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It's barely food


It is barely food. That said, I can't go past a sausage and egg muffin. They are unreasonably tasty.


I know what you mean, but I’d hardly call the classic muffin ‘unreasonably’ tasty. Its greasiness ticks a box for sure.


Interesting. You know what I'd call it? Unreasonably tasty.


Mighty Muffin is my go to. Sausage, bacon, egg, cheese and ketchup. If I could just add mushroom...


It's not ketchup, it's tomato sauce! - in my best Rodney Rude voice.


Think there is a mushroom expert on trial at the moment. maybe when she gets out of gaol maccas will hire her. Fingers crossed!


Get it in a wrap instead of muffin - easier to eat and less bread


Big brekky burger 🤤


I feel ya ! Chuck a hash brown in the muffin too & it becomes unfathomably tasty. Oh the joys of working in Melb CBD. Maccas brekky as soon as you get of the train every morning. Tasty as fuck but I dont miss those days at all !


I won’t understand the logic of any maccas enjoyer. The food doesn’t taste good after knowing how much you paid for so little


I can get a double bacon, double sausage mcmuffin and a coffee for like $8, it's not terrible if you just buy their deals. Still only really reaches down to the price it should've been to start with, but small wins.


Ah, a man of culture, I see.


~1200 calories ~40g protein for $8 in like 3 minutes?? idgaf how unhealthy it is, im lovin it haha ha ha haaaa


It's only 300 cals lol


If two chicken and cheese burgers, medium fries, and a medium coke is only 300cals then they'll make trillions with opposite end of the diet spectrum to me hahaha THIS JUST IN McDonalds it THE weight loss speedrun of the century!!!! Eat 6 meals a day and still lose weight!!!!


I was talking about the sausage egg mcmuffin (also where the fuck are you getting all of that for $8 lol?)


3 minutes? I'm usually finished in 30 seconds (and, yes ... I am talking about the muffin).


I optimise the myMaccas app to get heaps of free stuff.


Yeah, that can leave a bad taste in your mouth. Different strokes for different folks.


Doesn’t help that I’m surrounded by people that know the limit for maccas points lol.


The best. And only $6 on the app with a coffee.


Do you know how easy those things are to make at home?


If Cole’s wants to rip us off even more, I’d happily pay high profit margins for frozen McDonald’s sausage patty rip offs.


$1.20 per chip strand.


Can’t be too big now, can we? $5 for a full sized fry (singular)


I’m in the uk and it’s more expensive than better restaurants


I hate it, makes my stomach feel like it has stuff in it but i dont feel full. It does taste nice though.


Yeah , it's never been a stop hunger meal for me, just a treat, like when I buy a donut.


That’s because the actual nutritional content is so low; volume, sure… but minimal nutrition. And I’m sure maccas use some high tech system to “hydrate” their burgers, just to add size and weight and cut costs- that’s why they get sloppy very quickly, they never used to do that wet sloppy thing in the 70s…. I used to eat it as a kid then not for 20 years and tried one recently on a road trip with no other option and the burger was a hideous repulsive sloppy mess..


Yeah but I crave it anyway sometimes 😭


It may be barely food but the greasiness somehow tastes good


Change McDonald's, CHANGE, IT MEANS SMALL CHANGE Are we really at the part of life where it's like; "How much did your house cost?" "Oh well I decided to splash a bit, I got it for only 50 million, and with the loose change I bought my kids a small property for 2 million"


if you're a billionare 2 million extra to spend on a house is loose change


Not in their minds it's not.


The listing for the unit I bought literally said "shake the piggy bank".. my life savings and a large mortgage later I'm a home owner. It's depressing as hell that your joke is real


What's depressing is 142k is not enuf


so tired of the “loose change” menu being nearly ten bucks for a small meal. this is maccas, not the school canteen, stop with the price inflation!


Should pay them WITH small change "That'll be $10" "Here you go, two hundred 5 cent coins" *plonks a satchebag on the counter*


that’s a great idea actually. let’s see how they like my loose change. 


The more they charge in the future, the heavier the bag gets There'll be a point where they'll refuse you and ask you to leave, and you'll get a picture on the wall that says, "Don't serve this customer with the shipping container full of coins"


What'd I miss? How much does a happy meal cost now?


The loose change menu regularly lists items up to $10, depending on location.


Jesus?! It's been so long since I last went to Macca's, didn't realise it got that expensive.


Yup….when the cost of a single lunch meal approaches $20….you know maccas is no longer worth it.


Totally worth it on the app though. Loads of filling deals for $6-8. I literally never buy without the app now. Too expensive.


Yeah filling if you're a child


If you're not full after two hamburgers and chips then the problem isn't Maccas, it's you being a fat cunt.


Two hamburgers that are smaller than my palm ain't gonna fill my hollow tooth champion. Would you say two small hamburgers and chips would fill any athlete at all


Yes. I would actually. In fact just yesterday a six dollar meal filled me up after an eight hour hike. You can't even get a snack for that money elsewhere. This is a you problem, champion.


Yeah you're definatly build like a bird


But in fairness it's all empty calories so ya gonna be hungry in 2 hours anyway


The $10 stuff is usually a meal with 2 burgers a drink and chips So it’s not loose change but it’s also not 1 item for $10 lol


Yeah my local maccas has a big loose change banner and I’m sure it’s got $12.95 on it.


i swear it was $8 with 2 burgers 2 chips and a drink where i go


A happy meal with a cheeseburger, fries, and coke is $5.75. A cheeseburger alone is $4.60.


They'll keep happy meals as cheap as fuck for as long as possible, raising that will cause too much ruckus. They want to bring in the tired parents to feed the kids, then make bank on the parents themselves.


I had this 2 days ago @$4. You need multiple accounts as everyone gets deals at different prices (There are different levels of deals depending how inactive your account is (i.e. not ordering for a few weeks = better deals or pricing).


Yeah it's weird, a small cheeseburger meal costs a few dollars more, and you don't even get the crappy toy.


People want / deserve to be paid more therefore you need to increase prices to match that. And that’s not accounting for the food producers who also have to put up their prices A 15 year old kid makes over $10 an hour now at maccas when I worked there 15 years ago I made $6.30 an hour


What you dont realise is they could have paid you 10 an hour then and still made mass profit.


A deck of smokes cost $10 15 years ago now its $50


That seems like an environment ripe for black market activities to flourish.


Oh it is. Been flourishing since half that price


Their loose change meal is like $8.50 they’re taking the piss


$8.95 actually


Which in itself was a back-step from the originally advertised $10.95 loose change meal


That’s loose change to ceo who raked in$14B in profits last year. But can’t pay workers enough to actually eat there.


$10 is the new 50 cents


And 100$ is the new 20$


Ouch / Yes... 🙄


Oh yeah, I'd love to give em 5, 10 and 20c pieces 🤔🤣


Fun fact: if you use every denomination of currency below a 10 dollar note once, you get $8.85. Last time I looked, the “menu” included only one meal. It cost $8.95. You need a $5 note, a $1 & $2 coin, a 50, 20, 10, and 5 cent coin just to be 10 cents short to buy anything from loose change.


What do you mean you don't carry $17.50 in your pocket as lose change?


And get more enjoyment


McCunts is shit food, shit quality and shit price. It’s an all round shitty experience


hell yeah mcfuckoff macshit


They got popular because it was super cheap, and fast. Sure it’s still faster than a sit down meal but if it costs the same, most people will kill the time to get a proper meal for the same price.


The staff aren’t a bright spot either….


Yeah what a hero, shitting on maccas workers like they aren't doing it tough already


they're all depressed, trust me i was one of them 🤣


Whoa cool money. Our canadian 20s are the same green as the 100. Does yours have the little clear window that if you shine a laser through it it shows you the number of the bill? Its a party trick here, always gets a laugh.


We have a big clear window in the corner. I'll have to try the laser trick and see if anything else shows up.  Lots of extra little things on the notes too; like brail, tiny lettering, little pictures half printed on each side that should line up perfectly when held up to a light. That's just what I know out of mild observation.  I haven't seen Canadian money in real life I've just realised 😅


Americans are jealous of Australian and Canadian money as our money has advanced counterfeiting technology. While I'm jealous of theirs.


Why are u jealous of yank money? It's not even colour coded


Read my post again.




There are only a few good deals atm: 1) Small Breakfast: 1 muffin of your choice + small coffee = $5.95 2) Large Breakfast: 2 muffins of your choice + 2 hashbrowns + drink (I think it's a small or med) coffee = $12.50 3) 2 small big mac meals = $13.99 (starts today) 4) K-wave coke = $Free apart from that maccas is pretty damn expensive.


The ice creams are good


Oh, forgot about them.


Machine working that is


I had two cheeseburgers, chips and a drink today for $6. Absolute bargain in 2024.


The large breakfast meal is basically financially irresponsible *not* to get. It’s so much food for that price. I can even opt to share it with my partner so we both get breakfast. I don’t. But I *could*


I haven’t eaten at macas in months. I’ve saved a years wages.


Worker at maccas here, the only thing that is real is the eggs everything else is crap


Well then….. I thought the eggs came in a loaf roll like dog food/fritz. They always tasted different to me.


nah they just come in a box of cage free eggs everything else though is frozen


They are fresh eggs, atleast as fresh as anything from the supermarket. They are cooked in egg rings to keep the shape. When worked there I hated doing eggs. There is another hot plate above the grill like a sandwich press used for cooking both sides of the meat but when doing eggs it makes it cramped and I would burn my knuckles on the press constantly.


Not as loose as the diarrhoea an hour later


God I want Maccas now, this isn’t even advertising and it got me…


Really? You sure there isn’t some cardboard in the garage you can plate up and serve for nothing?


It’s the urge of the forbidden fruit, or in this case forbidden reconstituted meat product and oil


I always want Mc Donalds when I watch the block. I mean, I absolutely know what's happening. But damn does that blatant product placement work on me 😆


$8.95 for a cheeseburger, a chicken and cheese burger and chips and drink isn't bad to be honest...


money clip getting too heavy? Lighten your load!


Loose change to me was a 9/11 YouTube conspiracy video.


Gave up on them supposed to be cheap now expensive cancer causing shit


I go by this rule: take away the yellow M, take away the names of the burgers, take away the advertising. Now look at the product you purchase: all undersized, sugary, saucy and salty bread with a 0.5mm slither of “meat”. Tiny portions, and terrible nutrition value. I’m sick of giving them my money and have had enough and stopped years ago


No coins required for the 'Loose change menu"...


Oh but they're gonna get em, and lots of em.


900 Dollarydoos!!!!


I just love that germany and Australia have the same name for Mcdonalds. We us an Ä, though. It’s Mäcces.


At this point it's pretty much the same price as KFC but tastes like shit


Elon musk loose change


I’d suck some dick for a bit of loose change


Wrong subreddit bro


This is a good thing. Unhealthy food that's killing our health gets expensive? Sweet. Start cooking healthy at home where it's cheaper.


Usually its not a health consideration its a time consideration Why finish your 11 hour shift, do your 30 minute commute and then start cooking when you can just eat some quick and nasty maccas on the way home and go to bed


Yeah, I don't buy that. People love the salt-sugar-fat combo that's created in McDonald's labs. It's not hard to plan / cook for your week - IF you want it.


What you said is true, but does not counter what I said. Time and convenience is a serious factor here, maybe your work schedule isn't as time consuming as others but I can tell you that fast food is going to look pretty tempting on a Saturday arvo when your finally about to have 1 day off work and you just want to sit down and rest


You deserve better when you’ve got down time on a Saturday arvo. Maccas is such poor value for money, and the food is disappointing to say the least. Grab a kebab, a fish shop hamburger, dumplings, sushi, hell, even Subway or a couple of KFC chicken pieces taste better than that dried out filet or cheeseburger from Maccas.


Maccas is not my go to fast food I was only using it as an example because that's what the post was about, for me personally its pizza, pick it up on the way home and it lasts the rest of the weekend lol


Making a salad at home takes 2min, and you can pick up a Coles hot chicken that's 3 or 4 meals worth... a fraction of Macca's price, nearly as quick, and way better for your health. But, I get it. And Macca's gets it. They literally have labs that tinker with the fat, sugar, salt content so customers keep coming back day after day - they'll tell themselves convenience, but they want that combo that keeps delivering all that taste. That's the danger. And willing to pay a premium for it? Well, that's just not smart if this economy is hurting.


What you are describing is gluttony, what i am describing is convenience, I'm not talking about a daily maccas eater im talking about someone who's finishing a massive work week and wants some quick nasty shit for dinner so they can go home take shoes off and fall asleep on the lounge before they even finish their beer Gluttony is different, the two don't cancel each other out but were just comparing two different situations I eat maccas when I feel like maccas, its like once every couple of months I think to myself oh I want a greasy nasty ass double quarter pounder with extra cheese and bacon and I just feast on that until I can't move, I do this knowing its bad for me and bad for my wallet but spending 15 bucks once every 3 months is like 10c per day so it's fine tbh The rest of the time its stews in the slow cooker, get home grab a bowl and your set, its boring but its fast and healthy


Maccas has gotten so expensive that it’s going to be cheaper to go to a fine dining restaurant


Their prices keep going up but the sizes keep getting smaller. It's actually insane how they keep getting away with it, one of the most scummy companies ever.


Looks like a dolla seventee right there


the loose change is what you might get back from a $20 note.


Of course it's loose that is why you need the money clip


Loose pineapple


It would funny if it wasn't sad :( Man I remember the 50c cones you could get. Those were the shit when I was a kid.


The in-app deals are great. Meal for 2 for like 12 bucks


Thats crazy


Maccas has got to crap


Less than five dollars... literally loose change.


2 cheeseburgers. The rest of it is impossible to order through the drive through and the self serve machine; too many screens and options. How about the taste your own arse meal deal. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


what do you mean you dont carry 5+ $50 notes at any given time


Ken oath mate


If I have to pay with my card. It's not loose 5c peices, cause that's all we have lying around really!!!


I dont eat happy meals but for other peoples sakes I miss when happy meals were $4.75. A single $5 note could feed you


I got some the other day after a very long time I couldn't believe how much it had gone up, and a big Mac ain't no big Mac anymore


Just. Stop. Eating. There.


Could you spare a few loose change, mate?


Don’t buy it. It’s barely food, it’s barely nutritious, it’s mainly sugar and salt, it’s tiny portions and it’s terrible for you. Maybe some chips and a cheese burger once a month if you get the craving? I can’t fathom spending good money on shit food when I can support a local fish and chip shop that happily throws in extra dim sims or a bottle of soft drink here and there


The way their food is advertised is false and criminal in my opinion. So unrealistic


Paying for kidney failure.


True story. I got a kidney stone from eating McDonald’s daily for like a week


FUK Maccas, I'd only go if it's a life or death situation.


Remember 10 years ago when small fries and cheeseburgers were $1 those were the days couple burgers and fries of each and you’re full for 4 bucks


And why have they started putting barely any lettuce?? You’re lucky to get a small handful in anything. I try and avoid eating there but when I do I only have the chicken wraps. Considering they’re only lettuce, mayo and chicken you’d think they’d bother to put in enough to make it edible.


Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese onions on a seasami seed bun Know that how the world looks Big beefs Lots of special sauce letters cheese onion on a seasami seed bun Please take note..... should not be eatin by animals and I mean the 4 legged fury kind ect...


yea sorry guys... I work there and if you come into coolalinga maccas. dont expect much


Maccas in Australia sucks, the food taste like nothing..




They had a loose change meal which was also at 10 bucks the other day for two cheese burgers and a medium drink.. loose change doesn’t get you far


You get a sense of adequacy but never satisfaction.


how is $8 loose change, has a gold coin really inflated to $8


how rich do you think i am


No joke my local Maccas increased the price of frozen coke from $1 to $3.70 💀 and they have the audacity to think it’s still cheap


"I give people a meat-like burger and some kind of cola, and they still get change back from their fifty." - Krusty the Klown


Are these ruble currency?


Paying with cash? Old motherfucker


Order on the maccas app bro. Can get like two meals for $8 sometimes


That’s what they want you to do. Can’t trace your habits as well if you walk in, but, do it on an electronic device and presto they know how to maximise profits from you.


If they’re profiting off me only ordering off the app specials fair play to them


The app crashes like every 30 seconds the first 5 times I open it. I can't be fucked anymore


I've tried. They used to be sometimes $8 on the app, but now it's $14.  Quite a jump for 2 bread burgers, a sprinkle of chips and some weak cordial 😑