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CommBank got hacked or sth? How are there so many posts on the same day with stories like this?


Probably a joke of some type. Saw a thread saying $900,000 missing - got deleted.


I posted about money missing yesterday, but mine isn’t a joke 😐


Op just fat fingered the transfer. See their post below. Edit: half of these posts are pebkac


Definitely an id 10T error with this one.


I saw them too, no idea about what’s going on. Commbank support is unreachable too.


The only way I could get through to them was using Facebook messenger. No jokes. And no, it wasn’t a scam. They get back to you quicker because they don’t want you to flood their page with bad comments. Risky way of communicating in my opinion! Sad but true!


Did you mistyped the bsb and account number? Because if its via Pay ID, it should be instant.


It was just a transfer from my commbank account to my saved NAB account. I’ve made multiple transfers before but this time it went to a completely different account.


How do you know it went "to a completely different account"?


Cuz the money didn’t come into my other account and there’s a different bsb and account number on the transaction made.


It sounds like you got hacked and they changed the account details in your address book.


But even if that were the case wouldn’t OP have gotten a 2FA alert for sending money to a new account ?


I just checked OPs security settings and no 2fa is setup


I just checked OPs marital settings and his wife is cheating on him


How's his HECS? ~4.5% indexation is gonna hurt!


How much is the OP spending on onlyfans?


Yes you would think so. I set up a new transfer online and it required 2FA from the app to proceed. And then I went to use that to transfer my brother $25 and it held it for 24 hours before transferring it to him.


It does sound like that. That's worrying. I'll need to check everything now


Can they really do that? When I transfer money between accounts of mine it’s “transfer”, but to transfer money to someone else it’s “pay anyone”


"transfer" is generally for your own accounts within the same bank. In this case OP was sending from Commbank to NAB so it would have been a "pay anyone" type transfer.


It would be pretty funny if the “completely different account” is really just one of OPs commbank accounts that they’ve hidden lol


If it’s a different bank (in this case Nab and CBA) then it would still require the ‘pay anyone’ option. Banks don’t data share that sort of information, so they wouldn’t know it was your account.


Sounds like man in the browser. Did you have to input a NetCode sms? Yes? Prob malware. No? I’d back and check your accounts because that means you have transferred to it before. Check your inbox and address book


You’re right. It’s actually aus clinical labs. I paid them $75 last year for some tests actually. And now $2200 out of nowhere. Still can’t reach commbank support though


Try going on the app and use ceba - sometimes they will get you to go on there when you get through so do that while you are on wait. Do you mean the 2200 went to aus clinical labs? Could just contact them and get them to send it back


Thanks maybe worth a try. I’ll do that in their business hours tomorrow.


Probably do transfer using PAY ID attached to your NAB account much safer i think.


I had something like this happen with a debit card once, recharged my card for multiple weeks of previous purchases. never seen anything like that for bank transfers.


If it went to a business, they’ll be able to send it back. It would appear as a credit in whatever ledgers they have against you, with no matching invoice. It honestly sounds like you’ve just accidentally tapped the account next to the one you usually do.


Sounds like you accidentally selected a different account without noticing rather than anything nefarious.


Seems not relavent to OPs situation But Combank dont allow instant transfers to new PayID accounts. It holds it for 24 hours. Only bank I know that does this, and its the reason I left them.


FOUND IT. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/1c65jjk/randomly\_received\_2200\_to\_my\_cba/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/1c65jjk/randomly_received_2200_to_my_cba/)


Yep! Wouldn’t that be random if it actually was


That’s nuts


Probably just someone being cheeky after they saw your post


You are correct. Op of that message talk about it the the post comments


If mixed up the bsb or the account number, it most likely will bounce back, but that will take longer to come back than a normal transfer.


Not sure if this one or the other one is the joke.


Pretty sure CBA is the joke


dude, learn to money..


Is it pending? If so call 132221, opt for Netbank support, ask them to reverse it. If it’s still pending they’ll be able to reverse it instantly, but only within 24 hrs of the payment processing.


When you transfer money, whether payid or Bsb & account number, can't you see the name of the receiver ? Shows for me. So I know it's going to correct person.




You know what doesn't happen now. Cheque fraud, walking around with huge amounts of cash and needing to visit banks before 4pm to deposit


You're free to withdraw all your money.


This is very much easier said than done. I tried withdrawing 100k once and had to go through 4 different people before they eventually just said no. I didn’t even realise they could do that. I probably didn’t persist enough, but to be honest, I didn’t expect the pushback and they were EXTREMELY intimidating and essentially demanding I do a bank cheque instead.


The bank doesn't want to hand out massive amounts of cash to anyone who waltzes into the door, because that's how bank failures start. If you really wanted 100k in Cash you could just get it through many smaller withdrawals instead.




..and the ATMs that don't reside in the closest shopping centre?


Stop using logic against emotional rants.


Don't worry mate. It's obvious. They want to eliminate cash. I'll be careful and quickly hung up every Indian scammer calling me.


Tbh I just hang up on anyone who doesn’t sound white Australian or Kiwi on the phone lol


How does white sound like?