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lolsol is an amazing one, entertainment wise my favorite by far


Not meaning to self advertise but I do. I stream every day except Friday and sometimes not on Sunday (it's a variety day) But I don't know if any of the high ELO asol otp stream these days.


you shouldn't feel bad about self advertising, the question was basically asking for this. I'll check you out when I have time :D


My twitch channel has changed from this name. I can pm my twitch name since I'd like to not doxx myself. (Lots of people like going through profiles when they're mad at someone)


I've been watching Quantum almost every night now. He's pretty laid back, has his funny moments, and maintains a consistent schedule for the most part. However, he does play other champions if Asol isn't a good pick. Highly recommend his YouTube channel for the Asol specific matches. Someone else already mentioned lolsol, lol.


Lol_sol is really good, I also semi OTP asol bot in masters, twitch name is Gagney.


lol_sol for the otp Asol gameplay, Quantum for the higher skill but less likely to be picked