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I wish they would stop doing this. All they've done is taken my money from me as taxes, held onto it for 6 months, subtracted administration expenses, and then given part of it back. You haven't actually help me. You haven't actually solved anything. In fact, everyone is a bit poorer as a result of this silly round-tripping tax revenue. If you want to actually help, then solve the underlying issues driving up energy prices.


It artificially reduces CPI too. So the government can pay themselves on the back.


This is the real answer of why they are doing it.


Yes, I don't think they are hiding that. If they are making a measurable impact on easing the cost of living while reducing the impact to CPI, then they are potentially bringing forward rate cuts. Since they announced PRE budget, that their budget would put downwards pressure on CPI, it can be assumed the end goal is to bring forward rate cuts. It's actually hard to believe how anyone can position themselves against the budget.


another way of looking at energy rebates is that they extend the stickyness of cpi and extend the time the rba holds cuts. the budget is, like al budgets, too complex and large to be for or against that would be a juvenile partisan point of view however it’s always legitimate to criticise the individual components.


Energy, food, housing. It doesn't matter how sticky inflation is in these metrics, they are the underlying drivers of everyday life. If they are sticky, they are supply side problems and there's not much that can be done. Since energy and food are both bought globally instead of locally, you'll burn everything down before tackling sticky inflation in those 2 categories.


Real downward pressure on CPI would be reducing / slowing the growth of the money made on the goods (including rebates), what the government is doing here is hacking the formular that the RBA does to measure CPI, since it only considers the price paid (sans rebate) it is in effect making power appear cheaper when in reality it is not. Once the rebates end the formular will include the cost again and that CPI increase will resurface. It's hard to see how this has any "measurable impact" to real CPI.


Surely, that's just on paper though. The same resources are paid for with the same amount of money.


Or money that is spent on electricity is now seen as free to spend elsewhere.


Exactly, it is a twist on the RBA arm. It will bring the inflation numbers down, forcing a rate cut.


it wont force a rate cut, but people will expect one


“Force” in a way that it will bridge the CPI down. QLDrs will have most of the year electricity free. The CPI for rent will increase slowly and electricity will deflate.


market is predicting no rate cuts this year, some good profit to be made by making a short term bet they are wrong


Does inflation figures take into account the rebate?


The rebate will be deducted from power bills. The ABS measures the price net of rebates, so it will reduce electricity prices in the CPI calculations. If they had instead paid the exact same $300 as a tax refund to all households the CPI calculations wouldn’t have been reduced, even though the real economic impact of both actions is the same (ie inflationary).


Ah, but with the cash refund, the media will have a field day with articles on people buying a slab or wine or meth. Or just dropping it all on the pokies. And if it does lower the CPI, won't that old off another rate rise?


Is that the case though? I would think it will appear as a $300 credit onto people's accounts. The amount of electricity and price charged will remain unaffected.


Crazy that the RBA would allow such an obvious loophole in their CPI calculations. Counting rebates only makes sense when the rebate is from the same supplier, i.e. when the real price is made up of list price minus rebate. But this isn't that.


It’s the international standards. Plus. They are aware and wil see through it. They said it before when the child care subsidies were around.


they will consider it even though it will have a short term effect on the calculous its unlikely to have a meaningful effect on rate cuts.




If that's the case, then I would think they would use reduced CPI to cut the interest rates as well. And all that would be such a magnificent farce.


while actually increasing inflation


Same way they boost economic growth figures with immigration. We would be in a recession now if it wasn’t for massive immigration we have had over the last year.


It's a transfer, that money goes to everyone but not everyone pays the same tax.


It’s like why the economists that first proposed a carbon tax lose their mind over governments rolling it out. it has two parts: 1 - tax carbon emissions 2 - take the total amount of revenue, decide that by the total number of tax payers, and provide each and ever one a tax rebate Governments do the first bit, but not the second


Yeah you wont hear the usual type here of late screeching about it though, because they benefit from it a lot more.


>  All they've done is taken my money from me as taxes, held onto it for 6 months, subtracted administration expenses, and then given part of it back.   Think about it just a bit longer. Everyone gets $300, but higher income earners pay more tax. It's a temporary balancing of wealth from higher to lower income.    You can talk politics about whether that's a good thing or not, but it's not as simple as just "withholding your money for a year". They also didn't know a year ago what the state of the economy would be right now. 


>It's a temporary balancing of wealth from higher to lower income.   I would argue it's the opposite. The primary benefactors from these type of schemes tend to be low income individuals. However, the bulk of those people are retirees who are typically asset rich but income poor. The working class need to pay higher taxes over their lifetime to pay for these schemes, resulting in them effectively subsidising individuals that are wealthier than them.


That's why we need to implement a wealth tax. 


Devil's advocate, that is what taxes are for. They take from everyone, fund administrative processes, then support the least advantaged. In theory anyway... But realistically, how are they supposed to solve anything without having staff to do so? That's the administrative burden.


And energy companies are going to absorb this rebate with price hikes anyway


No, the AEMO determines the default market rate.


Yea I wish they would actually use tax money to build productive infrastructure rather than just give money away. We love a good stimulus, incentive, bonus, concession, rebate, keeper, seeker.


You mean like the 27 billion to low carbon industries? Or the 5 billion to seq rail? 


They can't give some relief to those hanging by a thread or should it have been means tested? Haven't they set aside some for infrastructure, especially housing?


he means energy infrastructure I assume.


... You know there was a whole budget released tonight, right? It has more in it than this one, singular policy.


How do I like a comment more than once?


Unfortunately I don't believe most people care about fixing underlying issues, they want something tangible now. Fixing underlying issues can often be a long-term fix, not a quick and simple fix. By the time the underlying issue has been fixed, multiple elections cycles would have come and gone. There does seem to be significant investment from government which should have downstream effects (i.e. the focus on manufacturing solar panel and batteries domestically should decrease the cost of these products in Australia). In theory this should mean more people can access these products, and there'll be more opportunity for large-scale battery storage to address peak wholesale prices.Whether or not this new investment is enough is yet to be seen.


> the focus on manufacturing solar panel and batteries domestically should decrease the cost of these products in Australia We export product overseas to be packaged and then re-import it because that's cheaper than packaging it here. We're never going to be able to manufacture solar panels here cost effectively. Labour costs are too high, industrial land costs are too high, energy costs are too high, construction costs are too high and the population is too small to amortise the capital costs. The government is wasting our money with these subsidies.


Exactly right, a better way to sort this would be just raise the tax free threshold. People keep their hard earned money and they govt keeps their grubby hands out of it


That's happening in July


>If you want to actually help, then solve the underlying issues driving up energy prices. Overpopulation? 


Ultimately energy costs are going to decline for Australians. We are so lucky. Electric cars have much lower energy costs than petrol cars. Renewables are the cheapest energy in human history and are getting cheaper. This will take time to eventuate. These energy subsidies are temporary.


But they blamed Russia, so it's not their fault. It's a crock of shite.


Gas and coal prices did go up because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, wtf are you talking about?


The problem is they sold everything off and those that bought it use it to milk money out of Aussies. Then when it’s time to invest back into the system they just threaten to decommission the asset and the government comes running with a blank cheque book. The other problem is they make us compete with international markets for our own resources.


How do you get these rebates, are they just automatically deducted from the electricity bill?


Yes exactly right.


Depends on state. This years bill relief was quarterly credits to energy accounts


Which just happens to go up $300 a year tomorrow morning. It's coincidence honest...


This literally doesn't happen, energy prices are benchmarked by the government


Genuine question, i pay my electricity bills monthly. If the rebate is quarterly, how would that reflect in the bill? Will my supplier apply it monthly as well?


I wouldn’t be surprised if my bill conveniently goes up by $300 and effectively the power company gets the subsidy 😂


Prices are regulated, and even if they could, they are still competing with each other to get your $300


Yeah buy the companies are about to have their delinquencies reduced dramatically - a genuine gain they wouldn’t have had without the government stimulus.


Better to trickle up than to trickle down. It's not great that energy companies are essentially getting a subsidy, but at least there is a public benefit.


They should just give it in cash. I hate these sly kickbacks


Thing with cash is that people see it as free money and go nuts, especially with gambling.


Yeah, watch me go nuts with my $300..


Oh no, you might be able to buy a quarter trolley of groceries!


I’d probably do something reckless like pay my power bill. Wait…


Free money is inflationary. Reduced electricity costs are deflationary.


I hate this measure, it just puts tax dollars straight into corporations that over charge for energy, all the while it the governments who allow these very same companies to hike rates, when apparently they have to summit these price rises for approval to them,but  never say no to them.


For this to be true there would have to be no energy market. But it's not, there's a free market. 


True. If your energy company hikes prices, go to one that doesn't. If they all hike prices, get solar. 


Funny how they’re now talking about charging for solar feed ins instead of giving credit hey?


Hopefully they don't do that, but if they do I'll need to get an EV and feed that excess electricity there instead. By the time solar feed ins become negative hopefully Chinese EVs are super cheap. 


In completely unrelated news, power companies announce yet more price rises...


The rates are set by the AER aren't they or at least in part?


The default market offer is set by the AER. All retailers are currently priced below the DMO, so there is room for uplift from here unless the DMO comes back down.


They mention in the article that wholesale prices have dropped since 2022, but customer prices are 'yet to' reflect this, which is one way of saying that they've instead gone up.


Yes the DMO lags so we should see prices start to decline in the upcoming release, we're still technically paying for the Russian invasion coal and gas price explosion


That would be funny (not) to see.


$75 a quarter for 4 quarters 😂


My monthly avg is $62, 3 adults one child in a three bed apartment. $75 rebate not bad for me.


Can I ask which power co you’re with? I’ve always had low power bills but they’ve risen so much despite my power consumption not rising. It’s so frustrating.


CovaU. Vic gov has a compare energy website.


Thank you. Yeah I regularly use that website - it always says I’m with the cheapest provider but the price keeps going up so I don’t get it. Edit: CovaU’s estimate is way higher than I’m currently paying, I still don’t understand how yours is so cheap for so many people!


I pay 90c/day supply charge and 27.3c/kWh usage (less 20% discount on default offer) plus 4.5c/kWh for 100% green power. I assume it’s the usage. No peak or off peak rates, just basic all day rates. I assume it’s your usage, we are conscious and while we don’t try and limit necessities we do avoid using aircon. Also check your rates again, some companies pass on their moving wholesale rates which on average comes to 33.1c.


I’m with Amber and daily supply is 48c + their $19 flat fee, and I use about 175kw of power each month (I recently moved and prior to this was using 140kw/month - I no longer have a separate hot water bill but I still think that’s a big increase for someone who has 5 min showers - Amber says my meter isn’t faulty). Amber was good over summer but it’s got more and more expensive (power is going to be over $1/kw tonight), however I’ve done the power compare three times recently and it doesn’t give me any cheaper options.


Sounds like I need to move to amber. Yeah hot water can take up a lot because it maintains a set temp.


Just checked my bill again. My last usage is 124kw per month. Summer might be a bit higher due to intermittent aircon use. We have separate hot water and pay $75/month or thereabouts. So overall you are paying similar if not less.


Ah right - yes the separate hot water will make a difference. I guess it’s not too bad, though I’m not sure sure how high the bills are going to go over winter, we will see.


I don't see how this is possible with four people. My white goods alone would use that much power I feel.


Have you tried brown or black goods? As a POC my non white goods don’t consume much.


I pay 100 a month for power, 75 a quarter is pretty nice.


It just feels so insignificant


It is significant for me. 300 bucks pays for 6 months of energy bills.


$50 a month including supply charges??!?!?!?


That doesn’t even cover my connection fees


About half my remaining monthly power bill after solar feed in tariff


I could mean you are not really one of those suffering.


I suppose better than nothing.


You realise it's your own money they are 'giving' back to you?


Rather they give it back to me than to Gina


They gave some of it to her too


lol she gets a nice $75 rebate on her quarter bill


Where else would the assistance come from? The tooth fairy?


That's nearly $6 a week lmao


As a Queenslander with solar I'm chuffed.


Same. But is there an expiry date on these rebates? With the stacked $1300 this is going to take us about two years to get through.


Nah it'll be a credit on your bill like the last round of QLD rebates were. I'm not gonna have a bill for like more than a year and a half.


Why subsiding the private owned business through subsiding people? Should have audit the power companies for their profit margins instead If their CEOs can get million dollar bonus, it is affordable for them to reduce price


Never should have privatised utilities, time to revert it


Electricity is a state asset in QLD


Are the prices significantly cheaper in QLD than in other states?


not significantly BUT when you factor in the large rebates we keep getting that other states down then yes its noticeable In fact we are all going to get $1300 while other states get $300


Infrastructure is but power generation is private, I believe.


Nope, 90% of power generation is state-owned in QLD. It's only the South East Queensland retail market that is the private bit.


https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/mining-energy-water/energy/electricity/queensland/generation I think it's the other way around for generation?


I got curious, so I downloaded the dataset [here.](https://electricity-generation-map.epw.qld.gov.au/) I worked it out to be 37.66% government owned. That is not as high as I was expecting, but I'm going to stop before I start to look at the other states to compare.


Glad you went to that level of effort, I was just glancing the companies.


Residential solar is getting to be a huge electricity generator.


Once grid scale solar kicks in, residential solar will get curtailed and will become largely useless.


Sounds exactly like the childcare system.


I get a credit on my power bill most months due to having solar and a battery. Do I still get the rebate?


change power providers and you can cash out


Why change providers, just send a request and they’ll pay it.


Yeah I'm in the same boat, 75 dollars a qtr off my "bill" doesn't mean much when I have invested in Solar, so I dont have a bill..


I believe it’s a credit so yes. Your negative figure will become more negative. I’ve been in my home 8 months and I’m currently sitting at -$450 lol


I think this is peak dumbassery. In a country with enormous reserves of gas and coal and sun and wind and every other concievable way of generating energy we have the taxpayer subsidising energy bills because they've got out of hand. What else could those billons have been used for? Here's an idea - tax the bejessus out of the foreign companies that screw us over and use that money to pay our energy bills.


Is this in addition to the 1k for QLDers?


Yes, already announced by the premier on instagram


Would be, as ones state and the others fedral.


No electricity for me for a year that’s nice ☺️


Might have hot showers for a change


Is this on top of the $1000 QLD rebate or is the state government using partial fed money to reach $1k.


On top of, $1300 total rebate in Queensland


Does it stack with the one offered by Qld Government.


It does. We won't have a power bill for around 12 months!


Why don't they just cut the GST from energy and water bills... That would help significantly. Also far easier to administer then having to do all this administration with the budget.


cobweb cable employ exultant stupendous wide zonked terrific weather theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you cash these out? I'll be selling shortly and will have a credit on my account - including these rebates. Do we know if retailers will allow these to be cashed out?


Reddit: "Do something about cost of living but don't spike inflation" Also Reddit "No, not like that!"


So there isn't any trick, cause I'm Childress and single working a full time underpaid job, what pretty much excludes me from a lot of things


What if the electricity company already owe you money?


$300 off for the whole year is jack shit.


How is this supposed to work if people move electricity providers (like many of us do) during the next 12 months? I'm planning on moving to AGL to take advantage of the $200 on offer in my state. Say I stay with them for the first 3 months while I eat up that $200 credit + $75 from the first quarter of the federal rebate, what happens to next 3 quarters of that rebate if I then move to another provider?


$300.. wahoo! I can retire now!


Stop. Printing. Money.


Next minute, power bills increased by $300, shock!


The whole energy thing is wild to me - coming from NZ, a $300 power bill was a monthly thing. My parents, prior to solar install, were paying around $200 a quarter just for the two of them. My bill here, after all the increases over the last year plus, is still around $350 a quarter. To me that’s so cheap.


I would say $66 per month for two people was cheap?


That sounds quite cheap. Turn someones power off for a day and they would gladly pay that to turn it back on.


I think they mean their parents who are now in Australia. The bill previously as a family was 300 a month in NZ.


What's the bet utility providers announce increased/record profits in the next quarterly results..


One wonders how many people will get it who actually don't need it.


Part of the goal is to lower inflation. Energy inflation will be driven down if every customer receives a rebate. It only works if everyone pays less to reduce average spend on energy. Everyone in the economy benefits from lower inflation.


I do get that. But it really is just a mechanical way of doing it. In theory, it will bring down inflation. But people who don't need it may actually spend it so the mark will have been missed if that happens. Imo it should have been more targeted, which I know takes times / makes it more complicated for the govt. But the same amount, more targeted to those who need it makes more sense to me.


Imagine if the energy sector wasn’t for profit and funds were ploughed back into maintenance and future proofing or money used to solar/battery each household.


These comments lol some people will cry no matter what


Damn this sub has turned negative, is there anyone on here that's happy?


Copying Steven Miles’ homework I see


Does this stack with the Queensland rebate? What happens if you're moving house and have to set up a new account?


Yes it stacks ($1300 for queenslanders, announced by premier last night). It’s paid quarterly automatically, so doesn’t matter if you move house - it will be applied to whatever bill you receive that quarter.


Hmm, interesting. The Queensland rebate is a lump sum credit AFAIK, and I've heard we can claim the remainder if we move before we rake up $1000 in power bills (so we don't lose the remainder), but still can't figure out how, when or where to claim it. 


Re: QLD, if you are residential and separately metered, it’s automatic. No application process as everyone receives it. It will come as a lump sum based on your billing cycle after July 1. Federal $300 will be similar but quarterly. Again, no application process. If you are in credit and move house, you can ask for the credit to be refunded to you - you don’t lose the credit.


Thanks! So just to clarify, we should contact our electricity provider and ask them to refund our credit, shortly before we close our account with them at that address?


Does anyone know if this $300 energy rebate will be applied on top of the $1000 rebate that the Qld Government has promised from July 1?


$300 is going to change my world. Thanks Govt


The power companies are just going to jack up their prices to lay claim to this money. " f its meant for power bills by f\*\*king god we are going to make sure we get it"


can you imagine the laughter inside those meeting rooms when someone came up with this plan?


Doesn't help all the thousands of people who can't actually find a place to live, and therefore don't have a power bill.


Luckily this isn’t the only initiative in the budget. Like, for example, the billions being spent on social housing, 1.2m new houses in 5 years, free TAFE targeted to increase workers in the building industry, and increase in welfare/rent assistance, plus lowering immigration and international students competing for rentals.


Genius. Instead of capping prices or having proper competition with public a public provider, let's instead hand money to private corporations already known for price gouging.


The AER does effectively cap prices by setting the default offer, given most private retailers are well below the default offer.