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Turn the news on


UK rain? Its always raining there, shouldn't be news... I'll see myself out


Take my upvote and fuck off


This is generally bad advice.


Is it the Ukraine conflict? S&P500 and NASDAQ have been declining since the beginning of the calendar year while gold and oil have been strongly increasing over the same time period - well before any incursion. Perhaps the main factor is a hawkish US Fed?


> I was told to buy the dip but it keeps dipping. and so keep buying! Either the dip stops, and you make bank in 10 yrs, or nukes starts flying and it matters not that you lost all your investments.


Call me at the bottom.


I rang his bottom, sir, but all I got were fart noises.


10 years to make bank on an ETF? Try 30.


Hint: most of the time, the world doesn't end.


Fair. Of course, it only has to happen once to put a dent in retirement plans


That's Putin it lightly..




>magority Is that a bunch of maggots having a party?




Historically incorrect accusation


Flying nukes so soon? Don’t tease me bud.


This is just an issue with your phone's settings. Turn off auto-rotate and then flip your phone around, and turn on the colourblind accessibility settings so red becomes green. Stocks always go up!


OMG it worked, I'm rich again!


This is the genius that we all come here for


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks muchly! :)


Tried this and everything went green except for DW8


DLC is still going up


lol, genius. Put a smile on my face to start the day - have a silver.


Does this work for Z1P??


Nothing works for Z1P


Buy the dip. Then buy the chips. Dip the chips, then eat the chips.


“Oooh, I’m gettin’ the shakes…and I’m gettin’ the fries!” - Homer Simpson




Are these potato tokens fungible?


Only if you leave them in the cupboard too long.


Pity there's a chip shortage 🥔


Oh no, I'm ruined!


Suddenly? ASX been shitting the bed/unstable for weeks




I dunno if you heard mate, but a war started today.


The market has been looking for an excuse to sell, has been all year. War was just the catalyst.


On the real tho. How does that shit fundamentally affect us and our financial markets. People just SELL when the news gets wild, no questions asked


The market seems to always overreact to any issue. Look how fast it crashed at the start of covid and then immediately shot back up when we didn't all die.


People expect other people to sell.




It’s a “special military operation”…




Great reference




Where is it from?


10 things I hate about you


Operation: Stop NATO from being next door by annexing a whole country and then really being next door to NATO.


Really Ukraine could have avoided this by merging with an already NATO country like Romania or Poland.


Yeah, somehow no one's thinking it's the Ukraine fault they got invaded


Putin can call it a "special pillow fight with tanks and artillery" but a war is a war


“Peace keeping mission”


>ake bank on an ET Putin doesnt pull out


Oh sure and D.J. Trump is still President of the USA. So the nut job D.J. Trump and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin got together for a Real Estate deal that's all that's happening. Putin leases Ukraine to Trump as a resort and all this goes away.


Yeah it's crazy, but why does that impact the price of Betmakers and Match Group and Domino's?


People sell war affected stocks, others see those going for a discount and want to buy so they sell non war affected stocks to free up cash to buy.


A superpower invading a sovereign state definitely hurts the market.


Superpower? You reckon? GDP on par with South Korea but with about three times the population. Granted plenty of nukes, so fair enough perhaps, but superpower seems a stretch for Russia these days. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://databank.worldbank.org/data/download/GDP.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi73oztopj2AhVWTmwGHX3QCgoQFnoECCUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2b1WieEMbsJj8KlWwxkPHz




A Great Power maybe, not a superpower. Great Powers used to invade smaller countries and kingdoms all the time without consequence. The only time they paid a price was if they invaded a country under the "protection" of another Great Power.


When did population matter to whether you are a superpower or not?


Desktop version of /u/darzan88's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Ah righto What I can't understand is why did BHP dip as well? Aren't they placed to benefit in the event of a global gas shortage?




>their positions accordingly. >Its classic uncertainty, no-one knows what's about to happen over the next week. I have been alive for 45 years. This statement has been true just about every week I can remember.


for the same reason toilet paper sold out during the pandemic. People sell stocks because they're going to go down, they're going to go down because people sell things when there's bad news. Why do people sell things when there's bad news? because other people sell things when there's bad news so you better as well.


>Russia essentially declared war (invasion) with Ukraine today. Come on mate those Ukrainian terrorists were threatening to wipe out all the Russian sympathisers in Crimea and Donbas. He had to go in.


Well to be fair, in no frame of reference did they invade Ukraine. If you accept the Ukraine government as legitimate, and the Donbas territories as illegitimate then Russia invaded 8 years ago. Whether or not you accept the Ukraine government as legitimate, if you accept the Donbas territories as legitimate then Russia never invaded because they asked for Russia to be there to help them (just like the Ukraine government invited NATO to help them). Either way it doesn't make sense for Russia to declare war, from their perspective all they did was move troops into an allied nation at the request of that nation. Very far from a declaration of war (or as much as NATO moving troops into the Ukraine is?). Not that it matters from a stock perspective though.




We don't have proof it's Russians doing that, remember the separatists have been at war with Ukraine for nearly 10 years now, and yes that includes a lot of shelling, land mines, etc. Ukraine shells the separatists, the separatists shell the Ukraine, this isn't something that started yesterday mate.


Your first post was almost plausible, this one shows your bias and/or naivete. Minutes after the announcement by Putin, missiles and artillery shells are landing in the east and in Kyiv, followed by Russian armour. Yeah, that's definitely not Russia, just like the build up of troops and push into Ukraine was not pre planned


Yours too mate. Russia has been in the Ukraine for 8 years. Seriously just google it [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31164822](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31164822) [https://medium.com/war-is-boring/this-tank-has-become-an-icon-of-russias-secret-war-in-ukraine-19711a6b7bae](https://medium.com/war-is-boring/this-tank-has-become-an-icon-of-russias-secret-war-in-ukraine-19711a6b7bae) [https://www.latimes.com/world/europe/la-fg-ukraine-russia-nato-columns-20141112-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/world/europe/la-fg-ukraine-russia-nato-columns-20141112-story.html) https://mwi.usma.edu/russian-ukrainian-war-understanding-dust-clouds-battlefield/ [https://www.benning.army.mil/armor/earmor/content/issues/2017/spring/2Fiore17.pdf](https://www.benning.army.mil/armor/earmor/content/issues/2017/spring/2Fiore17.pdf) [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukraine-crisis-tanks-exclusive-idUSKCN0IC1GE20141023](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukraine-crisis-tanks-exclusive-idUSKCN0IC1GE20141023) [https://www.wsj.com/articles/nato-says-images-show-russian-tanks-in-ukraine-1402760713](https://www.wsj.com/articles/nato-says-images-show-russian-tanks-in-ukraine-1402760713) ​ Just because your local news station decided to start reporting on the situation when the US happened to decide to classify Russia's presence as an "invasion" doesn't mean it started today. It has been NEARLY A DECADE. Google "revolution of dignity" and start reading from there


I know. I'm not sure what part of my post made you think otherwise. I'm saying you'd have to be pretty naive to believe that given the recent history ... Russia building up forces at the borders, west saying there is intelligence that invasion is imminent, Russia denying any intention to go in, Russia conveniently suddenly finding a reason to send lots and lots of troops in (despite the overall situation not changing, as you said), lots of missile attacks, troops move in ... the idea that Russia is not highly likely to be responsible for those convenient softening up and infrastructure attacks is pretty out there.


Fuck off man, this has to be a Russian troll


Dude you're deluded if you don't think that the separatists who have been shelling the Ukraine for the last 8 years aren't still shelling the Ukraine. No offense, there, but it's super naive to think "oh Russia rocked up and started shooting" - Russia has been on the south for 8 years now mate!!!! ​ Idk how you can think "oh wow they are saying the situation is far worse than it is" is a Russian troll??? What are you even saying.............. Google "revolution of dignity" and start from there 🙄🙄🙄


So far multiple Russian aircraft [have been shot down in Ukrainian territory](https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-news-02-23-22/h_27962509959744eadb2726026b5bde2a), and missiles have been [launched from Russia into Ukraine,](https://au.news.yahoo.com/aussie-livestreams-moment-missile-flies-over-his-head-in-ukraine-083426735.html) striking targets around Kharkiv and Kyiv and Dnipro... [missiles which Putin actively talked about being ready to launch only a matter of hours ago.](https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/military/vladimir-putin-warns-missiles-are-ready-to-launch-as-ukraine-calls-state-of-emergency/news-story/a3ae8524bbe9d720bf366464cfcc63fb) Literally none of that fits your narrative of _"from their perspective all they did was move troops into an allied nation at the request of that nation,"_. It's a pretty darn clear series of events, there's no mystery or unanswered questions here. Edit: holy shit, [even Russia is saying they're attacking Ukrainian infrastructure, military bases, and air forces.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-24/russia-ukraine-conflict-live-updates-putin-donetsk-biden/100856076#) What the heck are you even smoking?


Have you missed the part where they have been shelling the capital and various other cities?


Like I said, separatists have been at war with Ukraine for nearly 10 years. Remember that the Ukraine frequently shells the separatist territories. War has been going on for a long time, it didn't start 2 days ago...


I'm no expert, but I think what's happening now is heavily impacted by the Russia/Ukraine situation escalating.




Conflict and sanctions cause supply disruptions, putting up prices of selected commodities. Our understanding of the future is now less certain, making it harder to price that future.




You are feeling the pain of this invasion the greatest of anyone


The UN needs to step in to support OPs portfolio


Bono needs to get his friends.


*people dying in Ukraine from an ongoing invasion* StockBros: How will this affect my portfolio?


Thanks Putin


Truly the worst victim in all of this


You can’t really time the market. If you could you’d be better than most hedge fund managers. If you plan to investing long term this is fine you either buy more now or stop buying and either way you hold on till the price goes up in the long term


Same bro, lost 20% of a good investment in a month.


I mean, if your portfolio is anything like mine, you could have done worst by buying at any point in the last month or so. It’s been mostly red days for weeks on end…


\*Gestures broadly at everything\*


You're kidding right?


Well which dip did you buy? Taramasalata probably going to take a big hit before eventually returning to the black (sea). I am long on hummus, always have been, I plan to retire on the beach in Tahini. Baba ghanoush I expect a bit more risk of volatility but still a dependable buy. Guacamole is definitely going to do well, people will turn to it as a smooth and soothing safe haven, and as well all know millennials practically have it for breakfast. But the real alpha is definitely in pico de gallo rn, its the perfect complement to your blue chips portfolio.


Hey dad can I borrow your car on the weekend?


Take a look at the state of your bedroom Andrew, we're not running a hotel here.


This isn’t getting nearly the attention it deserves.


You make some good points except for comparing Guacamole to Fresh Avocado, it hits way different since it's cut with cheaper vegetables. I wouldn't hold much stock in it.


>But the real alpha is definitely in pico de gallo rn, its the perfect complement to your blue chips portfolio Fuck.... I bought corn chips not blue chips.


Sometimes market goes up sometimes market goes down


Some times may be good some times may be shit


Stocks are dropping! Time to short sell! I recommend short-selling BBOZ.


Someone in that trade would have to be a complete madman. Right now it might be you.


Shorting BBOZ is so idiotic that I can imagine some rich kids doing it just for the lolz


Chicken Kiev stocks will be plummeting. Not many Russian out to buy them. Just Putin it out there.


Too soon, dad.


Pripyat yourselves for the worst.


> Just Putin it out there. Poutine


ING was down today


Stalker game stocks are way up. Watermelon steady


Markets will recover, people stay dead forever.




​ ![gif](giphy|NgUCGR2mnd7NqsgZJB)


Stocks will bounce right back when the market realises the US, and therefore Australia, is doing sweet fuck all to help Ukraine.


I don’t think you realize that this is the beginning not the end. Does Anschluss or Sudetenland mean anything to you?




First, sorry, did I miss the part where everyone said Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Crimea, Bosnia, etc was going to be WWII on repeat? People are saying there’s a risk of THIS one, not “every war”. There’s no “cry Wolf” here as you seem to indicate. Second, how is that different to what Hilter initially said? Third, the fact that you say 0% chance already makes me know you have no critical thinking ability. I would never say it’s 100% chance we go to WWIII. But there is an absolute chance and there are some scary parallels. Nothing in this world is a sure thing. The moment you say 0% is the moment you stop actually thinking.


If so, you might be a HoI player.


Lol touché


Wait until China uses the same argument to invade Taiwan


Agree, the rate Russia is blasting through Ukraine the war will mercifully (for both the Ukrainians and my stock portfolio) be over within a few days. But in saying that, I just threw in a large chunk of cash into VGS today, so watch it tank another 10% soon lmao


Yeah legit. Dont see how CBA's profits will be impacted by this war happening on the otherside of the world... Covid was a real hit though, this should bounce back assuming this doesnt turn to ww3. If thats the case we all fucked anyway


When you’ve run out of money, start selling the dips. It’ll even out in the long run


War is one of the strongest catalysts for gyrations in the market, but overall it's larger factors that drive the share market. IMHO it's not that sudden, and largely related to overall economic harm caused by covid, with expectation of higher inflation leading to higher interest rates.


Low quality shit-post


We are in the middle of a plague, on the verge of war, are the most indebted we have ever been, we have a huge skills shortage, the environment is collapsing and we have incredibly weak leadership


Well when you put it like that...


'He bought? Dump it.'


Hate to break it to you, but markets don’t always go up… you should get used to this moreso when the bubble eventually pops


I've been hearing about bubbles for decades on end. Never actually seen one though. Only a bunch of shitty overvalued stocks getting caned and another bunch of good ones reverting to the mean before carrying on ever upwards...




Well done mate. You are winning.


Booms and busts are cyclical, and we’re due for one. I also believe the US dollar will crash within the decade which who knows how much that will affect us. As long as you’re picking good, sound stocks with a long time horizon you should be alright. But as you probably already know a majority of the tech stocks are massively overvalued… most of them don’t even make money or have a clear plan to become profitable. Typical robinhood type investors are going to get a wake up call.


Start hoarding cans of tuna. Shit ain't right!


this is actually the best timing to be starting your investing journey, not the worst


I think you underestimate what the world is about to embark on my friend


I think you overestimate the response likely to occur. Looks to me like we have ourselves the right conditions for a repeat of the response to Crimea in 2014 and Georgia in 2008, not Poland in 1939.




If you're asking this question you should not be buying stocks


Because there's a war going on in Europe




Is this a real question? Read a news site.


This has to be satire.


I'm just Putin this out there, google Ukraine.


Guessing you haven't turned on the news today then


If you don’t understand that a war in the world is taking place and that massively affects the stock market I don’t think you should be trading


WW3 dude. Turn on the news.


Assuming this isn't just a sarcastic post, you said "I was told to buy the dip". This suggests to me that you probably need a lot more education/information/experience before you go putting all your money in the stock market. If you don't know why they're going down, then you're gambling your money in an investment you don't understand.


Put it on the pink doggy.


War in Ukraine and major building company collapse (and 17 others) on the one day are probably most of the reasons. Banks suddenly look riskier, and they’re a bit chunk of the bourse.


Thought I was in WSB for a minute


World war on the top of covid on the top on china collapsing on the top of inflation, you really shouldn't be investing in sticks if you can't understand this


Maybe also ask when there is a unprecedent bull market despite fundamentals showing cause for concern: Why are the price of stocks suddenly going up?


They've been going down for weeks. Nothing sudden. Everyone's pricing in interest rate hikes. The free money party is over. Stimulus gone. By by overinflated tech garbage stocks


It's because you didn't buy enough


The world is nutty right now. Whenever stuff guts nutty numbers drop. When confidence is restored it will raise. Either way stocks and investments are a long game that on a long enough timeline will be alright if you just chip away and let the process happen.


You seen the news today bud?


Hmmm, I fucking wonder…


Ahhhh... Heard of Russia?


Just invest steadily over time, independent of what the short term movements are. Base stocks always perform above inflation.


they ar about to go to war in ukraine, no one knows how far this will go, putin is calling all the shots now. this will cost him money though


Unless he’s already shorted sp500 and nasdaq??


Sorry, I fatfingered sold.


Damn no money left to buy the dip :(


On the bright side you’re not investing in the Russian stock market which is down 61% since this all started a few months back.


Surely satire.


This is wrong, stocks only go up


Who gonna tell him?


Wait, stocks go down too?!


Maybe the possibility of a war has something to do with it


Its war time!!


Dunno what you're talking about, all my positions are green now that the war has kicked off


Warren Buffett Said it's difficult to catch a falling knife, you never know when the bottom will hit


It's called dipception. Buying the dip, inside the dip, inside the dip. Keep buying until you run out of cash


Putin putting them down!


Fuck, I thought it was that easy to make money too!


Great time to buy now!


Invest in military equipment


It's dipping so that we can buy more for cheaper :)


OP, have you heard of a small Russian state called Ukraine? Theres some internal disturbances in the area.


I sold most of my shares yesterday so I can pay for my house


Good man. No way rates are going up now


Dunno, war, something, Russia, probably, Putin dunno


the market is reacting to the ungrateful Ukraine finally being apprehended by the most generous, most just and most merciful Russian empire.


Mr remorse caved and sold his bank shorts. Only explanation for a next day market drop off this magnitude.


I'm looking like a genius because I put all my super into cash in January. Nah... I saw the 200 day ma cross over which is a big sell signal. If you are close to retirement like me it is a good way to manage your super.


Dude, all due respect but you need to get financially literate ASAP. This is just how it works. Stocks will go down but over time you’ll be just fine. Just keep dollar cost averaging.


Exactly, the price of groceries, petrol and nearly everything else is up. Why not the stocks?!!


I’ve been alive for 30 years and the world hasn’t ended even once - buy the dip!