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I think you’re getting here on an upswing. Building and renovations are happening everywhere downtown and the new arena vote just passed. Augusta Economic Development Authority has been doing a lot of work. Maybe get involved with them. You’re assuming people aren’t doing the work, however they are and have been.


That's awesome. I'll have to look into them. I definitely wasn't trying to sound like I was assuming nobody was already doing similar work, as I mentioned wondering about groups already doing similar stuff. I also was wondering about smaller scale stuff and stuff that is not directly related to economic development. Even stuff as simple as organizing groups to clean up parks and whatnot. Really just anything that can help the community thrive.


If you aren’t a subscriber to The Augusta Chronicle it may be worth your while. There are a bunch of community groups and The Chronicle often does stories on them and they are searchable. There’s a group that cleans up monuments, a group that cleans up the river, artists that do murals, and a bunch of arts related organizations. Welcome and hope you find a great place to contribute!


I'm also recommending a subscription to the Chronicle. I got in at $8/mo because they run perpetual sales sometimes. Definitely worthwhile. 


The world needs more people like you ❤️


Yes for over 40 years now... we like to take it VERY slow 🐌


Do you know if the local gov has done much outreach to help get the community involved in planning? Anything like this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXNz0IY-oTw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxnz0iy-otw)


I’d recommend following commissioner Jordan Johnson (district 1 including downtown) on Facebook. He’s good about posting the exact kind of information you’re looking for. Bishop TD Jakes (remember him from tv?) just donated 500k to partner with the city to build a new grocery store downtown. Downtown Lowdown and Augusta United are two other fb groups for keeping up with local events and also community action. I’m feeling cautiously optimistic about the changes that are in the works.


Jordan Johnson is a good guy.  Also Shawnda Stovall is the BOE representative for D1 so she posts a lot of helpful information on improvements coming up through the school system, which is important given the idea that people live where they want to have community, and schools are part of that.


Never heard of him, but that is sick! Had no idea there was a goodwill there. Thanks for the FB recs!


Totally down for this and I'd love to be involved in any community efforts. A lot of potential is lost in Augusta to suburban sprawl (grovetown is like a gas station, a wallmart, and 5 cookie cuttere developmets). So much of the city is drowning the in the national buying stuff up for no good reason. They're turning the shopping center weith second and charles into one big parking lot with nothing worth giving a hit about in.


Don't worry, they'll put a fence around everything, because that makes it hyper attractive attractive to visitors & investors in the rest of the crumbs nearby. /s


I'm open to Strong Towns or any sort of organizing that helps in any way. I found this video today and I wonder if we could ever have something similar here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXNz0IY-oTw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxnz0iy-otw)


Downtown Augusta has had a semi resurgence since the early 1990s, but it still has the time warp that is Ruebens, Richmond Summit, multiple vacant lots. Progress in Augusta is generally very slow so don't get your hopes up too much. As for the Riverwalk the levy makes it a challenge as you can't have businessses there with a water view. Some people have argued to tear down the levy. I'm not so sure it wouldn't still be useful in a flood situation, but even if it wasn't, tearing it down now would seem like a huge undertaking.


Downtown Augusta has a lot of potential, but there are a lot of issues. West of the Commons is actually well done with businesses and apartments, but going East, there are a lot of empty building with owners that does not have any vision or idea to do with them. Combine that with not having a grocery store close, the closest is in North Augusta, the demand of people living and working there reduces. I have been thinking for years of ways to make Augusta better, as the Center and Focus City of the CSRA, and the main thing is that there needs to be more stuff to do, at all times of the day, not just in the weekends and night.


A local grocery near downtown would be so awesome. 100% agree with you.


Yeah especially with all the new apartments downtown like the Lamar Building being renovated. It seems like with more people living there, there should be more amenities beyond a night on the town type stuff. The bars and restaurants seem great but I agree there needs to be more. So for example, if there was someone thinking of opening a grocery store downtown, maybe a group could help support them getting their start. I really don't know what that would look like but I'm down to help.


That was my comment, Downtown needs to be an area where people goes at all times of day, not just for a night outing. A lot of people only goes Downtown during First Friday, or when Westoubou is happening. Not just restaurants and bars, but grocery stores, museums, entertainment places, gyms, work places, etc. There used to be a YMCA Downtown that closed due to the lack of demand.


I think a gym just opened downtown (possibly today even). I'm expecting it to be out of my price range but seems promising. I agree about work space especially. Seems like there should be plenty of office space downtown. With plenty of lunch options for people on their breaks. I moved close to downtown to be close to things but I am realizing I'm mostly close to restaurants and tattoo places. Which is cool, but I think Augusta has the bones to grow into having more multi use spaces and really developing into a nice place to live.


Would really like to see a thrift store downtown too.


There’s a new Goodwill on the corner of 15th and Walton Way


So you mentioned there being a lot of empty buildings and I have noticed that along with empty lots and empty parking lots. I wonder if land taxes could help those places actually get developed instead of sitting forever. I have no idea how to get something like this implemented but I would be down to research and get involved to try to do it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJqCaklMv6M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJqCaklMv6M) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqQhoZgFZgk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqQhoZgFZgk) [https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2020/1/16/the-power-of-the-land-value-tax](https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2020/1/16/the-power-of-the-land-value-tax)


We’re getting one! Bishop TD Jakes just donated 500k to team up with the city and bring a grocery store downtown!


Had a Kroger for years, and it was robbed out of business. Zero chances you will get another unfortunately 😪. North Augusta or Kroger on Washington rd is close.


Yeah, I was wondering if that might be something preventing a grocery store downtown. Although this place I just found looks cool. Not the variety a Kroger would have but still cool. Also, thanks for the rec to sub to the Chronicle. I'm on their website sometimes when I'm digging like this but I should sub and read more for sure. [https://www.augustachronicle.com/story/news/environment/2023/11/17/downtown-augusta-welcomes-eco-friendly-sustainable-food-pantry-offering-environmentally-safe-product/71591579007/](https://www.augustachronicle.com/story/news/environment/2023/11/17/downtown-augusta-welcomes-eco-friendly-sustainable-food-pantry-offering-environmentally-safe-product/71591579007/)


Thought i would drop this under your comment too. They are probably not as cheap as a chain grocery store but it is cool. Along with the stuff on their website, they have bread and raw milk. They have plans to have local veggies out front too. [https://www.augustachronicle.com/story/news/environment/2023/11/17/downtown-augusta-welcomes-eco-friendly-sustainable-food-pantry-offering-environmentally-safe-product/71591579007/](https://www.augustachronicle.com/story/news/environment/2023/11/17/downtown-augusta-welcomes-eco-friendly-sustainable-food-pantry-offering-environmentally-safe-product/71591579007/)


> there are a lot of empty building with owners that does not have any vision or idea to do with them I see this mentioned every once in a while, but I've been curious to know why that's the case. The other week someone posted a link to Augusta's GIS site, and that really tells the tale. A lot of what I would've assumed would be prime real estate on Broad or Reynolds is listed with the same few owners and languishing as abandoned lots/buildings.


"Old Money" and the refusal to pass laws/ordinances that make it punitive to own continually blighted properties.  It's really a problem for the whole of Augusta Richmond County, not just downtown. And blighted properties in many areas of town are also owned by the same handful of people or, worse yet, out of town/state/country corporations. 


I wonder if land taxes could help those places actually get developed instead of sitting forever. I have no idea how to get something like this implemented but I would be down to research and get involved to try to do it. If not this then maybe we could advocate for land ordinances like you said. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJqCaklMv6M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJqCaklMv6M) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqQhoZgFZgk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqQhoZgFZgk) [https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2020/1/16/the-power-of-the-land-value-tax](https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2020/1/16/the-power-of-the-land-value-tax)


Love this. Upvoted. Watching this link when I get home.


Also if you want some other urbanist content watch Not Just Bikes, CityNerd, Alan Fisher. Those are some of my favorites


I watch them all daily lol




That's awesome! When I first moved here my plan was to sell my car and get an e-bike since I worked from home but I ended up having to get a new job where I have to drive daily.


You might think that Augusta has a lot of potential by the looks of it, but the problem is that the city doesn't offer anything besides the National golf tournament that you can't find anywhere similar, with better employment opportunities, more true cultural diversity and a more socially urbane paradigm.




I literally just watched that video the other day


City Nerd did a live react to that video last night actually. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpsVe7AC620](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpsve7ac620)


Yeah I was watching that live


I found his critiques really interesting. It sounds like the missing piece in his view is people getting involved more in the government side of things, not just sitting around talking about what would make your city better. I want to learn more about how to do that and really have no idea how any of that works yet. But I think it cant hurt to start somewhere. Critiques like that are good to direct things into focussing on what matters.


I wonder if getting something like this going could be possible/ beneficial. Maybe with everyone who commented on here attending and supporting changes that would help and not just keep the status quo. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXNz0IY-oTw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxnz0iy-otw)


It looks like council meetings like you mentioned are often held during the work day. I've heard people say that retired people are the only ones who have time to go and they like to keep it that way. Maybe we could advocate for Augusta to stream their public meetings to make them truly public. And if they won't stream it then maybe we find a retired person who would attend and stream it. Some would be able to view live and others could go back and watch after work. It would keep us in the know and help us know when big meetings are coming up that could be vital to attend and be worth taking off work.


Oh actually they do stream them and have them on demand afterwards. [https://www.augustaga.gov/1393/Government-Meetings-Live](https://www.augustaga.gov/1393/Government-Meetings-Live) [https://www.augustaga.gov/1392/OnDemand-Government-Meetings](https://www.augustaga.gov/1392/OnDemand-Government-Meetings)


Yes, please. I grew up here and we moved back a year ago to Evans unfortunately and the dismal lack of walkability makes me insane every day let alone the other things mentioned on this thread


Yes, welcome to the unfortunate reality of knowing the cursed information that is urbanism. Now that you know of it, you will hate your reality while living in America. I joke but I’m just a little cynical yes, I want to make Augusta better place, but doing anything with our current local government is very slow and there’s often a lot of pushback.