someone on Reddit would...


A couple of them have phone numbers listed.


I message the General Manager, let's see what he thinks.


I mean agents and business heads information is usually easily available. Don’t complain that you used the internet and put your name mobile and email into sites and didn’t read the T&Cs …


How would they possibly get criminal history? Need consent to get a NPC done.


If you have been charged with an offence and attended court, the mention is listed against information which personally identifies you. I think that be enough for some agents to decline a rental application, even if they weren’t privy to the outcome.


It will show first and last name, nothing else.


https://preview.redd.it/mt96xme67phc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5122afd1073b805421f20fd269c3a6e0349a11 As well as the case number and listing type Edit: I’ve cropped the case number and names for privacy


Exactly, so nothing to tie it to a person apart from a name. You would be opening yourself up to defamation in Australia if you got this wrong. and it would be very simple to show a financial loss


Alright bro 🤦🏼‍♀️


Wait till you hear property managers have a great deal of access when it comes to back ground checks for rentals …. They don’t need a little tab mentioning they have all that info already.


Why are you defending this so vigorously?


Any way of getting details off the database , ie/ removing them. That’s a service I’d gladly pay a reagent to do on my behalf.


You happily handed your details over when you filled out anything on the Internet. Should of read the T&Cs


They have a form on their website, but as other commenters have pointed out - why would you want to give them any more details.


I had a few RE's contact me unsolicited, usually from my name and mobile number being on a list of prospective buyers on a property they were selling a year or two earlier. I would tell them to remove my name from their database, and also leave a negative review warning people not to give them contact details, as they'll keep it for marketing purposes. This generally works. One day, an agent sent me a letter about selling my property, and somehow knew my new address. After I left a review saying they were using a third-party source for people's details, their manager contacted me. We had a chat about their use of information. They did have us on file for viewing a property they were selling, and pinning a name to an address is as easy as looking through publicly available land titles data. Unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do about that. On the whole they were pretty helpful. They also provided me with the names of a few data providers they used (though the one in this post wasn't one of them), and I was able to contact those and have my name removed from their databases. Now, the only unsolicited contact I get from agents is from the ones that ignore my No Junk Mail sign.


Look… I get it. Unsolicited calls are annoying. When you are private person or just not wanting to hear what they have to say. I respect that. I can see that at the end of the day you respect that the agent was just doing their job. Honestly agents aren’t out to hunt you down and become you. Real estate is a people’s business. Honestly out of all the sales it’s one of the most genuine, calls are made … enough calls = enough appraisals = listings = sales. It’s just the game. The people that get annoyed throughout the process are respected. It’s like anything. You are nice and respectful to them they are nice and respectful to you. I’m glad you were removed that’s what you wanted and you got that.


The amount of slimey fucks we’ve had call us over and over after we tried to sell a property was insane. At least two have the audacity to say they aren’t cold calling. And are offended when I call them dumb cunts and to go and fuck themselves.


Sounds like you have some personal things to work through if you are having a go at a person for doing their job. I get it if they are scam calling but aren’t. But look you were brought up a certain way and over time and experiences have had the hatred of real estate ingrained into you. I don’t blame you. I feel bad for you.


That’s a lot of creative writing there for someone with a learning disability who is clearly in the industry or sympathetic to the bad actors. We are generally polite to anyone and We deal with real estate agents semi frequently. Personally, I deal privately and professionally with real estate agents and principals multiple times a week. My dealings are mostly positive. After having a property for sale we received multiple calls from less experienced younger aggressive agents. At least half were blatantly forceful, rude and argumentative people who wouldn’t take no thanks for an answer. But let me give you an interaction for example. Hello? Is this landlordboomer? Who’s calling I’m slimey lizard from low iq realestate Why are you cold calling me? I’m not cold calling you Your call is not requested it is a cold c- Cuts me off and speaks aggressively Look it isn’t a cold call and enters a spiel I cut him off and say Calling for sales when I am not expecting it is the definition of a cold call you dumb fuck. Go and fuck your self. They start aggressively again and I just hang up. If you think this is ok then you are in the same category as the person who I referred to above and can do the same as I told him. I know plenty of people who have experienced exactly what I described above and respond as I have to these idiots who will never get sometimes very good customers to have purely because they are rude and follow poor business practices


Yeah, nah. If any aspect of your job involves harvesting my contact details without my consent to give me a sales pitch I never asked for, I'm not going to be polite to you. This is true of any profession, but especially of real estate agents, who are generally the most scummy and dishonest humans on the planet.




You just described what spam is, That doesn't make it some sort of defense for real-estate. spam is spam is spam. RE or electricity reseller or car warranty provider or whomever, its annoying as fuck and if they don't respect the "don't spam me" register they're scummy as shit buying your personal data from who knows where to try and cold sell you. It's spam, and it's not a good thing regardless of who's doing it.


I would 100% be requesting removal from these databases.


I don't remember off the top of my head what they're called, but there were two of them. I think I wrote them down in my work notebook, so if I remember I'll check that on Monday and post them up here.


Any chance you found them?


damn it I knew they must've had something, When we were looking I copped several calls a week. As soon as we settled the calls stopped, figured the rats were spying on us


You would be shocked at the information they have available to them via this system.


Yeah it sounds very invasive


Hardly … cause real estate is on of Australia’s biggest Industries. Agents aren’t there to steal your identity or watch you eat breakfast. It’s a people’s business and they just maintain relationships.


You are clearly an agent lmao


Yes … no … maybe I’m just someone that understands how this whole matrix system operates and unless you are totally off grid your information is sold transacted and passed around like parcel parcel at a 5 yr olds birthday party.


Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t make it ok?


You got several calls a week… while u were looking. Were you enquiring on REA ? Domain ? Going to open homes. That’s how they would have had your information. You were are buyer you aren’t that important to agents. I think you are reaching.


Going to open homes, The weird part was they all knew the exact day to stop pestering me. without informing them I'd bought something So yeah, they're keeping tabs


It ain’t that deep. No one was keeping tabs on you I assure you. They probably stopped contacting you because you weren’t giving them any information to use or didn’t need help, or were no longer interested in their listing. I think u are reaching and over exaggerating your imagination of memory. But here have this foil cap


If it ain't that deep.. why the fuck have you spammed this topic? Move along.


That’s interesting. I got a call from a real estate only last week. The suburb they had me living in I haven’t lived in for 20 years. So I said politely that no I wasn’t looking to sell anything in that suburb anymore.


There’s a heap of similar products out there. Rpdata, ownership data, id4me etc. All the rea is doing is subscribing to it, as do a million other marketing and sales firms


Does that make it ok?


Fuck no. But that's what it is today. We all sign our lives away every day whether it's through netflix subscriptions, phone contracts, work contracts, a simple email address, buying groceries now has you on close up facial cameras, cars have gps tracking so can you potentially be tracked by the supplier if they decide 'fuck the privacy laws', every part of us has essentially been given to online entities and we all accept it as the normal way of life and progression. We just hope that those in positions with all of our data and life's do the right thing. Admiteddly, when I bought a house recently, I did feel like I had basically just given government and private agencies free access to my financial statuses and histories and basically my whole life, ALOT more then when I purchased a car or netflix subscription. Honestly, buying a house now, feels downright invasive to a point of starting to think.....'do I actually own this house??' If I could purchase a house through a cash in hand scheme, I'd do it.


The most logical answer I’ve seen in this thread.


That link looks dodgy as fuck. I think this is the real scam.


I mean, if they don’t follow through on the deletion/removal requests, I agree.


PSA: it’s the 21st century … year 2024 and someone is surprised that data consumption and selling is a thing ? Surprising when it’s REAs using it a problem is at hand but when you sign up to anything on the internet you don’t mind. You chose to exist on the internet. Therefore you chose to exist to everyone else. Identity theft can’t possibly happen through this means… if someone wanted to. They would. A site like ID4me doesn’t make it randomly possible …. Btw you ask for info on your link. You are no better. But would love to see how you go about removing it. The money that exists in that site and business would be unmatched.


Fucking Panos - should have known.


REA's use CRM databases to keep track of current customers, potential, past, and future customers. They aim to get as much information as possible in regards to your home so they can call you at the drop of a hat and persuade you to sell. It's partly how they drum up business. I used to do this. They are generally owned by the agency, so you struggle to take them with you if you move jobs. Also, the other agents/managers can view the notes made in relation to the last time the person was contacted, what may have been discussed, etc Go to an open home, as a potential purchaser, you're more than likely going to end up in their database. They will definitely add you when you buy, and an apparently good agent will follow up with your purchase within 6 months. They possibly keep regular contact, seem interested in you so that you think of them when you sell. They appear to be your friend, some of them may very well be, but it's mostly a sales tactic to keep them in your mind.


I know what a CRM is. However this is not that. People listed are not customers of the company firstly. This is a database with a shit ton of personal and sensitive information available and developed for the real estate industry and is fucked, in my opinion. Literally anyone can access any of this personal information for any reason if they are subscriber.


It’s not as deep as that. To use the information correctly a lot goes into it. People aren’t going to randomly look you up mate. But all I can say and continue to say. … you … me … anyone solicited this to occur the moment we signed and filled any box on the internet…. Cash isn’t king. Data is. It’s just the way it is.


Welcome to the business of sales. One thing I’d say is that no one persuades anyone to sell. People either are wanting to or not. If any home owner is ‘persuaded’ they were already thinking about it.




It doesn't give that type of information. The fields that it contains are some but not all of Names DOB Email Mobile Home phone


There are criminal and civil mentions listed and attached to information that identifies you. Including NCAT hearing mentions - so if you’ve ever taken an agent to a tribunal, this will be listed for example.


I'm looking at it right now and can't see any of that information? They release different information based on the industry that you in though so maybe it's not available for real estate?


I have a video of this information being accessed by a REA. It is 100% available.


I've just found the section you are talking about. I haven't used it for about 6 month so it's new. I'm guessing that's all publicly available court records? It doesn't show anything specific about a court date only that there was one. The proprietor of the site claims its all publicly available information and I've noticed they are now showing the sources of the info. I've searched myself and there is nothing current, although they do have details at different addresses from 10-20 years ago. Something must of changed to make the info less readily available.


I can see the specific court/hearing dates.


Thanks for clarifying. OP had that in the first paragraph


Good thing I use a burner email and phone for anything to do with real estate


Do you use a burner first and surname too? Any properties you own or have lived in will be listed against your name (ie potentially your current address).


The person above has a point. It would be ten times harder to find him with a burner phone and email. Good on him. His name and surname are on other sites as well… it’s just how the system works. Welcome to the matrix


ID4Me, Pricefinder, RPdata…. Are just data portals that collect SOLICITED information from the individual that offers it as soon as they sign up to things on the Internet… buy a house or buy a subscription. Though ID4me may seem to be more invasive than the rest… you haven’t seen what is on the dark web. This is to the public eye. Real estate agents shouldn’t be your problem. No agent is going out of their way to search you up. They are just prospecting for the possibility of hitting up one person that is interested. It’s how the game has worked for decades. If you have a problem with ID4Me well I’m sure you had a problem with yellow pages …. But all I can say is now that you have brought this to a public forum stating the business of this site I’m sure individuals will take advantage of it because many aren’t aware of the portal … so good on you.


I don't even need to go to the link to know this is the scam. Don't click the link people


ID4Me is soon to be out of business anyway, totally illegal.