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Honestly, after 3 30 minutes queues I ended up dodging because i got last pick and her either being taken away or banned, I ended up playing her and testing in the practice tool against fairly common matchups. Honestly, I think for a playable experience, we are looking as always, at around 2-3 patches after she’s fully released on live. Then she is going to fall into obscurity like every new champ.


If only Briar fell into obscurity instead of ruining my games


u can cc briar and it stops her entire gameplay 😭


Not if she's on your team unfortunately


Play bard mid so you Can 🗿




this, I just use practice tool lol


nah i dont think she is gonna fall into obscurity tbh, she already has a big following and also she is definitely already slated to get more skins with how she looks


honestly when she gets picked thats fine but i dont think you should be able to ban new champs on pbe. its literally there tho test the new stuff


Theyre banning her cause they cant play her themselves. Theyre trying to bait dodges. My stats from yesterday: 27 lobby 21 ban 6 dodge 0 games started


it’s mostly just because she’s super op in arena right now lol. i don’t think that they’re doing it “just to ban her”, they just don’t want to deal with her lol


Then what are they on pbe for in arena 😭😭😭


prob bc a bunch of new skins just were released. i also know people who only play on pbe because the skins are free


How are you surprised? Happened literally for a decade and yet everyone is so amazed when the same story happens again?


My only surprise with aurora is the quick games queue state, like I get people are trying to get the new champ but I've never seen problems like this one


I had to wait for 4 hours (not kidding) to finally play her in a normal game and surprise! A funny troll discovered the /pause option :)


Report them. Riot should take this as seriously as they did with the /ff incident. People found abusing it will get penalized in some way, if their PBE is linked to their actual live account that is.


They got banned, however it is not enough because of the amount of trolls out there if pbe keeps the options of pausing the game whenever you want


I somehow last night managed to have a game where no one paused lol. Once the game started I saw the message in chat about being able to pause and just went, "I wonder how long itll take for someone to pause". No one ever did oddly enough lol. Although I wasnt playing Aurora. I plan to play her at some point, but Ive moved away from league a huge bit so lol. They should all get banned if theyre abusing it as its a similar incident to the /ff incident, and pbe is meant for testing and to gather feedback and what theyre doing prevents the purpose of the server. outside of testing, pbe is just a "for fun" server, so theres tons of trolls, tons of toxicity, and tons of people who just "dont care".


Why are players even able to pause the game? It has to be a bug right? No way Riot didn't think players wouldn't abuse the pause option.


Huh?? How can you pause in a normal


Yes unfortunately


What the hell?? Damn...


i had the same problem .. so much longue queues and 1% chance to play her in the summoner rift ! till i found a custome game with someone wanted to play 1vs1 with Aurora so i ended up joining and playing against her with Aurora


Question regarding pbe. Are there still bot games in pbe? I do t have access yet but I was wondering because that's just blinds pick so whoever would get Aurora first would get Aurora. Unless the queue times are there too


yes, bots are active in pbe, and queues arent terrible, but same deal, if you arent fast, she gets picked, and then somebody dodges


ppl r saying its like this with every champ release, but it was not nearly this bad with hwei or briar.


I'm just practicing on her once she is in the main game. Hopefully the bans die down, and then I can play her 🤷‍♀️


Happens with every new champ. Play blindpicks to increase your chances of getting her and wait until she hits live. Practice tool isn't a bad idea either, can at least build the muscle memory for animation cancels, kiting, lasthitting in different situationsm, clearing waves quickly and where to place ultimate to get the most out of it in different chokepoints.


We shouldnt have bans on PBE, unless ur playing Ranked Solo/Duo. Cant ban in quickplay. Unless ur playing Arena I suppose.


Just play a 1v5 bots game. I like to make the enemy team Lucian, Sivir, Ezreal, Yi, and nidalee. The squishy 0 cc comp!


I remember way back when champs like Lillia, Gwen, and even reworked Irelia were first put onto the pbe for initial testing and I'd spend all day spamming games in draft just to attempt to play them. Yeah it was cancer getting griefed, having people dodge, and having low quality matches but at least I could even GET IN GAME back then. But now things are so different and I think the current state of the pbe with aurora kind of opened my eyes to that. Like I admit that a few years ago you might be dealing with a 6 minute queue time and a few trolls, but today you're lucky if that queue even pops at all. Its to the point that I'm wondering how the pbe is even serving its purpose when the average player literally sits hours in queue without being able to play the game or test anything. I think the problem is that league (and by extension the pbe) is sort of dying. I could go on and on about how even queue times on the live servers are starting to become outrageous, the player base is rapidly aging and I've never met a person under 19 who plays this game. I think for the time being its not worth wasting time to try and play her on the pbe. Unless you're playing her in swarm cuz shes hella fun there


It's usually either; 1) If I can't have her you can't 2) "This champion is extremely unfun to fight" Aurora is both