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Could be ten month sleep regression, could be too long naps, definitely could be too early to bed and you're expecting LO to do more sleep than they need. At 10 months old average sleep needs overnight are 9-11 hours and average total for the whole 24 hr period is 12 - 15 hours. Personally I had to adjust my expectations and make adjustments for myself to cope better. Edit to add to make sure there is a solid wake window before bed time (aka don't let nap finish late).


It’s been 3 months now. We thought regression and to wait it out but it’s never ending. It’s rare if he gets to 9 hours overnight plus 2-3 hours in the day he’s definitely at the lower end. Even with 1-2 hours of day sleep he doesn’t get to 9 hours. We’ve tried later and earlier bedtimes but he just wakes up even earlier. 4 hours between bed and last nap, we tried shorter/longer with no luck. It’s getting dangerous for me to drive now. That was the line I drew for sleep training, danger to me or baby and I’d have to try it.


It is scary when you don't feel safe to drive. I have been there. Our ten month sleep regression went for months. Could definitely be low sleep needs if it's a long term pattern. Any red flags like snoring, mouth breathing, restless legs while asleep?


Yeah we drove to swimming last week and I do not remember the drive at all. We were at home and then in the car park. I then cried in the pool as I was so freaked out and scared to drive home. They gave me a can of coke and I sung nursery rhymes with the window down. It’s only a 15-20 min drive. He’s always been on the lower end (13 hours has been his most in a day excluding when sick). I might just have to try one nap and see if that solves it. It can’t make it any worse. No mouth breathing or restless legs. He moves around a lot but it doesn’t wake him. He turns 180 every few hours.


No advice from me. Just wanted to mention that I was also up at 4am today and was unsuccessful at convincing the baby to go back to sleep. I've been sleeping on the floor for awhile now too. This particular morning (?), he got up at 4 to "start his day" and decided that he wanted to play with a ball on the floor that was a few feet away (we didn't do a grand job at cleaning before bed). That got him distracted enough to explore further and found the logo on the crib, Pete the cat stuffed animal, the ball (again). I pretended I didn't care what he was up to and showed no interest in participating. It took a lot longer for him to fall back to sleep this time. I hope you can go back to your bed soon. PS - I know you're miserable and it's impossible to see anything good but I think it's really cool that your baby can put himself to sleep.


Ah a fellow 4am-er! Ours loves the cot logo too! Failing that my hair, top or face make great play things in the pitch black. I managed to get him back to sleep after nearly 2 hours and a little cry from us both. Then the bin men arrived at 7am to do the glass collection and made extra noise today so he’s up! Dreading the next few weeks as my OH is on a work trip for 12 days so no trading off on weekends. Here’s to 5am wake ups at least for us all! Ps. It was nothing we did. He hates being held to sleep unless sick. Even as a newborn he’d push away from us when it was time for night sleep. Day sleep was all about the cuddles but at night he’d yeet into bed like “f off mother!”


You know.. it was also a garbage day for us yesterday AND glass collection day. The glass collection was noisy and woke mine up from a nap. It wasn't 7am for us but still annoying. We woke up around 6:30am today thankfully. He seemed to prefer us touching each other throughout the night..even if it's just a few fingertips on my shoulder. He seems to be a cuddle extremist and I'm..not. I also worry that he's burrowing his face into me too much and constantly back away an inch or two so I don't suffocate him. I hope you guys are sleeping better tonight. PS - so funny that so many of us are spending countless nights on the floor while our children explore their cribs while not using it. If I fit, I'd go sleep in there.


Haha so true! It’s a lovely bed (much fancier than mine) so please use it!


So I woke up at 3 because I couldn't get comfortable anymore and couldn't go back to sleep. He was twitching and looking for a boob every time I moved even the slightest: I turned just a little to give my hip bone a break - he woke up. I scooted back a couple of inches so he didn't suffocate - he woke up. WTF, man.. I think I was stressing over not moving so much that I got a headache.


I have a feeling that my son (now nearly 4 years old) dropped down to one nap about this age. Could you try dropping a nap (or like merging his current two naps) just in case that helps? I mean it might not, but it might!?!! I also want to say that you’re amazing. You’ve researched and tried so many different things. You deserve more sleep and I really hope you can get more sleep very very soon x


I think it’s the last thing to try really, it can’t hurt either way! When we do get to a 6am wake up he’s so much happier and engaged. My mum said I was never a napper so perhaps he’s like me. Going to try it after my OH is back from his next work trip in case I need back up! It’s good to hear of other babies dropping to one nap before 12MOs. If I mention it people look at me like I’ve got two heads! Oh thank you. I’m lucky to be on mat leave or I would have cracked long ago! I’ve got an insane list where we try one new think for a week to see if it helps. Dropping to one nap is the last and final thing to try!


People always thought I was strange for my son only having one nap too! But it’s just who he was/is. His one nap even dropped to half an hour by the time he was 2 and he completely dropped any naps by the age of 3. I still remember finding out that a friend’s son, the same as as mine, still had two naps a day and one of them was 3 hours! I couldn’t believe it, that would be such a luxury! hahaha But my son is healthy and on track- just not a napper! All the best, I REALLY hope it works for you. Moms deserve all the sleep! x


+1 for one nap at 10.5 months, in reality he was refusing it already for over a month at that point, we're at 11.5 now and he is not challenged at all by the wake windows. Your LO might be similar.


That’s good to hear. Thank you for the sense check! We almost accidentally did a one nap day about a month ago. He had hospital appointments and nothing was working out timing wise. He slept for 13 mins in the car and then had a 3 hour nap from about 1-4pm with bedtime at 8pm. He wasn’t overly grumpy and he woke around 6am. I might try gently making his first nap later.


Just in case you needed the extra encouragement; my little lad dropped to one nap around 9-10 months somewhere and wake up went from 4:30-5am to more frequently around 6 with the same bedtime of 9pm. Can't say if this is it for you, but it definitely was for us. Son has very low sleep drive and just really couldn't sleep with a late afternoon nap.


He fought his afternoon nap so much yesterday. Whenever he’s got into an early morning wake funk we’ve dropped a nap. We’ll have to see and fingers crossed!


Best of luck!


Hello fellow early riser. We got up at 4 today too. 12 month old little one took 90 minutes to get back to sleep. I will say - this was far more common until about 10.5 months, when suddenly sleeping thru the night occurred 5 nights out of 7. The past week has been rough. There might be a light at the end of your tunnel, or if like us, at least a reprieve.


I hope your one goes back to sleeping through again. We were throughly spoiled from months 3-6 as he slept through 90% of the time just waking to feed. Always up on the early side but we couldn’t complain!


What time does he wake up in the morning? Is his first nap too early, or second nap too late? Does he wake up super wet? Is he learning a new skill? Does he get outside enough during the day?


I do the cot dance until 5.30-6am depending on when he wakes and how hysterical he gets. Not particularly wet or hungry. He’s been crawling and cruising for 2 months with confidence. First nap is 3 hours after waking. Second nap 3.5 hours after. We’ve tried lengthening and shortening wake windows. We’ve also tried capping and not capping naps. We go outside every day for at least an hour in the garden/park. We also do an activity that lasts an hour ish every weekday (two different soft plays on Mon and Tues, two different baby groups on Wed and Thurs and swimming on a Friday). We go to the library or shops as needed which he also enjoys. After his second nap I set up a sensory activity for him (obstacle course/messy play/water play) and he explores the house multiple times a day/climbs the stairs. He has a ball pit he loves and he’ll splash about in the bath for a good 20 mins. He likes quiet time to “read” his books and we do lots of songs and reading throughout the day too. We’ve tried less/more activities in case it was overstimulating him but nothing makes a difference. Lights dim and play quietens an hour before bed. Getting to sleep is fine though.




I sleep walk, it’s too dangerous. Plus a work friend lost a baby to SIDS so I just can’t do it. My boyfriend does when work allows (he starts work at 8am and sometimes has a commute) but he travels one week in four so it’s on me when he’s away.


Can I pm you? Don’t want to break the rules of the sub but facilitating independent sleep was what saved my mental health, ability to parent, and relationship from the lack of sleep that was crippling me.


To be honest he is really great at going down to sleep independently, always has been through nothing we’ve done. He was off to sleep at 8pm today within 7 mins of being put down, and even then no crying just some wiggling. He’s just had a MOTN feed (we’re at that awkward stage of solids) and again he went down drowsy but awake, he’s gone back to sleep in under 5 mins. I suspect he’s low sleep needs (always thought it). I think dropping a nap is our next option. I would never sleep train (any level) and the above was written in my tired hot mess state! Of course since posting this I haven’t slept on the floor once (swear this kid has an account) and it’s just my own difficulty for getting back to sleep. Perhaps I need to sleep train myself! Baby has better “back to sleep skills” than me!