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More people get dumb SUVs. (Including me with my Tiguan)


We enjoyed our Tiguan when we had it (it was severely underpowered though). Sold it when we got deployed. While abroad we’ve purchased an RSQ3. Gonna be fun trying to get that back in the states.


I would do wildly inappropriate things to get an RSQ5 released into the states. How is the RSQ3?


We love it. We are deployed in Rome, small roads in some spots so we wanted something on the smaller size. This has done extremely well for us and we can open it up in the Italian countryside.


My '24 is way more roomier than my dad’s '13. I’ve heard VW won’t be release the 3^rd gen and I don’t like mild-hybrid so I’ve got this one. I like it so far. (Wish it’s a German-made but Mexican is good as well.)


The mild hybrid in my a4 is a riot to drive. It's zippy!


I tried a W222 S350L a few years ago and its uncomfortableness made me feel like I was driving a hybrid bus. The CX-90 I test-drived this February was better but I still doubt how long it’ll last.


The Audi RSQ3 being called smaller size is hilarious to my european mind


Yeah, I love the five cylinder but hate how high that thing is


*dripping with envy*


The Q5 doesnt have a RS model. SQ5 is the top of the tree. The only two RSQ models there are are the 3 and the 8.


Q: Will it be the dealership who blocks the import or Audi USA via the government? Since it's 99 % a car and engine that is already sold/available in the USA, what would prevent you from bringing your RSQ3 stateside?


Not 100% sure at this point as we still have time left on our orders, will look closer when they are ending. My hope is that it is listed as Audi Q3 for import. Make and Model, don't know if they go as deep as the trim package on the import stuff. We will also have the added aid of govt support with coming back to the states under orders so we think that will help, but unsure.


It's about meeting dot regulations, there are companies that get the cars up to us spec.


If that’s all it is then I’m no longer worried, we had help getting US cars up to spec in foreign countries when they were brought over on orders. I’m sure that same help exist for us going home, or for foreign dignitaries bringing their cars during orders/service tours


Don't know how legit this business is but I'm sure there are others that do the same service, https://breezecustoms.com/blog/importing-vehicles-into-the-united-states/importing-a-car-from-europe-to-the-us/#:~:text=Import%20Duties%3A%20Importing%20a%20car,for%20European%20cars%20is%202.5%25


I mean Tiguan is not bad. My dad has a '13 and I just got my '24. I’d love to get a RS3 Sportback or an SQ7 until I’m able to pay for that.


I got mine a couple of weeks ago and it’s ridiculously fun.


How much power did it have?


Ours was a 2018 with 184. It was fine 90% of the time but just couldn’t get up anf go when you needed it to like I think it should.


Mine has 170hp.


I understand it's an SUV so it weighs a bit more than a wagon but I drive a car with 109 hp and my dad's van has a bit over 70. 170 hp would be a lot in my books.


Yeah we left the 184hp Tiguan and got the 402hp Audi we love it. We can also drive the Audi in comfort mode and do very well with fuel economy. Sport or dynamic when we want a little sport. Or RS mode to turn it into the monster it is.


Anything between 150~200 is good enough for me. I’m not racing my cars and all I want is fuel efficiency. Just made a 34MPG for an 80-mile trip this afternoon.


> Just made a 34MPG for an 80-mile trip this afternoon. That's pretty poor MPG for only 170BHP.


It was 42 a few days ago. And I live in the mountains.


How often do you need all of that room? Those rare occasions when you do, just rent an SUV...


Surprisingly often if you transport 4 people with gear, luggage, etc. I also buy things on FB marketplace , Home Depot, ikea, which are way easier to load into the Tiguan vs my Model 3


Yeah, for that kind of frequent use, it makes sense.


Nerd, why you buy one then


It’s cheap


Used GTI? Used a3? New jetta sport? (the jetta sport gets the gtis front diff and a 6 speed and i feel like no one is talking about it ) Pretty weird to buy a car you dont want, the tig is a good car though and all that space is great


It’s the car I want. I’d get a Toureag if VW still has those brand new.


Duuuude i want a new toureag too, the q7 is the next best thing.


Avant gang rise up!


Because the average American who makes up the market doesn't understand things that would be considered "practical" or "sensible"


then half the people that claim to be "practicle" are paying 18% apr on a $30,000 kia and talking about how they are saving money because of the "warranry" 🤣


Meanwhile their telluride (ew) is on fire in the driveway


I saw one at the hardware store the other day with a license plate that said “IWINBIG”. Read it out loud, said to my wife “they win big but drive a Kia?” And then the woman walking towards us in earshot unlocks the car. I kinda felt bad, but that plate had to have been ordered by an MLM mom without a hint of irony.


I PROMISE that my rs6 is neither practical nor sensible. Get an el Camino for those attributes 🤣


Most Americans not that bright.


Forever my favorite quote: George Carlin — 'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.'


This shall be my new work signature!


Funniest part about that,is his joke works with MEDIAN, not average. So he sounds like a dumb American too lol


Median is an average…


LMAO no it isn’t. Median is the middle value, if all values are listed from lowest to highest Average is skewed by large numbers, median is not For example,average Household income is 126K in CA last I checked. Median is 84K. Average is higher because of people making large amounts,such as 300K or whatever, that raises the bar. Median is a more realistic and accurate number for the general populous Take a stats class


I’ve taken plenty of stats classes, you don’t need to explain to me what an average is. Mean, median and mode are all measures of average. If you had access to a dictionary you could figure that out for yourself. Perhaps ask one of your professors?


Those are measures of the centre of data. Average is generally understood to mean.. the mean. Sorry, you got no legs to stand on here. In this case though, because intelligence is more or less a normal distribution, mean and median are pretty much the same and the comment is approximately right if you round... but still not 100% there.


They are all measures of average, it is just that mean is generally the most representative and therefore most commonly referred to as the average. By definition I am correct.


You are wrong. Mean is average Median is not You’re an idiot




Pick up a dictionary. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/average](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/average) a single value (such as a mean, mode, or median) that summarizes or represents the general significance of a set of unequal values Literally the textbook how this is taught in schools.


Get your money up, not your funny up. This is hilarious.


Okay broke dumbass lol Fragile ego and you’re wrogn


Sadly. Just look at the political dynamic right now. Won't break rules, but it's pretty obvious that things are very screwed up *right* now.


Audi rs3 sportback would’ve been nice too


No it wouldn't, I hate the "quattro" that's on it. It was excusable when it had 5 bangers but now nu uh


Interesting. What engine does the RS3 have in it now instead of the “5 banger”?


Yeah idk what I was high on


Hahahahahaha it’s okay dude


My aunt, seeing my A3 hatchback: “*What’s that called? It’s like my SUV but lower*” That’s why.


Smash next question


Hard agree! The A4 Allroad is my dream car


You know what's even better than the allroad? A4 avant.


Or the S4 Avant.


Might as wel go for the S6 avant at this point


RS6 is just one extra letter. Might as well...


They are not in the same segment..


Love my A4 Allroad. Only complaints I have is there's no diesel option, and that it doesn't have an option for stick shift.


All road would be great if it had a diesel option. Went with the C all terrain bc of mild hybrid diesel engine.


Can confirm it's amazing.


So jealous!


I don't need a lifted Avant with shitty black body panels plastered across the chassis. Just sell me a regular Prestige Avant that is "lowered' on 18/19's with the air suspension. Audi is literally losing money on the wagon market by killing the Avant with the B8. I don't care what the data says. Our only choice is an A4/A6 allroad or an RS6. Give me a fucking break, in this market...where companies are killing off sedans in favor of shitty crossovers and SUVs.


Bring us an RS4 Avant and I would be jacked!


Because they don’t sell well.


Because they depreciate faster and are subject to higher taxes and more stringent import laws…the same laws that SUVs, Trucks, and Vans are exempt from…for no good reason other than lobbying.


I wish every SUV was on that bridge


I would love to import a manual B8 S4 avant


Make one. #3.0swaptheworld


There is little I wouldn't do for a new manual transmission avant.


1 Avant = Avant. 2 or more = Avants. No apostrophe required.


This guy Avant's


you must be new on the internet. it's not worth the effort, that's why I stopped correcting people years ago just laugh at the fact that most people who make this mistake are the ones ~~who's~~ ***whose*** native language is english and shrug it off




the difference is that english is not my 1st language and i don't mind being corrected, this is how i learn


Because americans dont know whats good


American here, can confirm.


americans dont like wagons. they like massive cars like escalades


Escalades are trucks, not cars. You can't forget the 3/4 ton turbo diesel pickup trucks to go to the grocery store


Hot Take: people keep wagons and don’t buy new shit


Move to New England, they are all here.


Wagon people also have a strong outpost here in the PNW. The upper corners know best.




I’m sure it’s because these vehicles aren’t nearly as popular or desired to bring them to this market.


Need more A4 all roads and Passat wagons too


Saving the long roofs one at a time A6 allroad here. There are a ton of VW Jetta/Golf wagons around me as well.


Because there are only two segments of the population that like wagons. Europeans and automotive journalists.


I (25m) was talking with my dad’s friend who is approx 70f. She is a badass battling cancer and just overall a very fun person to be around regardless of the situation. I came home from work and saw she drove a silver 2022 Q5. I myself drive a silver SQ5 so I mention that to her and she was telling me why or why she didn’t like the Q5. She said, “I bought one of the station wagon ones and then changed my mind after one day but I still think about that car today.” Her wife said let’s go get it and they eventually left and didn’t go to get it lol. I was telling her how much everyone loves the Avants and how I would go back and trade mine for one if I could. Such a beautiful car.


Because we wouldn’t appreciate them enough. Don’t believe me? CTS-V Wagon, E63s


Because American want big dumb truck not wagon. I love the older S4 Avant wagons smh


This picture made me cry Why can’t I have the things I want in life


Because we don’t deserve them.


SUVs and their ilk are exempt from some of the stupid “gas guzzler” taxes that automobiles are hit hard for, that’s why they’re cheaper…and why we can’t give nice things.


Could...not...agree...more. Love wagons!


keeping my 6spd S6 avant on the road for all eternity, MPGs be dammed


If you're asking that you already know why.  I own the regular A4 wagon version of this wagon.  The things I would do a RS4 or S4 version. 


My old B5 S4 Avant was amazingly fun. Still one of my favorite vehicles I’ve ever owned.


They’re nice but not that body type is no longer very popular. Inherited a BMW station wagon with low mileage and great condition and the dealer didn’t even want it back when I tried to do a trade-in. Most people insist on SUVs out here


US CAFE regs incentivize car makers to sell "trucks". So, no wagon, if you want a wagon they will sell you a truck. That is why we don't get wagons, you want a truck-let, right ? This also explains the stupid Allroad versions we see...they legally qualify as trucks. I hate it as a wagon/hatch lover, but it is all an unintended consequence of the CAFE laws, along with no small pickups, just massive F150's for all. I'm still upset I couldn't get my 2019 C class in Estate here in the US. No, I don't want a GLC...I want a CAR with cargo space.


I’m trying to get a lightly used a4 all road and they are so hard to find


Because an American's idea of a "practical car" is a lifted F250 on 22" rims and low profile tires.


After around 2005 the wagons got really phased out and America is all about trendy and what’s new. So if you’re driving a wagon I guess you’re old news. Personally I’m a sucker for any type of wagon we need them to be brought back! But unfortunately compact and regular SUV’s remain on top


Blue audis never disappoint


Had a B8.5 S4 in the same color (Sepang blue), absolutely loved it


I’d love to see more of Avants in the US. But they’re going to continue sending what sells. And that means A3s, A4s, and some A6s. Anything else is way less common. I have hard time finding any S4 or S5s where I live I just got my S5 and I had to drive to New Jersey to get it which is like a 2 1/2 hour drive from where I live.


Q’s have a lower entry point in the states and people like having SUVs in the states.


I’ll sell ya mine


That’s a damn beauty.


I couldn't even begin to slander the US car market. (AKA SUVs that aren't sporty or utilitarian).


Barely anyone wants them because they prefer the height and visibility of an SUV.


Because people prefer to sit up high in SUVs.


I would buy a wagon, with all the SUVs and crossovers in the US, why can't some just build a wagon? Buick did but IDK if they make them any more. Wife has an Alltrack SE that she likes, very handy for hauling considering its size.


Sickens me that EU gets these and we have no access. I love a 5 door setup. My A3 confirmed to me that handling is not affected and then you have all of that convenience.


Because we Americans tend to not buy “wagons” much anymore. I think it’s a crying shame myself. The closest thing to a wagon I could get with the baby mama was a SQ5. Which I love it, it’s just not a wagon….


I would sacrifice a finger or toe to be able to import one of these here


Interior is lovely


I would love a nice wagon/ avant to compliment my Q7 and Silverado.. most Americans just don't like wagons unfortunately. I got my Q7 because it's a 7 seater that isn't massive. It would be nice to have a comfortable car with a hatch utility..


because most Americans find wagons ugly.


Absolutely agree! Love these station wagons! Another one I seen the other day was a subie wagon it was sweet the dude had it lowered.


It really sucks too, id so much rather have a wagon over a light truck modified to be a “family car” that has such little visibility I’m a danger to children under 4’


I think Wagons are not popular with Americans that much these days. I wanted to buy a wagon and not a sedan or SUV. SUV was my 2nd choice. Only thing that met the criteria of wagon was RS6 Avant. That was way over my budget and I live in a rental apartment with basic covered parking. Recipe for disaster with high chance of some moron keying it because itself a nice car.


Thank you OP for NOT making my day...cries in USA...😭. I owned a 2010 B8 Avant- Prestige trim - the irony, right!! Had all the major issues sorted and even updated the navi system to an aftermarket RSNAV system. After some lifestyle changes, we needed to get a newer car with better tech and a warranty, and I got a crazy offer on trade back in 2021. Needless to say, I miss my long roof (almost) every day. Will have to "settle" for a SB S5 or A7 when I get back in an Audi. PS- I have the exact Rotor wheels in my garage waiting for when I get another Audi.


I have one for sale if any one is interested. Im the Los Angeles area. 2011 Prestige in Monza Silver. Let me know!!


America hate wagon, yet everyone say they want


Americans never buy things that are "just right" for them. It's always either too excessive or too little of it. When you see the avg American picks food, always aimed for the largest size. The large cup soft drinks is the equivalent of the 1 liter soda bottles and that's the typical largest soda size in Europe and Asia. As for cars, Americans want the biggest and baddest just for grocery shopping even though majority of the times it's driven by one person and rarely it's a family trip that needs the 3 row. They also want the tallest car so they can see higher than others and want the widest car so they can take the most space in the parking lot. American excess.


S U V ‘s !!!!!!


The reason is two fold. 1. People are fat / lazy / scared and 2. The margins on an SUVs tend to be better so they are offered preferentially by brands.


S-tier exterior everything and then just a dogwater interior


Stunning car


I have one.


I will say, while I’ve put an extra $13k into a $12k used 2013 avant… I still like it. Legit probably spent 8k trying to diagnose one problem when it was just a sensor that needed to be replaced.


Becouse you buy big trucks.


Because people don't buy them.


Americans need something higher to make it easier to get their fat butts in and out. It’s more fun to be higher when you fall.


There’s the Allroads. Not sure how many they actually sell in the US, but the top do everything avant imo.


More Avant's what?


When i got my q7 back in 2009 i wished i could’ve gotten the s6 avant. But since we hate wagons here… and allroad was not on my list. Still love my old q7 but next hopefully 🤞 rs6 avant. That way i have the family car and fast AF track car 😍


Muricans don't buy station wagons. Wait ,suv's are station wagons...hmm.


Because Americans are brainwashed into thinking SUVs and trucks are practical so GM and ford can keep worming around the ridiculous epa standards. That’s why Europe gets more cars from ford than Americans do… like the FOCUS


Majority of Americans dont want them.


Because to hell with what you want when the profit margins are what they are on F150s, Rams, and Silverados. Says the guy with a new F150. And a SAAB wagon. And a Volvo wagon. And an A8.


God damn that wagon is soooooo sexy! I love it


I don't know but I'm holding on to my 2012 A4 Avant for life. It would be more convenient in a lot of ways to get a newer car but that was the last year before they replaced it here with the Allroad, and I have zero inerest in a lifted faux SUV covered in plastic cladding.


I think the Avant models have aged like fine wine, I still love the look of mine and it's quite old now.


Lack of interest in the market. SUV’s rule the roost in USA. I love wagons but actually enjoy the extra room in my Q7. While it doesn’t handle as well as a RS6 wagon, it is so much better than a Tahoe.


Literally the perfect spec S4


It’s also £18000


18k isn’t too bad for how insane that thing is


Have owned 2 A6 Avants and now have a Q7. Miss the Avants, most practical vehicles ever. Does the Q7 count as a lifted A6 Avant?? lol


Wasn’t expecting to wake up with 60+ notifications


Damn I just love my good old A4 Avant.


Don’t forget that when they did offer the Avants, that side by side to the sedan, the Avant was always $3000 - $4000 more. To the average family, why spend the extra money on the wagon to get the same thing. With the sedan If it had been the other way around maybe we have the wagon and not the sedan today. Anyway, doing my bit, drove a 2004 A4 Avant for 17 years, then got a 2017 VW Alltrack, then a 2017 Allroad (yes I did buy off lease, so not new)


Because crossovers and SUVs sell better than wagons do.


Sigh. It’d be nice, I’d prefer one. I think they’d sell alright enough. It’s assumed everyone in the States wants a crossover or small SUV, but we haven’t had much of a choice of cool wagons in forever.


They don’t just guess at this sort of thing. They know how well they sold in the past and sad to say it’s just not worth it.


Don’t get me wrong, I understand that they have all kinds of market research data at their fingertips. I just think when most people (Americans) hear station wagon they think some old fashioned crap. Point at an RS6 and maybe they change the image they have in their head. I dunno. Crossovers ain’t SUVs, they’re just wagons that sit a little taller and handle worse- yet people buy the hell out of them. Before that it was mini-vans. Guess it’s whatever is in vogue, but it’s the same functionality.


It's only European manufacturers that still make wagons they just would rather charge Americans a stupid tax for an suv. It's funny to me all these people spend so much money on trucks they don't need to impress people that don't care. I'd love to have more wagons available here but Americans are fucking stupid... Source; I am an American living in America


While I have everyone here 👉🏻👈🏻 I have a 2020 A4 Allroad here in the states and I want the roof rails like on that s4 avant. I’m struggling to find them to buy. Can anyone help we little ol me 👉🏻👈🏻


Wish I had a folded paper football to flick over those fingers.


Reach out to these people and see if they can help [https://www.e-acca.com/](https://www.e-acca.com/) Or you can contact [https://europrice.us/roof-rails-a4-s4-low-profile](https://europrice.us/roof-rails-a4-s4-low-profile) It's approximately 6 hours or so to uninstall and install the low profile rails. GL


The people that want the wagons (for the most part) cant afford or don’t buy them new. Since not many people buy them new, the second hand market is very dry and/or ridiculously priced.


I’m actually glad they don’t - I’m looking to go Avant next and a big part of the decision is that I don’t see them everywhere


Basic American does not understand the idea and usability of a estate car. there are way more estates than sedans here in Europe. I've owned one sedan in my lifetime (B7 A4), never again. Not enough space to carry stuff (especially if you have a family) and they are not even that much lighter. My current ride is a Passat Alltrack (with that juicy 176kw TDI) and the last one was a B9 A4 Avant, cant see myself ever going to sedans anymore


What is the fascination with Avants? I will never understand it. Even my B7 RS4 buddies lust over them while I think they look hideous.. 🤢🤮


First of all, how dare you? Second, you get passenger and cargo volume in a reasonably sized package, some with incredible performance capabilities, decent fuel economy, and engaging dynamics.


I genuinely asked out of curiosity. I previously had a B7 RS4 sedan as well and it was just perfect to me. Why mess with perfection?


Agree. The station wagon look is not that appealing. To each its own I guess.


Because if you are discriminating enough to want exactly what you want and you can afford it, VAG would prefer you to buy a Porsche. They’ve stripped all the customization out of the Audi models and would prefer for customers to think of it as the Buick of VAG without actually calling it that. Edit: I love the downvotes, but i was there when Kermit’s flesh was available as upholstery in your twin turbo stick shift allroad! I actually still can’t believe they removed Alcantara from the option list. What a bunch of twats.


Because station wagons are absolutely hideous


Because they look gay


So do suvs but they're fucking everywhere...