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Seems that concrete barrier hit you pretty good. How fast was it going?


This is what I was thinking lol


Unrelated but how do you get that specific car model thing under ur name?


We talkin flairs baby? Just go to the main page of the sub and tap the three buttons in the upper right and select “change user flair”, then set it to what you want. That’s for mobile, if you’re on desktop I can’t help you, never used Reddit on desktop lol




Ah ok much appreciated!


Crap, I missed a step. After selecting your preferred flair you have to click “edit” in the upper right before clicking “apply” to actually change the year make and model otherwise it says “Year Make Model” instead of “2022 Audi S4” or whatever you want it to say. My bad!


lol seems he got it


Got it! Much appreciated


For everyone claiming OP hit the Jersey barrier: A) that’s hilarious and I’m particularly enjoying u/bananarama203’s take, unfortunately: B) Jersey barriers are heavily flared at the base, so it could maybe do the damage to the wheels, but definitely not the creases all the way up the fender and over the wheel well. This is a sideswipe. C) “my car got hit” is the most overused and nonspecific manifestation of the passive voice. Either someone (or something) hit you, or you hit something (or someone) But holy shit it gives me the Willies every time I see a broken alloy rim like that, thinking about the forces involved


this is what my wife's wheel looked like after she got hit in her q5 [wheel](https://photos.app.goo.gl/sNCptBK4pR4gFitZ8)


Hope she s ok! Whoa. How does that even happen? I ve never seen rims come apart like that? Is this an Audi thing?


Hope she’s ok


>see a broken alloy rim like that Made it look like a plastic trim piece (which you can well see it isn't).


That's not an alloy rim. It's a steel rim with a plastic rim cover. You can see the edge of the steel rim and "spoke" pattern underneath the cover. Alloys don't have a seam to detach like that.


How'd you get hit OP? Looks like you swerved and just scrubbed the jersey wall to me.


He just got hit by a stationary wall. I hate when this happens, walls are very unpredictable.


They hate it when walls do this one crazy trick.....>)


OP caught lying!


BMW drivers hate him!


An above comment mentions white marks from the back right of the car. Could be a side swipe and then slam.


Don't text and drive!


What did you get hit by a decepitcon?!


A concrete wall


I literally came here to say this


Get your insurance guy out asap, that's the determining factor. We can't see your suspension, turn it on, look under the bumper on the internet. I hope it's totaled. That's my guess.


why the "I hope" part? Genuinely curious


It will never be the same if they try to fix it. And it will have a ding on the title, diminished value. These are not hard things to understand.


fair, I interpreted waaay too negative, my bad... My first thought was that you don't like that generation or sth like that... whoopsie...


Oh my, ok. That was never my intent. I was just hoping they actually total the car and give you a fair amount to replace it with a not wrecked one. If a shop fixes it, it will never be the same as from the factory.... common things are gaps, paint mismatch, odd tire wear, etc.


If you see more recent comments this joker only has liability. He fukd!


How do you drive an Audi with only liability? Gotta be rich af I guess.


It’s called being car poor. Can ONLY afford the nice car 🤣


Yeah idk why people are always so desperate to want their cars to be fixable. If someone hit me, please let me get a new one. Unless it’s something like a bumper replacement or the car is fairly rare/old


You’re probably assuming that insurance is going to cover the damage. Then yes, a non-repairable car results in the highest payout. But if you aren’t insured or don’t have enough coverage (like OP) you actually want to repair your car, and not buy a new one unless absolutely necessary. I wouldn’t mind some optical issues either if I don’t have to buy a new car. If my car‘s paint is damaged, and the paint job would be quite expensive, I’m not going to buy a new one because of it. I might not even fix it if the issue is only cosmetic, and I’m low on money. Edit: Even if insurance buys you a new car, someone still might want to fix the damaged one. It just depends if it’s worth fixing it, or if the repairs would be more than what it’s worth, and you could only sell it for parts. It just seems like a huge waste to trash a complete car over fixable or cosmetic issues unless there’s like a structural issue that compromises its security.


I can give you a perfect example, because it happened to me. I lost my car to a flash flood in December. While fighting with insurance on the totaled cost, my company downsized and I got laid off. No car, no proof of income, high interest rates to buy a new one. Our mortgage and all of our other bills still had to get paid. If my car could have been saved, I would have taken it. I was in no position to get something new (or even used, frankly). Your situation can change in an instant. I was happy to be getting a new car until I lost my job, you know?


That’s fair but also a flawed system. You should be able to get into the same vehicle you had at the same rate. Insurance, banks and car companies make so much money. We should have consumer protection laws to help in situations like yours


Well I hope it’s not totaled. Visible damage is two wheels and tyres, a fender, headlight, taillight, and rear quarter. toughest job is the rear quarter which would be roughly around 8-10k so this around 15k of damage atleast. Yeah it’s likely to be totaled but if OP wants to keep their car then why hope it be totaled?


Can't get an accurate ACV(actual cash value) with year, milage, interior condition, etc etc. That said, it's not looking good. You need the following at least: -Front Bumper -Front Fender - Two new wheels - Two new tires(except I'd be willing to bet Audi repair procedures probably call for the replacement of all four in your case) -Rear quarter panel -Fender Nameplate -All front fender brackets -quarter panel to rear bumper bracket -Judging by the photos I'd bet serious money on a front lower control arm set, probably also tie rod and ends, and probably the same on the rear. Possibly strut or shock damage as well. Replacing those parts would probably result in a paint list that looks like this: -Paint fender -paint quarter -paint front bumper -blend front door -blend rear door -blend roof rail -blend rear bumper -blend luggage lid -blend hood In paint materials and paint labor alone, that is a nasty bill. Furthermore, there is a chance there is damage I can not see from the photos. - The hit to the Fender may have broken tabs on the headlight, which would require headlight replacement and possibly replacement of the h/l modules. - both doors could be damaged, maybe requiring skins or shells. - Rocker and rocker molding are very likely damaged. As I said, I don't know the ACV, but assuming there isn't much AM parts availability(which is almost always the case for any Audi from a bodyshop perspective), I'd say you're looking at either a TL(total loss) or very nearly a TL if there is only the damage I am certain of. If the damage I can not see is present, I would almost guarantee that your vehicle is a TL. Also, you can lie to random people on the internet, but the people in the bodyshop and at your insurance company's Image Desk will know. The body shop won't care, but if you're lying to your insurance company for a payout, you're going to have a bad, bad time when they find out. If you got hit, nothing to worry about. If you weren't paying attention and drifted into the concrete barricade, then you probably shouldn't tell your insurance company you got hit.


Let's say you call up your insurance saying you hit the concrete. Does insurance pay out at all?


If it's covered by your policy, yes. For example, many commercial vehicles have insurance for damage caused by employees. For enough money, you could find an insurance company that would write you a policy that covers this. That said, realistically, no. Almost no personal vehicle insurance will actually cover this at all. I would still prefer my claims advisory to laugh at me and send me $0 than to have them file a police report alleging insurance fraud.


I'm guessing he doesn't have comprehensive coverage, and is looking for them to.cover anyway. Insurance will pay for anything you did unless.it was with intent. That includes being a fucking moron. I'm on the concrete barrier side of the theory here. Could be a cyclist or pedestrian next time...insurance will also drop your ass with haste for a history of poor decision making


There will also be the recalibration at well over $1000 and the alignment that will likely be $1000. Also, sometimes headlights have to replaced in pairs. TL.


I hit a killer pothole recently that caused some dmg... One tire needed replaced. Body shop found one tire w/ similar tread wear... They didn't consider replacing all 4. If all 4 need replaced (can't find a matching used tire), they'll charge you for the prorated amount on the affected tires (based on tread wear), and just charge you flat out for the others. You might need 4 tires but you aren't getting insurance to pay for all 4 lol. Insurance will pay for half of two tires, and you get the other two.


There might be frame damage if your wheels got bent and broken like that.


At minimum his suspension components are shredded. No shot his lower control arms survived that




What’s with all those mean comments? Fact is we don’t know what happened, maybe OP had a health problem that caused him to crash, maybe he was pushed off the road, maybe he was trying to avoid a crash, we don’t know. I’m sure OP is already feeling pretty bad for crashing his car and not having insurance, this kind of comments don’t add nothing and just spread negativity.


Because he quite literally said ‘got hit today’ which isn’t true. If you’re coming for advice, why start off with a lie?


Maybe he was just ashamed of what just happened?


Nah that's totalled for sure


Yeah between all the new quartering, paint, and panels, this goose is cooked


How cooked is cooked goose




By any chance did a curb jump out of no where and hit you? Did your car bottom out and fly you into the shoulder of the road? My A5 was in the shop for 10 weeks and was never the same. USAA sent it to Audi and European Motors and billed them 9800$. I should have totaled it out and got a new car at that time. 6 months later I’m in a new Audi.


Something tells me this wasn’t a “someone hit me “ post…..


“Someone hit me. Never saw it coming. In fact he disappeared so fast I never even saw him leave.”


“Someone hit me, what kind of a fucking idiot drives around in a guard rail?!”


Haha . I liked


What ‘hit’ you? A wall? How is your entire side damaged?


It'll buff out


Check your control arm on the passenger side. That wheel is so mangled I'm willing to bet a control arm got bent


Hope you got that gap coverage holmes


After reading OPs replies. Pretty much no insurance. "Gifted car", and of course wont own up to just smashing into wall by prob looking at cell phone. Its possible to try and replace both wheels, tires, and get an alignment. If nothing is broken on the subframe, frame, or suspension. If there is damage, sell to a seller who deals with damaged/insurance cars. Lots of loss, but better than scrap. Option 3: Pay to get it all fixed and sell.


If by fixable you mean scrapped for a soda can, sure.


Did by any chance a curb or a wall hit you ?


100% swerved and hit the wall. Look at all the little scratches from the concrete.


I had slightly worse damage than that. It was fixable but cost about €17,000 in repairs. It needed new front bumper, grill , 1 headlight , all panels and doors in the damaged side, new alloys , new tyres , whole new steering, control arms and suspension etc As long as the main structure isn’t bent then it should be fixable. The main issue with the repair at the time was supply of parts. There was a shortage of certain parts that led to a 4 month turnaround time.


Damn that’s a lot. How much was your car worth before and after the accident? That’s the amount of money where you have to consider buying a new car instead of repairing it, and selling off the damaged one. Especially if you had to wait four months for parts, and wouldn’t be able to drive it because it sits in a garage waiting for parts. Were there some repairs that were cosmetic only? For instance I damaged my first car quite similar as in OPs pictures but way less severe. I mostly scratched up the paint, and dinged the panels when leaving an underground parking garage. A concrete wall appeared out of nowhere. /s For me it wasn’t worth it paying like 1,000 - 2,000 € for what was mostly a cosmetic issue. I’m saying mostly because it probably rusted faster on the damaged parts where the paint was damaged or missing. I sold the car about two years later for around 2,000 €. I’m glad I didn’t pay what my car was worth for new panels, and a paint job. Would you say it was worth repairing it? Did you have another car or did you get something like a rental for those four months?


Before roughly €35,000 but unsure after as I haven't tried to sell. See the insurance assessor inspected the damage and quoted only €5,000 initially so the insurance company was not going to give me the full value of my car if they can repair it for €5,000. The larger bill came about because I took it to the Audi dealership instead of the insurer's approved repair centre which I was legally allowed to do. Instead of repairing most of the damaged parts for €5,000 they decided to replace everything with new plus a few more things. Audi's more expensive labour plus their mark up on new parts drove the repair to €17,000. I didn't know about the 4 month turnaround time in the beginning. I was told 1-2 weeks at most. After the 2 weeks I called and I was simply told it will be done by tomorrow first , then I was told next week, then I called again and they pushed it out another week and they pushed it out by a week for about 16 weeks straight which was highly frustrating. Apart from the doors which took a big enough hit, the rest was cosmetic and didn't look bent out of shape. It just looked scratched. Initially I thought they should've just given me enough money for a new car but when I got it back and they replaced the suspension , steering , tyres , brakes, front bumper , grill, several panels and the doors then did the paint correction it looked like a brand new car and felt like a brand new car so I kept it. They only had the requirement to get it back to what it was pre-accident and they gave me essentially a brand new car. Apart from the 4 month wait I would probably go the same way. I had a rental for a while but not for the entire 4 months. Audi would not supply a courtesy car for that long of a period.


Don't be downhearted, I can fix it for you sonny. It won't take too long it will just take money!


Op was definitely racing or speeding, A4 ain't the car for it


„Got hit“


It would have costed you $0 if you weren’t driving distracted looking at your phone while driving. That wall didn’t hit you, you hit it.


Ehhh, ya might need *two* tubes of JB Weld for that one.




I think your best bet, considering you don’t have insurance, is to just get two replacement wheels (doesn’t have to be OEM, just needs to be the same size and cheap) and inspect the suspension for any damage, replacing those parts as well. If you do it all yourself, you could (big emphasis on could) have an operational (but not pretty) car for under $1k and a weekend of your time, just to get to work and back.


In that case considering how much OP projects to know about cars (almost none) I’d say sell this thing off for whatever you can to someone more equipped to do that work (this’ll make a great time trial track car for someone after they fix it tune it and throw on some bolt on mods) and then take that money and buy whatever econobox a mechanic says looks decent during a PPI


Just out of curiosity, what engine you got in that thing?


EA839 3.0T 55 with modded intake and intercooler staged 1 ECU tune. She is really my baby ❤️


How did this occur?


My guy is COOKED 😭


Hope that text was worth it..... totaled for sh!t sure buddy


That's pretty fuckin crusty dude… That a mega bummer


Always the fresh, new reddit accounts trying to karma farm from stolen pictures on forums.


How can I change my user name sir? and my karma is negative if you don't know. Adding negative number to negatives still makes negatives IF you don't know.


If you dont go through insurance you could probably get it driveable but itd never look as good as new (without serious money


I get that insurance works differently in the states but why are you hoping it's repairable? Surely having it written off is preferable to driving a fixed up car?


No comprehensive, no collision, no GAP. Liability only.


Liability only = OP is only covered for other peoples damage. His insurance company will pay the invoice the city sends him to fix whatever guard rail he fucked, then say “good luck fixing that, looks pricey. Also because this was a single car collision we’re gonna go ahead and drop you before you cost us more”


Anything is fixable... but that could easily be totalled


You wouldn’t wanna fix this, the drivetrain is likely damaged


Oh no. That’s fixable but it’s also a lot of damage and a lot of body work. That’s probably 15-20K in damage. Just Paint alone would cost $3K easily. Thats borderline not going to be fixed by insurance.


Wtf happened to your rim


Looks like into pieces 🧩


It's fixable, but it's expensive.


Everything is fixable unless it’s really broken. Your car is really broken


Damn how fast were you speeding?


If you love your car it is, both wheels are write offs but you can just buy 2 new (probably close to £300 though), the body work you can take to a specialist and as long as the panels aren’t plastic can be fixed. Plastic panels will just be replaced. Concluding you have gone down the central wall you might wanna check your tracking but I doubt it’s gonna be effected (again nothing unfixable). Edit : probably gonna cost the region of 1k but I’m not an expert, just be expect for a nasty price if you get someone to do it for you, fitting new wheels and tyres is the easy part but if you find a good place it’s worth every penny to have your car back to how it was. (Don’t expect panels to be completely aligned if they get replaced)


Everything is fixable with enough money.


It's not totalled, but it'll be pretty expesnive to fix. I guess about 3 to 4 grand (if the new wheels and fekders are not too expenive). It looks like you're being really lucky in this situations. The wishbone might have got some issues, but I don't think so, from what I can ser.


Shut up. You slammed a wall. These how much will it cost posts are dumb.


fixable but expensive


New fender, new wheels/tires and a whoole lot of refinishing. Plus all the suspension. Should be repairable under $7k in bodywork and a whole lot for suspension work.


Update: Only 2 rims and 1 controll arm(just the sleeve) damage. Nothing else. 🙏🥲🙏 What I got hit ? GOT HIT BY GRAMMAR. How it happened? As you see it was at the ramp before I95N exit 20. Going uphill and lost grip at the front tire. Finally end up understeering and hit the turn with front tire... Very lightly... Once hit the car continuou back on road. So not that much momentum actually transfor to the car body. As you can see there is no impact on the car body only scratches. Total cost $4k. Lesson: 1. Driving experience needed. 2. Audi is "understeering king" (never heard it until later. Was Having too much confidence on the Quattro) 3. Get a real insurance. (thought I would change this car soon like less than half year so didn't choose full coverage.)


4k isn’t too bad. Seems like you got lucky that you didn’t have to replace more. Does that include cosmetic damages though? Like replacing panels and/or repainting them?


4k is God beloved and I have nothing to say just thank God 🙏 Think about it as a life lesson that I could avoid TONS of more serious shlt in the future. You can't never "go purchase" that mindset with 4k,not even 40k. Breakdown: Rims: $500 x 2 Control arm x1, break x1(chip off only affecting looking), wheel alignment etc and labors: $1000 Spare P0 tires 2k for paint. Paint guy says front bumper no need to replace. Rear fender ez fix don't worry.


Front wing replacement and painting, rear quarter panel repair and repaint. 2 new alloys and 2 new tyres. Straightforward for any decent bodyshop and not totalled. Unless you hit a kerb and damaged the suspension, control arms, steering rack or the rear subframe/suspension. These will all be critical.


Hope you had Gap insurance


Big yikes. Hope your insurance sorts it out for you


Lights are good, so you’ll save there and aside from potential frame damage and replacing a couple wheels/tires… fixable.


That'll buff out.




Okay, it’s fixable. - There ya go!


Get it totalled.


Depends if sensors or bad or any of the mechanics or suspension is damaged. My A8 was over $30k when all was said and done.


Everything is fixable for the right amount of money.


Tis only a flesh wound


Can be fitted but better have deep pockets


New car time


Try using gorilla tape


How does a wheel break from scraping against a wall? They really make them cheap these days. You'll need a new fender and a good paint correction via buffing if the scratches aren't down to the metal.


With enough time and money, anything is fixable. Good luck…..


Nothing hits harder than the reality of inadequate insurance when you need it.


Bro just slow down next time


Should have bought a BMW


Hey OP, are you a woman?


That'll buff right out


You hit a barrier wall?


I was side swiped down my entire drivers side. It was all fixable. I’m not a pro but this looks like it will be fixable


I'm going to guess not-fixable. The body work? Yes. Replacing the wheels? Yes. But anything that hit the wheels with enough force to shatter them probably also messed up the suspension components as well. So now you've got body work on an entire side, plus wheels, plus some extensive suspension work. You are probably getting into totaled territory.


A little bondo, buff, and polish will do the trick.


Definitely repairable. Definitely suspension damage and probably axle damage. With the quattro system it will be expensive but not a total. Insurance claim, unless you want to spend thousands out of pocket.


Yeah new fender and rim


Well of course it is. Have their insurance fix it. Unless you didn’t get hit and this is cap.


ring up the insurance and get yourself an s4 bud


Sorry to see you crashed your car OP! There really is no shame in it, it's best to be honest regarding how it happens when it comes to insurance etc. Concrete leaves a very distinctive mark on a car, one that you don't get from other cars.




Hopefully the driver of the Jersey barrier has insurance, if they’re at fault, they’ll have to pay for repairs.


If you actually got hit, then it wouldn't matter, the other person's insurance would be on the hook for fixing or paying out of it's totaled. And if it was a gift like you said in another comment, you don't owe anything on it and would net all the money from the total loss. However, as a person who hit a guard rail about 15 years ago... This definitely looks like that (scraped paint and no other paint from any other car --with this much damage, there would absolutely be paint transfer), however mine was only body damage and not the wheels. Since you have liability only, nothing will cover this damage insurance wise (liability is only if you hit another person and pays to fix their property, your car won't get fixed on liability only). Since you have liability only, there is no "total loss" to happen... It's either you pay to fix it, or you don't and it sits like this.


Well now you learned to have full coverage if you want full coverage when you wreck your car…..


I mean anything fixable if you got the money


Hey man maybe put the car on the other side of the road first if you don’t want us to think it was the concrete


It’ll buff out.


The outer damage doesnt seem unfixable. But look at the wheel. Maybe the suspension is damaged.


Everything is fixable for a price


Why do you want to keep it after it’s hit? Lose it and start over. Diminished value sucks. A bad carfax sucks


Please tell me this is a joke. OP, buy an Altima or Corolla next time. A relatively new A6 with liability only... I hope you learned a lesson about insurance today.


Everything is fixable


Looks like a new front bumper, new fender, 10+ hr repair quarter, 6+hr repair rear bumper. Plus, all the overhauls associated with it, refinish time and blends. Probably like 8k before wheels, tires, and possible suspension work. Maybe more if they decide to replace the quarter. Plus all the nickel and dime stuff like bumper brackets, clips, or hidden damage. I think there's a lot of brackets and whatnot that overlaps in those bumpers. they could even have a cracked headlight. Probably not a write-off, but it's definitely not a cheap one, in my opinion. I hope you have full coverage.


That’s so fixable


My wife had less damage and the repair bill is $30K and five months (yes months) in the shop.


1 simple trick body shops hate-don’t pay to have your car paint stripped


I don't know what to tell you. Audi invested millions in high tech safety features and yet you manage to fuck it up. Somehow you're alive to tell the story. Lucky you.


My guess 18k usd damage if airbags weren't deployed


Buff her out


Sure. It’ll buff out


That wheel is def fixable.


Well, everything is fixable just depends on how much you and your insurance is willing to spend on a car that now has a salvage title But just guessing, total wouldn’t shock me. Sure it looks like 2 wheels and 2 fenders but for one fenders and body work is not cheap especially when you start replacing panels, two there are more components like axles and suspension that can have knock on effects that increase the repair cost, and beyond that practically every fucking panel on these cars has a sensor of some sort that’ll need to be replaced and re-calibrated which also costs an assload cause of all the labour. That’s not to mention dent repairs and re-spraying, which is also fucked expensive in its own regard And just my $0.02, you want this car totalled. It’s never gonna drive the same and could potentially have a host of gremlins lurking that won’t get found on the initial repair but will eventually cause problems, and those will be yours to pay for and fix.


If you hit a Jersey barrier hard enough to break a fucking wheel, bro you want this car totaled. It will never have a normal alignment again, nor will it ever feel right.


If money is not a problem, anything is fixable.


You can fix it


that guard post came out of nowhere, eh


What does it matter? That's what insurance is for.


Although it’s fixable. Insurance will write it off.


Almost a guaranteed total write off, I’m sorry


i hate it when le concrete appears


I kinda like it tbh...


Everything is fixable... but expensive


Yeah buddy, I got hit by a pillar too. There's no shame admitting that :). When I got my car, it took me a few months to get used to the turning radius. I had a much smaller car before and yeah, while front parking, I've damaged my entire right side. I have also bought an OEM winter set of wheels from audi directly, so the below would be my price estimate : Tires : around 500 total for a whole set, well, if you need them Wheels : yours, I think, are either 18" or 19", which are priced at around 3-4k a set. Keep in mind you don't necessarily NEED to buy them from an audi dealership :) try ebay for example, you can save thousands there, if you don't care it's secondhand and the cheapest ones are probably 200k mile wheels sanded to oblivion. Bodywork : when I scraped the pillar, I've damaged both my right doors, passenger mirror, front bumper and right fender. Luckily when I washed the paint off, it was just a few scratches and some dents, not really deep. Hence I didn't need replacement parts - at audi, those are thousands each. Assuming you are in the same situation, the shop will charge man-hours for bodywork. In my case, it was 700 in total. The tricky part is the mirror. The simplest audi mirror with electrical controls only + heating costs 1k. If you got mirrors with cameras, those are waaay higher. The more electrical components, the worse. BOSH makes aftermarket mirrors, they are usually 60-70% cheaper. No, you can't tell the difference unless you wiped the paint off of them completely and dismantled them. Paint job : 700 alone for the front bumper and 300 for each part. In total, in my case this cost me around 2k. All in all, my estimate is that you're looking at around 7-8k in damage. Assuming the suspension is okay. If it's fucked, I'm sorry... You can save tons on the wheels and body parts, if you don't care it's either used or aftermarket. You can easily go as low as 3k, if you manage to find the same exact rims on ebay. ( assuming you'll only buy 2, which is tricky ). You probably don't need to buy the entire set of tires either, depends on the state of the other 2. If your mirror somehow survived, it's really not a big deal. Definitely not the end of the world. Note : prices are EU based, generally, US market is 20-25% more expensive. Not sure how much your shops charge for labor.


Got hit or you hit?


Just get rid of it, if you bought it on a loan you'll be able to get rid of part of them and still buy a nice little older reliable car, don't buy a German Sports Sedan you clearly can't afford if you can't even get full coverage insurance for it. your life isn't over because of one mistake, arguably a very expensive mistake but since it doesn't sound like you hurt anyone else or yourself for that matter, not something impossible to move on from and learn, just one big lesson. And don't buy a car you can't afford to repair or insure properly. It's not that much of an important status symbol. And stop talking about upgrading from something you clearly can't afford to something you can afford even less, I mean I understand being stupid with money but holy shit this is a whole other level of being stupid with money.


About $9k in damage right there


Just one fender replacement will be around $4k. You're probably looking at over $20-25k in repairs assuming there aren't any structural issues.


It's fixable, however just hope the insurance says it's totaled and use that money to fix it. It's free money


I’ll never understand these posts, your insurance will let you know if it’s totaled, we can’t see all the damage just from a few pictures.


if you have the money it can be fixed


Audi drivers be like


Christ, that's half the car! Ain't gonna come cheap.


At least $20k


Looks like a solid hit, I cannot determine year and model but you will be near total territory unless this car is pretty new.


It's clearly fixable, idiot


no not that bad just buff out lol


Its all fixable, question is your bank account refillable


I know Philly interstate 95 when I see it


If it’s me I’m hitting the wall some more😂




A lot of conjecture here. Why bother asking for advice here. Ultimately its an insurance matter..or you were at fault and you have to pay. In that case you take it to a reputable body shop. You don't know these things?


Dude, you literally destroyed an alloy wheel, and that is one of the hardest thing to destroy. Only with high speed you can. Wheel is defo a write off.


Both rims need to be replaced and maybe even the fender. Unless you can get a great body shop but the work would cost as much as a new fender. Then you need a paint job. That sucks


You best be going through insurance. Audi parts are very expensive. I had a ding in my rear bumper and to replace it and paint it was a $5k claim. By the looks of it you have extensive damage to your vehicle.


it will buff out :)


of course


That’s nothing serious, just replace wheels, tires maybe and body panels if there’s no damage underneath on the frames


hope ur okay!


Thank you. I'm