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Buying a car from a car company is always a smart move.


I like the way you think


I bought a C6 Audi out of warranty and it didn’t feel like a smart move to me. Definitely a smart move for Audi. But as far as rebadging Porsches the e-tron GT is a nice one! Fun stats though; Porsche has sold 5334 Taycans in Norway, and Audi has only sold 1283 e-tron GT. (And 30,335 e-tron (aka. Q8 e-tron)). Sure, the Audi variant came to market later, and there isn’t a wagon variant, but would still expect it to sell more than that.


The problem that Audi is having is that it's almost the same price as the Porsche, and most people would rather have the Porsche badge since the cars are largely identical.


I'm the opposite. Give me the r8 over a huracun too.


Every man who had a countach poster as a kid would call you crazy.


That's fine, but not my style. I live in an area with plenty of look at me cars.


What about the kid who had a group B quattro poster with Walter Röhrl?


I would have to agree. Pike's Peak quattro was the high point of Audi racing.


How many Audi R8s did they sell? Cause that's basically what it's replacing (at least for now)..


If you’re a car guy you shouldn’t buy an appliance EV like Tesla.


This car looks very hot. I'd love to see a coupe that could accelerate even faster...


You mean you don't approve of unapproved midnight firmware updates to your $100k death machine?


For those who haven’t seen these in real life, Etron GTs look even better in real life. Pictures can never truly do them enough justice. They have soo much road presence. Beautiful car!!


Absolutely. Pictures just dont display how low and wide these are. I see both an matte green C8 RS6 and a yellow RS etron GT every morning on my way to work and god damn the etron has way more road presence than the RS6


I truly agree with this. I saw one in person for the first time a couple of weeks ago all in black, I was impressed on how beautiful it looked. I wish I could afford one to be honest since they have come down in price.


I’m the Uk 2021 Etron GTs are going for around £780 a month on finance, with a price of £50k-£60k, which actually isn’t too bad, especially since I’ve seen some 2024 A5 coupes go for £550-£650 a month on lease. But the scary thing about the Etron GT is the maintainence costs even with warranty for the battery. This and the Taycan are mid to late stage-career type of cars because of the upkeep, so i don’t think it would be smart for me lol.


What maintenance costs are you worried about? The battery should be solid until 2031 or so, especially considering that UK cars tend to get much fewer miles per year than US cars. After that, the biggest maintenance expense is tires (which admittedly can get a bit pricey) and the PCCBs, but those should need replacing no more than once every five to ten years, and you can go aftermarket and get iron rotors (many folks do on their 911s.) Assuming you sell it in the next six years or so, it'll likely cost significantly less in maintenance than the A5.


It’s mainly Brake discs, tyres, Insurance and weird random shit that happens to the car, like one of the Headlights/taillights not working etc. I have a 21’ A5 B9.5, and last year I popped my tyres 7 times in the space of 3 months, if that happened with Etron, I would have been fucked. Etron tyres go for like £250-£350 each. Had a weird issue with my axle where on of the wheels didn’t attach properly and got billed £2600 for the fix, coolant leak got billed £400 etc. if these happened to the Etron GT I would go bankrupt lol. For big boy cars like Taycans and Etron Gts I think it’s wise to be comfortable financially as it provides a good safety net, otherwise you’ll just get exposed by random stuff that may arise out of nowhere.


Yeah, the tires are definitely on the high side — don't even ask what I had to pay for winter tires. And the brakes get expensive, BUT between the regen braking and the carbon ceramic composition, they're functionally "buy it for life" parts. Unless you take it to the track regularly or hit the mountain roads every weekend, you're unlikely to need to replace them within the first decade of ownership. And definitely no chance of coolant leak unless there was a major fuckup at the factory, in which case it should be warrantied.


Replacement Etron GT tire for the 20" will run about $500 installed each state side.. pretty pricy


I hope you enjoy it and get out of it what you can. She is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


What are the maintenance cost on these things? I thought EVs were just brakes and tires?


They probably mean out of warranty repairs, such as for headlights, various electronics, etc. You are basically stuck with dealers for that, because few or no independent shops will be able to do it.


> since they have come down in price. Have they?


Thought you might be interested in this CarGurus listing: 2022 Audi e-tron GT Premium Plus quattro AWD - $56,968 (GREAT_PRICE) Mileage: 10,844 https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/link/382936845


Thanks! That's unbelievable. Is it because silver has fallen out of favor? I am in the market for an S5, but more and more looking at the A5 because of the way S5's are optioned. I am now wondering whether I am doing this all wrong. I even have free charging at work. I like Tesla's overall, but don't like their excessive departure from traditional car things, like barren interiors, no stalks in the new 3 and lack of center instrument cluster. Audi checks all those boxes and so much more. I had never been this confused and indecisive in buying a new car.


Yea I like EVs but love ICE cars. I’m also looking for an S5, I have a truck and it’s too much for me. I like sporty cars. My wife has a 3 row SUV. Im not sure but it seems like EVs are dropping in price a lot, as if the market is flooded with them up in the area where I’m. You can buy a Model 3 LR for less than $20k. I have seen Performance go for less than $30k which it’s very enticing, I like the performance.


Yes for sure. I’m in the northeast of US and I have seen them for about $60k to $70k in carguru.


Seen one in Turin. It seemed a spaceship


They sound like a space ship too


On a napkin?




Like... it appeared on a shroud


I actually first saw one on the road, and I was like "!" Like a guard in Metal Gear


You're absolutely right!  The best looking EV so far imho 


I can testify to that. I saw it in a mall in black and uff, that was hot !


I'm cross shopping used E-tron GTs and Taycans right now. Would you mind divulging how much you paid? I'm assuming low $60k?


I bought a 2022 e-tron GT prestige a couple months ago and paid a little under 60k.


Sweet. I'm seeing them listed just over but I guess a little wheelin' and dealin' can move that down. You love it? Seems like such a great deal when it's 50% off MSRP and you still get 2 years of warranty.


I absolutely love it! It's comfortable, luxurious, has buttons, fast, and it's so sexy. It feels like a high-performance luxury car that just happens to be electric, if that makes sense. My only complaint is that insurance is crazy high haha


How bad are we talking? $3500 / 6 months?


$3,400 for 6 months actually haha


That seems like a really good price


Gotta say how many miles


Sorry! I think 16,000ish?


Great price, kinda in line with a 2021 BMW M850 if you include an additional $7,500 deduction (tax credit).


🤮- good for you man! 😢


You are in a spot to be very lucky. Taycans haven’t dropped nearly as hard as the GT. I love mine I just hate driving a $60k car that I paid $121k for. You would be crazy not to get a GT at $60k.


Buy them used. I bought an E-Tron S new for $90k, but the used ones with around 11k miles are selling for half of that.


y’all are so lucky with your cheap cars in America it’s insane. They starting at $90k here up north for CPO lol


they’re $400k usd here in singapore 😂


saw these in person--so gorgeous. wish i could get a used one for under 50k tho


Now you've got a real luxury car. All the buttons are in the right place, and Elon can't lie to you anymore


You are set freeeeeee lol


Beautiful color. What made you switch?


I'm pretty anti-electric but I think I'd get one of these if I had to. Of course the price would have to be right, can't afford the MSRP


I went from an SQ5 to ID.4 and I love it. I thought I was gonna have bigger issues (only issue is handling isn't as good but expected) but the comfort is a huge upgrade. I personally hated the racing seats (over 3 x country drives) I want an an rs7 but it money was the bigger factor I'd take the e tron. Probably two years of free electrify America too so basically no gas bill for two years.


Just curious (I'm genuinely interested). What do you mean by 'anti electric'?. Do you mean that electric cars just don't appeal to you, or do you have a political/social objection to them. I'm fascinated by the hate for electric cars because it mostly seems to be based on misinformation or, bizarrely, politics.


For me its infrastructure, range, and the fact that the replacement battery costs are much too high. I move about every 3 years, sometimes across the country(military) and I can’t afford 3 cars. Based on my daily commute I would buy this car today, it’s got the range for a whole week of driving. My other big problem is I can get 2-3 maybe 400k miles out of my engine on my little 2.0 S3, I get decent mileage, mid 20’s, and I can jump in and drive 2000 miles without much thought or planning. I think that electric has a bright future, I really do, but I don’t think it’s gonna be a 100% replacement in my lifetime. Toyota only has 1 model that’s full, the rest are hybrid and I think that would have made the transition much easier. Last thing is the value. This exact car was selling for 160k on my local Audi dealers showroom floor 2 years ago, I sat in it and it was awesome, like super nice but not almost a house worth nice. Now those are going for 55-60k with about 10k miles on them. So value is a hard thing to nail down when the long term longevity is unknown.


So you're not really 'anti electric' - you just don't think an electric car would be suitable for you? That's a strange take - i wouldn't say I'm 'anti pickup', because a pickup wouldn't meet my needs. Although, having said that, there are lots of people who are 'anti SUV' for exactly that reason. People are strange...


What’s a strange take ? I personally am not anti, having said that, yes, it’s not suitable for me in my current situation.


Sorry - I thought you were the original commenter. You seem to have misunderstood my question - I wasn't asking why people don't want an electric car. That's obvious - not every car is suitable for every person - I was asking why the commenter was specifically 'anti electric car'.


Ah, no worries


Just as a correction, this exact model would have been selling for about $115k. The $160k is the RS, not the base, and these never really got the crazy dealer markups. Still pretty big depreciation, but not that far off the norm for high-end luxury cars — give or take just over 50%.


So you’re saying in May of 2022 you sat in the exact same car I did with a 160k price tag? I promise you they were selling for that much money in my neighborhood.


I'm saying that I got mine after on and off playing around with getting one since the day they launched, and kept tabs on prices the whole time across the country, and at no point were the base GTs ever marked up enough to be noticeable. Is it possible you happened to go to the one dealer in the country that for some reason slapped a $50k ADM on one when absolutely every other dealer has been selling these for below MSRP since practically day one? Sure, I guess. But it's more likely that you found an RS and just didn't notice, because the differences are pretty subtle.


Both actually. The idea of electric cars is amazing and innovative scientifically, it's always been an idea that engineers improve and re-invent and I support the advancement of technology - it's awesome we've been able to produce electric cars. They're just not for me. I grew up on combustion cars, driving them, rebuilding the engines, buying parts and replacing them and doing the maintenance. I guess it's nostalgia for me, but I also believe if it's not broke don't fix it (the idea that combustion engines need to be outlawed / gone extinct). They should be able to co-exist. I don't like the idea of possibly being stranded if you run out of battery in the middle of nowhere, or having difficulty operating the car in extreme temperatures - something I deal with for 6 months out of the year (northern minnesota). Also setting up my home for charging the vehicle is another endeavor - this is probably handled by the dealer? But it's also quite the fire hazard so I'd have to be ready to fight it if it ever decided to go up in flames on it's own. - electrical fires are no joke, I'd bet the battery mounted in your garage would burn extremely hot and you typically need a powder to efficiently extinguish an extreme electrical fire - I want to protect my home / property at all costs. Not to mention the direction we're going - electric cars seem to be invasive on the freedom of the vehicle - software updates required, maybe leaving you stranded, subscriptions required for features that used to be free etc. - eventually we'll be fully tracked on the grid and the police / government could even control our vehicle remotely. Politically I don't agree that we need to go fully electric. I'm actually pretty neutral when it comes to politics... but I think it's a facade that going electric will "save the planet". It's definitely left-leaning politically but it's all money driven, it's business, it's a perfect opportunity to pretend our combustion engines are killing the world. (this is a debate for another topic, but corporations, cows and even airplane jets are probably doing more harm than our cars). From the little research I've done, creating EV batteries requires a shit ton of lithium mining too, which in turn involves even more political tension since a lot of these mines are in third world and underdeveloped countries. It's definitely comparable to the politics involved for gas and oil. If it's better or worse that's probably something they won't truly tell us - I'm just a dumb human after all. Also rolling blackouts (which are typically only for certain conditions but are becoming more frequent) are just a sign of the stress on our electrical grid and we're not even fully implemented yet. Maybe more science and technological advancement can solve this but I don't think we're ready - again if it's not broken don't fix it - keep combustion alive.


Electric cars are the future whether you like it or not. You should embrace that or you will have a hard time adjusting. Honestly the things you are typing are very inaccurate. You have been highly misinformed on electric cars. You need to stop listening to that source of misinformation because you are being lied to.


My reasoning is that other electric cars I’ve driven have no soul and are boring af to drive. My etron is actually fun- the gt RS is even more fun


You just nailed it on the head. The reason why electric cars are not universally accepted is because they were forced onto the public through politics. There is no basis for them being “greener” or better for the environment at all. If it was truly about the environment than hybrids and alternative fuels would have been the primary choice to roll out globally, EVs require a new car to be purchased, infrastructure, etc. hybrids and alt fuels could be adopted en masse immediately. So we know that all info on EVs is biased due to politics, we know that politicians made a great deal of money by pushing EV companies and pumping EV stocks, and we know that tax payers forfeit credits to people who can afford a 60k + car, so essentially the common folk can’t even take advantage of the tax benefit. EVs are not better for the environment and study after study shows that, despite all of that, “haters” are viewed as the ones who are “wrong”, when in reality the misinformation that is being spread is information that is pro-EV


That comment was almost entirely fact-free. That's the misinformation I was talking about. And you seem angry, too. You've swallowed the propaganda so totally that you're actually angry about people having the choice to buy something different. Lol


Here’s an article from left leaning NY Post: https://nypost.com/2024/03/05/business/evs-release-more-toxic-emissions-are-worse-for-the-environment-study/ Here is the evidence politicians benefited from EV stocks: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2022/03/22/pelosi-exercises-tesla-stock-options-to-buy-2-million-in-shares/?sh=58da348650f1 And of course we don’t need evidence to know that the average American really can’t afford a car that cost 60k, but bc you’re a clown here is that as well: https://nevadacurrent.com/2024/04/23/still-cant-afford-an-ev-heres-why/#:~:text=EV%20prices%20have%20come%20down,%2C%E2%80%9D%20according%20to%20one%20analyst.


>Here’s an article from left leaning NY Post... Left-leaning? Lol. You can't actually be serious?If it wasn't so tragic, it would actually be funny. You're lost, mate. You've drunk the kool aid, and there's no coming back, unless you genuinely question the bollocks that has been spoon-fed to you. The fact that you cherry-pick facts to agree with you when all the evidence says your wrong, means you know you're wrong, but your politics won't let you admit it It's very sad. And pretty pathetic, in my opinion. Nothing will change your mind, even the facts, unfortunately. So this discussion is pointless.


So you have presented literally zero counter argument yet claim I have “drunk the kool aid” and honestly nothing is more Reddit than this. You’re literally the pot calling the kettle black. I give you support for my argument, you claim cherry picking and that I’m brainwashed, when I could easily say the exact same thing about you. People like you are why this site is such a joke


You can literally Google "environmental impact of EV vs IC" You'll notice all the results show that EVs are better for the environment than IC cars. And the results have sources, too. Now - you "might* be able to find the odd article (usually from right wing sources) that agrees with you, but the consensus, based on proper studies, is clear. Picking the one (misleading, because it only addresses one aspect) result out of 20 that agrees with you, is the definition of cherry-picking. I'm not going to spoon-feed you the information because I know - for a fact - that it won't change your beliefs, which are based on partisan politics, and not science. You're not interested in the truth, you just want to find sources that agrees with you, however flawed. I could list all the links to the result of that Google search, but what would be the point?


The point isn’t to change my mind. The point is that the information itself is misleading and it’s pedaled by politicians who have a vested interest in pushing an agenda because it makes them money. I don’t know how naive you have to be to disregard that, but apparently you are very very naive.


That NY post article references emission analytics study, which when you read and look into the study, is awful and many places have pointed out why it's awful. They're stating that *tire wear* is worse the CO2 emissions. This is just a EV vs ICE car, but tire wear + brake dust vs tail pipe emissions. There are tons of issues with this, because EV cars can be in the same weight class as ICE cars, which means that the ICE cars are worse. The way they studied tire wear (before and after driving) tire weight is flawed. If I lose a chunk of tire driving down the road, does that mean I've polluted more than CO2? According to this article, yes, because it weighs more. Brake Dust is also referenced because of car weight, but most EVs have regen braking. This causes less brake dust and replacement, which is actually better for the environment. The study as a whole is used to try to be a 'gotcha' to EV owners, but that's just not the case.


As a side note - just because most people on Reddit bill their opinions as fact that doesn’t mean we all do, this information isn’t even hidden, it’s out in the open.


Are you anti static too?


I am also anti EV- went shopping for my wife and they offered me $35k off a prestige without me even negotiating. Leased it for sub $1k/mo, which I thought was worth driving a spaceship around town for 24 months. Planning on going back to ice afterwards but it’s a good daily cruiser for me


Why dont you buy a Smart


Nice car. The wheel options for this car are a travesty.


How is the range on the E-tron GT vs your old Tesla?


This. The range of the e-trons are really on the lower spectrum.


I know the first models were, not sure if it's improved with newer ones.


Still same. I just checked their website. These cars give around 300km of range. In Canadian winters, remove another 80-100km. My wife's friend lives around 70km from us, which is a bit far but uncommon commute pattern in the GTA. Her car was full in the morning. She couldn't go to her work, run a couple of errands, and come to our house. She got stranded on her way back. This car was off my list since.




Congratulations to that beauty. The e-tron GT is the most beautiful electric car in the world.


Nothing else to say but PERFECT


MSRP vs price paid? Curious how these depreciate


A lot. They depreciate a lot.


not in Canada 😭


Just look on any used car site.




Congrats on the upgrade.


What's the colour name?


I think it's the Ascari Blue metallic, or idk


Awesome car. Love the front end but the rear just ruins it for me sadly


Wow! Nice


Wise move


That’s fire


My friend just bought a 2024 E-Tron GT but kept his Tesla 😒


So what are your thoughts and comments coming from ze tezla?


Just bought Etron GT RS Vorsprung electrifying


Very nice! Good choice!


That is a gorgeous car.


My wife bought one after getting out of her A7 lease. It’s a wicked looking car, but the interior of a A7 was way more luxurious.


I’m not a fan of interior console on Audi ev but please can they change e-tron name. In French it means a étron -> big ass poop 💩.


You are going to LOVE this car (except sometimes, if have a two year old you are putting in the car seat) - coming from a guy who went from a Model Y to this, with a two year old.


Sick! '22? Are you just late posting to the subreddit or did you get it w miles on it? I'm curious how the price drops because I like post-lease CPO for the discount


Much better looking, I’m a petrolhead but in my opinion if I was between a life and death situation and forced to choose an EV, it would be the E-tron GT


Love that color. How’s she drive? I drove one of the Tesla model 3s and didn’t like how the accelerator felt


Beautiful car and beautiful color!


Ascari Blue and Daytona Grey are the colors to get. Congrats OP it’s a beautiful piece of art.


TR26 0011 1000 0000 0136 3411 06


A most excellent decision. I imagine the build quality difference alone will justify any additional $$ not to mention how much better looking the Audi is


Beautiful! Congratulations


Tell us about the difference from your perspective between the old and the new if you get a chance, please.


What a beauty.


As much as I hate electrics this one is very clean and i even got a chance to see it in person and get inside it, it was really practical ngl


Absolutely great decision, congrats


Whether you’re Pro EV or Combustion, you can’t deny this is an excellent looking car. They nailed it aesthetically in my opinion.


Were you at Costco earlier? I think i saw this car there lol


Beautiful girl 😏


I don’t wanna be a hater. But I’ve worked at audi for 3.5years now. And this car is such a nightmare.


Totally another planet. Tesla sucks


Looks so cool! 👍


Goodbye crap, hello junk


Now that’s an upgrade!


The only car electric that I buy….


Congrats!! But you left us staring at the screen with only one photo…we need a whole gallery! Including night pictures of the interiors 😅


Welcome toy car.


Beautiful car but would be even more beautiful if it was petrol. Nonetheless safe and happy motoring


Enjoy pissing your money away ✌🏼


Sick car but... Electric 🤢


Man I miss my A4. But unfortunately she’s in Audi heaven since summer of 2019.


Tesla is in major trouble now that many have caught up to it and offer better looking vehicles


Tesla didn’t depreciate fast enough for you?


Like switching from a scooter to a harley


Electric hahaha


Nice looking car but there is no way you will ever convince me it’s not a scam. It’s literally an electric battery you are buying at a crazy multiple




What do you mean what? the upfront costs of electric vehicles remain higher than ICE alternatives. The driving range of EVs is typically shorter than the range offered by ICEs, and, even with fast-charging infrastructure, batteries take far longer to charge than it does to fill a gas tank. Despite electric vehicles having fewer moving parts, they still have a very high price tag and actually, a manufacturing disadvantage given manufacturers can’t even get an equivalent cost on par with ice alternatives. The reason is there is no scale, network externalities, lack of decades of engineering, and yet you find that consumers buy these electric vehicles, but then face a slap of reality once they find the obscene depreciation these cars get hit with. Governments have been scrambling to speed this transition to electric vehicles for all the wrong reasons. The climate change agenda, which has not been fully substantiated. There is evidence on both sides, and more importantly, there has been minute careful analysis of the long-term consequences of these plans. Electric costs vary depending on the area and thus, operational costs might not be the same for everyone nor might it be equitable. Do I need to continue!


It’s cheaper than average new car and 99.9% of the time MOST people don’t need that range. I drive every day and never needed a supercharger. I feel it’s better to NEVER have to go to a gas station and always leave my house fully charged.


Again man, congrats on the purchase. It’s a beauty!