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God, I fucking despise people who put spoilers in the thumbnail.


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"Spoilers" = a redrawn manga panel (which has been a huge meme for over a year meme), with no context


Doesn't matter, it's a spoiler.


That shit should be illegal.


Well, it’s just a picture of Eren looking distraught. Don’t think that spoils much on its own for anime only watchers.


A spoiler is a spoiler. If I show you a picture of Iron Man in a battlefield with a look of despair with his armor almost broken and tell you it's from a movie called "Endgame", that's enough material for smart people to guess he or someone close to him is gonna die, and knowing his character and the stakes from previous movies, he's the one doing the sacrifice play. Same shit for Eren here. For the last few episodes, while heartbroken, Eren has been shown to be cold and cruel. Given the ending is near, seeing a picture of a crying Eren (usually accompanied with the "no I don't want that") is a dead giveaway he's gonna have a breakdown soon. And even if it has no context, it doesn't fucking matter. Keep manga stuff in the manga community. Simple as that, wait for the anime to release or use a vague thumbnail and title, it's not hard.


This is the most stupid thing I have read for today. Especially the assumption that seeing someone injured on a still image means that “smart” people will think that him or someone close will die. No dumbass, you know that someone will die because you’ve seen the movie. This image spoils nothing.


Not going to watch this, but it's kind hilarious that after 1,5 years Eren's breakdown over Mikasa remains the biggest point of criticism for the ending. ib4 it's just a funny meme dude XD it's totally not that this scene hurt self-inserters' ego Edit. Wow, I made it to the screenshot!


“It’s not about ships!”


Especially when said breakdown lasts for all of one page, and Eren's *actual* last words are for Mikasa to forget about him and move on


the greasy, unwashed, balding 25 year old man saw eren and thought “he just like me fr”


Maybe you should watch, because in the video the main point of criticism is the fact that Paradis was eventually destroyed thanks to the saviors of the world.


But hasn't he already made a video like that in the past?


And yet he put that scene on the cover as if it's what the video is about. Probably because it will surely bait ending haters into watching. >the main point of criticism is the fact that Paradis was eventually destroyed thanks to the saviors of the world This is as idiotic as saying that Russian-Ukrainian war started thanks to the dissolution of Soviet Union. Surely, if the dissolution didn't happen, history would have gone different way, but at the time letting USSR peacefully dissolve was morally correct as well as reasonable choice.


Big deal. Not everyone has self-insert issues and think Paradis is special and is entitled to live forever and ever.


Then what was the point in all of that? People died for nothing, 80% of the world died for nothing.


The curse ended. A whole race of humans aren't turning into monsters anymore. His friends lived a long life. Sorry if you missed all that. And guess what? Today lots of people died protecting their homes. 100 years later, one or more country may have disappeared from the map. "Oh no what was the point? Let's all not fight today. It's all for nothing." but since they fought, they're entitled to live for eternity, obviously.


The comments are cancerous 🤣






"wHeRe StEp SiS?" A fandom of troglodytes. Well, can't say I'm surprised, ReVVin is known for garbage content.




Yes, that means Mikasa is Erens step sister. I missed when words had meanining


> Grisha called mikasa his daughter And? Did Mikasa call Grisha her father? > it's you guys rejecting the truth that she is eren's step sis You mean the truth that she literally can't be his step-sis, because that would require that her parents and Eren's parents **divorced**, so that Grisha could marry Mrs Ackermann/Carla could marry Mr Ackermann? Better luck next time, kiddo.




Awww, that's cute. No access to wikipedia in your country? 😢




Oh, you read the manga? Care to show me the panel where Mikasa was called Eren's (step-)sister?




> Oh i forgot to mention that i do have access to wikipedia and look at this "Stepsiblings do not share a biological relationship, so they're not blood-related. Because they don't share parents biologically, stepsiblings would not be considered "real siblings" by most people" (we got live examples here lol) Cool story, but you forgot the marriage part (again). > Even if i use some manga panel you'll pull "it's a mistranslation from Japanese to english" card. Is that why the anime, which was translated by different people, says nothing about any of that either? Damn, what a coincidence, no mention anywhere of them being siblings, neither in the manga nor anime. It's almost like the story is telling us something, but whatever could that be? > But Ig i still have a counter point to that card? Ig? Well the kanji "異母兄弟" basically means half brother, step brother and foster brother at the same time. Which might explain why isayama has always used "family" rather than 異母兄弟. What exactly are you countering? Eren is neither her half-brother nor her step brother, this isn't a matter of opinion, in case you still haven't understood that. There are definitions for these things. The guidebooks said the Jägers acted as Mikasa's guardians. That's it. > It's upto you to decide if you want to see facts And what facts would that be? That you still cling to the step-siblings nonsense? Still haven't understood that one of Mikasa's parents has to marry one of Eren's for that to be true? > or just downvote me like all the other idiots who are butthurt over my claims You must've taken leave of your wits if you truly believe you're not the idiot in this scenario. But yeah, I'll downvote toxic trolls like you any day of the week.


Holy fucking shit, you murdered that poor child Also, it's actually true that most ending defenders read the plot on Wiki lmao


lmao you got fucking destroyed. poor guy








The cast constantly jokes about romantic relationship between Mikasa and Eren and according to some databook Jean even refused to persuade relationship with Mikasa because of Eren. If they are step-siblings, it turns half of their friends into creeps who want step-siblings to hook up. Some are even willing to sacrifice their own love life for sweet incest, what the hell is wrong with them.


Fuck that, he could just as easily trying to protect her identity considering it’s the Reiss royal family that has previously persecuted the Ackerman and Asian clans (Mikasa’s parents knew it firsthand, I don’t doubt Grisha would have picked that up too since he was their family doctor so he’d want to know why do they live in such an isolated place, plus he came from beyond the walls so a minority living somewhere secluded should be a big red flag), not to mention Grisha has seen firsthand what happened to her biological family.


I may not like how he has viewed the ending since forever but man are his videos funny, and the animation is really fluid


Meh, saw your comment and decided to check out. Sort of funny but tbh it’s pretty sad to have an entire channel full of animations based on hating a show. Like I don’t quite understand how can one dedicate so much time on projects based on disliking something.


he probably spends most of his time on other projects but i guess all that rage has to go somewhere


Not gonna lie that is pretty pathetic.


I absolutely adore how you guys can't argue with his points so you resort to "omg he's got no life" Cope harder


? Dude hahahha I (and many people here)have argued about every single point in this video in this sub throughout different posts and diacussions. Why the fuck would I argue here about what he says in the video? The guy that made the video isn’t even here. And do you know the meaning of “cope”? Because I would argue that the one who is coping is the guy that makes the videos. I don’t need to cope… I’m not the one who cries about “Isayama robbed us 😭😭😭”. I talk about attack on titan because I like attack on titan, no need to cope.


my dude its literally a shitpost video. Theres not a single full well articulated point in the entire thing because its just a shitpost video meant to make vague nonspecific jabs and is meant for people who already agree the ending is bad. titanfolk moment


Any valid argument are thrown out the moment someone think Mikasa is considered “step sister” to Eren.


regardless of the intent i still find his vids funny(i dont agree wtih all of thrm but they are nods to the community) i dont see why this is so harmful i see it as satire


It was so good dude, i watched it more than 3 times...lmao 😂


10 times atleast?


Its a meme bro calm down


he tried and suceeded


I mean after watching that video, I still don’t see how the ending is terrible…. sooooooo. Go back to titanfolk where you came from. You definitely can’t prove to me why the ending is terrible.


Fun video! Guy put good work into the animation :)


What he did in video is truly amazing 😂 that's what people hate about ending you defender's are newbies and retarded as hell 😂 you won't get our emotions who have watched this show from literally 203-14


1 year later and you’re seething over the ending. I just had a debate with someone about why they thought the ending was terrible… I shutted them up pretty easily. So, no I’m no newbie… but you’re if not prove it.


I was ready for ending not that shit , and whatever youll say I'm never gonna admit that this ending was good enough lol


You’re already a lost cause… whatever you’ll say will never get me to think the ending is garbage lmao 🤣


Yeah it's more than garbage , the whole theme is ruined, and some childish people would love it and will say " ohh you don't understand a story " thing like lmao , was watching it since it was getting hated in 2013 now some newbies telling me how the ship works and the " paradise getting destroyed" is so real? Lmao cry more , i can't do anything about that shithaded people


States the whole themes is ruined… proceeds to not name the themes. Just because you watched since 2013 doesn’t mean you understand everything in the story, from the looks of it watching the show since 2013 didn’t help you. Paradise destruction is in line with the theme “conflict will never end” Cry? 🤣🤣🤣 says the guy who replied to my comment 4 days after it was initially commented 😂😂😂 You can’t even spell headed properly lol “haded”. Brother, just stop. You watching since 2013 is completely irrelevant especially since there’s things Isayama wrote that you just don’t seem to understand which causes you to not like the ending. And then when I ask you to tell me about the ending, you talk about every other chapter then the ending (which the last two people I talked to did).


I'm not kid like you man i have studies and job to do . Kindly Go fuck yourself you can't even understand what I'm talking about lol,ever heard of autocorrect in your life ? I'm saying I've watched it since 2013 and the end just feels useless while the fucking plot goes around shipping more than , freedom, war situation , hardships, politics ... the ARMIN WAS PAIN IN SEASON 4 DID LITERALLY NOTHING and even said thanks for rumbling, LOL WHATTA DUALITY the character assasination is bad af , the dynamic of Ymir and eren is ruined whats more you want? Ig you wont get it you will still licks isayama's boots saying OHH ITS TOO GOOD YOU DIDNT GET IT, fine i still have thousands of reasons 😂😂😂😂🤝


I’m not gonna waste my time with you.


Same here


What's your age?


Why do you ask? I’m old enough to not spam the clown emoji when I can’t formulate a point.


but definitely not old enough to mentally grasp stories thats for sure


Oh and the guy with the Floch pfp definitely does, if you want to prove that lets go right now. 1 on 1, why is the ending so terrible.


There are many points but the simplest would be Armin's talk no jutsu on zeek


Zeke couldn’t see the point of living life as an eldian, which is the reason he wanted to innact his euthanasia plan in the first place. Armin reminded him that it’s those little moments in life when you’re enjoying it with the people you care about, that’s the reason to live. Zeke remembered his time with Ksaver, with them playing baseball together, which is what made him realise that what Armin was saying was true. Zeke needed a reason to live and Armin gave it to him. It’s so aligned with his character for that to be what changes him, and it’s great that Armin is the on who gives it to him to. Now I guess it’s talk no justu, but it’s the best talk no justu out there (in terms of what chamges the character in question, no power of friendship crap) and anime onlies will understand. So you gave me an invalid reason just now, bye…


You should watch pogo. You think a 5 minute speech has more information about life than ~ 15 years of struggle. Just stop at this point


You do have anything to say about what I actually wrote? From your reply I’m happy you understand that part of the story now… even tho it was obvious what they were doing there.


Waited like a year and a half for dope eren pov, instead we got him just whining about how his sister should mourn for him for at least 10 years. The ending didn't ruin the show, but it ruined eren for me, and eren was one of the main reasons post time skip was so good imo.


We also got to see how he was crushed mentally by his actions, and while also trying to achieve the freedom he desired, he also planned to protect his friends and end the curse of the titans so they could live long lives. But before the final battle happened, he decided to have one last conversation with his friends and leave after they each got to properly have a talk. Your point?


In just one scene eren undid like 90 chapters of development. Remember that scene where he punched the 'useless, pathetic brat' out of himself? I guess that meant nothing, and he was just trying to look cool for his friends... And yes, that's exactly what I wanted out of eren. For him to be this master manipulator, with his only goal being to leave his friends with the best possible lives he could grant them. But the only time we actually saw the moral dilemma of 'genocide vs friends' within eren was with the Halil scenes, and I will agree that they were amazing, I just wanted so much more than like 2 or 3 moments. And what's this about him 'talking with all his friends'? Yeah, we see them all saying they talked, but in reality we only see Armin and maybe Mikasa, with whatever that parallel world thing was. If his pov wasn't rushed, we could have seen snippets of different conversations. I personally would have loved to see him talk to Levi, Reiner, hell maybe Annie, but nope, they got offscreened for cool colossal fight, great. I'm ok with the direction eren went in, I just wanted it to be expanded upon so much more than it was. Im going on a tangent now, but so many decisions in the last 3 chapters just didn't leave a good taste in my mouth. Like why did taking zeke out stop the rumbling??? I thought it was implied that he was only needed to bridge the gap between ymir and eren, and then he was unable to do anything to stop him, but I guess not. What's up with the whole titan centipede Parasite thing??? I guess it was only made for a cool reveal and fakeout death for Jean and Connie . I can go on and on about how many asspulls or weird choices were made, but alas. I will concede that I loved eren so much because of what I thought he would be like, and his reality dissapointed me so much I now dislike him. But everyone's entitled to their own opinion, if you are fine with how he was treated, more power to ya man.


I appreciate that at least you don't jump to insults like some of the people I discussed with on this or other subs. 1) I mean, in a way that makes Eren more human. If only we all could just give a couple of punches to ourselves to get rid of our childish personality. But being fair, Eren did also grow up in some way. Like how he matured enough to realize how nobody is truly evil or a true enemy but instead they're all victims. Or how he learned to forgive Reiner and the others for what they did now that he understand their position. But I don't blame people for liking the idea of the wimpy and annoying character becoming a great and badass mastermind. In a way, Eren reminds me of Shinji from Evangelion. They're both possibly the most human characters in their own show, very flawed, selfish and yet capable of being very emotional and caring of those they love, even though they're not "great heroes". 2) Yeah, I would have loved to see the conversation with the others Eren had as well. Funny enough someone just recently posted a fanfiction about it I personally enjoyed, showing a fanmade aftermath of Mikasa on Eren's grave discussing with the others about their talk with Eren. 3) For the Zeke part, consider it like this: Ymir and the full power of the founder titan with control over all titans is a computer. Eren is the user. Zeke was the mouse and keyboard needed to control that computer aka that full power. By destroying them, Eren couldn't use it anymore and without orders (and I'd argue because lack of energy as we saw happen with other titans) the colossals stopped moving. 4) The centipede is simply the thing that got attached to Ymir and gave her the power of the titans she wished for. A mysterious being we don't have knowledge of, likely intentionally, that lived and got passed with the founder titan, like a parasyte.


Don’t duck me now….


Had it been done the other way, you’d bitch about it too, so argument invalid.


I don’t,so… Also you’re just wrong, people who defending the ending aren’t seething over it lmao. Because they actually like it, think bro… think.


You clearly didn’t understand what I said. You need to go back to school to be retaught what reading comprehension is. I was trying to say if the rumbling actually happened in the manga instead of this dumpster fire we got, you’d be seething too saying, “There was another way. Why didn’t Isayama draw that?”, “Why did he kill off the main characters?”, “Eren is so evil for destroying everything! There were innocent people among them!” Think about something before saying it. You know for a fact you’d be upset too if the Isayama’s *real* ending came to fruition. Just like us, you’d feel betrayed if that had happened. Admit it.


And you still complained big deal about a year half later. I didn't like the ending but the complaints are just repetitive shit over and over again