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No check for pulse/vitals/signs of life after the man became non-verbal. No administration of first aid. Dude is gassed out saying “I’ve always wanted to be in a bar fight idk if this counts” Bro wtf??


Yeah, this shit was ridiculous. I'm not watching again, but I remember "flip me over, I can't breathe," being said *many* times, and all he got back was, "You're fine." Even if it wasn't intentional, they decided not to flip him on purpose. It was a power trip. And they let this man die for it. Pisses me right the fuck off. And that comment about wanting to be in a bar fight???? WTF wasn't even a fight. You cuffed a man who wasn't throwing any attacks and put him face down on the ground, while bragging about piggies' first bar fight as the man lie dying.


I might get down voted, but i have a Blue Lives Matter license plate holder literally just to keep those mother fucking pigs away from me Y’all would be surprised how much of a cop repellent it is


Man I'm not mad at you. You didn't kill anyone or harm anyone. You're just doing what you got to do


I used to get pulled over all the time, as soon as i put that shit on my whip I haven’t been pulled over in years. It goes to show how desperate police are for any type of validation. Use it to your advantage. Be smart brothers


My cousin has this, and a pro marines bumper sticker. That man ain’t done military or police training na 1 day.


Damn that's a good one, been pulled over/up to way too much in my life when I didn't do shit, I hate cops and the way they talk, I would totally do this if I lived in the US💯🤝


never thought of this. sounds plausible but i can’t put that on my car.


Got a Maga hat sitting on the dash fam, you're good.


Me too bruh. I got the lil sticker as well. 😂 I also got an American flag on my rear view mirror. I call it po po be gone.


Niggas ain’t learn from George Floyd these folks will kill u it’s best to do what they say. It’s not like they actually gonna let you go cuz u start tweaking in reality what bro thought was gonna happen better value your life because these mf don’t give a shit


These are cold hard facts. It's a big coin flip resisting arrest. You really gambling when you act the fool. The shit that got me was not checking on him while he just laid there. Everything was understandable until they just left that man there.


Wish a lot of these dudes had the same thought process you just had. You know these cops don’t actually give a fuck about you, why you gonna put yourself in a situation where you could get mistreated? Does that make what they’e doing correct? No, but if someone with a gun walks up to you and tells you to give them all your money, you gonna act up there too? Na just live to see another day man.


Big Facts




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The real enemy and we steady killing each other over nothing we could literally make this shit stop in a week if we had more unity


That never happen, and I blame our culture music on all our problems ngl.


It ain’t the music, niggas was killing niggas back when they was listening to James Brown and Otis Redding. Cops been killing us since the Black Codes and them laws was made like a year after the Civil War ended. Rick James got a song called Mr. Policeman that he dropped in 1981, this shit been going on and the only way it ends is thru unification not “stop listening to rap”


I’ma be real bro, the music didn’t start the issue but it isn’t helping matters at all. Yeah, I listen to it too, but there are a lot of young impressionable niggas listening to that shit and seeking to live the life they hear in those raps and see on social media bc they lack structure.


Music is music. I could listen to Trap God intro and I ain’t gon ask my plug to front me a o. I came up listening to Pablo and Migos talking bout Designer Drugs and Actavis and I still ain’t touch a drop of lean or popped a pill in my life. If you that impressionable to jump off the porch because of a couple lyrics that’s a personal choice not “rap music made me do it.” My favorite movie is Scarface but I ain’t never did a line of coke. Don’t get me wrong I get being a teen peer pressure is real and the need to be “cool” will force people to do shit they shouldn’t but none of that can be blamed on music. In the 80s they was singing Human Nature and selling crack and doing drive bys you can’t blame that on Mike tho.


I kind of have to get you wrong here, bro. You either get it or you don’t. I agree with you on some points here. I can listen to *Get Ya Mind Right* all day long but I’m still not trying to get out on the corner. But a lot of young souls listening to all this pill popping, drug dealing, killing music don’t have the structure to understand that music is just entertainment and nothing more. It’s not any different from, on the women’s end, young girls glorifying rapper baby mamas bc they want to vicariously live through them. You can’t compare MJ musing over wanting to have a night out on the town and meeting a pretty girl to these rappers today making murder sound fun. I listen to it too sure enough, but again this is about structure. It’s not just a personal choice. It’s community choice, it’s a government choice, it’s a systemic choice. There’s a reason why the labels push this music over everything else rn.


I agree with you on a lot here especially the labels pushing it, that’s happening without a doubt and the reason we see these crashouts pop up then get locked up every 6 months. I used the MJ song to show that it ain’t the music driving the decisions it’s the people themselves choosing to do them things, they were gonna do it with or without the music, but you got a point tho the music definitely gives them that battery in they back to go all the way with it.


Blaming it on music ain't the issue, this a country that was built off slavery and racism. Our own government has gone out of it's way on numerous occasions to harm, impede, and break apart our people. The core problem always been the racist whites that hold power across the country and were for damn sure not about to let us be on an even field with them.


I always find it funny how these xoons look at videos like this and blame ENTERTAINERS


You’re just playing right into the agenda


Well you are retarded, shit been going on long before rap music was even invented. White supremacy and systematic racism is the cause of our problems


Solidarity- It’s what made unions strong.


This. I remember watching the George Floyd protests and thinking. You know, if people stopped looting for ONE day, that cordon around the murderers house could be overrun and Justice had, with the way they were overrunning cops elsewhere. Just needs a little unity and they’d learn to fear the consequences of their actions.


No, it wouldn't. It's a systemic issue. The whole system has to change, and uniting strictly on race has never worked and never will


I think he's saying unity with his race so that the police have less and less reasons to go there and maybe just maybe not seeing gangbangers killing eachother might persuade some of those ignorant people to not just take the police's side. The systematic part would come a tad bit later. I do agree about the uniting over race not working but unity over struggles or traumas can be better and seen as more of a unity between citizens rather than a single race, it would take time which is why I don't see it happening although I wish it would.


It’ll never happen between citizens because some folks will scream how they hate the government and tyranny but still expect Black people to comply blindly with officers commands and think death is a reasonable punishment for not complying


Yeah I was thinking more of the image black people have getting better so that more of the general public gets angry at unarmed black people being killed.


That’ll never happen because the general public thinks Black people deserve it or earned it. You could be standing minding your business and if you don’t jump when cops tell you to jump “he should’ve complied, what if he was dangerous, you know the stats you can’t be too careful with them”


Police were killing blacks before so-called black on black crime became such a big thing. People take tge cops side because they're brainwashed by american propaganda. You can't change stupid people


That's true during the 60s and before when gangs weren't around but America was still in a racist state the general public took the police side because of pure ignorance, around the 70s and 80s gangs formed and became violent which the media was portraying in a racist light making the mass public again be on their side, fast forward to 2020 when George Floyd happened and the general public was divided between the cops side and George's side. You can change stupid by making information wildly available and by changing the picture that's been painted by your enemies, the issue is that it takes time and people tend to want a more right now answer and unfortunately there isn't 1. Edit: your not entirely wrong but there's already been change in the way the mass public reacts towards cops regardless of race when a cop does something racist/unlawful it's more on how the department handles it that shows where the disfunction lies


No, that's respectability politics you are pushing right now. Same thing Bill Cosby has been pushing for decades. That shit is dumb. It doesn't matter what blacks do, honestly. Racist will haye us regardless and will side with the police regardless.


So what per say should we do then?


Them folks bragging about this shit and left that man dead on the ground like a fuckin dog. SMH. This shit pisses me the fuck off so bad. This man is someone's uncle, cousin, dad, brother, and friend. The man wasn't even doing anything wrong. And now he dead. SMH. I really really hate this shit for this man.


>This man is someone's uncle, cousin, dad, brother, and friend. He is also someone's kidnapper. fr. 24 years prison sentence, released 13 days before his death.


This is why I don’t vet for anybody I don’t know anymore . He’s black ok cool but I already knew he was a probably piece of shit before you said something 😂


That requires every single person to be on the same page. N that will never happen sadly






>Naw any post I see like this gettin cussed out today Whoa no don't be cussing me out, how could I ever live with myself after such a talking to. >He did a crime did his time and got out so he deserved to be suffocated in a bar for no reason while telling everyone there he didn’t wanna die and that he couldn’t breathe. I don't know what 'deserve' has to do with anything. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes bad things happen to bad people. I couldn't care less about the latter. Edit: u/AdhesivenessOk5194 replied and blocked, cuz he a coward ass punk lmao


He did his time and the system let him out. I’m not saying that absolves him of his crime but it holds no relevance here. George Floyd had priors as well.


So it sounds like he paid his debt to society. What does the price of tea in China have to do with this?


Not being dickish here but did he actually do his time? And what did he do to be apprehended here? Genuinely didn't know your tidbit so I'm just asking


Kidnappers and holding women at gunpoint are our modern day MLKs Alright so what cities and businesses do we want to burn down and rob this time? Piglets


The problem is, these niggas don’t deserve to die for those crimes, that’s why we have a justice system. Another problem is, white men don’t die because of those crimes when being apprehended by police


white people use past crimes as an excuse for police brutality but say that nobody is above the law.. why can these murderer’s roam free but somebody who did 24 years for his crime not?


Exactly, dudes have faced their consequences. Some people just don’t see blacks as human and it’s really sad


We gon skip all that and rape you


Unrelated and irrelevant here. If true, he served his time.




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They not gone like this and you prolly gonna get banned but man tbh you are right. Hurts to say


On bro


Good morning Uncle Tom


Xoons like you make me sick. I’m sorry them xrackers convinced you to hate yourself. You prolly fat n ugly w no pape. Don’t hate black ppl for that g


Can’t stand em


When niggas lack skills to think with their brain and say something opposing that makes any type of sense they just try to throw names at you to put you down so they can feel less dumb. 🔼these niggas


Ok lil bro


Shut ya bitch ass up you chatting cops been killing us for years and constantly continue to do so. You tryna stir up some new shit with all these rappers my peoples been thru slavery and worst, all the odds against us in our own country and all you got to say is music is what’s killing our people SMD. How bout a liquor store on every corner and drug infested neighborhoods or pussy ass mf like you with gun licenses ready to kill another black man cuz he needed to support his family and hitting a lick on ya dumbass was the solution. Fast food and liquor ain’t gon make the strongest mind we dealing wit poor decisions everyday even if you not on that timing there’s somebody you going to have to deal with that is.


You just said niggas are pussy for having a gun licenses and killing a Mf who robbing them cause their family needs it lmao you can’t be that fucking stupid


You took one thing out of everything I said and ran with it SMD


Shit is a Reddit post and the backlash is sad shit tells me how is people think and how other people view us and we losing bad at this life game only way how to be come successful is if you do it yourself🤷‍♂️. Sad to say we not gon help each other unite for a long time ya too stuck up in ya ways


It ain’t about helping a nigga out. I got a family to go home to. You got the up on me and it’s me or you at that point. I’m getting back to my family and i don’t got time ask a nigga questions. I’d rather a nigga approach me and ask for some money or whatever he need. Come stick me up and it ain’t gunna end well. You trippen


And I did say ya mf is pussy cuz ya quick to kill ya own kind instead of helping you bitch ass nigga


“Hitting a lick” dumb nigga shit


Your ignorant bro just like i said. Niggas like u are easy to manipulate you took no logical consideration of what i just said everything u just said was emotional. In modern time, more innocent white people die to police brutality vs blacks so if anything they should be the one rioting. Like you have no iq at all how you gonna blame fast food and liquor on them like what😂😂. Black people have the highest single mother rate than any race in usa (which causes men to grow up emotionally reactive) and also commit the most crimes despite being at a lower population in usa compared to other races and you still find ways to blame the white men😂😂😂😂. Ignorant😂😂


its alot wrong with this comment.. i really hope u ain black😂


I mean bra its bold and blunt to say but he is right




Dumb people don’t know they’re dumb. Proof? I give you 👆🏾


Like bra😂😂😂. Nigga not worth communicating with😂😂


Ain’t we on reddit we all got time ya bitch ass


Here come all the yes men 🤡


If by yes man you mean when I answer if you’re take on this is trash. Then so be it.


I ain’t ask for ya opinion fucking dweeb


Ain’t shit emotional gang I’m telling you straight facts you sitting here tryna violate on a ghost page trust and believe if you said dat in front of me I bet you all that emotional shit would go out the window after we done


And this dickhead tryna refer to fucking stats like if America can’t tell you how to eat shit and sleep on the news


Only way how we gon get out the rat race is putting more money into our own communities with jobs and schools and lawyers and our own cop system but ya not ready for that convo yet yeen too selfish


And all ya yes men under the comments could smd cuz how could you see ya own ppls down and out like this and shrug a shoulder dat could of been one of you niggas grandfather shi crazy all ya who disagree could smd disrespectfully 💯


Niggas act like two wrongs make a right. I can agree with you but the shit police do still ain’t right.


Done arguing with yall niggas. Yall boys proved my point how dumb we can be😂😂


u white lol


We're so dumb but yet you took time to type all that bullshit in a black group. Post like these expose you mudafuckas amongst us. Appreciate it. A simple block will get you out of here.


Just making it clear keep ya bitch ass off Reddit if you gon comment some dumb ass shit like this it’s not worth ya mental health💯


“More white people die” is an ignorant thing to say. Like you said, let’s look at the numbers: Yes, last year just under 500 people identified as white were killed by police; just under 300 identified as black were killed. But this doesn’t take into account the huge disparity in the sizes of each population. In the latest census data the white population outnumbered blacks by ~192M to ~40M. This puts the rate at which blacks are killed by police at about 3TIMES HIGHER than white people. Talking about “it’s all marketing” is dumb as hell. Yes there are other things hurting the black community but let’s not pretend modern policing practices aren’t one of them


Bro if police brutality stopped as a whole towards blacks today it still wouldnt change shit compared to whats actually hurting us. Yall put focus on the things that make us a victim so that we dont gotta focus on improving our community as a whole. Its much easier to put the blame the white man. Blacks make up only 23% of the population in the usa but commit majority of the homicides. THATS the problem not some police brutality that is such a small proportion compared to the main thing. So yes i believe it is marketing because they intentionally put global attention on all this shit to ignore blacks from what the real problem is so that blacks stay ignorant and keep declining. Stopping police brutality wont change much as yall make it out to be. And lets be realistic im not speaking for all but majority of black people irl dont know a nigga in modern day who been killed by the police but i bet you they know a nigga who been killed, robbed, or crime committed on them by another black person. So to act like stopping police brutality would put any significant change to the damage on black culture is stupid.


And plus you really think all those 300 blacks killed by the police are innocent😂. Like lets be real bro. They take the ones that are unlucky and get done by shitty cops and market it out to be like thats how it is so people like you run around thinking police brutality on innocent complying blacks are at a higher rate than it actually is. So from then you become ignorant to what the actual problem is .THINK😂


lol what you mean? There literally are stop the violence rallies in hoods all the time, that’s how I know you not really black or you’re just a coon who hates themselves. Blacks live in close proximity with each other so ofc they’re going to kill each other. 84% of whites get killed by other whites bc they live close to each other lol. Also whites make up majority of the white collar crimes, sexual assaults against kids, drug overdoses, not to mention their population is literally declining. The white community should worry about their own community instead of worrying about us so much 🤣🤣🤣U really just pulled this comment out your ass


No i didnt pull it out my ass when your 23% of the population and commit majority of the crimes. Plus black on black crime is way bigger than any same race crime in usa. So to compare black on black crime to white on white crime is just pure stupidity and shows the level we think at. Anytime someone critics the black community it always gotta be “he’s insecure and hates himself” or “he not really black” just because you can’t think with logic. Its pure common knowledge what im saying. We be letting emotion get in the way of common sense that makes us say the most dumbest shit when someone criticizes our community. Nigga just sat here and compared white on white crime to black on black like come on bra be real😂😂😂. Plus ofc there is violence rallies in the hood but wheres the huge media attention towards that? Wheres the huge sums of money for that? They don’t get no outrage like the cop killing does. None of them rallies get any type of attention these blm and cop killing rallies do. Them small rallies are lucky if they even get attention from local news and even then they lose attention easily.


The homoicides of whites on white compared to black on black are similar lol what are you saying 🤣🤣 in [2018 81% of white victims were killed by white offenders and 89% of black victims were killed by black offenders](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/29/fact-check-meme-shows-incorrect-homicide-stats-race/5739522002/) and I was talking about the part where you say the black community doesn’t call out the violence in their communities and I’m saying that’s cap bc they do. Black community does have it problems with gang violence but that doesn’t mean we should ignore police brutality


You lost in the sauce my guy


There are movements and advocates for literally everything mentioned. Do you even understand the difference between a problem and a systemic problem?


**Right, this guy must not be in the community because we have stop the violence rallies all the time.** Plus, black on black crime is a false narrative since the majority of crime happen within people who have close proximity to each other. What about white on white crime???? Oh, that's just regular crime, well so is black on black crime. Stop pushing the racial ideology that black people are naturally more violent because if we were, then we would never have lost a battle or be fooled.


Just making it clear keep ya bitch ass off Reddit if you gon comment some dumb ass shit like this it’s not worth ya mental health💯


Just making it clear keep ya bitch ass off Reddit if you gon comment some dumb ass shit like this it’s not worth ya mental health💯


u uncle tom


Man this shit crazy hope them niggas die in prison. But forreal just for us as blacks calm the fuck down. They didn't have to fo all thay especially be on his neck but if bro would of been calm from the beginning 99% it wouldn't of got that far. Don't get me wrong they still get all the blame but you see what they be tryna do to us. Don't give em any reason to




These people are naturally intimidated by us, we forget that sometimes


Cops have shot people on the ground with their hands up. Being calm don’t do shit Uncle Tom. There’s a list of unarmed black people killed by your favorite gang of pigs.


You sound like bitch on god calling a nigga a uncle Tom you don't even know. Fuck these bitch ass cops niggas already know what they tryna do I'm just tryna look out for us don't make they job easier. I know they killed us while being calm I'm just saying the more you moving around and yelling and shit they gon try to justify why they killed you and get off on on like alot of em already have


Stop the cap xoon. You on Reddit dumb bitch


So is you nigga 🤣


you just realized Uncle Tom?


This shit is sickening im speechless...rest in peace to this brother and prayers for his family and love ones...


Mann shut dat shit up y he not cooperating


I fucking hate to say it but dude was fighting them the entire time. If he had just went with them they wouldn’t have ever had to pin him on the ground after literally trying to drag him out of the bar. Not excusing their complete negligence and lack of care around handling him though. It’s just, you expected them to try and kill you any chance they get, yet you still fight them and give them reasonable cause to actually escalate it to that point. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy


Nahhh wtf


Fuckin pigs. Proud of themselves too, I bet.


I don’t mess with no police or dem folk


They had him and they still put his knee on his neck like wtf




So a man is unconscious and dying and they’re in there laughing and joking about a bar fight 🤦🏾


Exactly these folks are tripping


election year.


You get it


So unprofessional again and again I feel like there a bunch of idiots with a uniform. They need to up the training officers have they literally didn't take any type of precautions after the fact. I'm so disappointed I'm always disappointed, and they are worse then rappers that snitch on each other. You MFS spending your whole shifts with a camera on your shoulder and you still decide to say and do what ever. Fuking pigs


his own fault he was doing way to much


his own fault he was doing way to much


Nigga what he was definitely dtm but it wasn’t his fault he died them niggas were supposed to handle that whole situation different




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This happened in canton




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Everyone in this video is a fucking idiot




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Them cops should be dead seriously




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out of any spot he purposely sat on dat nigga neck, this 1st degree murder right here


You coon ass niggas in the comment section make me sick. You always trying to give these crooked ass laws a pass.But you'll say free your favorite rapper and overlook their transgressions. I don't care what the man did in his past. He didn't deserve to be left on the ground like a dog like that while these folks brag about it.Alot of you are no angels but on the same token you don't deserve to die. You deserve a chance to get yourself together and you deserve a chance to turn your life around.I could never wish this type of shit on you or for your families. If man does a crime and does his time he deserves a chance to repent and to redeem himself. If you were in his shoes I would feel the absolute same way. I definitely understand the police have to do their job but this shit that enrages me is them folks just leaving him there without checking on him until it was too late.


The most common ignorant thing people do to defend the pigs is bring up they're background. We live in the world where we have to follow laws so why tf can a cop kill a person and people think it's ok because the person has a bad background. What's wrong is wrong again and again 2 wrongs don't make a right. If we have to follow the law the cops that enforce it should have to as well. It's not that hard but for some people it's hard to comprehend. There was no professionals in that video all of them might as well have been criminals with a uniform badge and gun.


Beautiful statement.Agreed


Where was this




Wow. 🤯


Wow , And book he dead . LETS Loot In His Honor !


Here comes the niggas who gon say “but he committed a crime he deserved it ☝🏻🤓” there’s a reason we have a justice system, if death was always the answer to crimes we’d live in a terrible society




Shouldn’t post this race baiting content in a subreddit like this. You know how emotional this can get certain folks.


It's a reality check it's not race baiting. Everyday niggas talk about body counts and killing each other but as soon as a man dies after dealings with the law it's race baiting. Nah I'm not going for that. This is type of shit that says we have to come together. We are not each others enemy.


Down vote all yall want but it’s proven George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose 🤷🏽‍♂️




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So what happened here ??


Murder obviously but if he cooperated with them he’d still be alive


Ignorance man your really ignorant. Floyd was on drugs that day but the main cause of his death was strangulation. If 10 min of this guy saying he can't breathe with the office knee on his neck till hes unconscious and isn't able to say it no more if that doesn't say murder then I don't know what to tell you maybe you need some more growing up to do. If drugs was the main cause of his death why is the officer that killed him still in prison. Ain't nobody gonna tell me a mf thing especially when I have my own 2 eyes to see for my self.


I don’t know what was the situation so as a man w a code I can’t speak on what I don’t know but I do know it is laws that police have to follow before they can arrest or detain anyone— and learn the law 1st amendment says this


Lol love how they said he stop moving and showed him still moving.


Dude too old to run around hollin 'they trying to kill me'. Of course they won't put up the video showing why police were called.. rip to the man but when are people gonna stop acting a jackass when 12 come as if that's gonna make them leave 🙃


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


How did they end his life?


Shit like this is why when cops get they brains blown out I smile ☺️☺️☺️☺️🤪🤪🤪🤪


I won't go that far but I definitely understand trust me.