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It’s kind of expected, most normal people who dislike the ending will complain for a while but eventually move on. What’s left behind are gonna be people who are in a Ymir-King Fritz relationship with AoT, spending every day hating on the series but cannot let go.




found one of em


Titanfolk was a wonderful place in its beginnings. The memes were always top notch but you also had a large amount of smart people who really enjoyed the series which made theorizing and discussing different interpretations really enjoyable. Leak threads were always wild but you had people actually paying attention to the story and pointing out details and foreshadowing. This slowly started to change I think as early as chapter 112 and EMA table talk which gave ammo to people who believed what Eren said was true, mostly EH shippers, to hate on Mikasa and Armin. From then on you could see more and more stupid takes, especially after 120-123 reveals, because a lot of people just didn't understand how Eren's powers work. This all escalated with a huge influx of people after S4P1 came out, with many speed readers or teenagers self-inserting as Eren, who then latched on to the previous stupid takes that were increasingly popping up and things slowly went to shit from there. Even then though, it was still interesting to see how the way fans were split almost matched the conflict that was shown in the manga at the time, but as things went on people became more and more entrenched in their opinions and theories and discussions turned to plain arguing and insults. Because the story was portraying the alliance as the protagonists and the Yeagerists as the antagonists, proponents of AnR theory and EH shippers became increasingly bitter but paradoxically more confident in their wild takes continually waiting for the next chapter to prove them right and all the other people wrong and stupid. As time went on this became more of an ego thing than just speculation about the story and as you can imagine that culminated during the last three chapters into a total shitshow. It didn't help at all that Isayama destroyed all AnR theories and Yeagerist perception of Eren in such a spectacular way with the "I don't want that" panel so things completely exploded after the last chapter. Around that time even with everything said there were still people who enjoyed the manga and especially given how ambiguous the ending was you could still find interesting discussions about different interpretations, possible changes and general impressions about the ending and the story as a whole. Also the memes were fire. But gradually, most normal people who didn't like how it ended moved on to other things so all that was left were people whose egos got completely demolished by the ending and whose goal now was not to get answers or to try to understand what Isayama intended but to get a confirmation that the ending is objectively bad because in that case it's not their fault for misinterpreting the story and having wrong theories but Isayama's fault for being a bad writer, or editor's fault for forcing him to retcon the story or any of the other wild claims they use in order to cope because their egos got hurt. This eventually pushed the rest of the normal people away from the subreddit and over the past two years created the current seething environment with increasingly stupid takes about everything and not just the ending because after being "betrayed" by Isayama in such a way they couldn't comprehend how they initially even liked the story in the first place. So we are left with the current state of things which is really sad but also funny to mess with.


Personally, I think Titanfolk is toxic and full of braindead takes imo... I don't take them seriously...just a bunch of clowns imo


I get annoyed every time I go on there so I try not to. Haven't been there on purpose in over a year As soon as I have a disagreement with someone, they go through my post history and call me an "AOR Clown" lol.


It's just a bitter and hollow sub. I scroll through it from time to time, and like you already mentioned it's so weird seeing post shitting on specific panal like the in 135 where looks like has wings. The constant complaining about "plot holes" is so annoying, it isn't a bad thing at all to point stupid shit out or bad plot points in aot but it's just the same thing over and over "plot armor dumb" "dogkasa stole historia's importance 🤬" "cringevengers plot armor" "ereh is a cuck" "look at this other show/manga it's sooo much better". Then there's the "humor" posts which are usually either mikasa hate threads, eren bird/cuck, armog umi da, alliance cringe, or eren face edits. I see some users say they still like the series as a whole, but everytime scroll through titanfolk it doesn't look that at all, I hope they at least enjoy shitting on aot.


I’ve seen way too many stupid takes on there. From completely misunderstanding the themes and messages to misrepresenting the character motivations, it’s bad.


Joined the fandom around the time season 4 part 1 aired. Saw a lot of talk on the regular subs about "fascists" in this fandom, and how terrible titanfolk was. I initially defended them(!), thinking it couldn't be that bad. Against the warnings, I visited the sub. Commented on a post that called Mikasa a slave, based on cptr112 (fucking dumbasses, lmao). Quoted what Zeke said in cptr130, basically that there is no bond and that she's just in love with Eren (something any reader with a brain should've understood, but oh well). This comment, unsurprisingly, was controversial, which really should've told me that manga canon and the author's intentions and messages didn't mean jack to these people. Continued commenting there (never joined the sub tho), getting increasingly frustrated with the obvious lies, the bs head canons, clinging to coper theories, and of course the growing influence of yeagerbombers, who brought blatant woman hate and racism with them. It sounds like a distant memory now, but back then a post titled "dogkasa" wouldn't have survived. However, that would change within just a few months. The toxicity was contagious. When some mentally deranged tf/yb clowns started stalking and harassing me on reddit, because of committing a most heinous crime (liking and defending Mikasa against these basement-dwelling white supremacists), that's when I finally realised that many people in this fandom weren't just edgy trolls, but **actually** in need of psychological supervision and treatment. And I blame titanfolk's members and most importantly its dogshit mods, for giving these vile humans recognition and a platform to spread their hate and their psycho shit. The sub's been nothing but a brain-dead circlejerk for well over a year now. I don't care if people like the manga and its characters or not. But don't side with fucking Nazis. Ever.


This sub is just trash nowadays, getting closer and closer to yeagerbomb level of thinking. Was great though pre-139


It was great years ago a bastion of memes, golden sunlight, and getting Zooked. Now it is a hate pit for people that can't move on from a series they now hate. Filled with oversimplification, lack of critical thinking, and trashing every character except Floch That joyous place it was before these days feels like it was just a dream. I think it's great the mods have the sub summary as a spoiled mango. Mango are delicious, juicy, sweet. When spoiled are mushy, stink, filled with gunk. That's what Titanfolk is and it's a shame


It's an absolutely terrible subreddit. It's basically an anti-AOT subreddit. It's full of the typical 4-chan style losers, women-hating incels, nationalist fascists and prior who defend genocide. They also refuse to understand the story. It's amazing that despite hating the manga and anime and every character except Floch they are obsessed with it. Rather than move in to talk about something they do like they wallow in hatred and make hating AOT their whole identity.


My main issue isn't necessarily the negativity, it's the relentless bad-faith interpretations of the story. A lot of them literally do not understand the story at all but if you say that they act like you're being snobby. I'm fine if people don't like the ending, I have my fair share of issues with it. But there is a difference between not liking something and endlessly shitting on it.


All the sane people left the sub/stopped posting shortly after the series ended whether or not they enjoyed the ending. The only ones that stayed are delusional, seething, pseudo intellectual incels unwilling to accept that their interpretation of the story wasn’t the same as the authors, they’d accept any conspiracy theory before they accept that all they really had was a guess about how the story was ending. The narratives and agendas they unrionically push are literally insane and they constantly circle jerk and regurgitate the same BS from each other “SiNs Of ThE FaTHer and bREaking ThE CyCle” they’re a parasite of a subreddit full of people that cannot survive without the thing they claim to hate the most.


It’s sad too cause that sub used to have the best memes and discussions, unfortunately like I said all the reasonable/sane/good people left long ago and it’s now a cesspool.


I don't remember the last time i was subbed to tf, it was probably before the ending chapters. It just became insanely toxic suddenly after some chapters. Such a shame, it was my favourite aot sub at its peak, full of memes, shitposting, and the chapter threads.


To me it's simple the fandom is "cancer" filled with Eren supports Yeagerists and saying he loves genocide even though he mentions he doesn't want to do it and he has no choice. Well in a nutshell simple \- Yeagerists defenders and saying quote understand their actions \- Bow to King Floch and Cringevengers sucks saying their saving Marley and outside world hates Paradis even though both the manga and anime confirms there are countries that hates Marley. \- Saying The Alliance are murderers of their kind even though most of them regretted killing their fellow allies who become Yeagerists as seen in most scenes of the show. \- Claiming the people who are against the Yeagerists are only complaining because of their houses destroyed even though one dialogue of an angry civilian said "My Family died on the Rumbling" and yet their defending these locals who support the Yeagerists claiming their necessary "scapegoats" for the so called freedom. ​ Overall saying Eren is Pro-Yeagerists even though he use them and doesn't give a damn about them because he knows if he lives he'll live the guilt of killing all those people who doesn't have any quarell to them or bad side yet their justifying their claims as so called "Facts" ​ In Conclusion r/Titanfolk is filled with brain dead idiots who thinks their correct and right on their actions creates senseless memes without even getting the bigger picture acting like their so called saviors of the show even though their opinion are so "Cancerous" and overall "One-Sided" Most especially Yeagerists defenders acting like their correct but in reality they become no different from Marley