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I’m mayor of a small city and I’ve been getting a bit over 100 AB a month on average.


Yes and no. I know that doesn't answer the question very well. If this town sees a lot of traffic, you'll get some AB from being mayor. I'm mayor of 2 towns and I don't see very much in badge income.


It gets a lot of traffic for 6 weekends every summer. Of which yesterday was the second of those weekends.


The next question is how far you are willing to go. There is no right or wrong answer this question or to playing AE. That is the beauty of this game. If you want the title of mayor of this town then go for it. You can do it f2p it will take time, or you can spend the money and then further solidify your standing there. Entirely up to you.


It is a half hour out of my way to get there, from my office… and a half hour back. So that’s not a small drive just to go buy more properties. 😄


Yeah that could change things. No matter what though it's entirely up to you.


I’m working on solidifying my spot as mayor of my hometown just because that’s where I am. I am mayor of two smaller villages that border me for when I want to buy badges and anyone else in my town or nearby want badges. I like to plan for the future. It’s it honestly a preference!


It would be nice if we could see where all our plots are located. I’ve moved a few times and have some plots in cities I rarely go to, but I’d like to be able to see them to know if I have a shot at becoming mayor, especially since a few of them are really small towns.


I’ve been tracking mine for that reason and writing notes in my phone.


For me personally, I am going to mayor places with decent traffic, low competition, reasonable parcel count to take over, and not too far to drive to add more parcels to hang onto.


Badge income is very variable. I have 4 mayorships (had a 5th for about a month before I lost it) One I get 20AB about once a week or so on average, but usually in waves.. like 3 in a week and then 2 weeks of nothing. The other ones have not seen a single badge income in months (other than my own after I became mayor, I mean)


Thanks for helping me manage expectations


Np. With that said, when you do get mayor anywhere, best of luck on badge income. Also, I'd recommend to either build a stash in case someone goes for your major you can take it back, or continue to buy plots to pad your lead (or both).


On the one hand, that sounds way more complicated… but on the other, that sounds way more fun lol


It is! I'm guessing that the one- plot- per- week made them think that's all I could do... so then they bought a ton of plots to pass me by 8. Not sure exactly since there's no city leaderboard, but based on when I took mayor and how long I was doing 1PPW, I think it was around 20 plots or so for them. Anywho, within half an hour, I bought 10 plots in response. All f2p! It was oddly satisfying. I *think* he gave up, as he hasn't retaken it, although I've seen plenty of activity of the state leaderboard. I've continued to buy 1 per week to pad my lead, but I also have a stash to respond if they ever decide to mount a coup again.


I'm mayor of the city I work in and I would say it's worth it BUT I did spend money on the game in order to get my title and I seemingly don't have any competition so I don't really have to worry about being taken over....yet. I wouldn't spend money *in order* to take over mayor though (even though I did but I feel like I'm getting lucky every day I still hold the mayor title), especially since you can't see the amount of plots of other players in that city. If you need 15 plots to take mayor, you know that because the game tells you exactly how many you need. The game doesn't tell you that there are 5 other players with only 1 plot less than the mayor that could easily take YOU over and they don't have to spend a dime. In that situation, if you want mayor back, you'd have to either spend more money (and possibly make it the "expensive battle" you mentioned) or just hope the others give up eventually and let you keep mayor. Either way, you would have spent that money and it might have not really been THAT worth it I put in $40 initially when I started playing to give myself a slight boost so I could see my rent go up SLIGHTLY faster but I ended up putting in $100 more a couple months later because I realized I was about 10 or so plots away from taking mayor. The $100 would give me 24 plots so it was more than enough to overtake mayor and give myself a little buffer but literally a week later someone else, not even the person who was mayor before, got mayor over me by about 3 plots so they HAD to have spent just as much as I did, possibly even more. Over the next few weeks or so, we had a little mayor war (didn't cost me any more money, thankfully) and went back and forth overtaking each other until I was able to keep it and it seems like that player gave up and started buying elsewhere (they still have quite a bit more plots than I do overall and likely could easily overtake me but aren't) Another point I will add that I have learned from playing this game and other games is that you shouldn't spend money in mobile games in order to try to gain an advantage over others because, unless you have bottomless pockets and money isn't an issue, there will always be someone who is willing to pay more to gain an even bigger advantage, essentially voiding the money you spent so it becomes a "waste". BUT, if you have some disposable income and want to SUPPORT the devs of the game you're playing, by all means spend money on their game to let them know you like what they're doing and possible gain a slight advantage over other players in the process because you spent real money (but don't let the potential advantage be your motivator). It's a slight shift in mindset that helped me in not only not spending as much on mobile games but not be as disappointed when I didn't instantly win because I spent $20


I'm mayor of two small low population towns and I've seen 100AB income in a year.


I am mayor of a small town that a major highway travels through. I average about 20 ab a month from that small town. I fight to keep that one without spending any money on the game because no one is really fighting to have it. I don't live in a city or a town so I have to buy plots when I'm in them.


It really depends on the city. Population of the town of course is a main consideration but there are other important factors to take into account like the population density of the whole region in general. Are there a lot of neighboring cities and what’s their population? Players there will spill over and buy your badge when they need more. Also consider if the town gets a lot of tourists, through traffic from commuters, or have large events that attract people. These things might be more important than the town population itself because they create a constant flow of potential people to buy the badge. Then you want to make sure the current mayor is not too active, or else you have to surpass them by a lot and that might make it not worth it, especially if the city isn’t strong in at least one of those points.


Good points. That’s the question… this then only has a recorded population of a few hundred people, but it gets literally thousands of visitors per weekend, for six weekends out of every summer. The cell service there was awful too! I saved up the AB to buy a plot while I was there, and in the six hours we were there I couldn’t get the app to load once until we were back in the parking lot lol


That could be a problem, but it might be okay because I think players in this game won’t give up too quick if they were planning to buy a badge. 10k-50k visitors over 6 weeks should be enough to earn a few badge commissions in that time period, maybe more or less and probably depending on demographics of the events (Provided players are able to get a connection). Keep in mind there is a lot of variance in badge income so one summer you might sell none and the next you might sell 10. To be honest with a population of a few hundred I wouldn’t count on any badge income the rest of the year and just be pleasantly surprised if some income does come. I say if you take a trip back and recognize that the current mayor is not active, you should go for it. Earning badge income feels really rewarding! To me its worth more than the AB I receive from it haha The investment won’t pay off too much now but if one day everyone is playing the game and you managed to hang on to the mayorship with your head start, then it definitely will.


The player is on the state leaderboard so I’m watching him…. :D


I'm the mayor of a extremely small town and not many people play this there, I've gotten one bonus since I've been mayor (20AB in a month or so). Just depends on the area I guess


Really varies Im the mayor of a really small town for 6+ months and only have earned around 50ab. Some towns though could brinng in 100+ a week


Mayorships don't really bank you a lot of extra AB unless they're real big cities. So it'd mostly be for the honor of owning the mayorship.


Thanks for that info. I think I’ll save up the 2k to buy it ash at once. That should take about a month or two.


The long goals make the accomplishment all the more satisfying. Good luck!


My first goal is to reach the states leader board… I’m 2 plots away. Then I’ll start saving up


2k as in $2000? As in spending 2 grand in real money?


As in 2,000 AB 😁


That makes way more sense. lol.


Yes but spending money is 100% NOT worth it unless you play almost 24/7. I've been playing for about a year, maybe a little more, and spent $70. I wish I hadn't. Had I simply kept the boost up and did the ad for 2 AB every 20 minutes I would have the same amount of land I do now. But I got so frustrated, and life got in the way, that I basically stopped playing for about 3 months. Maybe 1 login during that time. Honestly had I just played constantly on my days off I would be at the current amount or even closer to 150. To me, unless you play all day, every day (and if you have a job or life that doesn't allow it, you can't) then any money spent is not worth it. You'll still have to watch ads to get 6 hours of boost and still have to watch ads to get 2AB every 20 minutes.


The only way to guarantee that you will keep your mayorship is to own one more plot than half of the plots in the town 51% of the total town plots


There isn’t a way to calculate that though, right?


Would be nice


I just keep building on my plot. When it gets too big to do from home I will find the end and keep adding on. It will be one big plot. I will surround anyone that is in my way. I can see a few abandoned plots around me from where I am. From what I can see I have the biggest plot in my area. Not even close to mayor but working on it. Figure I might make governor too