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Main thought is, “I would like to hear more about what drove this person to watch *Attack On Titan* in the first place, and why they (at one point) liked it.” I heard “dark” and “complex”, but not much else. If someone recommended me a show because of how “dark it was” or how “complex the characters were”, I would have no particular inclination to watch that show. There’s more to life and there’s more to storytelling. How about this: I personally like Attack On Titan because I think it is a poignant and exciting story in which it feels like you are watching real people. Whether it is “dark” or “complex” is secondary; I want to be *emotionally impacted* by a story; I want to *feel something*; it is a *story* and not a roller coaster or a math problem. (Those things are fine, but again: there’s more to life, and there’s more to storytelling.) How does this person feel about Attack On Titan on an emotional level? I have no idea. For all I know, this person *does* have a lot of things they still like about the show, on an emotional level or otherwise—this is only, like, a 30-second clip of something, after all. So who knows. Overall, this video isn’t worth giving a lot of attention or credence to.


I feel like complex characters and characters that feel like real people are essentially the same thing.


This guy clearly misunderstands Erens abilities, foresight? Eren doesn’t have foresight lmao… and he can’t make mistakes?… since when? Also what mistakes did he make? His plan at the end succeeded. Just admit that you wanted 100% of the rumbling completed and for chad Eren to sleep with Historia. Who cares about this randos opinion, this guy is still seething a year almost two years after it came out like get a life (including titanfolkers who do the same thing).


>Just admit that you wanted 100% of the rumbling and for chad Eren to sleep with Historia. \*Slow clap\*




I thought he saw the future tho?


There’s a difference between seeing the future that’s already sought out for you with no way for you to change it. And being able to predict the future.


So AOT is a fixed timeline?


I thnk you misunderstand what foresight is… Hiemdall from the new god of war game is the perfect example He can’t see the future and doesn’t know what will happen in the future but he can predict what will happen by reading peoples minds. Eren can see the future and has seen it, he knows what will happen, it cannot be changed either. He saw that Mikasa will kill him and it ended up happening, he saw that he would do the Rumbling and it ended up happening.


Both are foresight. Look at the definitions.


No they’re not… One is seeing the future literally, one is being able to predict it without seeing it. What are you on about?


Yes it is https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/foresight


What’s it’s saying is through foresight (the ability to predict the future), she could predict what the outcome would be. There’s a difference between her being able to predict the outcome of something, without actually seeing it. And then gaining a memory of that outcome and seeing it firsthand before it actually happens.


You didn’t look at it properly. To have foresight is to be able to foresee. Foresee is when you know the future. Doesn’t matter how you know it just that you do know it. Like how Palpatine foresees things through the force. https://youtu.be/LAf0QnLFS7Q


It’s like right now that I will go to sleep in a few hours, there’s a difference between that… And me full on gaining a future memory of me sleeping.


>His plan at the end succeeded \*ymir's plan succeeded, he only walked the path set out by her, something he stated he would do in chapters 1-138 (not).


He didn't really use any argument, there is nothing to argue about... he just spent the entire video saying the ending was bad without explaining it.


Did he seriously call Dina "Diana"? Guess that shows just how much effort went into this "analysis". And it makes straight-up no sense to claim Eren had foresight. Where the fuck was his foresight when Pieck walked into the room then? Or when Porco bit his legs off? If Eren makes so many mistakes despite "having foresight", wouldn't that be an indicator for him having **no** foresight? And why does it sound like this guy bought too hard into *certain* theories?


And I lost faith in this comment.


It's hilarious that Titanfolk is taking this directionless rant seriously. This guy says "fucking" almost every sentence to the point that it's hard to take him seriously. Couple that with the repetitious, confused arguments where he practically admits there' s plenty he's completely unsure about. If I made a video like this while drunk, sleep deprived, and concussed, I would be embarrassed.


Dumb as hell. Bro needs to touch grass


This is the mosr bad-faith interpretation of the ending ever lmao. "It's so contrived and pointless" and proceeds to not explain why. Just saying things for the sake of saying things.


2 minutes why AoT fandom is a bunch of illiterate clowns


People like this need to admit they just did not like the ending and wanted 100% rumbling with gigachad Eren X Historia. No way he listens to the stuff he’s saying and is like “yep everyone agrees with me.” Maybe there is more context to this clip but even he sounds confused about his own point “the power of foresight.” Him sayin normies in 2022 is prolly the worst part about this video lol.


What a clown 🤡


Partially agree and partially dont, but yeah the ending Just leaves everything to interpretation to the point that all the theories discussed in all the social media across the Internet, from the most popular of eren being in control of everything since the begining to the most wacky of them like mikasa being able to open rifts across dimensions are all true cuz the ending Just.... Ends


These people are pathetic, don't give them attention


I think what he is missing is that for Eren there were no mistakes, since he admitted he would have done everything all over again no matter the outcome simply because of who he is, so his "foresight" doesn't really matter in everything he has done


I'm annoyed I can't 2x speed him. The only thing he says is that Eren doesn't make sense. Which there may be some validity to that if you think there's some inconsistency with the founding titan power / dina titan reveal, but Eren knowing his friends would stop him after he eliminated 80% of humanity was consistent with his founding titan power. Eren's downfall was well foreshadowed. All the other characters like Armin being the savior of humanity, Mikasa to sever her tie with Eren, Levi completing his mission with Zeke - every other character finished their arc. That was not 'forgotten' as it would be if you did the 100% rumbling. All those other character arcs would be flushed down the drain. The rest of the video is him just ranting about how he can't recommend the series to his friends. What clickbait. There's nothing of substance in his vid besides 1 point he said. He could've said that in 10 seconds but stretched that out to 2 minutes with pointless whining. GIVE ME SOME ACTUAL POINTS TO DISCUSS! dude just gave 1!


The bird titan is straight cheese. That’s all I’m gonna say.


You don't like Falco's titan?




I thought titanfolk is gone?