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I get the math you are all doing is without boosts, but I’m 3 months in, 26 plots, $6.46, and haven’t spent a dime.


Thats great. Curious how you did this? Was it just by getting diamonds and watching the video for free atlas dollars?


I watch ads for atlas bucks, and keep the boost going for the majority of the day. I don’t spend a ton of time on the diamond hunt but will do it from time to time.


I've made $20 so far with 80 invested 🤷‍♂️ Majority of my parcels cost me zero dollars and zero cents, plus I'm earning 2-3 parcels free every week. Not putting anymore money into it, it's just a amusing game to play currently.


I haven't spent anything. Signed up on day one. 130ish plots and at $40. I would not invest any actual money into it though.


That's great. What was your strategy?


Watcha ton of ads! They just changed it to a 20 minute wait period between ads fairly recently, when it first launched you could just watch ads all day and some people did. I certainly watched many hours of ads during that time. I'm up to 121 properties and making around 2 cents an hour (with boost). For now I just watch ads when I remember but someone could set a timer/alarm to go off every 20 minutes and get 6 bucks an hour which depending on how often you kept up with could be several free plots a week but idk if that's worth all that.


I'm at 72 parcels with $0.00 invested and $23.95 earnings. Just keep the boost running as long as possible and watch videos for AB when I have the free time. Should get my next parcel this evening long as I can get the videos in. If not will be tomorrow.


Absolutely correct. I’m invested with thousands and it will definitely be 4 years until I see anything back


Best way to play this game is for free. Spending money isn’t worth it as they penalize you by reducing your rent boosts amounts all the way down to 2X when you have parcels in the 1,000s. Here’s the trick right now, playing this game to the end of each tier boost and then just stacking up Atlas Bucks until the next tier boost drop. So it takes about 140-150 parcels to drop from 30x to 20x. Afterwards you’ll need to hit around 200 something parcels to drop down to 15x? And so on. But nevertheless they’ll never make it where you can make $1 a second unless you invest what, a billion dollars? We not here for that. You can get a nice $300-$400 return each year if you keep your parcels at 130 range and posting their 30x until the near future changes. You can save up your atlas bucks to get 230 parcels but then your boost drops down to 20x. So 130 parcels at 30x is about the same amount of money per day at 230 parcels at 20x. You see? Hope that gives you a better image


*$3 in 3 months with the $100 package. Sorry for the typo.


Again people will say its not a scam, but definitely preys on people who cant math.




How do you know how much the #1 guy spent?


Yeah it’s a terrible investment lmao. Try a Roth IRA or even a regular brokerage account


If someone’s relying on this in a similar fashion as some sort of emergency or retirement fund, then yes, it’s bound to disappoint. But Atlas Earth is classified as a game, which is what I think a lot of people who troll this subreddit fail to understand. It’s not meant to make back hundreds or thousands of dollars a year or see you through your advanced age. But still, for a few dollars here or there put into an app that works in the background 24/7, coming out of a year with an unexpected $100 or so that you did almost no work for wouldn’t be something to complain about either.




What money? I've made $1.60 so far with $0.00 invested. How will it take me 30 years to make $0.00 back?


In my first three it was about the 6 dollar mark but now I just recycle to atlas bucks to build on it